Well you must of had a bad experience when you were young and its still haunting you, I really feel for you man, ive had dogs since I could walk and currently have two beautiful staffys that just love life and are definetly cleaner than the people you are talking about, my aunty has a dog to and he takes her everywhere she needs to go even grabs her money for her so no scumbag can take it from her at the atm, yep she, s blind and he might just be a mutt to you but dont get in his way because he knows traffic management and he may hold a stop sign up at you, if you see him his name is digger, do yourself a favour and go and give him a pat, he may feel better after all those atrocious names you called him and his canine comrads.happy days.
Dogs I don't mind but some of the owners treat there animals better than humans and see no wrong in what there pets do. Brighton in Brisbane where everyone kites has the foreshore classified as a shorebird habitat for rare birds that fly from Russia and other parts. Dogs are not allowed off the leash as they chase the birds that stop them from feeding but most dog owners defy this and let there dogs roam free. If you question them they just don't care because they don't see any consequence of there pets on the sea birds. Now the council who are responsible for making sure the law is enforced and who is bound by international treaties to protect the birds wants to allow dogs off the leash. When questioned on how off leash dogs will not disturb the birds or be safe around other animals and people, they think it will be safe because owners will have control of their dogs.
Now most people have great pets and are harmless but it only takes one bad owner who has a aggressive animal that spoils the peace. I'm not a tree huger but i see the damage that free animals do to the birds and I just think this is not needed especially as their is a off leash dog area right next to the beach. But telling a person with a dog that they harm the birds is like telling them their kids are bad or their mother is ugly, they just don't listen or care and spit in your face.
The irony"""everything you stated you hate also applies to human beings.only a dog is more devoted to its pack or family than a human would ever be
I've come to the conclusion that there are no bad dogs or cats. There's just bad owners.
You know the ones... the dog owners who let their dog crap anywhere and don't clean it up. The cat owners who let their cat roam anywhere killing native animals. The dog owners who don't train their dogs.
I could go on...
Hey loftywinds, I don't like people like you.. but I dont bore people too DEATH with my opinion. Keep it too yourself.
Selfish people should stay at home. What kite do you ride? My dog loves chasing people's kites at Sandgate and their rude owners. But being a lab, he just wants love n attention. Like you obviously need..