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More coronavirus stuff

Created by Mr Milk > 9 months ago, 6 Aug 2020
377 posts
16 Sep 2020 4:38PM
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Looked up landmass of china .... 9.597 million Square kilometres ...

So what are the odds of it appearing in a wetmarket within 1 km of a SARS engineering lab ? .... errrr that wouldn't be 1 in a million ..... more like 1 in 9.597 million ....

Ive read that the presumed / suspicious animal jump host - pangolin .... SARS viruses have not been found in them for a decade with random testing ... ?

Strange that during the last SARS outbreak 17 years ago ... That WUHAN lab in question was apparently on chinese news media ALMOST every night with interviews / opinions / strategies .... Yet in this outbreak they were conspicuous in their absence , no profile .... no expertise given in something they have been tampering with for years .... ? Strange ? ....

Havn't read whole thread ... but has everyone seen Dr Li-Meng Yan's paper released a few days ago ... ? as close to a smoking gun yet that LAB origin ....

2614 posts
16 Sep 2020 4:55PM
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seabreezer said..
Looked up landmass of china .... 9.597 million Square kilometres ...

So what are the odds of it appearing in a wetmarket within 1 km of a SARS engineering lab ? .... errrr that wouldn't be 1 in a million ..... more like 1 in 9.597 million ....

Ive read that the presumed / suspicious animal jump host - pangolin .... SARS viruses have not been found in them for a decade with random testing ... ?

Strange that during the last SARS outbreak 17 years ago ... That WUHAN lab in question was apparently on chinese news media ALMOST every night with interviews / opinions / strategies .... Yet in this outbreak they were invisible , no profile .... no expertise given in something they have been tampering with for years .... ? Strange ? ....

Havn't read whole thread ... but has everyone seen Dr Li-Meng Yan's paper released a few days ago ... ? as close to a smoking gun yet that LAB origin ....

I don't see how there's any question or doubt about it being made in a lab.
They've been making viruses pretty much exactly the same as SARS-Cov2 (you know COVID), since at least 2007.

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kiterboy said..
Ahem... a good read...

Difference in Receptor Usage between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus and SARS-Like Coronavirus of Bat Origin

J Virol. 2008 Feb; 82(4): 1899-1907.

Published online 2007 Dec 12. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01085-07

PMCID: PMC2258702

PMID: 18077725

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by the SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV), which uses angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as its receptor for cell entry. A group of SARS-like CoVs (SL-CoVs) has been identified in horseshoe bats. SL-CoVs and SARS-CoVs share identical genome organizations and high sequence identities, with the main exception of the N terminus of the spike protein (S), known to be responsible for receptor binding in CoVs. In this study, we investigated the receptor usage of the SL-CoV S by combining a human immunodeficiency virus-based pseudovirus system with cell lines expressing the ACE2 molecules of human, civet, or horseshoe bat. In addition to full-length S of SL-CoV and SARS-CoV, a series of S chimeras was constructed by inserting different sequences of the SARS-CoV S into the SL-CoV S backbone. Several important observations were made from this study. First, the SL-CoV S was unable to use any of the three ACE2 molecules as its receptor. Second, the SARS-CoV S failed to enter cells expressing the bat ACE2. Third, the chimeric S covering the previously defined receptor-binding domain gained its ability to enter cells via human ACE2, albeit with different efficiencies for different constructs. Fourth, a minimal insert region (amino acids 310 to 518) was found to be sufficient to convert the SL-CoV S from non-ACE2 binding to human ACE2 binding, indicating that the SL-CoV S is largely compatible with SARS-CoV S protein both in structure and in function. The significance of these findings in relation to virus origin, virus recombination, and host switching is discussed.

From crystal-structural analysis of the S-ACE2 complex, it was predicted that the S protein of SL-CoV is unlikely to use huACE2 as an entry receptor (30), although this has never been experimentally proven due to the lack of live SL-CoV isolates. Whether it is possible to construct an ACE2-binding SL-CoV S protein by replacing the RBD with that from SARS-CoV S proteins is also unknown.
In this study, a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-based pseudovirus system was employed to address these issues. Our results indicated that the SL-CoV S protein is unable to use ACE2 proteins of different species for cell entry and that SARS-CoV S protein also failed to bind the ACE2 molecule of the horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus pearsonii. However, when the RBD of SL-CoV S was replaced with that from the SARS-CoV S, the hybrid S protein was able to use the huACE2 for cell entry, implying that the SL-CoV S proteins are structurally and functionally very similar to the SARS-CoV S. These results suggest that although the SL-CoVs discovered in bats so far are unlikely to infect humans using ACE2 as a receptor, it remains to be seen whether they are able to use other surface molecules of certain human cell types to gain entry. It is also conceivable that these viruses may become infectious to humans if they undergo N-terminal sequence variation, for example, through recombination with other CoVs, which in turn might lead to a productive interaction with ACE2 or other surface proteins on human cells.


