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I hate dogs

Created by Loftywinds > 9 months ago, 13 May 2014
WA, 1267 posts
14 May 2014 5:05PM
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When a female guest comes over for a visit for the first time, my boy will go straight up for a crotch sniff. The funny looks come out when I say "Taught him everything I know!"

WA, 1366 posts
14 May 2014 7:22PM
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Loftywinds said...
[br]I just do. They are loud obnoxious beasts that God made a mistake on somewhere between here and Hades. They leave behind perhaps the most vile, toxic concoction of feces that would make even the grass it landed on wilt, go yellow and die. And their attraction to vermin and vermin to them, makes them the most deadliest carries of infection next to the common house fly. And don't get me started on the dangerous ones around children.
The more I look around me, the more I see that most dog owners are like their mutts - feral, uneducated, toothless losers with nothing better to do than to breed mongrels, for the sake of breeding.

Mate you just proved humans are small minded unlike an animal who can give more love than your ever gonna get :)

NSW, 984 posts
14 May 2014 9:51PM
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Loftywinds said...
The more I look around me, the more I see that most dog owners are like their mutts - feral, uneducated, toothless losers with nothing better to do than to breed mongrels, for the sake of breeding.

This is my mongrel huni. She likes running, swimming, fishing, ice cream & Aston Martins. I have a good set of teeth.

NSW, 5780 posts
14 May 2014 10:16PM
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the best job i have ever had was as a gardener at a special needs school (I fit right in)

I used to take my old dog Perry, a massive Rhodesian ridgeback/Rottweiler cross, along with me as it was literally a few streets down the road..

I used to mow the lawns, Perry used to follow me, and a conga line of special potatoes used to follow Perry during their play times

when the old girl tired out, she used to retreat to the classrooms, lay down and absorb the love, hugs, pats and attention of all the kids in the class, then the teachers would shoo her on to another classroom, where it would start all over again.

I was there for about a year, by the end, Perry used to leave me at the gate when we arrived, go from classroom to classroom, I barely saw her during play times as she shared all the kids lunches and her one trick since puppy hood was to tow me around on my skateboard... which was a massive hoot for the kids in their wheelie chairs

there are not too many things in life that I could hate

politicians and religious clergy are about it

but dogs are a true reflection of not just their owner, but the environment to which they are exposed

as much as I know Perry loved those kids lunches, I know she loved hanging around those kids, cause she knew they loved her

how can you hate dogs when Tony Abbot is alive...? John Howard is alive, George Bush is still alive, we have a sitting prliment of liars thieves and kiddie fiddlers...

and you hate dogs....?

WA, 1134 posts
14 May 2014 9:04PM
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The green thumb I added didn't show up 'cause it was already full, so here, a green thumb for you Doc.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
15 May 2014 9:35AM
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NSW, 265 posts
15 May 2014 10:38AM
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I want one of those cats!

QLD, 2060 posts
15 May 2014 12:06PM
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kiteboy dave said...

Beat me to it! Yep.. another precise reason why I hate "some" dogs. Feral dangerous animals.

QLD, 2060 posts
15 May 2014 12:11PM
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theDoctor said...
how can you hate dogs when Tony Abbot is alive...? John Howard is alive, George Bush is still alive, we have a sitting prliment of liars thieves and kiddie fiddlers...

and you hate dogs....?

Oh I hate those idiots too mate. Don't you worry.

WA, 467 posts
15 May 2014 9:31PM
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I hate cats.
Except for this one. This is the only cat I don't hate.

I wouldn't believe this story if someone told it to me. Unbelievable

VIC, 5000 posts
16 May 2014 10:42AM
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I'm a dog person (most dogs), and not a cat fan at all...but that cat in the vid is a bloody hero legend!

I reckon dogs are a representation of their owners also - irresponsible owner = feral dog. None of my dogs ever have been a danger to my kids and I believe that by having dogs, my kids have learnt companionship and responsibility.

Living in town with no gate, my little Jack Russell is left happily sitting either in a spot of sunshine or her bed on the back verandah every day - never wanders past the back of the house, sh!ts in the back corner of the garden, and lets out a couple of barks whenever someone walks down the driveway...followed by a sniff of a shoe, puppy dog eyes and a wagging tail waiting for a pat. Yes, she chases vermin (keeps the mice away from the house) and will chase down wild rabbits/mice if she can get near them.

Funny story about our 'vicious mutt' - a couple of years ago the kid's pet rabbit got out in the night. They went to check it in the morning and realised it had gotten out. First thought was that it might have wandered near the dog, so ran over to her kennel. They found the rabbit...and dog, curled up together behind the kennel keeping each other warm. We realised after that, when the dog runs around the rabbit hutch, she wasn't wanting to eat it - but play with it.

NSW, 9202 posts
16 May 2014 11:20AM
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Loftywinds said...
[br]I just do. They are loud obnoxious beasts that God made a mistake on somewhere between here and Hades. They leave behind perhaps the most vile, toxic concoction of feces that would make even the grass it landed on wilt, go yellow and die. And their attraction to vermin and vermin to them, makes them the most deadliest carries of infection next to the common house fly. And don't get me started on the dangerous ones around children.
The more I look around me, the more I see that most dog owners are like their mutts - feral, uneducated, toothless losers with nothing better to do than to breed mongrels, for the sake of breeding.

