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Created by Samb0 > 9 months ago, 24 Feb 2008
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NSW, 9202 posts
5 May 2010 3:22PM
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#2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak
that it is mistaken for hunger.

Yep. You know that craving for sugar you get arond 3? Same thing. Have a glass of water and see.

Coke is acidic (of course)

Origins: Many of the entries above are just simple household tips involving Coca-Cola, as provided by Joey Green in his 1995 book Polish Your Furniture with Panty Hose and on his web site. That you can cook and clean with Coke is relatively meaningless from a safety standpoint — you can use a wide array of common household substances (including water) for the same purposes; that fact alone doesn't necessarily make them dangerous to ingest. Nearly all carbonated soft drinks contain carbonic acid, which is moderately useful for tasks such as removing stains and dissolving rust deposits (although plain soda water is much better for some of these purposes than Coca-Cola or other soft drinks, as it doesn't leave a sticky sugar residue behind). Carbonic acid is relatively weak, however, and people have been drinking carbonated water for many years with no detrimental

The rest of the claims offered here are specious. Coca-Cola does contain small amounts of citric acid and phosphoric acid; however, all the insinuations about the dangers these acids might pose to people who drink Coca-Cola ignore a simple concept familiar to any first-year chemistry student: concentration. Coca-Cola contains less citric acid than does orange juice, and the concentration of phosphoric acid in Coke is far too small (a mere 11 to 13 grams per gallon of syrup, or about 0.20 to 0.30 per cent of the total formula) to dissolve a steak, a tooth, or a nail overnight. (Much of the item will dissolve eventually, but after a day or two you'll still have most of the tooth, a whole nail, and one very soggy T-bone.)

Besides, the gastric acid in your stomach is much stronger than any of the acids in Coca-Cola, so the Coca-Cola is harmless.

The next time you're stopped by a highway patrolman, try asking him if he's ever scrubbed blood stains off a highway with Coca-Cola (or anything else). If you're lucky, by the time he stops laughing he'll have forgotten about the citation he was going to give you.

source: Snopes

WA, 15849 posts
5 May 2010 2:26PM
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I have been doing the water thing before bed and it works well and feel better in the morning.

WA, 4485 posts
6 May 2010 4:58PM
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^^^Bet you didn't remember having a waterbed previously tho.

2 cups o' tea a day for me - pretty much the rest is water. He he - sorta makes up for some of the crap I eat. Filtered water that is BTW. I have a filter at home and work. I don't lose sleep about drinking flouridated water (or using toofpaste) but given the choice I'll take the filtered H2O every time. Not just for health but taste too.

Nuttin as good as ice cold filtered water on a stinkin hot day not even beer.

WA, 4642 posts
6 May 2010 5:09PM
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Water? It's great stuff. I even swim in it and I feel fine.
I haven't tried swimming in coke but I think the bubbles might get up my nose.

270 posts
22 Jun 2010 7:25AM
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270 posts
17 Jul 2010 9:42AM
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Compelling reading. Sure to bring tears!

The story of how this corrupt system we all live with POISONED and tortured this beautiful young girl to DEATH !

WA, 6415 posts
17 Jul 2010 3:45PM
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modern mediSIN =

cut, burn + drug.

Herbert Leonard Ley, Jr. (September 7, 1923–July 22, 2001) was an American physician and government official.

In 1958, he accepted a position as Professor of Bacteriology and Chairman of the Department of Bacteriology, Hygiene, and Preventive Medicine at George Washington University. In 1963, he was appointed Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Microbiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, and became chairman of the Department in 1964. In September 1966, Ley took a leave of absence from his position to become Medical Director at the Food and Drug Administration

Frustrated with the red tape and conflicts with pharmaceutical companies, Ley resigned his position at FDA on December 11, 1969.

In the San Francisco Chronicle of January 2, 1970 he is quoted as saying "The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day.''

270 posts
26 Jul 2010 7:41PM
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Good video broadcast on July 23, 2010 on Today Tonight - South Australia regarding this poisonous scam! Scroll to the Fluoride link on the left.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
26 Jul 2010 10:05PM
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NSW, 6882 posts
27 Jul 2010 1:26AM
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Samb0 said...

