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Created by Samb0 > 9 months ago, 24 Feb 2008
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270 posts
24 Feb 2008 2:06PM
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For those of you who don't know, Bligh is going to push putting this poison in your drinking water on Tuesday February 26th whether you like it or not!

QLD, 49 posts
24 Feb 2008 3:56PM
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Samb0 said...

For those of you who don't know, Bligh is going to push putting this poison in your drinking water on Tuesday February 26th whether you like it or not!

Dont like it then buy bottled water or a water filter. I have lived in townsville all my life with fluridation, (35years) and I am pro it. personally dont think this right site for it, take it somewhere else.

Mark _australia
WA, 22394 posts
24 Feb 2008 4:08PM
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The conspiracy theorists say that Flouride compounds have a "mind calming" effect on humans. They therefore think it is added to the water to reduce people's natural instinct to rebel or to stir things up etc...... mass mind control of sorts.



Or are they...... (cue "X-Files" theme music here)

WA, 658 posts
24 Feb 2008 4:18PM
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That website reminds me of the dihydorogen-monoxide website (

QLD, 7428 posts
24 Feb 2008 6:01PM
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rattman said...

Samb0 said...

For those of you who don't know, Bligh is going to push putting this poison in your drinking water on Tuesday February 26th whether you like it or not!

Dont like it then buy bottled water or a water filter. I have lived in townsville all my life with fluridation, (35years) and I am pro it. personally dont think this right site for it, take it somewhere else.

Oooh... bottled water, that's totally un-pc. Maybe they should stick to beer. There's nothing but good in beer.

QLD, 7428 posts
24 Feb 2008 6:05PM
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NotWal raised the erudite proposition...

rattman said...

Samb0 said...

For those of you who don't know, Bligh is going to push putting this poison in your drinking water on Tuesday February 26th whether you like it or not!

Dont like it then buy bottled water or a water filter. I have lived in townsville all my life with fluridation, (35years) and I am pro it. personally dont think this right site for it, take it somewhere else.

Oooh... bottled water, that's totally un-pc. Maybe they should stick to beer. There's nothing but good in beer.

Or put plastic bags over shrubbery to catch the condensation. Or desalinate their sweat....

WA, 6277 posts
24 Feb 2008 5:19PM
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NotWal raised the erudite proposition...

133 posts
24 Feb 2008 7:36PM
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this is one of the many threads of a rope, one used to enslave us, there is no conspiracy, simply do YOUR OWN research of the facts. we'll drink those beers with our buddies and lament how society and in particular youth, seems to be going down the toilet, but laugh off those who try and warn us of its design. flouride in the water.... firstly, the flouride 'they' use is a byproduct of aluminium smeltering called flourosilic acid, excuse me as spellin is off the top of my head. this flourosilic acid is a poison... its used as rat poison, and chemists are not adding it too water supplies, container truck drivers dump off this toxic poison where it is feed into water supplies.... please everyone, the person who posted that this is not a topic for discussion here is- i am sorry- an ignorant fool, but he is not alone, please please please check out, read some of the information compliled there by people who have the interests of other people at heart, water, milk, especially the processed packaged food we eat is not what we belive it to be....

WA, 6277 posts
24 Feb 2008 7:59PM
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Zeitgeist the movie has one of the best explanations of christianity I've ever seen.

However like anything you need to take these things with a grain of salt... have you noticed how many of the 'alternative health' innovations are nothing more than snake oil? These charlatans prey on sick people who will turn to anything that provides a brief glimmer of hope. I've seen many cases of sick people being totally taken in by these snake oil salesmen, blindly buying stuff that in most cases is just an empty promise.

For an example of this, scroll down the website till you see the "Zerofon" ladybug advertisement. Some elderly friends of mine bought a similar gadget, and showed me the packaging. It claimed to reduce 'harmful EM radiation' while 'not degrading the signal'. Eh?

Most scientifically minded people will dismiss most of what goes on in the fringe as total codswallop. If you are one of these, then I suggest you read this book:

The Secret Life of Plants

It really opened my eyes

Mark _australia
WA, 22394 posts
24 Feb 2008 8:04PM
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Now this thread is getting a bit serious.

I'm more concerned about what in the food/water/air etc is making young girls breasts bigger than what they were years ago.
Very concerned.

270 posts
24 Feb 2008 8:35PM
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rattman said...

Samb0 said...

For those of you who don't know, Bligh is going to push putting this poison in your drinking water on Tuesday February 26th whether you like it or not!

Dont like it then buy bottled water or a water filter. I have lived in townsville all my life with fluridation, (35years) and I am pro it. personally dont think this right site for it, take it somewhere else.

Unfortunately filters do not remove fluoride. I was under the impresson this is a general forum to discuss anything! So rattman maybe your mind has been "calmed " from over thirty years of drinking this poison so you are not willing to question anything. You left out the o in fluoridation.

