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Muslim man granted judge-only trial in NSW

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 9 May 2012
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log man
VIC, 8289 posts
10 May 2012 6:44PM
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evlPanda said...

The overwhelming majority of people that call themselves Muslims are nice people. The overwhelming majority of people that call themselves Lefties, Liberals, Bogans, Punks, Sceptics, Fishermen, Christians, Communists, Atheists ...even Kiteboarders, are nice people. When you get to know them.

When you cherry-pick a bad example from a collective, and then label all or most of that collective the same, you are fear-mongering. And if you think about it is the most cowardly thing a person can do. That is: being scared of something that is not at all scary, and inciting others to be scared of it too.

So endeth the lesson!

WA, 15849 posts
10 May 2012 4:55PM
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log man said...

evlPanda said...

The overwhelming majority of people that call themselves Muslims are nice people. The overwhelming majority of people that call themselves Lefties, Liberals, Bogans, Punks, Sceptics, Fishermen, Christians, Communists, Atheists ...even Kiteboarders, are nice people. When you get to know them.

When you cherry-pick a bad example from a collective, and then label all or most of that collective the same, you are fear-mongering. And if you think about it is the most cowardly thing a person can do. That is: being scared of something that is not at all scary, and inciting others to be scared of it too.

So endeth the lesson!

Its not cherry picking as panda says if the group concerned is alays doing the same things, is it?

NSW, 2005 posts
10 May 2012 10:43PM
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poor relative said...

hamburglar said...

the fact is he's a grubby woman basher

...trying to weasel his way out of it.
Thankfully the court saw through his evil plan.

Now probably sees himself as even more of a victim for not being allowed wife bashing in this country.

QLD, 12326 posts
11 May 2012 12:20PM
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log man said...
A precursor to hatred.....WHAT....There's plenty of hatred already......from the rednecks on this forum

Here y' are loggie. If you don't like this "red neck" forum, here is the green neck forum. Plenty of squarking over there.

NSW, 9202 posts
11 May 2012 1:09PM
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doggie said...

log man said...

evlPanda said...

The overwhelming majority of people that call themselves Muslims are nice people. The overwhelming majority of people that call themselves Lefties, Liberals, Bogans, Punks, Sceptics, Fishermen, Christians, Communists, Atheists ...even Kiteboarders, are nice people. When you get to know them.

When you cherry-pick a bad example from a collective, and then label all or most of that collective the same, you are fear-mongering. And if you think about it is the most cowardly thing a person can do. That is: being scared of something that is not at all scary, and inciting others to be scared of it too.

So endeth the lesson!

Its not cherry picking as panda says if the group concerned is alays doing the same things, is it?

The group concerned is 1,000,000,000 people. What do you mean, exactly, by "always doing the same things"? I can only imagine you mean blowing **** up.

This is a ridiculous presumption to make about somebody just because they are a muslim. Therefore all Catholics are child molesters. Yes?

It's so ridiculous we've suggested to our muslim colleague when he wanted to pick a football team to follow that he support The Bombers. It's so ridiculous what some people assume about most muslims it is a joke.

Look, of course there are some bad examples. Most (practically all) muslims despise them even more than you.

Evangelical Christians: ~25% of the U.S. identify themselves as evangelical Christians. George Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq after god told him to. Yep, he's an evangelical christian. They believe there will be a holy war in the middle east that will bring about the return of Jesus. This is for real. I'm more scared of them.

WA, 3519 posts
11 May 2012 11:20AM
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Is it a joke?????
Did not see alot of peeps trying to come here as refugees from Christian contries!

NSW, 9202 posts
11 May 2012 1:22PM
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What is a Christian Country? There aren't any.

Besides that's not the point. Here's your logic as I see it:

A) Country X sucks.
B) Person A does something, or is purported to do something, that country X doesn't like.
C) You and person A probably see eye-to-eye.
D) Person A is now in the **** because country X sucks, remember?
E) Person A runs for his life

And now you say he comes from country X so he must be like country X.

I think it just boils down to some people (most?) not actually knowing, personally, any Muslims. And any time a muslim comes along and says normal things, because they are pretty normal, the same some people say "ah, but you are an exception." They are not an exception, they are the rule. And then, still not knowing any muslims personally, some people still harp on about how scary these people are, that they don't know. If you don't know a person how can you criticise them?

WA, 304 posts
11 May 2012 11:29AM
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Felix is hoping to see more refugees from the Vatican.

NSW, 9202 posts
11 May 2012 1:30PM
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Ah, the Vatican (Catholic), where the legal age is 12. Not relevant.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
11 May 2012 1:33PM
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cisco said...

log man said...
A precursor to hatred.....WHAT....There's plenty of hatred already......from the rednecks on this forum

Here y' are loggie. If you don't like this "red neck" forum, here is the green neck forum. Plenty of squarking over there.

AAAHHH I get it red neck green neck yes,yes,

QLD, 1534 posts
11 May 2012 3:57PM
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Select to expand quote
evlPanda said...