Good video broadcast on July 23, 2010 on Today Tonight - South Australia regarding this poisonous scam! Scroll to the Fluoride link on the left.

We did not have flouridated water where I came from so mum had us taking tablets! Might do to explain a few things!

270 posts
13 Aug 2010 10:48AM
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Alex thinks it is serious enough to risk his health to protest this gross injustice !

Takes some guts, something the politicians DON'T have....!!!!

NSW, 9202 posts
13 Aug 2010 1:45PM
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This topic is the best or the worst, can't decide.

Nobody, for god's sake, mention chlorine.

270 posts
18 Aug 2010 10:01PM
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Worth listening to what he has to say about this!

Anyone else tried going two weeks without food? I hope some of you out there will give him some support!

270 posts
6 Oct 2010 5:50AM
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Time to get rid of this poison in the public water once and for all!

270 posts
6 Oct 2010 6:12PM
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An old ex Health Minister has a few words to say worth listening to

270 posts
27 Oct 2010 11:23AM
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Good Letter !

People’s Class Action Trust
P.O. Box 1255 Oxley, Qld. 4075. Ph: 0400 363 495

October 27th 2010-10-25



Dear Sirs/Madams

Following many meetings in many towns and cities through Queensland over many months, I have been authorised and instructed to write to each of you, and specifically instruct you to remove the well-known poisonous rat poison, sodium fluoride, from our water supplies throughout Queensland, forthwith, and in perpetuity.

Many of our associated organisations throughout Queensland and indeed, Australia and the world, have long been gathering information, scientific data, and case histories, regarding the subject of added sodium fluoride in to water supplies, and we have long been in possession of a mountain of evidence - more than sufficient data to convince even the most sceptical and brain-washed of judges, dentists, and juries of not only the dangers, but of the real motive behind the fluoridation of water supplies.
As you know – or should know – it has been removed from many countries in Europe, and is being progressively removed and banned from an ever-increasing number of states in America, as the people finally come awake as to what is really going on behind the scenes, and behind closed doors, the real motive being zombification of the people.

Moreover, as you also well know, this very serious move was made by the Queensland so-called “government” without the approval of the people - we who are paying your salaries. We, the people, regard this as nothing less than a very serious act of treachery. You do not have the right to come into our homes and lace our drinking water with anything, whether you really believe or think it is “good for us” or not. We, the people, will decide what we put down our throats, and the throats of our children, not you. If you were to try to enter people’s homes in many other countries throughout the world, and tried to put a poison into their water, you would be immediately shot!

We remind you again that you were not elected to the Queensland parliament to do just as you please, but to represent us, the electors, and to our bidding, not yours, nor your party leaders, nor your whips’, nor your so-called “experts” in the back rooms, nor your so-called “financial advisers” hiding in the back rooms, but ours – that is to say, to do exclusively our bidding, whether you agree with us or not! This is our traditional system of government, and has been since Day One! We intend that it stay that way!
In case you might think you are dealing here with “radical extremists,” or the like here, let me assure you that we have done our research, history and homework very well – much better than most of you have, evidently - and in great detail, over many years.

In addition to the mountain of evidence we have - which we are quite prepared to provide you with upon your request - proving beyond all doubt that (a) sodium fluoride is of no benefit whatsoever, and (b) sodium fluoride added in our drinking water does in fact cause a number of health problems - some of them very serious, in many areas, from and including babies, right through to the elderly, and many people in between - we also have much evidence to support and prove the real, much more devious and deceitful objective, which is secretly behind the programme to add the poisonous sodium fluoride to the water supplies of every country possible, exactly in line with the programme for “globalisation,” and the so-called “New World Order,” of which we are well aware.

We are well aware and have been for over 40 (forty) years (though you may not be) that:

(a) Hitler was the first to secretly use it to dumb down the prisoners in a number of his concentration camps, thereby quelling revolts therein. German scientists were the first to discover what effect this poisonous, waste by-product of the aluminium industry had.

(b) Later, in soviet Russia, Stalin came to learn about this, and found that by introducing sodium fluoride in to the water supplies of his gulags, he could reduce the number of guards by up to 75%! This is an established historical fact;

(c) Anna Pauker, communist dictatrix of Rumania, learned of this devious scheme, and no sooner had the communists taken control of the Rumanian government, than she immediately and heavily added sodium fluoride into the country’s water supplies, with the objective of quelling down the revolt – zombifying - of the people, which it did.

