Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by Sibbo V3 > 9 months ago, 18 Apr 2012
Sibbo V3
VIC, 110 posts
18 Apr 2012 11:08PM
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For the love of humanity.

Change your avatar.

WA, 14 posts
18 Apr 2012 10:28PM
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Troll !We love Mark just the way he is !

380 posts
18 Apr 2012 10:48PM
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I thought this was going to be a; Ask Mark_Australia forum

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
18 Apr 2012 10:55PM
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Bone43 said...

I thought this was going to be a; Ask Mark_Australia forum

Yeah why not. The agony aunt thread: ask me anything that troubles you...

good luck with any advice given....

3777 posts
18 Apr 2012 11:11PM
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If a fly had no wings is it a "walk"?

6657 posts
18 Apr 2012 11:13PM
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Part of the furniture - if it isn't ferked, don't ferk with it

NSW, 5780 posts
19 Apr 2012 1:18AM
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Is it right to do your missus mum if she's up for it...?

VIC, 5000 posts
19 Apr 2012 9:08AM
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theDoctor said...

Is it right to do your missus mum if you're up for it...and if she's hot!

There, fixed that for ya. My guess the answer would be feck yeah! (just don't tell the missus.)

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
19 Apr 2012 8:17AM
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theDoctor said...

Is it right to do your missus mum if she's up for it...?

Yes it is. As long as you wash your genitals first, see caption comp 230 for instruction.

WA, 15849 posts
19 Apr 2012 8:43AM
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Mark _australia said...

theDoctor said...

Is it right to do your missus mum if she's up for it...?

Yes it is. As long as you wash your genitals first, see caption comp 230 for instruction.

Back beach burnouts

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
19 Apr 2012 11:02AM
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I was going to start this thread as well.... hahahahaha

It's pretty gore that pic.....

But would we still KNOW Mark_Australia???? Changed pic.... changed person???

QLD, 663 posts
19 Apr 2012 11:23AM
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Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?

If you mated a bull dog and a ****su, would it be called a bull****?

Why is it called a "drive through" if you have to stop?

Why does mineral water that has "trickled through mountains for centuries" go out of date next year?

Why are Softballs hard?

If the professor on Giligan's Island can make a radio out of coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?

Why is an electrical outlet called an outlet when you plug things into it? Shouldn't it be called an inlet.

Why do we scrub Down and wash Up?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!

Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" if afterwards it doesn't work anymore?

Why do they call it taking a dump? Shouldn't it be leaving a dump?

Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?

Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?

Why do banks leave the door wide open but the pens chained to the counter?

Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower, when he doesn't usually wear any pants?

How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?

C'mon Mark, you have got some answers to provide now!

WA, 6658 posts
19 Apr 2012 9:30AM
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Dear Mark-'ll-fix-it

Please could you fix it for me to meet One Dimension.

I am their biggest fan and have all their records.

I was not allowed to go to their concert because it finished past my bedtime.

I would be so happy if you could fix it for me



WA, 6658 posts
19 Apr 2012 9:31AM
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theDoctor said...

Is it right to do your missus mum if she's up for it...?

Feeling guilty are we Doc ?

Felt good at the time but got regrets now ?

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
19 Apr 2012 11:52AM
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Last time I checked, mums and daughters is a genre............

QLD, 4873 posts
19 Apr 2012 11:52AM
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Carantoc said...

I am their biggest fan and have all their record.

Fixed it for you.

VIC, 5000 posts
19 Apr 2012 12:06PM
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^^^ Would One Dimension know what a record was/is?

QLD, 663 posts
19 Apr 2012 12:12PM
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Better Tweet them and let the twits know so they dont embarass themselves.... any further....

Whats the point of having loads of girls want you if they are all 14 year olds?

By the time they are of suitable age, they think youre a douche with a bad haircut!

NSW, 5780 posts
19 Apr 2012 1:48PM
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It's just further evidence that women are retarded and the whole feminist movement is a communist joke...

I remember when I was a kid, women were acting retarded over the band wham!
...whose only two members were both gay...

