I have an ancient roller mover (same cutting style - but drives forward) and it's heavy and awkward to operate.
Can't let the kids near it.
Think I have just discovered how to get myself off the mowing hook and get a bit of exercise into the kids!
My lawn look ok - finally - after battling farken lawn beetles all summer. Jeepus, they must be immune to everything commercially available.
Next time Imagonna try napalm.
My neighbour has one of these push mowers as his sole piece of lawn maintenance equipment.
Hes pretty lazy so the lawn gets quite long.
When I left home this morning he was battling it out with his push mower I come home this afternoon and he's still at it haha
I'm not exactly sure of his method but I know it took a very long time because its a big lawn that fronts the street on two sides and it was overgrown.
He's prob abit lazy yeah but he's young and there are better things to do than keeping your lawn in check, in contrast to my other neighbour who fires up the briggs and stratton nearly everyday just to knock the top off it.
i just saw beand new scotts reel mowers for sale in bunnings- $25 brand new. get them before they are gone!
I was at the tip shop the other day and they had a spotless flymo H40 for ........ $10!!! Turned over really smoothly, low friction, I thought I had the bargain of the century.
But when I got it home I found if you tighten the contact (so it cuts properly) as soon as you hit slightly firmer grass something's slipping and the wheel stops turning the blades.
bit disappointing. scheduled for a full rebuild when I have some spare time
I got it cutting... ok.. with adjustment. Then I got the old husky out and it's throwing clouds of grass up behind it like nothing else.
The flymo has a wider cut and smoother action, I hope I can fix the problem..
Hey Buster Fin - was just catching up on some old threads and found your post ! So the new mower is working then ? Glad it went to a good home !
Hi everyone - being autumn its time to do the twice yearly " lawn builder " slow release fertiliser application.
I followed Harrow's reduced dosage technique - and the lawn greened up hard over 4 days - mind you we had some decent rain too.
Also for those of you on buffallo - keep those blade heights nice and high (again see Harrow's jedi Knight Tyre tweak for the FLymo as the recommended 50 - 65mm for Buffalo grass cant be achieved with the built in height adjusters - which only go up to around 40mm)
Happy lawn drinking season!
Walked in from my surf and there is a giveaway at my neighbours. Free! Yaay! Remembered this thread and grabbed. Mowed a strip back to home and ripped it over front lawn. Works perfectly. Missus even had a go and said she would use it. That doesn't happen with the Honda! What should I do to service it. Bit of rust starting
Tip shops are the go! I just picked up a Bosch Push Mower with catcher for $20. Got home and attacked my slightly overgrown lawn and worked a treat. Will use the push mover in the winter months when the lawn growth slows. Can't see it used in summer, lawn needs mowing almost every week!