We therefore hereby inform and instruct you to cease and desist the practice of adding this dangerous and poisonous, waste by-product of the fertiliser and aluminium industries into our water supples throughout Queensland. We are aware of the financial arrangements that have been agreed upon behind the scenes, which have been leaked.

We further advise that should any of you fail to instigate proceedings in this direction, i.e., to stop fluoridation of our water supplies immediately, then each of you who so fail to act in this direction will be (a) held accountable for your actions, not only while you are a member of parliament, but long afterwards, in perpetuity, however long it takes to get all of this through the court system, and (b) your actions, or failure to so act, will be broadcast throughout the electorate which you are supposed to be “representing,” and you will be removed from office. Henceforth you can never say, “I didn’t know.”

You remain (for now), our overpaid servant/s.
Brian P. McDermott. Honourary Trustee, Grand Jury Trust, People’s Class Action Trust

NSW, 6882 posts
27 Oct 2010 4:37PM
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I sometimes wonder whether this issue does't go a bit deeper than we think.

Perhaps a little bit of domestic sabotage would put a bit of focus on it. Stark staringly obvious that representation and lobbying is making no progress.

270 posts
12 Nov 2010 2:21PM
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Worth a watch

VIC, 5904 posts
12 Nov 2010 10:22PM
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victoria has had poison in our water for years , but we couldnt give a rats.

cause we have really white teeeeth

now the labour gov is building a masive water factory , it will pump tons of salt back into our local beaches and general area .

this will be the biggest disaster in our living history.

put tanks in and save water and drink it !!!!

NSW, 864 posts
13 Nov 2010 7:32PM
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If "they" are poisoning our water then "they" seem to be using pretty cr@ppy stuff. It isn't working:

Possibly the most relevant paragraph for this thread is about half-way down which reads:

Associate Professor Heather Booth, a demographer from the Australian National University, said those born at the turn of the last century in Australia had a life expectancy of 57 years. Today life expectancy at birth is 82 years, but women who turn 50 next year can expect to live, on average, to almost celebrate their 90th birthday.

Maybe we should drink more poison water?

WA, 6415 posts
13 Nov 2010 9:35PM
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China’s elite eat pure food as babies die.

CHINA’S children may be dying from tainted milk but the country’s leaders are dining on pure organic ingredients. Like the emperors of old, the new communist elite enjoy the finest produce from all over China, sourced by a high-security government department.

The revelation has provoked anger among the public and embarrassment for the leadership as it battles a food scandal that has further damaged the country’s reputation.

Chinese milk products have been banned by the European Union and the state media have admitted that one child in 20 in Shanghai may now have kidney damage as a result of drinking contaminated formula milk.

No such peril lies in wait, however, for the members of China’s political elite.

Their diet includes beef from cattle that have grazed on the pesticide-free pastures of inner Mongolia and fish from the crystalline rivers and lakes of Hubei province in central China. They dine on rice that costs 15 times the price of the ordinary grain; as well it might, being grown on the slopes of a mountain near North Korea and irrigated by clear waters from melting snows.

They sip tea brewed with the most delicate leaves from lofty plantations on the fringe of the Tibetan plateau. It costs more than £100 a pound.

The task of selecting the best falls to a body known as the State Council Central Government Bureau Special Food Supply Centre. It caters for the dietary needs of the senior leaders such as President Hu Jintao who, foreign diplomats say, is a diabetic.

“To care for the health of elderly officials, we consider healthy food a special task,” said Zhu Yonglan, the centre’s director, in a recent speech.

“For security we insist food is approved by scientists for no contamination or chemical additives and there must be a quality audit right down the food chain to the provider.”

The text of Zhu’s speech was removed from a biotech company website hours after the People’s Daily published a denial that either the centre or Zhu existed. “That news is fabricated,” it said.

Bloggers then published its address at 12 Dongtu Road, in Beijing’s Chaoyang district, named the police-owned farms that it used, and said it supplied 94 individual officials.