The overwhelming majority of people that call themselves Muslims are nice people. The overwhelming majority of people that call themselves Lefties, Liberals, Bogans, Punks, Sceptics, Fishermen, Christians, Communists, Atheists ...even Kiteboarders, are nice people. When you get to know them.

The Taliban doesn't like kites and are muslims
Windsurfers don't like kiters.
Therefore windsurfers are really Afgani boatpeople blowins and have landed here spreading hatered of kiters. Now it all makes sense! [}:)]

WA, 4642 posts
11 May 2012 6:00PM
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Hey this is rich!

evlPanda said...
Translation: You sound like a great guy Adziz. God bless you ...but please tell your family to stay where they are because they want to establish a world wide Islamic state by whatever means necessary.

WTF man? WTF?

Panda makes his own skewed translation of something I wrote and then does a dummy spit over his own writings.
Evilpanda, If I wanted to say anything like what you said I would have said it.
In spite of the fact I am old and probably going saline I still have a good grasp of the english language.
People should take your translation as being your view, not mine.

evlPanda said...
Again: When you cherry-pick a bad example from a collective, and then label all or most of that collective the same, you are fear-mongering. And if you think about it is the most cowardly thing a person can do. That is: being scared of something that is not at all scary, and inciting others to be scared of it too.

Do you find Adziz scary?

No I don't.
If Adziz has read the koran and has chosen to live by the verses that command him to live in the manner he describes then I am happy to pass on that he has my blessing. And I don't give it lightly so I'm a little surprised that you felt the need to mutilate it with your perverted 'translation'. But anyway, at least you're up front about it in that you prefix your name with evl.

But what people do find scary, and what makes them apprehensive is that so many people read from exactly the same books and come up with a completely different opinion of what is required from them as directed by that very same book. And that opinion can be summarised by the same catchcry that was used when islam was first being established,.."The Koran or the sword!"
In other words, 'believe what is written here or you are destined for destruction by our hand.'
I find that a little scary.

If you go to the trouble of reading up for yourself you can see that this view doesn't even depend a wrong translation or a misinterpretation.
The paragraphs are clear that if a person is offered the 'wisdom' of the koran and reject it then they are infidels and liable for destruction.
They are commanded to fight the infidel until they either convert to islam or they are dead.
So yes, lots of people find that a little scary.

You might say that this couldn't happen in Australia. You would be wrong.
You should remember the case of Abdul Nacer Benbrika. He was hoping to blow up something significant such as football stadium, army barracks or whatever would inflict maximum pain on the country which had taken him in. He wasn't acting alone. There were 17 known accomplices and probably had the support of some black cloaked cockroach somewhere preaching death and destruction to the infidel in the name of his religion,.. islam.
He would have come to the view that all this was 'gods will' by reading the very same books that Adziz probably read and yet came to a diametrically opposite conclusion.
And therein lies the problem. It just depends on which verses you choose to amplify and which verses you choose to ignore as to how you will behave, a pillar of society of a murderous thug.
I find that more than a little scary.

As I have said, at this point in time there is a cancer spreading through the muslim world and whether they like it or not it is stemming from their own 'holy book'. The problem will not go away until such time as some authorative body does a re-write or a re-interpretation and somehow either deletes or disarms the offending paragraphs. Until such time, I see it as an undesirable import.

It's got nothing to do with whether this person or that person is a good bloke or not. You could present the whole bin Laden family as shining examples of what a good muslim is like but from within that same family came one of the worst examples of the what their religion can produce. And he had thousands of followers who thought he was gods gift to the muslim world.
Now that scares me.
One person is a lone lunatic.
Thousands of followers make it a cancer on society.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
11 May 2012 6:09PM
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pweedas said...

I am old and probably going saline

You should get that looked at.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
11 May 2012 8:19PM
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poor relative said...

pweedas said...

I am old and probably going saline

You should get that looked at.

Salinity????...... is that all I've got to look forward to!!

WA, 1227 posts
11 May 2012 7:17PM
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I accept the statement that the vast majority of moozies are NOT active militants, and are not actively involved in the carnage we see daily emanating from militant moozies. I don't accept that the vast majority of moozies are not (at least covertly) in favour of it, even if they don't participate. When I see muslim crowds in streets in cities around the world (both western and middle eastern) protesting about the violence being perpetrated in their name, and calling for an end to violence and terrorism, then I'll believe they're not in favour of it.

In Oz and the US, overall millions of people took to the streets to protest about the Vietnam war, being perpetrated in their name. I think the Vietnam protest in Melbourne was the biggest crowd in Oz's history wasn't it? (really am not sure) There have been huge protests particularly in the UK and the US about having troops in the middle east now. Spare me, westerners even spend millions of dollars saving various wild animals There have been many, many issues over which collectively many millions of people around the world in western countries have protested in the streets, and many of those issues have been changed by those protests. Some I agreed with, and some not. The point is we didn't have warfare in the streets.

Let the so-called moderate muslims show the world that they abhor the violence and terrorism as much as the rest of the world does. Let them show us that the moderates are the majority. Take a copy of this post for posterity, so you can throw it back at me one day.


Why?? Coz like the rest of us, the majority are quite happy to sit back and let the minority do all the hard yards to get what they all want - a global caliphate.