NSW, 274 posts
17 Sep 2020 12:12AM
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sun fun said..

such as Snopes(fraudulent spin merchants and felons)

WA, 67 posts
17 Sep 2020 12:44AM
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sun fun said..

kiterboy said..

sun fun said..

azimuth said..Pretentious.

Oh, labels and name calling now. That's cowardly.

I don't care what labels you throw at me.

The fact is, US big pharma has been convicted of corporate level criminal activity many times and get off with trifling fines when sued for vaccine injuries, because they are protected from direct liability by a federal law.

They fund large media corporations and political parties.

Azymuth honestly, this is not about me or your cowardly snubs. This is about a direct conflict of interest, about our children's and our health.

Look at the damage drugs like Gardasil have done.

The fact is, due to the incredibly unethical US Law of 1986, drug companies can get off almost scott-free and with a slap on the wrist (private settlement). This leads to a culture where health and life are secondary to the price of doing business and they can claim no direct liability but word that as "doesn't prove injury".

Sun Fun.
You need to realise that the people arguing with you here are willfully ignorant.
It doesn't matter how many 'conspiracies' have been proven to actually be true over the decades, their first reaction to anything that challenges their limited world view is to call 'conspiracy'.

Why bother trying to convince them?
I mean, they can't even be bothered addressing irrefutable scientific evidence.

True people are arguing while I'm presenting a direction to research history. I do it because as I said, I am a lover of humanity and I can't stand the thought of anyone's children or grandchildren suffering at the hands of proven liars and criminals. Currently not a single thing I have provided links to has been challenged. Only smears and fear.

For instance, science has known of a safer DTP vaccine since it was patented in 1937, but US drug companies actively deceived the US authorities and used a cheaper, more toxic vaccine until they were exposed in the 1970's and 1980's .

Just as the tobacco and asbestos and car industries were exposed for producing lethal products for profit.

Countries like Japan and European countries did use the safer version, but the US drug companies decided to save a cent per dose to maintain their profit margin and so actively deceived the US public and authorities.

IN the early years of the US Vaccine Compensation Scheme, autism was automatically compensated as a listed injury and settled over table hearings. Later, the US Government admitted MMR and DTP vaccines cause encephalopathy in secretive settlements, but people now are so convinced by lies that They believe no link exists!

Research was done to demonstrate MMR vaccines with mercury raised the risk profile for encephalopathy which can cause autism seven to eightfold and this was covered up and the drug companies, through the CDC lied in congress about it.


Now on hearing this and still deciding drug companies, (especially anything to do with the corrupt US system today have any interest whatsoever in human health), you'd have to have rocks in your head, particularly since it is a free market and the drug companies now have almost total immunity from prosecution.

Now the reason this is important now, is because we are again being sold the lie that a vaccine rushed onto the market faster than any vaccine ever before is the only way to effectively deal with Covid-19 and get our full civil liberties and lives back....
...and it's being developed under US patents on a SARS virus that could only have come from a US funded lab in communist China - because the research was deemed "unethical and questionably a biological weapon" in the US medical establishment!

I mean, Jesus, you couldn't write a more intriguing script.

I say if it sounds too good to be true it probably is not true.

Sure peeps, let them jab you with a rushed and unsafe vaccine! Go ahead. I won't go near this scam.

"Until then, Stay safe".

The problem is Sun Fun /PM33 is that after several years of pushing CTs such as twin towers and chemtrails then some of your points may not be taken at face value.
You imply above that US drug companies have no interest in health - that seems pretty unlikely, I'm not sure that's not going to be much of a business model.
Vaccines causing autism is a well known fraud.
If you want to be an anti-vaxer, fine, just stay away from my kids and the rest of the population. You might also want to consider the damage that you and your type do by lowering immunisation rates and keeping viruses circulating in the community. If someone on this forum had kids come down with whooping cough they could be a little upset with your opinions.
However, it is a huge coincidence that the Wuhan lab was so close to the epicenter. If it was more than coincidence then I'd bet on incompetence rather than anything else.

