The most spectacularly stupid bit of road rage I have ever been involved in.
Driving my truck up King Street about 7 o'clock one morning and a cab takes a right-hand turn from the left-hand lane (King Street is one way and 4 lanes wide) straight across the front of my truck. We were only driving at about 10 km an hour so all it did was wipe out his driver's side door.
Why did he do this? Apparently, one block earlier, he claims that I have brushed against his driver's side mirror and broken it. He wanted to stop me so that I could pay for it.
Unfortunately any evidence has just been destroyed.
Schools should be teaching stuff like ^^ that, along with all the other relevant driving skills needed to be a driver who is aware of your own vehicle's limitations, as well of those you share the roads with. Could save a lot of grief - if you can't pass a driving class in school, you are not ready to hold a licence.
i saw that today and my 1st thought was what happens if the truck is stopped immediately after a rise in the road, so the road hide's the taillights of the truck. you can only see the screen which shows nothing ahead until you get over the rise in the road and go 'WTF a ghost truck?!!?' as you slam into the back of it.
^^^ Totally agree.
Ian I think your post was ignoring the fact that many drivers have no clue and the further back the truck sits, the more of them will pour into the 'vacant' lane. My stomach turns and I feel for truckies when I see some of the idiots jumping in front of them...
I've see a truck doing under 40 in a 70 zone concertina a number of cars cos they all jumped in front then stopped...... over 100tonnes going downhill - not pretty. Not the truckies fault either...
same situation today at end of freeway northern end. Go's from 100 K's down to 70 k's on a down hill grade. Mum in van with kids, zips out of left lane, rounds me up and the semi (loaded). No sooner she gets back in the left lane, just as her rear passes front truck bumper to line up to turn left, she jams on the anchors to get down to 70 k's. Ol truckie was on high alert, first thing I spotted was the smoke off the tyres as he was pulling the rig up smartish
Lucky he was on high alert.
Dumb stupid person in the van needed to be dragged out by the hair, dragged to the nearest rehab hospital, and made to wash incapacitated accidents victims for a month.
Fortunately her left turn light went green before the semi stopped, otherwise she would have been on stalker book as soon as she got home,whinging about some ugly big truck driver yelling at her messing up her pristine makeup.
like I said........
I'm pretty happy to not be driving trucks anymore
The Sandwichmaker is even happier about it - and was positively beaming when I had my truck license downgraded to a basic car license so I couldn't be tempted to moonlight when the old bosses ran short of D.G. and Explosives permitted drivers.
Sometimes bridges need to be burnt.
The funny thing though, is I am still professionally driving - chauffeuring Nuns around Perth - which is the most stress free job I have ever had!
While I sit home scratching me coit.
Sounds like a cream job, well done and you deserve it mate.
I've seen that video before..
The thing is we don't know what happened before...
I noticed my young boy showed a finger to someone once... I said to him: " son, never do that again, because one day someone come to you and smash your nose for that... "
Around 20 years back I was involved in a sort of road rage incident.
Driving along Nicholson Rd doing aout 60-70 km/h i slowed down to turn left into Langford Avenue.
There was a City of Canning large truck behind me who didn't fancy putting his brakes on.
I had pissed him off a bit about 30 seconds earlier when I indicated to move into the left lane of Nicholson Rd ( in front of him) ready to turn left into Langford Av.
As I slowed down to turn left he was about 80-100 metres behind me but didn't break one bit!
I had to take evasive action in the end to stop being whacked from behind by a 10 ton truck and actually accelerated around the corner very fast.
I then did a U-turn and followed him all the way to the Canning Vale Depot.
My blood was boiling and when he got out of the truck I gave him a earful,though I was a bit fearful with all of his fellow employees sitting around the depot!
Would not react that way again but when you've nearly just been killed by a fruit loop its hard not to.
Funny thing about that incident is from where the incident took place to the Canning Vale depot is around 10kms,but no joke he took the biggest detour of all time---- around 20-30 Kms!
Perhaps the sight of my car in his rear vision mirror all the way had something to do with that.
In the end I guess he figured out he better return to base before it closes