WA, 4642 posts
11 May 2012 7:26PM
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log man said...

poor relative said...

pweedas said...

I am old and probably going saline

You should get that looked at.

Salinity????...... is that all I've got to look forward to!!

Sorry to say but,.. yes!
Then if you don't get in the water all that often it's 'old, saline and crusty.'
I think it's due to evaporation.
Globule warming maybe?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
11 May 2012 9:32PM
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Mate take a trip up Sydney road Brunswick or Coburg, Proud Muslim Australians, Greek otho, Christians, Couldn't give a......a new Australian religion..... living together, marrieing each other having kids, all that. no drama

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
11 May 2012 9:34PM
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pweedas said...

log man said...

poor relative said...

pweedas said...

I am old and probably going saline

You should get that looked at.

Salinity????...... is that all I've got to look forward to!!

Sorry to say but,.. yes!
Then if you don't get in the water all that often it's 'old, saline and crusty.'
I think it's due to evaporation.
Globule warming maybe?

WA, 1227 posts
11 May 2012 7:46PM
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log man said...

Mate take a trip up Sydney road Brunswick or Coburg, Proud Muslim Australians, Greek otho, Christians, Couldn't give a......a new Australian religion..... living together, marrieing each other having kids, all that. no drama

Irrelevant!! Why don't you answer my proposition?

QLD, 12326 posts
11 May 2012 11:06PM
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Some people need to wake up.

No matter if a person is a moderate or extreme Muslim, the agenda is the same, world domination.

Here is the link again.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
11 May 2012 9:56PM
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cisco said...

Some people need to wake up.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
12 May 2012 12:03AM
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dinsdale said...

log man said...

Mate take a trip up Sydney road Brunswick or Coburg, Proud Muslim Australians, Greek otho, Christians, Couldn't give a......a new Australian religion..... living together, marrieing each other having kids, all that. no drama

Irrelevant!! Why don't you answer my proposition?

What's your proposition? muslim,muslim muslim muslim muslim muslim muslim muslim Mate put it on a tee shirt!

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
12 May 2012 12:06AM
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cisco said...

Some people need to wake up.

No matter if a person is a moderate or extreme Muslim, the agenda is the same, world domination.

Here is the link again.

Why aren't there any scary red glowing dots in Sydney road, coburg???. Plenty of scary muzzies there.

QLD, 12326 posts
12 May 2012 1:21AM
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log man said...

What's your proposition? muslim,muslim muslim muslim muslim muslim muslim muslim

That is the sound you make when you are "down on the growl" isn't it??

QLD, 663 posts
12 May 2012 2:17AM
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Cisco, that is a very interesting documentary and the people in it seem to have done their research.

I would be careful about distributing it too blatantly as you might cop some criticism for its one sided view. It does start off very fear mongering but gets right into the details and explanations as it goes on and provides an interesting point of view even from that of a converted Muslim.

The one thing It did make me think though that every time there is an Islamic extremist, the western governments spend alot of time apologizing and explaining their position to the Islamic community. This is great so there is no misconfusion about what our goal is... But... Maybe it's just not as well documented in the media but I rarely see any outpouring or sorrow or apologies from the Islamic leaders.... Like I said, maybe not as well documented....

But very interesting...

NSW, 179 posts
12 May 2012 7:00AM
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EvlPanda stated that there are no Christian countries.
WELL, there sure as hell are plenty of muslim countries.
How many churches in saudi arabia, nada,none zero, zilch.
muslims are not tolerant, normal, or reasonable and
practice a ridiculous dark ages superstition.This is the
MAJORITY not a just a few radicals.
We actually subsidise the building of their mosques
in our country, they do not allow churches in most
of theirs, a huge difference.
screw all religions

WA, 83 posts
12 May 2012 9:41PM
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felixdcat said...

Is it a joke?????
Did not see alot of peeps trying to come here as refugees from Christian contries!

What about the people from sub-saharan Africa (and a few additional countries in the north region too)?

QLD, 12326 posts
13 May 2012 10:13AM
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jamdfingr said...

Cisco, that is a very interesting documentary and the people in it seem to have done their research.

I would be careful about distributing it too blatantly as you might cop some criticism for its one sided view. It does start off very fear mongering but gets right into the details and explanations as it goes on and provides an interesting point of view even from that of a converted Muslim.

The one thing It did make me think though that every time there is an Islamic extremist, the western governments spend alot of time apologizing and explaining their position to the Islamic community. This is great so there is no misconfusion about what our goal is... But... Maybe it's just not as well documented in the media but I rarely see any outpouring or sorrow or apologies from the Islamic leaders.... Like I said, maybe not as well documented....

But very interesting...

At least you watched it with an apparently open mind.

Many here are too lazy to take the time to get the full message and just dismiss it as a race hate vid.

Cheers to you.

QLD, 4083 posts
13 May 2012 4:06PM
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As much as this thread contains a lot of level headed and clear posts, it seems to be headed down that same old path. Considering the 'no religious debates' rule, I think we've shown over and above a reasonable amount of leniency on this one.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Muslim man granted judge-only trial in NSW" started by doggie