Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Pet hates!

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 7 Nov 2012
Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
15 Dec 2012 7:39PM
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^^ or when cars are racing in a movie and one of the drivers floors it after a dramatic facial expression, like now it's serious. You were already racing fkwit, why wasn't your foot down

Also, movie cars with 20 speed gearboxes

QLD, 7428 posts
16 Dec 2012 2:33AM
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I hate the way nearly everyone mispronounces 'data' and misuses it as a collective noun.
It's a proper Latin plural, singular = datum. It's 'these date+a' not 'this dart+er'. I believe a darter is a bird but its not a case of ambiguity. It's a case of ignorance. I suspect that people assume 'date+a' is an Americanism. They are wrong.

I'm starting a campaign to correct it. Soon you will see tweeted corrections scrolling across the bottom of the teev under Tony Jones and shortly after that you'll hear it bleeped out or synthetically voiced over. I'll see that the next issue of the ABC style manual has the correction. I could start with the Wiki dictionary couldn't I, or I could just roll over and mispronounce it myself. Yeah fk. I'll do that.

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Dec 2012 11:33PM
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^ Just what is your agendum, exactly?

Waiters that unscrew a bottle of wine and let you taste it before... something.
People that sip, nod and say it's fine.

WA, 421 posts
16 Dec 2012 9:32PM
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Some people commented on speeding or being too slow. I haven't had speeding fine in 10 years. I got the limit or 5 less. people always up my arse. I tell you from experience, do 100 and people get angry. I ignore them though. Going down south on the weekend, I did 110 (as the sign says to do) and so many come flying up my arse.

Also, going down south I do 90 when I have my boat trailer. **** them, it's legal. They can wait for the over take lane.

Not everyone on our roads is sharp minded. Some are old. Some are tired. I hate people who speed.

(don't get me started on drink driving!0

1595 posts
17 Dec 2012 6:40AM
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In movies, rifles and handguns with zero recoil whatsoever.
Cars the screech the tires on a dirt road.
Women who punch like a professional male boxer.
Weapons that never need to be reloaded.
Bombs that are dropped from an airplane or artillery shells that land 10 yards from someone and barely knock them down.
And actors who shoot someone at 100 meters with a handgun without hardly even aiming.

WA, 15849 posts
17 Dec 2012 9:32AM
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Beaglebuddy said...
In movies, rifles and handguns with zero recoil whatsoever.
Cars the screech the tires on a dirt road.
Women who punch like a professional male boxer.
Weapons that never need to be reloaded.
Bombs that are dropped from an airplane or artillery shells that land 10 yards from someone and barely knock them down.
And actors who shoot someone at 100 meters with a handgun without hardly even aiming.

Maybe less guns in movies might be a good idea.

NSW, 4453 posts
17 Dec 2012 4:05PM
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PaddlePig said...
Some people commented on speeding or being too slow. I haven't had speeding fine in 10 years. I got the limit or 5 less. people always up my arse. I tell you from experience, do 100 and people get angry. I ignore them though. Going down south on the weekend, I did 110 (as the sign says to do) and so many come flying up my arse.

Also, going down south I do 90 when I have my boat trailer. **** them, it's legal. They can wait for the over take lane.

Not everyone on our roads is sharp minded. Some are old. Some are tired. I hate people who speed.

(don't get me started on drink driving!0

Speeding should be defined as going faster than you're comfortable going.
There should be recommended speed limits, and mandatory speed limits in residential areas.

My wife is comfortable going ~10kmh on her bike, whereas I am very comfortable doing 60kmh... over this speed and my tires+brakes may not stop me in time to avoid an obstacle.

70kmh speed limit on a 3 lane highway with nobody on it, if you're comfortable with higher speeds will make you bored an lose concentration possibly resulting in you falling asleep.

QLD, 7428 posts
17 Dec 2012 4:47PM
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evlPanda said...
^ Just what is your agendum, exactly?

my time spent here has not been in vain.

QLD, 7428 posts
17 Dec 2012 4:50PM
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Beaglebuddy said...
In movies, rifles and handguns with zero recoil whatsoever.
Cars the screech the tires on a dirt road.
Women who punch like a professional male boxer.
Weapons that never need to be reloaded.
Bombs that are dropped from an airplane or artillery shells that land 10 yards from someone and barely knock them down.
And actors who shoot someone at 100 meters with a handgun without hardly even aiming.

Here you go Guns and Gunplay Tropes

NSW, 4453 posts
18 Dec 2012 5:02PM
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Beaglebuddy said...
In movies, rifles and handguns with zero recoil whatsoever.
Cars the screech the tires on a dirt road.
Women who punch like a professional male boxer.
Weapons that never need to be reloaded.
Bombs that are dropped from an airplane or artillery shells that land 10 yards from someone and barely knock them down.
And actors who shoot someone at 100 meters with a handgun without hardly even aiming.

