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Road Rage

Created by billykiter > 9 months ago, 19 Jun 2015
WA, 303 posts
19 Jun 2015 1:31PM
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Every day when I drive to work I come across idiot drivers. I know there are some terrible drivers in Australia but Perth has to have some of the worst. Some of the things that really annoy me are:

When a car is turning right they suddenly pull over a bit to the left before going right.

People who break early and then pull into a turning lane late.

People who decide to stop at give way signs/roundabouts when there is nobody coming and they could just go.

There are heaps more i could say but thought i would see what other people hate about other drivers.

1011 posts
19 Jun 2015 1:52PM
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I would rank tailgaters, mobile phone users, driving really slow in the right hand lane higher.

And the worst is clowns who go really slow holding everyone up on country roads, then start speeding in double lane overtaking zones so no one can get past, only to go slow again when it's single lane.

461 posts
19 Jun 2015 2:13PM
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I saw a dumbass P plater the other day speeding past me reading his school notes with his book on the steering wheel. Truck drivers who can't manage to drive in a straight line and swerve into other lanes also annoy me.

VIC, 243 posts
19 Jun 2015 4:43PM
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Some people are good at surfing, some people are not.
Some people are good at drawing, some people are not.
Some people are good at driving, some people are not.

You get the idea...

The sooner you accept the fact that you will come across bad drivers on the road, and learn to expect it, you will rage a lot less.

WA, 303 posts
19 Jun 2015 3:13PM
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JoffaDan said..
Some people are good at surfing, some people are not.
Some people are good at drawing, some people are not.
Some people are good at driving, some people are not.

You get the idea...

The sooner you accept the fact that you will come across bad drivers on the road, and learn to expect it, you will rage a lot less.

Thats great!! Except drawing and surfing do not require licenses.

I'm pretty controlled and think i have the inner peace thing ok.

I just think it's good to have a winge every now and then and today seems like a great day for it..

QLD, 1003 posts
19 Jun 2015 5:14PM
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Two things most of all;

People who dont give way properly, actually, expand that to dont know and obey the road rules.

People that suffer road rage. The aggressive buggers just need a good hard

NSW, 6 posts
19 Jun 2015 8:16PM
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JoffaDan said..
Some people are good at surfing, some people are not.
Some people are good at drawing, some people are not.
Some people are good at driving, some people are not.

You get the idea...

The sooner you accept the fact that you will come across bad drivers on the road, and learn to expect it, you will rage a lot less.

That may be the case but doesn't stand up in instances of tail gating, speeding, texting while driving, drink/drug driving etc. That doesn't amount to poor driving skills, there just an example of completely self centered, arrogant, idiots who have no regard for the lives of anyone on the road. Unfortunately there's far too many people out there who think they have to be somewhere yesterday and that tail gating (intimidating) the car in front is going to get them there quicker, that drink driving and making it home and avoiding the cops is a challenge, that getting that text off to their mate is far more important then watching the road and that speeding on public roads is cool. These people should be made to attend some of the fatalities involving wives, husbands, parents, girlfriends, boyfriends, mates, best friends and children that the ambos, police and firies have to attend, because that's whose lives their taking into their hands, it may rewire their tiny little brains for the better of all...clump, clump. clump...(the sound of me getting down off my soapbox).

WA, 12095 posts
19 Jun 2015 6:49PM
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JoffaDan said..
Some people are good at surfing, some people are not.
Some people are good at drawing, some people are not.
Some people are good at driving, some people are not.

You get the idea...

The sooner you accept the fact that you will come across bad drivers on the road, and learn to expect it, you will rage a lot less.

Maybe but you're in Victoria!
Have you driven in WA?
I've driven in other Sates and other countries, and WA may not be the worst but it's well up there.

All of the above instances are commonplace over here, I din't know if it's the driving instructors, who just teach kids to past the test, without giving them a fundemental understanding of road etiquette. Or just the road culture we have over here.
It may also be part of the nanny state mentality, where people think if they just obey the rules they don't need to do anything else.
The keeping left thing is probably a throw back to the days when it was neither required nor expected.