WA, 583 posts
24 Feb 2008 10:45PM
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Mark _australia said...

Now this thread is getting a bit serious.

I'm more concerned about what in the food/water/air etc is making young girls breasts bigger than what they were years ago.
Very concerned.

Indeed !

SA, 1622 posts
25 Feb 2008 12:15AM
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I grew up on the stuff... It, kinda like, makes the music taste like colours, man!!

NSW, 9202 posts
25 Feb 2008 1:04AM
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I'll see your fluoride toxic waste dump theory AND your made by virgins zeitgeist movie and I'll raise you one...

By the way, the Russians have a secret super weapon. It's super scary, my father-in-law works in Moscow Duma, I hear things...

... Does anyone else want to create a conspiracy theory with me? I reckon the more unbelievable the more some people will buy it. It's like a competition with them.

For the record: grew up in Sydney, no cavities. Moved to SE QLD, cavities.

QLD, 1927 posts
25 Feb 2008 1:04AM
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Mark _australia said...

Now this thread is getting a bit serious.

I'm more concerned about what in the food/water/air etc is making young girls breasts bigger than what they were years ago.
Very concerned.

its KFC which does it.

133 posts
25 Feb 2008 6:09AM
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snake oil salesmen are mostly found in doctors surgeries. people who immediately dissmiss "conspiracy theories"- the words themselves a misnomer used to confuse an already nervous and fearful populace, already too distracted by the game, trying to climb over the top of one another, being fed the lies from cradle to grave, that it's the only way to win....not true, in your quietest moments the truth comes to you/us, you know **** when you see it, BUT, we are all so conditioned that we eat what we know is **** and call it ice cream, and most of the time we do this is because, we don't want the guy competing next to us to know that we know we are eating ****, and identify that we are eating ****, because we are scared 'they' will come and take our **** away, or everyone else is doing it, so i should too. what scares me....? people thiink 19 terrorists carried out september 11, that jet fuel could cause two 110 story buildings to collapse at free fall speed, that no plane debris was found at the pentagon and the official explanation was all the steel, some near twenty tonnes of it was vapourised in the fires, but they could identify the bodies through dna.. now where's the conspiracy coming from there... here's a question with a verifiable answer that might give you an idea how orgastrated this whole circus is...... what do, goerge bush, john howard, brad pit, malcom fraiser, hilary clinton, tony blair, barrack obahma, and the queen of no land (england) have in common.....? they are all related....
laugh a nervous dismissive laugh if it makes you feel better/ safer next time you here the 'latest conspiracy' beat your chest stand proud, aussie aussie aussie, oi oi oi, the lucky country and all that, never question once who 'owns' you, or why the game must be played the way your made to play it, the srews are getting tighter, we can all feel it and identify that they are, but for whose benefit.. there is a reason the union jack sits in the corner of our flag, just as there is a reason the union jack is known as the double cross.

133 posts
25 Feb 2008 6:25AM
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most scientifically minded people repeat verbatim what they've been told is fact by the establised learned societies-funded by corporations, government- they so desperately cling to after years and years of sacrafice and study, they basically tow the company line... if flouride is so good for the teeth, why are we ingesting it...? why not use it topically? why warn parents to supervise young childrens teeth brushing and ensure they do not swallow the paste or use more than a pea sized glob, why warn parents not to use tap water when preparing baby formula, the reason cited was the elevated flouride levels.... as a metaphor, that movie the matrix..... is pretty close to the money, let's see how the sheeple react to that.

QLD, 4083 posts
25 Feb 2008 9:53AM
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For goodness sake, please try and structure your ramblings a bit better. Capital letters, clearly defined sentences, even the occasional paragraph break would be nice. That was just painful to read, regardless of its content.

270 posts
25 Feb 2008 9:33AM
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harrytesties said...

The cruelty that one human can do to another is beyond comprehension.

1979 posts
25 Feb 2008 10:44AM
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I met this English bloke about a year ago who was rambling on about the flouride cospiracy and all sorts of other conspiracy theories. The best part about this guys theory was that there is a race of lizard people who are living among us and fairly soon they will be taking over. Apparently the Queen and some other prominent world leaders are all part of it. I thought this guy was just tripping or something but I googled it and there's quite a bit of info about it.
If it's on the internet, how could it not be true?

133 posts
25 Feb 2008 11:11AM
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GreenPat said...