NSW, 274 posts
17 Sep 2020 4:09AM
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Hey nicely put ^^, I have often thought a anti-vaxxer is a pharma companies best friend (from a business perspective I mean not to put words in your mouth). Look at measels for example. Basically defeated until a couple of people thought they knew better. Those horrifying deaths helped pass the pro vaccine legislation countries and states have now.
Anyway enough from me this is edging pretty close to the HW problem we had bar the racism thank christ. Till next month .

sun fun
97 posts
17 Sep 2020 4:50AM
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seabreezer said..
Looked up landmass of china .... 9.597 million Square kilometres ...

So what are the odds of it appearing in a wetmarket within 1 km of a SARS engineering lab ? .... errrr that wouldn't be 1 in a million ..... more like 1 in 9.597 million ....

Ive read that the presumed / suspicious animal jump host - pangolin .... SARS viruses have not been found in them for a decade with random testing ... ?

Strange that during the last SARS outbreak 17 years ago ... That WUHAN lab in question was apparently on chinese news media ALMOST every night with interviews / opinions / strategies .... Yet in this outbreak they were conspicuous in their absence , no profile .... no expertise given in something they have been tampering with for years .... ? Strange ? ....

Havn't read whole thread ... but has everyone seen Dr Li-Meng Yan's paper released a few days ago ... ? as close to a smoking gun yet that LAB origin ....

It's worse than that. Why China at all? Viruses could start anywhere on the planet.

But we're expected to believe a pre-mutated virus jumped direct from a bat, just down the road from a US sponsored bioengineering lab in Wuhan.

I mean seriously, how gullible do you have to be to believe this crap?

No, these reason this "crisis" started in China is because the communist regime is happy to allow bio-engineering that is illegal in the rest of the world and it was seeded into the populations around the world in short order.

When countries like Australia hit hard to close international borders. What did the biotech psychopaths do when their plan was foiled by ScoMo's brilliant hard air border? - seed it into a ship and allow the passengers to disembark - thereby infecting the population as planned.

TAS, 2967 posts
17 Sep 2020 6:51AM
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sun fun/petermac33 said; " I do it because as I said, I am a lover of humanity and I can't stand the thought of anyone's children or grandchildren suffering at the hands of proven liars and criminals."

Strange being so concerned for humanity but you are quite happy for millions of peoples children and grandchildren to suffer, face a lifetime of disfiguring and/or crippling ailments or die from diseases that can be easily prevented with a cheap and readily available vaccine Yes? Why is that peter? This is why you 'Pro Diseasers' are not taken seriously and are often the subject of contempt and abject ridicule.

sun fun
97 posts
17 Sep 2020 5:03AM
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Rupert 'Pro Diseasers

sun fun/petermac33 said; " I do it because as I said, I am a lover of humanity and I can't stand the thought of anyone's children or grandchildren suffering at the hands of proven liars and criminals."

Strange being so concerned for humanity but you are quite happy for millions of peoples children and grandchildren to suffer, face a lifetime of disfiguring and/or crippling ailments or die from diseases that can be easily prevented with a cheap and readily available vaccine Yes? Why is that peter? This is why you 'Pro Diseasers' are not taken seriously and are often the subject of contempt and abject ridicule.

Oh labels again. How intelligent...

I'm all for safe vaccination, just as I'm for healthy food. I'm not anti-food because I don't eat McDonalds.

US Pharma has been lying and deceiving humanity for decades. They are criminals who now control the US government, many civil institutions and media together with the second biggest lobby group, petrochemical companies.

For example, US drug companies actively suppressed knowledge of a safer DTP vaccine from 1937 until their conspiracy was exposed during the Swine Flue fraud of 1976. When courts Investigating the hoax pandemic ordered the drug companies to hand over documents this led to legal discovery of the conspiracy. The drug companies engaged in this conspiracy in order to make a few cents more profit per dose, resulting in vaccine injuries to many children and several deaths. This is just a small part of the story.

The US has a totally free drug market but the drug companies have almost complete immunity from liability and therefore prosecution.

This is a conflict of interest and a form of corruption and a public health disaster of the highest order.

Drug companies admitted decades ago that the DTP and MMR vaccine causes autism and other debilitating diseases, by listing them for automatic compensation after the 1986 Act, but this knowledge was systematically removed from general public awareness in the past three decades through a concerted campaign of lies and legal deletions and denials and these early admissions of risk and compensation have been replaced by the disastrous corruption prevalent now.

Just as the tobacco companies conspired to hide the truth about tobacco and asbestos companies conspired to hide the truth about asbestos and the Catholic Church conspired to hide the truth about it's pedophile rackets and Ford Motor Company conspired to hide the truth about it's deadly cars to save a few bucks, so too are the US drug companies presently conspiring to hide the truth about many of their vaccines and drugs.