The centre was set up in 2004 after a spate of tragic incidents revealing that China’s food chain is fraught with danger. Poisoned dumplings exported to Japan, fish laden with carci-nogens, counterfeit rice spirit that makes the drinker go blind – the average Chinese consumer has endured them all.

In this latest scandal, at least 13,000 children are in hospital and three babies have died after drinking formula milk containing melamine, a chemical that can cause kidney damage. It is added illegally to watered-down raw milk to increase its protein content.

Twenty-two Chinese dairies are implicated and milk sales have fallen sharply. Chinese milk and products containing it, such as cakes and biscuits, have been banned or recalled from many countries.

So far the authorities have taken more than 7,000 tons of suspect products off shelves, arrested 18 people and sacked seven government officials.

The Communist party propaganda machine has gone into full damage control mode. Xin-hua, the state news agency, last week praised western-style public relations and “brand crisis management” for restoring public confidence.

The Chinese public appeared to be more sceptical in its uncensored online response to the news. One blogger complained: “In China tigers are made of paper and milk powder is made of poison but high officials have their own food supplies and that’s why they don’t really care about safety.” China has sacked its police chief and deputy governor in Tibet six months after riots by Tibetans embarrassed the government and led to worldwide protest ahead of the Olympic Games.

now maxm if the food + water has not been poisoned, why have the elite went to so much trouble to be on on a diet far,far,far removed from the diet of the general population?

yes maxm, maybe we should consume more poisoned food + water, so the eugenicists can achieve a further drop in our already shortened life-expectancy.

NSW, 864 posts
14 Nov 2010 9:28AM
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Why petermac should I waste any of my time reading any of that when you obviously haven't read anything that I posted? Respond to what I posted or p!ss off.

270 posts
25 Dec 2010 12:52PM
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Get signing the petition in your states of residence !

Time to get rid of these toxins out of the public water sytem and stop the intentions by others to put it in the water elsewhere in Australia in the near future !

also check out this edited video........The whole story condensed.

Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
25 Dec 2010 8:31PM
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It's been over a year now Sambo since this picture was first posted on this thread.

Have you got any evidence that the longterm residents of Yass have been 'suffering' more health problems than the longterm residents of a town that has not had fluoridated water.

If I was in your position I would be working overtime to try and show a connection.

I suppose it all boils down to this: Do you want to actually help fellow Australians or do you want to 'feel' like you are helping fellow Australians?

It will only be your future actions that will have the possibilty to drag yourself out of the former category...

QLD, 2 posts
26 Dec 2010 11:14PM
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Just found a great natural remedy for skin cancer check this out

WA, 4642 posts
27 Dec 2010 12:01PM
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SeaMonsta said...

Just found a great natural remedy for skin cancer check this out

Gee, you would have to believe them wouldn't you?
I mean, the way they give "big drug companies" a sledging for trying to make profits, and then do exactly the same thing themselves by trying to flog you their 'do it yourself' DVD for $20 each, or $120 if you buy 10 of them.
Why are they any different.
They waste 2 or three minutes of my time having to watch their silly vid sledging everyone else and telling me how good their cure is, without telling me anything useful about it.
Why not say what the cure is??
They freely admit that it's been known for thousands of years so it's not infringing any commercial rights.
Just tell us what it is and let us decide.
But Noooooo... They ask for $20.

Why didn't they just give us a quick rundown in their web advertisement on what the cure is, how it works etc, rather than the usual "send us $20 and we will tell you a big secret".

They are no different from the people they are criticising.

So Seamonsta, if you have splashed out your $20, perhaps you might like to tell us what the magic cure is.
I'm sure the basic message can be imparted in about 2 lines.

NSW, 2496 posts
27 Dec 2010 3:07PM
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SeaMonsta said...

Just found a great natural remedy for skin cancer check this out

let fools part with their cash. doesnt concern me! theres a sucker born every minute.

WA, 1916 posts
27 Dec 2010 1:48PM
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petermac33 said...

..........will produce a zombie-like hypnotic trance status........

I was there late on Christmas day
Have they been sneaking the fluoride into the beer?
Dam them!

WA, 6415 posts
27 Dec 2010 2:44PM
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'they' sneak alot of things into what we consume.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"POISON" started by Samb0