For goodness sake, please try and structure your ramblings a bit better. Capital letters, clearly defined sentences, even the occasional paragraph break would be nice. That was just painful to read, regardless of its content.

sorry, i wrote that ramble, bleary eyed, at four or five in the morning, this link right here that i am about to leave, is simply quite amazing, you don't have to buy into this conspiracy game, you are already in it, this guys movies have been banned from you tube and google video, copyright infringement cited as the reason. that does not make too much sense considering all the copyright violations that remain on these sites... he merely disseminates what is actually coming through in messages in popular culture (rather anti-culture) on tv. it is a very long series that repeats itself, but seeing as the wind has been so crap this summer, you should have plenty of otherwise kiting time to make your way through it.... and click on the link to.... ready for it......"the anti-christ dajaal will be a reptillian shapeshifter"..... p.s hoop, lizardmen, they are not just on the internet, check out indigenous cultures legends, creation stories, sacrafices, gods and visitors, and then, if you know a mason, whose maybe involved a bit more in this retarded sect than simply dressing in robes and kissing the arse of the number above him, chat to them about what he knows, or probably more correctly, what it is he implies that he knows, which is probably not much, then check out, look atr the main tittles headings down the left, look for machines in space, and make up your own mind....

NSW, 9202 posts
25 Feb 2008 1:20PM
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harrytesties said...

GreenPat said...

For goodness sake, please try and structure your ramblings a bit better. Capital letters, clearly defined sentences, even the occasional paragraph break would be nice. That was just painful to read, regardless of its content.

sorry, i wrote that ramble, bleary eyed, at four or five in the morning, this link right here that i am about to leave, is simply quite amazing, you don't have to buy into this conspiracy game, you are already in it, this guys movies have been banned from you tube and google video, copyright infringement cited as the reason. that does not make too much sense considering all the copyright violations that remain on these sites... he merely disseminates...

Do some of your own investigation. Make up your own mind. Start here before the government shuts it down:

WA, 6277 posts
25 Feb 2008 11:48AM
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So I guess you've read a lot of David Icke then?

What a semi-plausible fearmonger.

133 posts
25 Feb 2008 12:00PM
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nebbian said...

So I guess you've read a lot of David Icke then?

What a semi-plausible fearmonger.

and watched most of his films, thing is, even the reptilian agenda things aside, there is no fear-mongering in any of davids work, he is exposing it for what it really is, he is just saying..... here is what the establishment- that we all bow to serve- is telling us, here is what is actually going on, if you look past the drama and pay attention to the detail.......... here's a conspiracy for youse......... the east coast has had no wind this season because of............... chemtrails....... or youtube and search chemtrails....

WA, 6277 posts
25 Feb 2008 12:37PM
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oh gawd next you'll be telling us that the pleiadians have secretly infiltrated the highest levels of the illuminati, and are controlling governments all over the world from their secret underground base which is hidden inside our hollow earth, first discovered by admiral Byrd? And Hurricane Katrina was triggered and steered by HAARP, in a global plot to... erm... do something?

The root of conspiracy theories is that they are a normal reaction for people who are looking to deal with stress. They try to deal with the idea that no-one is in control, and, finding this distasteful, create all manner of outlandish delusions to attempt to explain the chain of events that led to some catastrophe. In days gone by we attributed control like this to gods and other deities. Now people attribute them to governments and secret societies.

I'm not saying that fringe ideas aren't fun, they are! And fringe dwellers are some of the most intelligent, interesting people I've met. Just don't take the ideas at face value without doing your own research. Here is a link that I suggest all budding researchers check out:

133 posts
25 Feb 2008 1:05PM
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hhhmmmm... ok ok, an actual industrial poison is added to water supplies under the guise of health benefits, the world is being turned into an ever tightening police state, based on acts of terrorism, which have been proved to be false flag operations, indigenous spiritual cultures the world over have been sytematically destroyed and a program of eugenics put into place to ensure the total colapse of these last links to true human spirituality.... this is all factual, this is really happening, not some mussings from a paranoid habitual cannabis smoker in psychosis.. check out alex jones' "endgame"..... lets not even get started on the scam that is the medical 'industry'

WA, 4642 posts
25 Feb 2008 1:39PM
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hairytesties said...

people thiink 19 terrorists carried out september 11, that jet fuel could cause two 110 story buildings to collapse at free fall speed, that no plane debris was found at the pentagon and the official explanation was all the steel, some near twenty tonnes of it was vapourised in the fires, but they could identify the bodies through dna.. now where's the conspiracy coming from there...

Here's the trouble with all these conspiracy theorists. They throw up a whole lot of half baked ideas which if you quickly scan through, they sound as though there might be some substance to them.
Let's look at just the small piece here though because on the surface you might think the conspiracy loby has a valid argument.