ACT, 2174 posts
17 May 2014 11:16PM
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Loftywinds said...
[br]I just do. They are loud obnoxious beasts that God made a mistake on somewhere between here and Hades. They leave behind perhaps the most vile, toxic concoction of feces that would make even the grass it landed on wilt, go yellow and die. And their attraction to vermin and vermin to them, makes them the most deadliest carries of infection next to the common house fly. And don't get me started on the dangerous ones around children.
The more I look around me, the more I see that most dog owners are like their mutts - feral, uneducated, toothless losers with nothing better to do than to breed mongrels, for the sake of breeding.
then get a job and move out of gronksville you houso!

NSW, 4453 posts
17 May 2014 11:18PM
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Toph said...
I hate my dog when it farts. He can clear the room out....
Other then that, like him.

Let me guess... you get his food.

NSW, 4453 posts
17 May 2014 11:25PM
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Razzonater said...

Hollysh!t is he standing on the wall

NSW, 325 posts
18 May 2014 12:27AM
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How could you ever hate these

NSW, 4453 posts
18 May 2014 12:55AM
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BundyBear said...
How could you ever hate these

That's one cool cat.

WA, 2775 posts
17 May 2014 11:41PM
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In my experience, there is absolutely nothing friendlier than a wet dog........

[apart from a dog that just rolled in something very stinky]

stephen I am typing this, there is a very stinky Tenterfield terrorist sitting on one of my feet, while drooling on the other - wanting to "share" my toast,
Meanwhile - the sandwichmakers ragdoll cat is glaring at me as it wants the evil monster removed from its tray..........

2454 posts
18 May 2014 4:50PM
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Not sure if any of you have read Arhur C Clarke novels, but I'm a fan and a collector. There is a story you will all like called Dog Star. It has an interesting twist at the end (like all Clarke's stories). It's not a very big story, a few pages. It's worth a read, even for people who hate reading books (and might I add, hate dogs ).

TAS, 2967 posts
18 May 2014 8:08PM
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How can anyone NOT like dogs ? ? ? ?

TAS, 2647 posts
18 May 2014 9:28PM
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Chill Man.
should i hate you???
here is our dog, pain in the arse, s.h.i.ts everywhere, farts, eats everything, expensive vets, eats small children.
but we love her!!!

QLD, 3424 posts
21 May 2014 5:42PM
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love is blind

my child killer dog and her litter :

WA, 4564 posts
21 May 2014 5:18PM
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^^^^^ Kitten in for its cut as well. Thats a good mum.

QLD, 3424 posts
21 May 2014 8:15PM
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Kitten actually turned out to become Mum's favourite, she might have thought he was a bit tiny and needed constant care

WA, 23 posts
22 May 2014 12:29AM
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That is cute

NSW, 1575 posts
22 May 2014 7:16PM
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I dont hate dogs but i do hate them barking all day & night .
I really really hate dog sh*it .
Ever second day i go to a job and the yard is covered in it & if its not their dog barking its next doors.
When you work on a ladder if you tread in the doggy poo well it goes every were .
Ill put it this way i gave up biting my fingernails.
Some Customers can get upset when i tell them to pick up after there dog so i can work there .
But if they don't i go home its that simple.
I Explain to them that I'm not getting paid to clean up after there dog & i refuse to do it .
Ive turned up & the first thing the customer did was give me a pooper scooper & told me to clean the yard up. I told them that if thats what i wanted to do for a job i would have been a dog walker instead of a builder & they can pick it up themselves or pay me & extra $100. or i go home .
They rang work & complained
Work told them the same thing .
Yes i have walked off site 3 times because of this issue .
Cost me a days pay each time but because I've stood my ground now i get the full support from work .
Dog crap causes blindness in over 1000 children in the UK each year the worm eggs are so small that they become airborne if its disturbed & its babies that are playing near the ground after inhaling these eggs the grow & then eat there way out of the eyes to then get out of a human body to reproduce its pretty disgusting but its the way it is & if you think i hate dog crap go ask somebody in a wheelchair what they think of it.
So my suggestion is if you have a dog & young children pick up after your dog .

SA, 4776 posts
3 Jun 2014 8:12PM
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Dogs are our friends because we feed them....end of story.

QLD, 555 posts
6 Jun 2014 7:50PM
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VIC, 5814 posts
7 Jun 2014 7:17PM
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Most dogs when called by the name "Sooner " Sooner come " will come why because they would sooner sit down than work < old farmer
But I guess there like the rest of us eat, #hit and die

NSW, 378 posts
7 Jun 2014 8:58PM
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Cats and dogs are not so different to each other and both are awesome. They are all individuals just like us. Plenty of good and bad people, plenty of good and bad cats and dogs. Lots of the bad in people, cats and dogs is unfortunately caused by people.

My two snuggling this arv. They have a choice of about 10 beds but choose to be together


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"I hate dogs" started by Loftywinds