Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

If Yes get the vote clarification question

Created by warwickl 9 months ago, 30 Sep 2023
Chris 249
NSW, 3268 posts
5 Oct 2023 1:35PM
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FormulaNova said..

Chris 249 said..

By the way - and this is very relevant - do you believe that there should be a right to practice Muslim sharia law in Australia?

Okay, if no one else bites, where is this leading?

It should be obvious to Paradox. I'm wondering whether he will answer yes or no.

WA, 857 posts
5 Oct 2023 4:52PM
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Paradox said..

D3 said..

The Uluru Statement clearly outlines Self Determination, Treaty, Reparations in perpetuity based in GDP, recovery of stolen land, access to water, land and mineral rights.

I'm interested where you found this clearly outlined in the Uluru Statement from the heart?

Frankly I am interested in how you cannot find it. You didn't believe the missinformation that there was not a 26 page document titled The Uluru Statement From The Heart did you? RMIT / ABC factcheckers were suspended from Meta and other platforms for that blatent lie.

Page 16: "Note: The shaded sections of text in the following pages are extracts from the Uluru Statement from the Heart"

Self Determination: Page 24 and Page 30
Treaty: Page 21 and Page 31
Reparations: Page 26 and Page 31

I went straight to the Uluru Statement website, no mention of any of the points you're highlighting. Which is why I asked.

I'll have a read of that referendum council document you linked.

Surprised you haven't pointed out that Uluru Statement from the Heart is only a small part of the document

WA, 857 posts
5 Oct 2023 5:37PM
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Paradox said..

remery said..

Its recognition not a treaty.

This is not true. If it was just recognition this referendum would likely get up. It is recognition by the establishment of a Voice, which is a very different kettle of fish.

The Voice is not recognition. It is a constitutionally enshrined representative body that can make representations to Parlimiment and is supprted by the High Court. The Voice is part of the Uluru Statement From the Heart, which this government says will be implemented in full.

The Uluru Statement clearly outlines Self Determination, Treaty, Reparations in perpetuity based in GDP, recovery of stolen land, access to water, land and mineral rights.

So, to be clear, the Uluru Statement from the Heart is a one page message.

You seem to be quoting from the Referendum Council Final report.

I wonder if you read the bits in the report that clearly state Self Determination, Treaties and Reparations are clearly provided for in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples?

I think you did, because you pointed the Reparations one out to me, I hoping it means you approve and support it? (emphasis mine)

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples enshrines the importance of truth-telling,114 as does the United Nations General Assembly resolution on the basic principles on the right to a remedy and reparation for victims of gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law

I couldn't find any mention of Reparations relating to GDP, only relating to Gross Violations of Human rights.

1499 posts
5 Oct 2023 6:12PM
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Chris 249 said..
It should be obvious to Paradox. I'm wondering whether he will answer yes or no.

Pretty obvious He and Cisco are in the No camp. I'm not sure why he just cant come out of his echo chamber and say it.

WA, 2034 posts
5 Oct 2023 6:46PM
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Ha! D3. Ha! UN rights. The UN can suck my dick. The universal declaration of human rights was supposed to afford me 43 inescapable rights. 22 of them walked when someone got a cold.

WA, 857 posts
5 Oct 2023 7:13PM
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psychojoe said..
Ha! D3. Ha! UN rights. The UN can suck my dick. The universal declaration of human rights was supposed to afford me 43 inescapable rights. 22 of them walked when someone got a cold.

How many rights? Or are you being disingenuous?

QLD, 12321 posts
5 Oct 2023 10:00PM
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The Voice comes with a whole lot more than you think we will get.

WA, 2523 posts
5 Oct 2023 8:03PM
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psychojoe said..
Ha! D3. Ha! UN rights. The UN can suck my dick. The universal declaration of human rights was supposed to afford me 43 inescapable rights. 22 of them walked when someone got a cold.

That's an odd comment.