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
19 Apr 2012 1:42PM
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Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?It's a zen thing. Makes you feel better about "getting up", when in fact you are getting down from the bed.

If you mated a bull dog and a ****su, would it be called a bull****?No. The censorship here, evident by the asterisks, makes intercourse impossible.

Why is it called a "drive through" if you have to stop?You don't have to stop. It is your choice to stop and make a purchase, but you can drive thru all you like.

Why does mineral water that has "trickled through mountains for centuries" go out of date next year?The added fluoride has an expiry date, as it's mental dumbing down effectivness wanes a little over time.

If the professor on Giligan's Island can make a radio out of coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?It is a TV show. If it troubles you, seek help from a professional

Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?Little kids do. Aren't they people? As to why adult's don't, I propose it is a behaviour we have lost due to chemtrails affecting us.

Why is an electrical outlet called an outlet when you plug things into it? Shouldn't it be called an inlet.That's just too obvious.

Why do we scrub Down and wash Up?What you do in the shower is your business Try the kite forum

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!Pluto can actually stand erect on his home planet as Pluto is smaller than earth and has less gravity. Whilst visiting here, he hasn't go the strength. Goofy however is from earth, you can see the resemblance to some residents of Rockingham

Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?So the bacteria on the needle don't use up all the poison and then there would not be enough for the prisoner.

Why do banks leave the door wide open but the pens chained to the counter?Because the door is open the pens need to be secured. Duh

How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?If you push hard enough, the electrical contacts will generate current. Piezo-electric effect.

Hope that helps.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
19 Apr 2012 1:43PM
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Carantoc said...

Dear Mark-'ll-fix-it

Please could you fix it for me to meet One Dimension.

I am their biggest fan and have all their records.

I was not allowed to go to their concert because it finished past my bedtime.

I would be so happy if you could fix it for me



However it will be even better to meet Three Dimension. Would have to be better, One vs Three, three is better.
Look out the window....... there ya go.

380 posts
19 Apr 2012 2:51PM
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An answer for every question
Well done
I didn't expect anything less actually

WA, 6658 posts
19 Apr 2012 3:48PM
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Dear Dr Carl-Mark_a

Tyre wear .. What's considered normal ?


WA, 6658 posts
19 Apr 2012 3:56PM
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Dear Mark_a

Why is it so important for the Government to deliver a surplus next financial year when it was apparently of no importance that they delivered giant deficits for the last 4 years ?

WA, 6658 posts
19 Apr 2012 3:58PM
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Dear Mark_a

Why does Seabreeze limit you to 12 characters for your forum name ?

Is it because the Seabreeze programmer is stuck in DOS land ?

WA, 6658 posts
19 Apr 2012 3:59PM
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Dear Mark_a

Have you ever seen the original certificate of theDoctor's qualifications ?

Edit - See below

Because it takes me along time to do thinkin', and I can only think about one thing at a time. You could have probably worked that out from the questions.

Next time I'll post like Razzonator with sentance structure none and random ords that might mean something if you look hard but you cant really tell and the hole ting is just about unreadable bcus they have infiltrated my head and it is bad bad i say and not good no it is bad the evil ones and ill try to repeat previosuly posted topics thatare barely a week old what was i saying the phone just rang but i didnt answer i didn't know who it was it might have been them tryoing to con me into bying a big boat or a broken kite i dont even kitesurf anyway so yeah but no is this better ill save everything up from now on and just post once a week afetr bath time on sunday i only use virgin water from clear mountain springs for my baff warmed up by biodegreabale sunligh so it doesnt absorb the ceasium i am going to kill myself now why doesn't joe hockey play hockey and why doesnt gina richhart have heart

The Craw
WA, 223 posts
19 Apr 2012 4:21PM
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^^ Why you post each question separate?

WA, 15849 posts
19 Apr 2012 4:32PM
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ggf said...

^^ Why you post each question separate?

To get his post count up [}:)]

380 posts
19 Apr 2012 4:53PM
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380 posts
19 Apr 2012 4:54PM
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380 posts
19 Apr 2012 4:55PM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Mark_australia" started by Sibbo V3