What people need to understand about some vaccines, particularly those made in the US, is that it's not the active constituents that cause the injuries but rather the process and additives in them to make them cheaper or more stable on the shelf. additives like the very nutritious mercury, for example.

The reality is, censorship, troll armies and hack attacks on free information on the internet is rife at present. Facebook, Youtube and Google are involved in the most disgraceful censorship and dissemination of lies in democracies since Macarthyism. So-called "fact-checker" websites are funded or bought by the same people trying to sell us these dangerous products and trying to sell us a world where our only chance of maintaining four freedom and our humanity is by taking a shot.

Fortunately, new free platforms promoting free speech and truth are rising against this technocratic totalitarianism.

So in the knowledge that vaccine companies suppress knowledge of safer vaccines and the link between some vaccines and the autism epidemic, why would anyone trust them when they are now telling us they want to vaccinate every man, woman and child against a bio-engineered virus from a US sponsored lab in communist CHina?

TAS, 2967 posts
17 Sep 2020 7:52AM
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"labels?" No peter not a label but a question, and as is your ilk you cant/wont or don't answer. just like you are yet to answer several questions asked of you many times previously. Some things never change.

OK I'll bite, what is the name of the "US sponsored bioengineering lab in Wuhan.", because that's a big call, I take it you have verifiable proof of this 'sponsorship' or are you just regurgitating something, someone else posted, somewhere else?

"Drug companies admitted decades ago that the DTP and MMR vaccine causes autism" - No they did not, that was the claim by the dicredited charlatan Andrew Wakefield and has been debunked ad nauseum.

sun fun
97 posts
17 Sep 2020 5:57AM
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Rupert said..
"labels?" No peter not a label but a question, and as is your ilk you cant/wont or don't answer. just like you are yet to answer several questions asked of you many times previously. Some things never change.

OK I'll bite, what is the name of the "US sponsored bioengineering lab in Wuhan.", because that's a big call, I take it you have verifiable proof of this 'sponsorship' or are you just regurgitating something, someone else posted, somewhere else?

I'm not Peter, whoever that is.

Wuhan Institute of Virology.

It seems you have a lot of catching up to do. Friend, I really want to help. See Rupert, it's worse than just a name, the lab, the studies and the Bio-engineering of the SARS virus Strains was also sponsored by the US National Institutes of Health. As I said, if you really believe that this pandemic started spontaneously just down the road from the lab where the virus was being studied and bioengineered, you have to be dreaming.

The reason the NIH did this, is because Medical Institutes in the US complained to the CDC and NIH that when CDC was researching SARS it looked like bioengineering a weapon. So they shopped it out to communist China, who are only happy to develop biological weapons and agents.

Interesting that the WIV is just 300 yards from the wet market alleged to be the source of this "pandemic".


What these psychopaths want, is to divide us. They do this by seeding fear and misinformation into the community which causes us to fight each other. In fighting each other, we become paralysed by fear and are distracted from finding out the truth for ourselves.

I forgive you for your attacks and I don't want to fight you. We are in this fight against one enemy, together.


2614 posts
17 Sep 2020 6:09AM
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awkward customer said..
Anyway enough from me this is edging pretty close to the HW problem we had...

This is because you all are engaging in antivax arguments, instead of what the title of the thread is about...'more coronavirus stuff'.

How come none of you are acknowledging the fact that this type of coronavirus has been shown in a published study to have been made back in 2007 and how that almost certainly gives evidence that the current coronavirus was made in the Wuhan lab?

sun fun
97 posts
17 Sep 2020 6:12AM
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Great point and question. ^ I just posted a link to the US Institute Of Physics demonstrating the issues with the US sponsored WIV studies.

The virus has existed for some time in mutated form, yet people have accepted the ridiculous narrative that it coincidentally jumped straight from bat to human (a miracle of probability) just down the road from the only lab (where a dubious study banned in the US for looking like biological weapons development) had been taking place for years (a double miracle of probability).

TAS, 2967 posts
17 Sep 2020 8:58AM
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So you still wont answer the most basic of questions instead going off up your own little path. You never provided a single argument that convinced me to your way of thinking in thousands of posts in HW and you are not gaining any ground now. So I shall do what I did in HW, you will never convince me to your way of thinking and I will never convince you otherwise so, even though I may continue to read your posts for the comedic value that they provide, I will refrain from commenting any further on this subject.

WA, 6634 posts
17 Sep 2020 6:59AM
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Rupert said..
"labels?" No peter not a label but a question, and as is your ilk ....

Bono / Adriano / Groucho / SC1984 / holy G / Peter Dutton ..... is dead.