QLD, 12321 posts
5 Oct 2023 10:05PM
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QLD, 403 posts
5 Oct 2023 10:16PM
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Aussies are doing it tough enough right now with skyrocketing cost of living, food, rent, interest rates increasing and government spending causing inflation.
This will be a nail in the coffin to land/home ownership and the Aussie way of life.
From NIAA documents obtained under FOI - April 2023.
Aboriginals to pay only 50% the rate of income tax.
Aboriginal groups will have ownership of beaches and national parks, and non-aboriginal people will be charged to use them.
10 % of all Judges, Magistrates, Police Officers, ADF Officers, Vice Chancellors and Ambassadors to be Aboriginal.
No entry tests and no fees for Aboriginals going to university.
50% discount for Aboriginals attending sports and music events on public land.
Aboriginals to have first claim on all public housing in Australia.
Reduced age of eligibility for the aged pension for Aboriginals.
Rivers, streams and beaches to be owned by relevant Aboriginal tribes.
Water consumption will be charged to non-Aboriginals as per mining royalties on Native Title.
All new liquor licenses to be vetted by the Voice.
The Voice office will be the same size, and will have the same budget as the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Exclusive sovereignty for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over all land and waters.
Create a new Aboriginal state from land under native title, with its own constitution.
A treaty or treaties recognised in the Australian Constitution.
Racially exclusive designated seats in Parliament reserved only for Aboriginals.
Aboriginals to receive a fixed percentage of all Australian gross national product.
Aboriginals to be exempted from paying land tax.
Funding for the Voice to Parliament to be generated from percentages of land and water taxes.
Funding for Aboriginal bodies and programs to be linked to reparations for "theft of land"
Creation of a 'Black Parliament'
A race based rent tax from "an open cheque book"
A race based "inherent" rights for Aboriginal people in the Australian Constitution.
Renaming of cities, towns and landmarks after Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The creation of "sovereign wealth" exclusively for Aborigines.
Australian taxpayers to fund the preservation of Aboriginal languages.
Changing the Australian flag because it "symbolizes the injustices of colonization"
Tearing down statues of white explorers.
Enshrining Aboriginal "traditional ways of life" in the Constitution.
Changing the curriculum in all schools for non-indigenous Australians.
"De-colonising" Australia.
Fee-free access for Aboriginals to all sport and recreation, including free sporting equipment.

This will only creat unnecessary division and violence.

QLD, 12321 posts
5 Oct 2023 10:23PM
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What!?!? You mean no more democracy???????????????

WA, 14481 posts
5 Oct 2023 8:55PM
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snoidberg said..
Aussies are doing it tough enough right now with skyrocketing cost of living, food, rent, interest rates increasing and government spending causing inflation.
This will be a nail in the coffin to land/home ownership and the Aussie way of life.
From NIAA documents obtained under FOI - April 2023.
Aboriginals to pay only 50% the rate of income tax.
Aboriginal groups will have ownership of beaches and national parks, and non-aboriginal people will be charged to use them.
10 % of all Judges, Magistrates, Police Officers, ADF Officers, Vice Chancellors and Ambassadors to be Aboriginal.
No entry tests and no fees for Aboriginals going to university.
50% discount for Aboriginals attending sports and music events on public land.
Aboriginals to have first claim on all public housing in Australia.
Reduced age of eligibility for the aged pension for Aboriginals.
Rivers, streams and beaches to be owned by relevant Aboriginal tribes.
Water consumption will be charged to non-Aboriginals as per mining royalties on Native Title.
All new liquor licenses to be vetted by the Voice.
The Voice office will be the same size, and will have the same budget as the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Exclusive sovereignty for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over all land and waters.
Create a new Aboriginal state from land under native title, with its own constitution.
A treaty or treaties recognised in the Australian Constitution.
Racially exclusive designated seats in Parliament reserved only for Aboriginals.
Aboriginals to receive a fixed percentage of all Australian gross national product.
Aboriginals to be exempted from paying land tax.
Funding for the Voice to Parliament to be generated from percentages of land and water taxes.
Funding for Aboriginal bodies and programs to be linked to reparations for "theft of land"
Creation of a 'Black Parliament'
A race based rent tax from "an open cheque book"
A race based "inherent" rights for Aboriginal people in the Australian Constitution.
Renaming of cities, towns and landmarks after Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The creation of "sovereign wealth" exclusively for Aborigines.
Australian taxpayers to fund the preservation of Aboriginal languages.
Changing the Australian flag because it "symbolizes the injustices of colonization"
Tearing down statues of white explorers.
Enshrining Aboriginal "traditional ways of life" in the Constitution.
Changing the curriculum in all schools for non-indigenous Australians.
"De-colonising" Australia.
Fee-free access for Aboriginals to all sport and recreation, including free sporting equipment.