The Twin Towers were an unusual design and right from the start it was recognised that the design offered very little safety margin in the event of a serious fire. The reason being, that the supporting steel columns had almost no thermal insulation as it was not encased in concrete as it is in most other skyscrapers. Steel is very strong at normal temperatures but when it gets very hot, even well below red heat, it slowly takes on the structural rigidity of cheese! To get around this they later sprayed the steel structure with a very thin layer of insulation. This was at best a placebo operation, which might work on people but it doesn't work on steel structures. It made the people feel good about it but in effect, all it did was bought about 20 minutes more evacuation time in the event of a large fire.

The mode of failure was simply that a jet fuel fed fire which burned for an extended period heated the steel support columns to the point where they were below the structural rigidity needed to support the load above them.

The weight of the upper floors above the fire then collapsed onto the floors below the fire and the resulting impact of this drop and the distribution of the load forces greatly exceeded the strength of the floor below so that it then failed and also dropped to the floor below that, and the next, and the next, etc.

In effect, once the initial failure occurred the building became its own battering ram to demolish all the lower floors from the fire level down, plus the upper floors self demolished in reverse order as they pounded their way down.

If you watch the video footage you can see the process as it occurs.
It is as simple as that and the failure was not totally unforseen, it is just that it was seen as hugely improbable and therefore the risk was deemed as acceptable.

...that no plane debris was found at the pentagon and the official explanation was all the steel, some near twenty tonnes of it was vapourised in the fires, but they could identify the bodies through dna..

This is also a laughable alternative, that an airliner didn't fly into the Pentagon and that the damage was caused by an american misile.

It doesnt explain how a number of people saw an airliner fly into the building,
or where the missing airliner and all its passengers went to if they didn't fly into the building.

The conspiracy theorists say the plane just flew over the building and crashed in the lake behind the Pentagon. ???? Well nobody saw that did they? And the lake is a very small lake and not that deep. Surely someone would have noticed it there by now. Maybe a bit of floating debris? An oil slick maybe? After all, it was almost fully loaded with jet fuel.

As far as not finding any plane parts, the majority of the structure is alumunium alloy and will literally vaporise in a fire of the intensity that ocurred at the impact point so you would not expect to find much there which was recognisable as an aeroplane.
From other accidents that have ocurred at similar impact velocities into water and no post impact fire, (e.g. Silkair flight MI 185, December 1997) the aircraft disintergrates into pieces about the size of an a4 sheet of paper. ( largest piece in this accident was a 2 meter wing section)
And that was into water and mud. The Pentagon was very much more rigid than water and mud.

The dna that they recovered was from victims in the building who were not at the impact point. Anyone on the plane would have been vaporised by the impact and the post impact fire.

I do agree however, that the impact hole in the building was surprisingly small. But I think that it would be far easier to explain this than the huge web of unanswered questions that result from any alternative proposition.

The fact is, most things in life have aspects that can be a bit puzzling, or don't always make sense, but the answer is not to throw the most logical explanation out the window and explain the event by saying it's a conspiracy or a giant cover up.
Otherwise everything in life takes on the appearance of a conspiracy and to view life like that wont do anything good for your wellbeing..

133 posts
25 Feb 2008 2:49PM
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forget the drama.... look at the details, as for the pentagon plane, over 80 cctv's would have caught the plane flying into the building, not one has been released to the public media, the registration no's of the planes that flew into the towers, are still being recorded as active.... look at facts, melted pools of glowing steel were found in the sub-basement 5 weeks after the towers collapsed, kerosene (av-gas) won't burn hot enough to turn steel red, those towers turned to dust, eyewitnesses, hundreds of them, claimed explosions happened in the basement levels BEFORE the planes impacted, the earliest television reports, from the eyewitness reporters themselves, claimed the planes were NOT commercial, had no livery, the pentagon admits to running anti terror exercises that very morning, using the exact same senario of planes into the towers and pentagon....hhmmmm.. non of these are as half baked as the offical explanations..

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
25 Feb 2008 4:01PM
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Yum floride.
i got nothing out of the thread, like greenpat said, too unbearable to read.

GreenPat said,(a few weeks ago)...

Yes, 'waitin', you will note that I only brought it up because his spelling has actually changed. I've only made two grammar/spelling comments this month, and just for you Adz I won't make any more until March.

Im telling Adz.

QLD, 5610 posts
25 Feb 2008 5:37PM
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I lived in Darwin for three years as a child. There was fluoride in the water there, and you drink HEAPS of it. I blame this for my current mental state and lack of tooth decay. The dentists are all IN on it I tells ya. And those toothpaste companies? they dont want money.It's world domination they crave. RUN FOR THE HILLS !!! A tidal wave is coming!! 911 was a hoax. Those buildings were cardboard Hollywood props ! The baddies put LSD in the water , all those people were hallucinating. The MOON is made of cheese and the sky is falling AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR.............

WA, 4642 posts
25 Feb 2008 4:47PM
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"And there is no dark side of the moon really. As a matter of fact it is all dark!"

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"POISON" started by Samb0