I just do. They are loud obnoxious beasts that God made a mistake on somewhere between here and Hades. They leave behind perhaps the most vile, toxic concoction of feces that would make even the grass it landed on wilt, go yellow and die. And their attraction to vermin and vermin to them, makes them the most deadliest carries of infection next to the common house fly. And don't get me started on the dangerous ones around children.
The more I look around me, the more I see that most dog owners are like their mutts - feral, uneducated, toothless losers with nothing better to do than to breed mongrels, for the sake of breeding.
Thats nice for you. I think dogs, cats, birds, snakes, even GWS are all great.
We have two cats at home and they are great to watch. Do you hate cats as well?
Do something about it, Dogs are regulated, you can file reports with your local shire, Dont be a whinge do something to make your community safe for example.
Knock on the door of house that has a barking dog and let them know, or if there not home leave a note.
Report stray dogs to the ranger
Make people accountable dogs like cats must be restrained in public space, unless otherwise signposted for exercise area, this is a law that carries penalties
Pets are the best what ever they are, a great source of unconditional love. You get what you put in, Says a little about your character lofty winds if you cant fall in love with a dog so many to choose from I luv em all
There is clearly something wrong with you and your accusations are false.
To start with dogs are called man's best friend for a reason, without the domestication of dogs it is thought that man may not have been able to make the transition from hunter/gatherer to livestock keeper and farmer.
Children raised in homes with dogs are healthier, less asthma and auto-immune diseases and a stronger immunity system.
Dogs provide companionship for older people and people who live alone leading to a proven lower level of depression.
People who live with dogs are healthier, happier and live longer, this has been proven.
Walking a dog is often the only exercise many people get and a reason to get out of bed for many.
Dogs are working animals, I won't go into all the jobs and lifesaving tasks dogs willingly do and all they want in return is your love and care.
You need your head examined
Now cats, that is another story....
"Diamonds are a Girls' Best Friend" however "Mans' Best Friend is a Dog". . . . . . Sorry Girld But us Blokes Got the Much Better Deal on This One.
Dogs are Therapy............
Try locking your dog and your wife in the boot of your car for half an hour. See which one is happy to see you when you open it?
hehehe.. you got me. I love dogs, well only one breed that is - Labs and Golden retrievers. And for the record, I love cats. But I prefer labs. Did this thread to counter the "I hate cats" one.
We give our dogs whatever time and affection we can spare, in return they give us their all. It is the best deal that mankind ever got!
Many people talk to their dogs; but not many people listen to them...
Perhaps that is what is wrong in the world....
Ok so I started the I hate cats one. Honestly didn't expect the level of vitriol it inspired.
So in the interests of clarity I will explain further. I posted that not because I actually hate all cats. It was more a response to the fact the animal in question bit my wife on the hand while she was trying to shoo it out of the yard before the dog got to it.
It's now approaching two months later and her hand has healed up although she is likely to have permanent nerve damage.
I guess my issue is really more about owners (of both dogs and cats). People need to take responsibility for their animals. The owner of said cat claims that my dog is dangerous because it attacked their cat in MY yard. On the other hand they don't think it necessary to restrict their cat to their property (which is a requirement of the local council). So they want me to restrict my dog's freedom even further so their cat can do what it likes in my yard.
Can't say I'm particularly pleased about this.
I am suspicious of a person that doesn't like dogs. ... But I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person. ...
This is my dog, he is a border collie put bred he came with papers which cost another grand. My missis got his nuts chopped off. I was quite upset so the papers went in the bin. She asked why I threw them out ( no comprende) any way I think it's important to note that only a person ( female) would cut off your nuts I'm way more worried about my missis than the dog. Also I believe he sides with me in psychological battles against the missis. He may not say much but he's got my back. I'm not the one who got his nuts cut off. Mans best friend. ....,.,.... I suppose being a dog hater may make you question your manliness
feral, uneducated, toothless losers with nothing better to do than to breed mongrels
can breed with me... (thanks Pugwash for the inspiration)
So when did an eye of each colour become fashionable amongst dog breeders? And the huge-headed, muscular-jawed, split-personalitied, pit-fighting dogs? When did they suddenly become fashionable? They weren't around 10 years ago. You can't selectively breed a line of dogs that will fight well in a pit for 50 generations, reselect them for a placid facade for 5 generation, and not expect a Jeckle or Hyde. When pit-fighting dogs go bad they do a lot of damage.
We desperately need more mongrel in our dogs.
We rescued a broome puppy a few months back what a cracking young fella he is,breed new life into old bluey aswell.win win