I've had 3 push mowers over the years. I'm over push mowers going to get a petrol reel mower. I just put a push mower out on the verge recently.
Actually it's no different performance wise to a standard "Scott Bonnar" as they don't need much power to cut....but some guy who was into street customising cars for shows decided to wave his magic chrome wand over his mower....
Why....well, who knows...its not as though you would want to actually use it as any worth it had would be lost...and some aspects are less than ideal from a practical viewpoint...
I guess it would be a great centrepiece to a man cave to look at over a few dinks??
firstly how do I upload from facebook etc
2nd looking in the future of a hand mower, grass should be dry to cut correct? well how do you cut regularly in this type of weather??
Time for a pre-spring thread revival!
Picked up a neat H40 for $30 off Gumtree and tonight i hit the verge Wintergreen (only 30sqm) with Glyphosate ready to rip it out and put down more Velvetene come Spring. The difference between the 2 lawns is chalk and cheese and i'm certainly looking forward to seeing the results from the flymo over the next 6 months.