My only argument against legalising all drugs is how will society cope?
As a society we can barely handle the effects of Alcohol, let alone numerous other substances.
I disagree mark and I'm no user.
Leagalising drugs at last will enable us to see exactly who is using why they are using etc and enable us to gear health services properly.
not everyone who is addicted is a 'zombie' i knew a lawyer in a successful self made business who used heroin daily. He wanted to stop because he didnt like mixing with criminals and the law board would have frowned upon his activities should he have become a 'registered addict' There are many examples of people using drugs and maintaining 'lifestyles' Its naieve at best to think otherwise.
Legalising drugs isn't going to suddenly increase the rates of amphetamine induced wife beatings. Why would it. There is no evidence to suggest that following prohibition that people went berko and killed each other drinking.
My two cents worth.
Just because alcohol and tobacco are legal isn't an arguement to legalise, cannabis, kronic, amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, mushies etc. There is a huge amount of research that establishes tobacco and alcohol cause immesurable pain and suffering on the community. Why would the govt legalise anymore drugs?
They are all drugs of addiction and all have the capacity to screw any person that takes them, sure there are examples where people partake and lead a normal functioning life, but for every 'successful' user there are another 100 that are watching their life go down the toilet. If drugs can bring down the likes of Ben Couins they can get anyone.
If you don't believe all this sh1t is bad, look at the Northern Territory Intervention a few years ago and all the research into Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, and the liquor bans in place up north, find an ED doctor and ask them about the effect of drugs and alcohol on their workload, check out the courts on a Monday morning or chat to a psych nurse and get their point of view.
It's too late (and totally inconceivable) to ban alcohol and tobacco, but geez imagine the positives if it was done.
Amsterdam is also no longer an example of positive drug use either, last I read it was getting out of hand over there and they had started the process of restricting access to cannabis.
Careful Chris, the socialist left are idealists.
You will puzzle them if using irrefutable logic, like your last 2 posts contain.
One also needs to consider the cost of war on drugs vs legalisation.
Strangely its the 40th anniversary of 'the war on drugs' that Nixon introduced this Friday.
I'm gonna wear a hat.
Gambling, Drugs and Sex.
In every prediction of an evil totalitarian future state in any book or movie the state has always banned gambling, drugs and sex.
Thus, I conclude, these are the things that define liberty and freedom.
Andrew Wilkie wants to ban gambling
State Governments are banning drugs
Who is going to ban sex ?
Maybe if they called it something less in your face than Kronic, it might have slipped under the radar for longer.
Maybe something like 'painaway - the natural herbal remedy for a wide range of cronic pain symptoms for the elderly, infirmed and those looking for a gentler alternative'
instead of 'Kronic - the bad-ass legal alternative to hard-core weed that the mother-****er pigs can't get ya for man'
Illicit drugs obviously aren't directly taxed but they are calculated into the cost to the community of $55b, just a poorly structured sentence on my part thats all