Long live.... sun fun

The demise of HW didn't last long did it. And the ones who wanted it dead the most are the very same who drag its corpse out of the grave and start flogging away again.......

Hey Laurie, perhaps isolation and not prohibition wasn't so bad after all ? eh

sun fun
97 posts
17 Sep 2020 7:00AM
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Rupert said..
So you still wont answer the most basic of questions instead going off up your own little path. You never provided a single argument that convinced me to your way of thinking in thousands of posts in HW and you are not gaining any ground now. So I shall do what I did in HW, you will never convince me to your way of thinking and I will never convince you otherwise so, even though I may continue to read your posts for the comedic value that they provide, I will refrain from commenting any further on this subject.

What are you talking about Rupert? I answered all your questions in detail and with links. I held out a fig leaf, forgave you and now you come back with more nasty, unrelated, personal and empty rhetoric?

Do you admit the WUHAN lab is real, is just down the road from the outbreak and was sponsored by the US Center For Disease Control, until recently, or are you going to continue engaging in smearing me instead?

WA, 3522 posts
17 Sep 2020 7:45AM
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Sorry, but Sun Fun/PeterDutton has been given a holiday. In just two weeks, 97 posts on conspiracies. This forums title actually says "excluding conspiracies". Plenty of sites for conspiracies, but Seabreeze is not one.

We like to splash around in the water, and occasionally discuss real world topics.

NSW, 33 posts
17 Sep 2020 9:01PM
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Would love to go on the internet without having to be bombarded with conspiracy crap. Its a amazing universe we live in and so much to discover and learn why would you bother with that rubbish.

I thought when the net came along the world would get smarter and more informed. I was so wrong.
Kind of sad about it and starting to get a bit worried that stupid is the new trend.

NSW, 6852 posts
18 Sep 2020 10:50AM
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883 posts
19 Sep 2020 6:12AM
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We urgently need a vaccine

People are dropping dead by the 0.0001's !!!

883 posts
19 Sep 2020 7:56AM
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And studies show HCQ + Zinc reduces deaths 70-80%.

So what type of incompetent lunatics would withhold HCQ, denying Australian doctors the freedom to prescribe it - and at same time lock people in their homes for 23 hours a day, putting them at risk of developing a Vitamin D deficiency?

I had blood tests done, and for the first time ever I have low Vit D. Imagine if they started testing people in Melbourne.

WA, 2100 posts
25 Sep 2020 11:37AM
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Every now and again I come back to this thread to find this link.
It's a bit of a job scouring through all the white noise so I'm just posting it again for my own personal convenience.

WA, 2100 posts
26 Sep 2020 12:27PM
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psychojoe said..
Every now and again I come back to this thread to find this link.
It's a bit of a job scouring through all the white noise so I'm just posting it again for my own personal convenience.

And now it's too late to delete that last bit of junk science.

443 posts
26 Sep 2020 1:54PM
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I'll just leave this here:

344 posts
26 Sep 2020 9:00PM
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Yes, deaths are down to about 3% of resolved cases, probably because treatments have improved. But stats comparing normal death rates for the time of year and the same period for 2020 imply there may be a significant number of CV deaths going unreported.

Mr Milk
NSW, 2978 posts
26 Sep 2020 11:40PM
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Another point about excess deaths is that flu cases are way down, so expected flu deaths that haven't occurred should be added in. O' looking from another angle, because of lower flu cases, expected deaths should be lower, so excess deaths are coming off a lower expected base.

WA, 2100 posts
29 Sep 2020 11:09AM
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I had it so wrong all along to be looking at deaths versus flu versus age and comorbidities versus cases.
The similarities between Covid and HIV make it instantly abundantly clear why this novel virus has garnered such a reaction

883 posts
30 Sep 2020 11:48AM
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WA, 6634 posts
30 Sep 2020 5:55PM
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TonyAbbott said..

Big call. I mean when stuff like this has gone on ...

Mr Milk
NSW, 2978 posts
2 Oct 2020 1:47PM
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A question for all you people who ripped out your lawns 6 months ago to start growing vegetables ....

How's it going?

WA, 14641 posts
2 Oct 2020 12:14PM
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Mr Milk said..
A question for all you people who ripped out your lawns 6 months ago to start growing vegetables ....

How's it going?

I bought a few tomato plants going into lockdown as it gave me something to do. Pretty soon I got bored with them and the local IGA had heaps of tomatoes at much better quality than I could grow, yet I built a greenhouse to keep my plants alive during winter.

I am pretty sure I can guess what my neighbours thought I was growing.

Note to self: Don't make a greenhouse out of plastic sheet when you live in a very windy location.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"More coronavirus stuff" started by Mr Milk