This will only creat unnecessary division and violence.

You only had one sentence to write yourself and you made a mistake. Should there be an improved focus on education wherever you live?

but seriously, you are too gutless to vote on this issue or any issue apparently, so maybe you should just stand on the side of the road and yell your views at passing cars?

WA, 14481 posts
5 Oct 2023 8:57PM
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remery said..
psychojoe said..
Ha! D3. Ha! UN rights. The UN can suck my dick. The universal declaration of human rights was supposed to afford me 43 inescapable rights. 22 of them walked when someone got a cold.

That's an odd comment.

He is still angry about not being able to hug his grandchildren/children during the pandemic and then forcing himself to relocate to WA.

I am sure the UN will ask his opinion next time if we have an Ebola outbreak here.

I don't understand why people have an issue with living in society. You can always run away to somewhere and hide out for a while if societal rules annoy you.

WA, 1269 posts
5 Oct 2023 9:02PM
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cisco said..
What!?!? You mean no more democracy???????????????

Demon o cracy is a sham

WA, 14481 posts
5 Oct 2023 9:15PM
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Pcdefender said..
cisco said..
What!?!? You mean no more democracy???????????????

Demon o cracy is a sham

What do you beLIEve? Flat earth? 9/11 was an inside job? We are ruled by lizard people?

WA, 1269 posts
5 Oct 2023 9:26PM
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Listen to the CD - The New Regime by Mental AZ.

They only sing about the stuff most of the masses don't want to hear


WA, 2523 posts
5 Oct 2023 9:55PM
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snoidberg said..
Aussies are doing it tough enough right now with skyrocketing cost of living, food, rent, interest rates increasing and government spending causing inflation.
This will be a nail in the coffin to land/home ownership and the Aussie way of life.
From NIAA documents obtained under FOI - April 2023.
Aboriginals to pay only 50% the rate of income tax.
Aboriginal groups will have ownership of beaches and national parks, and non-aboriginal people will be charged to use them.
10 % of all Judges, Magistrates, Police Officers, ADF Officers, Vice Chancellors and Ambassadors to be Aboriginal.
No entry tests and no fees for Aboriginals going to university.
50% discount for Aboriginals attending sports and music events on public land.
Aboriginals to have first claim on all public housing in Australia.
Reduced age of eligibility for the aged pension for Aboriginals.
Rivers, streams and beaches to be owned by relevant Aboriginal tribes.
Water consumption will be charged to non-Aboriginals as per mining royalties on Native Title.
All new liquor licenses to be vetted by the Voice.
The Voice office will be the same size, and will have the same budget as the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Exclusive sovereignty for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over all land and waters.
Create a new Aboriginal state from land under native title, with its own constitution.
A treaty or treaties recognised in the Australian Constitution.
Racially exclusive designated seats in Parliament reserved only for Aboriginals.
Aboriginals to receive a fixed percentage of all Australian gross national product.
Aboriginals to be exempted from paying land tax.
Funding for the Voice to Parliament to be generated from percentages of land and water taxes.
Funding for Aboriginal bodies and programs to be linked to reparations for "theft of land"
Creation of a 'Black Parliament'
A race based rent tax from "an open cheque book"
A race based "inherent" rights for Aboriginal people in the Australian Constitution.
Renaming of cities, towns and landmarks after Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The creation of "sovereign wealth" exclusively for Aborigines.
Australian taxpayers to fund the preservation of Aboriginal languages.
Changing the Australian flag because it "symbolizes the injustices of colonization"
Tearing down statues of white explorers.
Enshrining Aboriginal "traditional ways of life" in the Constitution.
Changing the curriculum in all schools for non-indigenous Australians.
"De-colonising" Australia.
Fee-free access for Aboriginals to all sport and recreation, including free sporting equipment.

This will only creat unnecessary division and violence.