What about when the "Bad" guys, seem almost invincible at the beginning of a movie, then towards the end are completely useless.

I'm looking at you Transformers, Battleship...

Start off right, then at the end a woman with a pistol is taking them out.

1595 posts
18 Dec 2012 3:07PM
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doggie said...
Beaglebuddy said...
In movies, rifles and handguns with zero recoil whatsoever.
Cars the screech the tires on a dirt road.
Women who punch like a professional male boxer.
Weapons that never need to be reloaded.
Bombs that are dropped from an airplane or artillery shells that land 10 yards from someone and barely knock them down.
And actors who shoot someone at 100 meters with a handgun without hardly even aiming.

Maybe less guns in movies might be a good idea.

If it doesn't have gunplay, car chases or explosions I personally find a movie boring with a few exceptions.

1595 posts
18 Dec 2012 3:18PM
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FlySurfer said...
Beaglebuddy said...
In movies, rifles and handguns with zero recoil whatsoever.
Cars the screech the tires on a dirt road.
Women who punch like a professional male boxer.
Weapons that never need to be reloaded.
Bombs that are dropped from an airplane or artillery shells that land 10 yards from someone and barely knock them down.
And actors who shoot someone at 100 meters with a handgun without hardly even aiming.

What about when the "Bad" guys, seem almost invincible at the beginning of a movie, then towards the end are completely useless.

I'm looking at you Transformers, Battleship...

Start off right, then at the end a woman with a pistol is taking them out.

And in a similar vein in the beginning everyone is running around looking for cover with their head down but later on when a character is mortally wounded everything stops while everyone gathers around and says goodbye as he slowly dies, even the enemy stops shooting.

WA, 15849 posts
18 Dec 2012 3:20PM
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Beaglebuddy said...
doggie said...
Beaglebuddy said...
In movies, rifles and handguns with zero recoil whatsoever.
Cars the screech the tires on a dirt road.
Women who punch like a professional male boxer.
Weapons that never need to be reloaded.
Bombs that are dropped from an airplane or artillery shells that land 10 yards from someone and barely knock them down.
And actors who shoot someone at 100 meters with a handgun without hardly even aiming.

Maybe less guns in movies might be a good idea.

If it doesn't have gunplay, car chases or explosions I personally find a movie boring with a few exceptions.

Watching a movie might be the only place you will see an automatic rifle soon.

1595 posts
18 Dec 2012 3:21PM
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When all the soldiers are gathered in groups, the first thing they teach you in infantry training is to spread out, "one hand grenade will kill all you idiots"

380 posts
18 Dec 2012 4:27PM
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Tv is turning gay. Why is it all new shows have a gay couple in it. How about some lesbians. Hot ones. Not like the ones I saw in Newtown today.

1595 posts
18 Dec 2012 6:49PM
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Bone43 said...
Tv is turning gay. Why is it all new shows have a gay couple in it. How about some lesbians. Hot ones. Not like the ones I saw in Newtown today.

Not really sure there is such a thing, I've never seen it.

WA, 255 posts
18 Dec 2012 7:38PM
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In a horror movie when the killer is chasing the victim reeeaaaal slow.

I want to kill you, so to look more scary, I'm walking really slow and steady....

WA, 255 posts
18 Dec 2012 7:48PM
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'7news' and 'today tonight' adds on the radio... that lady's voice is TERRIBLE!

In fact these shows are the worst shows on earth. What is it with all the freaking negative, depressing bull** stories about absolute crap that only old, rotten, life hating pieces of ** people care about?

GET A LIFE and enjoy yourself! Stop worrying about what other people are doing or not doing.

WA, 255 posts
18 Dec 2012 7:51PM
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But the worst one is probably "FML"

VIC, 1579 posts
19 Dec 2012 12:58AM
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Akwa said...

But the worst one is probably "FML"

Y U H8 that $h!t 4?

TAS, 2967 posts
23 Dec 2012 11:57AM
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What are my pet hates, let me think, not a lot really apart from the obvious:

Child molesters, Rapists, Murderers, Used car salesman, Lawyers, The man on the infomercial who is so excited about a steam mop, the word 'Infomercial', the Weather, too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, Noisy motorbikes at 3am, Bigots, Racists, Misogynists', Radicals, Terrorists, Bad drivers, Internet bullies, Rude shop assistants, Ads that use “cute” children to tell me what to buy, Body odour, Rug shops that claim the liquidators are moving in (for the last ten years), Late night television, Over paid sportsmen, Violence, Censorship, Warm beer and cold pies, the Judicial system, Early morning starts, Bindies, Getting the Hiccups, Parking inspectors, Calm seas when I want to surf, Rough seas when I want to fish, Homeless shopping trollies, Whingers, Intolerance, Computers, Modern music, People who blame 'Society' for their problems, Power outages, Knockers, Collingwood supporters, Cricket in Footy season, Footy in cricket season, Local Governments, Barbers who cut your hair how they want to, Rent a Crowd, Japanese whalers, Flies and mosquitoes, Getting lost when you're in a hurry, Blowing a thong (for the feet, not the other one), Hats at the dinner table, Over regulation, Scrooges and Grinch's who try to put a damper on Christmas, Wowsers and the Fun police, Liars, Drug cheats in Sport, Monopolies, Inconsiderate smokers (I smoke), Reality TV shows, News reporters who ask stupid questions, Weather presenters who think they're a star, Filling out forms, the Tax Office, Public servants that aren't, Compulsory voting and the preference system (one person = one vote), Thieves, Politicians, Road works, Petrol prices, Bad coffee, Parents who let their children run amok in shopping centres, Crows, Overseas call centres and telemarketers.

I must be a very easy going person because I can't think of anything.

QLD, 7428 posts
23 Dec 2012 3:48PM
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^^^ That feels better doesn't it

NSW, 4521 posts
23 Dec 2012 5:23PM
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Misuse of the word "literally".

Stupid corporate words that aren't actually words, such as "learnings". WTF is that? It's not a word at all. "Learn" is a verb, and the noun form is "lessons". You learn "lessons", not "learnings". My brain is going to literally explode the next time I hear that.

Another one is the word "mentees". It's not a word! There are "mentors" and "proteges".

American movies that start off with a somewhat interesting storyline, but the 2nd half always degrades into an identical mindless chase/showdown. You could take the 2nd half of the script from most of those movies, swap it with another, and it wouldn't make any difference. Really, what is the point?

People who are doing 80 in a 100 zone, and then they brake when they come to a corner with an advisory sign showing 90.

People who are doing 80 on the pacific highway, and then floor it when the uphill overtaking lane appears.

QLD, 825 posts
23 Dec 2012 6:12PM
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*Women who just don't shut up.
*People who talk about motorbikes or cars and BS all sorts of garbage how fast it goes or how they dragged a race car and won - especially if you have owned that same bike or car.
*People who let their dogs take a dump in-front of you and walk off. Actually I like that one to a point as its a great chance to go off at some random stranger.
*Mouth breathers who think that talking 10cm from my face is acceptable.
*Donation services in shopping center's. No generally means no. Surf lifesavers is ok - always have time and change for them.
*Opening my wallet more than 5 times in 1 day.
*spending 3hrs to cook a nice dinner and something small ruins the whole meal

380 posts
23 Dec 2012 5:38PM
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Sunday drivers. Even on a Sunday
FFS if your not going to do the speed limit stay in the left lane. Why the f--k do you floor it it when you get to the overtaking lane.

QLD, 7428 posts
23 Dec 2012 9:12PM
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Effing big suburban 4wds. They are an egregious waste of resources and a source of annoyance both on the road and in car parks.

WA, 14681 posts
23 Dec 2012 7:15PM
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Bone43 said...
Sunday drivers. Even on a Sunday
FFS if your not going to do the speed limit stay in the left lane. Why the f--k do you floor it it when you get to the overtaking lane.

I know you are not really looking for an answer, but I noticed a work colleague doing this when he was driving us down to Canberra. He just didn't realise he was doing it. He would feel more comfortable with the dual lanes in the overtaking section and speed up, and then get conservative when it went back to one lane, and slow down.

It was pissing heaps of people off, enough that they were waving their fists at him. He didn't notice anything at all...

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
23 Dec 2012 7:30PM
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NotWal said...
Effing big suburban 4wds. They are an egregious waste of resources and a source of annoyance both on the road and in car parks.

But how will they ever drive up a curb otherwise?

VIC, 5000 posts
23 Dec 2012 11:51PM
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Birds...I mean honestly? I just spent most of the day cleaning up the house and windows and when I stood back to admire my good job, all I could focus on was the multiple splatters of bird shattings on the walls! How the feck do they manage to crap horizontally? To add - WTF do the filthy flying rats eat?! The strongest mixture of acids and cleaning chemicals can't budge the crap!

Oh, and I also hate the use of the word 'journey' on tv these days when a talentless nobody is trying to justify their luck on some crappy reality show.

That's all.

NSW, 1575 posts
24 Dec 2012 12:41PM
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110% percentages are out of 100 idiots anything: else is not a valid number. I
People who think i go to the gym because & have muscle haven't people heard of hard work & sports


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Pet hates!" started by FlySurfer