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HD GoPro

Created by firiebob > 9 months ago, 3 Dec 2009
WA, 3145 posts
24 Jan 2010 12:12PM
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Haircut said...

i haven't read the full thread, but;

any chance you guys are using class 2 memory cards? Class 2 cards are cheeeeap, so if you got a card at what seems like a bargain price that might be what you got. I think they might be on the threshold of being too slow for the gopros h264 transfer rate. Class 6 cards would be no probs

any chance you guys are using cards formatted with Fat32 filesystem? if you are not already aware, it has a 4gig filesize limit

does the gopro HD support EXT2, EXT3, NTFS or HFS+ ? If so it might be worth trying this instead to get around the 4gig limit

Sorry, just realised you posted just before me.

Yep class 2 is too slow and some class 6 wont work (been there), the best seems to be Kingston class 4 mine's a 16Gb, they're very picky with cards.

The camera formates Fat32, I can try formating NTFS with the computer first but I don't think file size is an issue, the camera doesn't stop recording as it just starts another file (vid), just load all the vids it makes into your editing program.

Cheers Bob.

QLD, 1927 posts
24 Jan 2010 2:17PM
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i think its just picky with cards irregardless of "class". i've used an ancient 1gb card, and it worked fine.

QLD, 6481 posts
24 Jan 2010 4:26PM
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WA, 563 posts
24 Jan 2010 6:14PM
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Thanks for the replies guys and for the PM too Bob.

Thing is, mine doesn't start another file. I've tried all the different resolutions already. And there was no option for a file system apart from FAT when I tried to format the card on my PC.

So I lost half of my session - although this time it didn't matter much cause the camera flipped down after a smallish wave hit it / me on the back of the head - but that's a different story. Have tried tightening the mount with a screwdriver and see how it goes.

Any more suggestions gratefully received. I'll post any helpful replies from Launch / GoPro when I get them.

WA, 3145 posts
24 Jan 2010 6:24PM
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Bugger Fooosh, I'm pos mine keeps recording but I'll test it for you. I use a screwdriver also

QLD, 1927 posts
24 Jan 2010 8:32PM
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you gents must have girly hands if you need to use a screwdriver?

WA, 3145 posts
24 Jan 2010 7:24PM
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swoosh said...

you gents must have girly hands if you need to use a screwdriver?

Na I sail on a motocross track

WA, 563 posts
24 Jan 2010 10:24PM
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When I said 'smallish wave' I meant 10ft (just looked like 4ft on the footage)

Anyway, nothing wrong with girly hands... when you have the right tools.

WA, 3145 posts
25 Jan 2010 4:00PM
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Ok Foosh, I charged it up and turned it on set to r2, it recorded 3hrs 10min before it went flat and shut down, it recorded 4 files 11.5Gb total, three 3.66Gb and one 520Mb.

If yours only does one file you may have a problem, try resetting to default ?

Cheers Bob.

QLD, 10 posts
28 Jan 2010 12:45AM
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This is a little off the topic but a good post to talk directly to gopro users. I'm wanting to get the gopro attached to my kite strut to get some film from the kites POV.

Has anyone already tried this?

I'm tossing up in my head whether to buy a camrig housing unit but not sure if the camera fits and if the wide lens angle will get a lot of the camrig case in the shot, or just to but a wrist cam housing from gopro and strapping it to the strut.

If anyone has tips it would be appreciated!

QLD, 1927 posts
28 Jan 2010 1:04AM
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hey george it would be quite easy to do with the multitude of mounts that come with the gopro.

however with the wide-angle lens, i think at 20m+ the average length of kite lines you would be little more then a speck in the distance. you might be better off with a waterproof point and shoot like the pentax that have a narrower fov?

QLD, 10 posts
28 Jan 2010 10:25PM
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that is a good point swoosh, you do have to be in the face of whatever it is your taking photos of!!.... any tips on a camera that can take nice HD video footage?

QLD, 1927 posts
28 Jan 2010 10:32PM
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you can buy the kite cam rig from the seabreeze shop and they recommend the pentax w-series cameras.

WA, 563 posts
5 Feb 2010 4:11PM
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firiebob said...

Ok Foosh, I charged it up and turned it on set to r2, it recorded 3hrs 10min before it went flat and shut down, it recorded 4 files 11.5Gb total, three 3.66Gb and one 520Mb.

If yours only does one file you may have a problem, try resetting to default ?

Cheers Bob.

Thanks for the info and testing Bob. Just checking you're using the 16GB SDHC Kingston Class 4 card (just like on the Go Pro website for sale) cause that's the one I'm using too and it wasn't working.

The shop had a look at it and tried reformatting the card on the camera - think my last reformat was on the PC but it's never worked either way. I'm just running it again now to see if it works.