Did you just copy paste that from Verity Warner's LinkedIn?

QLD, 403 posts
6 Oct 2023 12:30AM
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Yes FN I'm not great at writing/spelling probably because the school I went to in NZ spent more time teaching Maori culture songs than reading/writing. The reason we moved to Australia is 1) the weather, we love the sun and the surf and 2) was because although most of my friends and some of my family are Maori we were having trouble with visiting our local beaches as some Maori groups claiming the land were getting violent and wanting money for us to step foot on the sand.
Unfortunately power corrupts people and this is what you can expect at every beach, park or forest in Australia for your children if this voice passes.
I have never voted because I moved to Australia 25 years ago when I was 13 and have not applied for citizenship because I can see the country go to crap and I will move to wherever has less of a dictatorship. Voting gives the illusion of control to the people, they are just going to scam it anyway. I mean how did Dan Andrews get in again, honestly. More government isn't going to solve any problems that government caused in the first place.
Yes I am anti vax, anti government, anti child mutilation. I do believe the earth is round but lately I find myself beginning to question everything that we have been taught.

QLD, 12321 posts
6 Oct 2023 12:30AM
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FormulaNova said..

What do you beLIEve? Flat earth? 9/11 was an inside job? We are ruled by lizard people?

I believe we live in the greatest country in the world and that is why so many people from all over the world want to immigrate here.
I believe altering the constitution as per the Voice referendum will be a disaster for this country.
You should watch that cynicism you have. It is not good for you.

1499 posts
6 Oct 2023 2:45AM
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snoidberg said..
Yes I am anti vax, anti government, anti child mutilation. I do believe the earth is round but lately I find myself beginning to question everything that we have been taught.

Anxiety, paranoia, loneliness and a yearning for control in often uncontrollable circumstances all lead to conspiracy theories' proliferatio

Chris 249
NSW, 3268 posts
6 Oct 2023 7:57AM
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cisco said..
The Voice comes with a whole lot more than you think we will get.

Are you still claiming that Liberal party ministers and shadow ministers are Communists, like you said they were?

QLD, 403 posts
6 Oct 2023 7:33AM
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myscreenname said..

snoidberg said..
Yes I am anti vax, anti government, anti child mutilation. I do believe the earth is round but lately I find myself beginning to question everything that we have been taught.

Anxiety, paranoia, loneliness and a yearning for control in often uncontrollable circumstances all lead to conspiracy theories' proliferatio

ABC lol, anyone still swallowing this MSM crap are completely deluded, look who funds the ABC. Anxiety, paranoia, loneliness is more likely something people get from reading MSM or sitting on social media all day. I avoid this garbage completely.
For you to understand better, here is a meme.

WA, 857 posts
6 Oct 2023 5:45AM
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cisco said..

FormulaNova said..

What do you beLIEve? Flat earth? 9/11 was an inside job? We are ruled by lizard people?

I believe we live in the greatest country in the world and that is why so many people from all over the world want to immigrate here.
I believe altering the constitution as per the Voice referendum will be a disaster for this country.
You should watch that cynicism you have. It is not good for you.

Then tell us why you think that rather than just posting links to videos of other people's messaging.

WA, 2034 posts
6 Oct 2023 6:02AM
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FormulaNova said...

I don't understand why people have an issue with living in society. You can always run away to somewhere and hide out for a while if societal rules annoy you.

Secesis plebis lost viability when the global population exceeded one billion.

Chris 249
NSW, 3268 posts
6 Oct 2023 9:13AM
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Pcdefender said..

cisco said..
What!?!? You mean no more democracy???????????????

Demon o cracy is a sham

So why did you lie about the 1600 scientists?

VIC, 162 posts
6 Oct 2023 9:21AM
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ABC fact check Fri Oct6.
In summary referendum puts Voice into effect.
Everything else is decided by parliament once voice is passed.
I urge you to read it if you have any doubts.

No need to panic.
Unless of course the Lizard people still run the ABC, the High Court, and Government etc.
In which case there's still no need to panic because they've done a reasonable job up till now.

Chris 249
NSW, 3268 posts
6 Oct 2023 9:27AM
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FormulaNova said..

