Neat! It looks like the "off road" version.
Tomorrows headlines;- "Police have reported a sudden big increase in theft of children's bicycle wheels".
I might be wrong but due to the cutting action the blades are self sharpening. The scissor action of the blade passing over the lower cutting plate cuts the grass and keeps the blades sharp. I guess pebibles etc could cause nicks to the blades but I haven't noticed this.
The reason the one I picked up cheap wouldn't cut was the barrel had lost contact with the lower plate, just needed adjusting so you get a light touch between the two. Too much pressure and the barrel won't spin freely, too little and it won't cut. Only adjusted it the once when I pick it up, all good since.
Not a good mower if you have trees dropping twigs etc above your lawn, these immediatly jam the barrel.
Fiskars Momentum (Made in China) @ $380 in the the long run you may save if you keep it lubed and don't mind performing the adjustment/cutting paste sharpening procedure every so often. Looks like most push/reel mowers need to have this performed every so often to keep that scissor cut finish and healthier cut lawn. The cheaper smaller types may be fine for a final cut after a mower or regular cuts on smaller lawns.
Okay, time to post the downside.
About 1/3rd of my block is natural bush with a lot of large gum trees. That means a LOT of gum leaves and twigs on the lawn. The twigs jam in the blades and the leaves get chopped up smaller and smaller until they choke the lawn. That means that I need to rake my lawn before I mow it, although I think the regular raking actually has an unintended beneficial effect by removing the thatch.
Otherwise, without the raking, I'd say the push mower doesn't really take much longer and is actually easier to push than my petrol mower. If I didn't have the gum trees, it would be an absolute no-brainer for me - I really don't see a single benefit for a petrol mower, except for chewing through really long grass when we've been away for a few weeks holiday.
I pick up James' kindly offered pusher and it's a ripper...on the buffalo. Cheers James!
It doesn't do so well on the couch though.
Any tips?
What a great birthday gift idea !
Especially for someone who's got all the toys...boards/sails/guitars etc....
after a particulary noisy saturday night after party at my mates batchelor pad we awoke to the dolciet tones of a unmanned and stationary 2 stroke mower at WOT right up against the boundry fence and not far from the bedrooms. Seemed we might have annoyed the neighbor the night before
It seems to me Flymo won't be making that much at all from this "review".
From what I've read most are waiting for a second hand Flymo.
Actually I now own 3 flymo's all of which were given to me.
Jaime do you want one for free for your front lawn?
Not mower related but has anyone had any issues with portugese millipedes eating lawns? The past 24hrs i've completely lost 100sqm out the back and tonight i could see thousands of the ****ers munching away on the remaing 100sqm. The back lawn i'm ok with as i was planning on replacing it next springut if they hit the front velveteen lawns i'll be devo. The mower would get rid of them easily but that wont go down so well at midnight
So my wife says “Hey i want one, i can do that” …..”Ah sure” i say. Hmm hello gumtree. So i start looking and found one for $25 once used by an old lady, that great old cliche. For $25 if it needs some TLC still a bargain. Well it works a treat and best of all my wife likes it. I like it and my lawn likes it. We all like it. Thanks Reflex Films, Gumtree and old lady.
OK reflex, you've converted some readers to near silent push mowers
Can you pleeeeeeaase now produce a video on push powered leaf blowers?