The shop said they managed to get the camera to record several files automatically on their SDHC card. Maybe it's just my particular card (I'm sure it's an original)

WA, 3848 posts
5 Feb 2010 4:33PM
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georgekite said...

that is a good point swoosh, you do have to be in the face of whatever it is your taking photos of!!.... any tips on a camera that can take nice HD video footage?

Not used one, but the Pentax W80 is supposed to be pretty good. I've had a W30 (killed it) & now upgraded to a W60 - both excellent for the CamRigs.

WA, 3848 posts
5 Feb 2010 4:36PM
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On the GoPro, I've been using a SanDisk 8GB SDHC card and it worked great (but hanging out for a juicy 32gb!)

Sony Vegas Platinum is a wicked editing platform, less that $100 too...

WA, 563 posts
5 Feb 2010 5:52PM
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laurie said...

On the GoPro, I've been using a SanDisk 8GB SDHC card and it worked great (but hanging out for a juicy 32gb!)

Does your HD Gopro record new files automatically after it exceeds the 3.88GB limit and stops on the first file? Anyone else using any other brand of SDHC card which does this ok? Thanks in advance!!

Why buy a 32GB card when the camera runs out of battery on the highest resolutions before you could fill a 16GB? (Unless you can charge the camera again and not offload the file I guess?)

WA, 3848 posts
6 Feb 2010 9:41AM
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Good point about the 32gb.

I've only used "properly" the once so far, and I manually stopped/restarted after an hour - it recorded four files .. two around 3.66 gb files, and couple of shorted 150mb ones. I'm assumming it just went over the 3.6g file limit, and started new files.

firiebob - checkout Sony Vegas - incredibly powerful, and native support for the new HD format files. Free demo for 30 days I think.

WA, 563 posts
9 Feb 2010 4:33PM
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After using the camera to reformat the Kingston 16GB SHDC Class 4 memory card again, I've successfully recorded on R4 mode until the battery ran out (about 2h50m).

NB: It sometimes lists just one file in the memory, despite splitting it into max 3.8GB files.

Here is also a reply from GoPro (UP/UPd refers to upside down mount/flipping the image):

"We've recently found that in the 60fps r1 and r3 modes, some of the class 4 cards aren't fast enough to keep recording while the first 4GB chapter is being saved. This hasn't been an issue with most of the faster class 6 cards.

Our developers have been working on improving the save/record buffer for the 60fps modes, so that you will be able to do continuous recording past the first 4GB chapter without issue with all class 4 cards. This will be released as a free firmware update together with the UP/UPd settings options for the HD HERO camera. We're currently doing some final testing of this firmware update and hope to have it released through our website by the end of the month. You can sign up for our online newsletter to be notified of any new product updates/releases.

We'll also be posting some HD HERO specific FAQ on our website by that time."

QLD, 326 posts
11 Feb 2010 3:07PM
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Hi Guy's I'm a sponsored Gopro tester been using these cameras for 4 years and have direct contact with the CEO and Product Manager in US. I also run a free Gopro User Help Forum where there is helps of info and help available for the GoPro range of cameras. I don't sell cameras nor receive any remuneration for hosting the forum, so the advice is impartial.

GoPro User Forum -

I can clear a couple of things up for you from direct emails from the CEO Nicholas Woodman and Product manager Justin Wilkenfeld and personal experience using these cams

1. The GoPro HD with current firmware has a bug in R3 mode, this will be fixed with a patch in a few weeks along with the up/down function.

2. The issue with card compatibility. Currently the best compatibility is with these cards

100% Compatible
Patriot 16Gb Class 6
Kingston 16Gb Class 6
PNY 16Gb Class 6
Edge 16GB Class 6

A more complete list will be available after the firmware upgrade as more cards will become compatible.

It's best to avoid cards bigger than 16Gb for now until the new firmware is released.

Also 2Gb and 4Gb cards of any class generally work ok as the clips are short.

Their is much more info available in this thread in the forum.

Cheers Rambo

QLD, 326 posts
11 Feb 2010 3:30PM
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Just a little more info from the forum to help you decide on Mode Selection

After putting four new GoPro HD Cams through the same image test, I've come to the following conclusions regarding Mode Selection'

R1. Good for long play medium quality surveillance around your home/car etc (with external power pack or battery)

R2. High quality Static or Low Motion shots in full 170 degree wide angle ( Cam not moving much)

R3. High Quality High Motion, half the "jello" wobble of all the other modes, full 170 degrees, smooth playback on TV, useful to retain smooth slow-motion in post processing.(.5 or .3 is best)

R4. Useful where a Tall Field of View is desirable (like mounted on a SUP board looking at you standing up)

R5. Full 1080p resolution, ideal if you want to crop and zoom sections of the frame, only 120 degree wide angle. Lot's of Jello wobble. Good High Quality low motion footage.