I don't understand why people have an issue with living in society. You can always run away to somewhere and hide out for a while if societal rules annoy you.

The funny thing with many people who do "run away from society" is that, as the Black Summer bushfires demonstrated, many of them later demand that society should run in and help them.

There were a couple of little bush communities that were often peopled with those who didn't like society. When the fires came, they demanded that society come in and help them, and then give them money to rebuild. So it seems that they didn't like giving to society, but they demanded that society give to them.

It's like many of our posters here. They drive on roads given by society to beaches that they can freely access (unlike those in other places) because of our society, knowing that if they get injured when sailing they will get an ambo and hospital from our society, they use sewers and drinking water and power from our society, and then they have the hypocrisy to complain about that society.

Chris 249
NSW, 3268 posts
6 Oct 2023 9:28AM
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D3 said..

cisco said..

FormulaNova said..

What do you beLIEve? Flat earth? 9/11 was an inside job? We are ruled by lizard people?

I believe we live in the greatest country in the world and that is why so many people from all over the world want to immigrate here.
I believe altering the constitution as per the Voice referendum will be a disaster for this country.
You should watch that cynicism you have. It is not good for you.

Then tell us why you think that rather than just posting links to videos of other people's messaging.

He thinks that Yes leaders like former Liberal ministers and shadow ministers are Communists, which is pretty hilarious.

WA, 857 posts
6 Oct 2023 6:37AM
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remery said..

psychojoe said..
Ha! D3. Ha! UN rights. The UN can suck my dick. The universal declaration of human rights was supposed to afford me 43 inescapable rights. 22 of them walked when someone got a cold.

That's an odd comment.

Apparently it's "blatant honesty"

Chris 249
NSW, 3268 posts
6 Oct 2023 9:39AM
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snoidberg said..
Aussies are doing it tough enough right now with skyrocketing cost of living, food, rent, interest rates increasing and government spending causing inflation.
This will be a nail in the coffin to land/home ownership and the Aussie way of life.
From NIAA documents obtained under FOI - April 2023.
Aboriginals to pay only 50% the rate of income tax.
Aboriginal groups will have ownership of beaches and national parks, and non-aboriginal people will be charged to use them.
10 % of all Judges, Magistrates, Police Officers, ADF Officers, Vice Chancellors and Ambassadors to be Aboriginal.
No entry tests and no fees for Aboriginals going to university.
50% discount for Aboriginals attending sports and music events on public land.
Aboriginals to have first claim on all public housing in Australia.
Reduced age of eligibility for the aged pension for Aboriginals.
Rivers, streams and beaches to be owned by relevant Aboriginal tribes.
Water consumption will be charged to non-Aboriginals as per mining royalties on Native Title.
All new liquor licenses to be vetted by the Voice.
The Voice office will be the same size, and will have the same budget as the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Exclusive sovereignty for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over all land and waters.
Create a new Aboriginal state from land under native title, with its own constitution.
A treaty or treaties recognised in the Australian Constitution.
Racially exclusive designated seats in Parliament reserved only for Aboriginals.
Aboriginals to receive a fixed percentage of all Australian gross national product.
Aboriginals to be exempted from paying land tax.
Funding for the Voice to Parliament to be generated from percentages of land and water taxes.
Funding for Aboriginal bodies and programs to be linked to reparations for "theft of land"
Creation of a 'Black Parliament'
A race based rent tax from "an open cheque book"
A race based "inherent" rights for Aboriginal people in the Australian Constitution.
Renaming of cities, towns and landmarks after Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The creation of "sovereign wealth" exclusively for Aborigines.
Australian taxpayers to fund the preservation of Aboriginal languages.
Changing the Australian flag because it "symbolizes the injustices of colonization"
Tearing down statues of white explorers.
Enshrining Aboriginal "traditional ways of life" in the Constitution.
Changing the curriculum in all schools for non-indigenous Australians.
"De-colonising" Australia.
Fee-free access for Aboriginals to all sport and recreation, including free sporting equipment.

This will only creat unnecessary division and violence.

What a load of rubbish. Have you read the actual document (which was just record of discussions) that you're talking about?

That's a simple question, by the way. Will you give a simple answer?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"If Yes get the vote clarification question" started by warwickl