For me it's a no brainer, i want the best image the camera can produce with the least distortions when in motion. That mode is R3. I hardly ever use any other mode. R3 has half as much jello as R5 and the motion is strobing free.

All the test were done on a Gopro Chest Mount walking, running and standing still.

R3 is this cams Key Mode

BTW Anti fog inserts are available now for the GoPro HD

Cheers Rambo

QLD, 1927 posts
11 Feb 2010 6:41PM
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rambooc1 said...

Just a little more info from the forum to help you decide on Mode Selection

After putting four new GoPro HD Cams through the same image test, I've come to the following conclusions regarding Mode Selection'

R1. Good for long play medium quality surveillance around your home/car etc (with external power pack or battery)

R2. High quality Static or Low Motion shots in full 170 degree wide angle ( Cam not moving much)

R3. High Quality High Motion, half the "jello" wobble of all the other modes, full 170 degrees, smooth playback on TV, useful to retain smooth slow-motion in post processing.(.5 or .3 is best)

R4. Useful where a Tall Field of View is desirable (like mounted on a SUP board looking at you standing up)

R5. Full 1080p resolution, ideal if you want to crop and zoom sections of the frame, only 120 degree wide angle. Lot's of Jello wobble. Good High Quality low motion footage.

For me it's a no brainer, i want the best image the camera can produce with the least distortions when in motion. That mode is R3. I hardly ever use any other mode. R3 has half as much jello as R5 and the motion is strobing free.

All the test were done on a Gopro Chest Mount walking, running and standing still.

R3 is this cams Key Mode

BTW Anti fog inserts are available now for the GoPro HD

Cheers Rambo

hey mate do you know where these are available locally yet?

i usually don't have problems with fogging until 40-50mins of filming, but this would still be nice to have.

NSW, 1718 posts
11 Feb 2010 8:52PM
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rambooc1 said...BTW Anti fog inserts are available now for the GoPro HD

That is one of the biggest problems I find with mine when used in the surf. I ended up cutting up a pack of silica gel so it will fit in the case but it's far from ideal as you can't really fit that much in. Good to see they have addressed the problem with this, which I assume is a similar sort of thing, just less ghetto :D

QLD, 326 posts
11 Feb 2010 8:07PM
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swoosh said...

hey mate do you know where these are available locally yet?

I don't think they have filtered down to OZ yet, no doubt Laurie will have them in the Breeze shop when they are. Or get a few mates and order together save on shipping.

Still take all the usual precautions though even when you do use them, like keep the GoPro in a cool place ( in front of car air-con vents - in a six pack esky with cold block etc) when traveling to the beach.

Cheers Rambo

QLD, 326 posts
12 Feb 2010 9:26AM
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Just an Alert........ there is an unofficial firmware update circulating it's a 6Mb bin file. Do not be tempted to use this firmware to gain Up/Down functionality, it will brick your GoPro.

The only Official release will be available from the GoPro website or


QLD, 326 posts
19 Feb 2010 9:56AM
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If anyone's having trouble editing this is great workaround. Transcoding is what most Professional editing people do with Mp4 footage.

Cheers Rambo

QLD, 4873 posts
19 Feb 2010 10:15AM
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^Geez, & I thought the Navi GT-31 was complicated. Would love to get one though.

QLD, 326 posts
21 Feb 2010 2:41PM
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sausage said...

^Geez, & I thought the Navi GT-31 was complicated. Would love to get one though.

The cam itself is simple, 2 buttons, but yes editing HD video is a learning curve few want to persist with.

The cams were just used today in the Nutrigrain Ironman series and cut into live broadcast HD, so the quality is acceptable to CH7.


QLD, 6481 posts
21 Feb 2010 5:36PM
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just incase you guys are interested;

Cineform's Neoscene is quite an efficient intermediate codec package that will work with a good range of video editing apps, and retains arguably 99% + image quality. It's a good balance between cpu usage, hard disk space and decoding speed.

I've messed with it quite a lot and found it will allow editing of full HD footage on slower dual core machines with fewer hiccups and slowdowns when applying transitions and colour correction etc. on machines with typical IDE or SATA (non raid) hard disk setups etc.

but yes, its about $150 aus

There are a few other free codecs that u can try too, but what i have found from my experimenting, they still aren't as good as the Neoscene one just yet for full HD editing performance on slow machines

SA, 4032 posts
22 Feb 2010 9:13AM
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MPEG_Stream Clip free program great easy conversion tool, i'm using Roxio Creator 2010 my old desk top pc has just enough power to run the program.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"HD GoPro" started by firiebob