WA, 12095 posts
19 Jun 2015 6:57PM
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>>>> Unfortunately there's far too many people out there who think they have to be somewhere yesterday and that tail gating (intimidating) the car in front is going to get them there quicker,>>

Agreed, but in WA we have another class of tailgaters altogether, they'll come up behind you on an empty country road doing 110km/hr (the speed limit here) and sit half a car length away.
I've slowed down so they could pass without breaking the speed limit, road clear for several kilometers ahead, and they just slow down with you, they didn't decide to pass until I got down to 80km/hr.
I think this breed of driver is just fundementally lazy. They just want to sit up somebody elses jacksie and put there mind in neutral, the last place it should be when driving that close to the person in front!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
19 Jun 2015 7:10PM
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You should ride a bicycle around..... its ****ing petrifying

WA, 2354 posts
19 Jun 2015 7:16PM
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I went around Australia last year. WA drivers are a particularly special brand of moron. Vic had some numbnuts too, but in nowhere near the numbers of dangerous fools here.

Refusing to yield in merging lanes like the extra 10 seconds is life threatening.

WA, 1381 posts
19 Jun 2015 7:21PM
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Overtaking, only to immediately turn left.
Piggybacking on divided road intersections.

Mark _australia
WA, 22348 posts
19 Jun 2015 7:57PM
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Merging. Its easy lets one in - goes like a zipper.
The morons can't see that enforcing your spot and not letting somebody in is what causes everyone to brake and then it is stop start stop start.

3 Lanes across doing 90 on the freeway. WTF? By all means drive slow if you wish, but move over

Sitting 2 car lengths back at the lights, so people can't get into the turning lane. If everyone moved forward 1m then the turning lane would not be obstructed. Duh.

Leaving a huge gap between cars when turning at the lights. They are happy to sit up somebody's arse on the freeway at 80 or 100kph, but then when turning at 30kph they have to suddenly sit way back. Sh1ts me when you could get 10 cars through on a right turn arrow but we get 5 thru cos they won't just get up behind the guy in front.

All rudeness issues - and that's WA for ya.

SA, 28 posts
19 Jun 2015 9:56PM
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poor relative said..
You should ride a bicycle around..... its ****ing petrifying

Try counting the number of people looking in their laps as they drive around if you really want to be put off.

Though I really enjoyed bicycle commuting, I no longer do as I want to see my kids grow up.

The last straw was some idiot driver with a smart phone holder mounted smack bang in the middle of their half of the windscreen. A metre hardly matters when this is the sort of stuff that goes on. I'm much happier to share the road with the lowest common denominator when I've got 1600kg of steel around me.

NSW, 433 posts
19 Jun 2015 10:35PM
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Tailgaters are usually the poor bastard that the carnt in front cut in on.
Or the poor bastard that some Rsole is being passive aggressive to.
Or some inept ferkwit in front that just slowed down for no reason whatsoever.

That's how it works in NSW if you leave a safe distance between yourself and the next car.

Had a dick cut in twice yesterday. Less that a car length between us, then he tail gated the car in front. Chopped and changed lanes about 8 times in about 2 Klms, tailgating every car with less than a car length between them.
His bosses phone number was on the van.

The most common thing I see is not using the indicator, or activating it as they turn or cross the line. The first indication of them turning is the car changing direction. As well as moving into the space in front because "there's enough room". Hear them say it!

2350 posts
19 Jun 2015 8:58PM
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Mark _australia said..
Merging. Its easy lets one in - goes like a zipper.
The morons can't see that enforcing your spot and not letting somebody in is what causes everyone to brake and then it is stop start stop start.

3 Lanes across doing 90 on the freeway. WTF? By all means drive slow if you wish, but move over

Sitting 2 car lengths back at the lights, so people can't get into the turning lane. If everyone moved forward 1m then the turning lane would not be obstructed. Duh.

Leaving a huge gap between cars when turning at the lights. They are happy to sit up somebody's arse on the freeway at 80 or 100kph, but then when turning at 30kph they have to suddenly sit way back. Sh1ts me when you could get 10 cars through on a right turn arrow but we get 5 thru cos they won't just get up behind the guy in front.

All rudeness issues - and that's WA for ya.

Not restricted to WA mate.
That sums up Sydney as well.

The pedestrians are no better.
Try turning left at traffic lights.
When the red sign flashes "don't walk" then don't farken walk.
It means stay at the farkin curb and wait until the next set of lights.

WA, 5921 posts
19 Jun 2015 9:27PM
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I suspect its simply drivers getting their own little world in the car and simply being unobservant.
on my morning ride before work i rate the rides by how many idiots per ride. getting a blind driver on the first roundabout 500m from home is always a bad omen

VIC, 1040 posts
19 Jun 2015 11:28PM
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The worst drivers are the ones with Collingwood bumper stickers.
think I wrote that before

WA, 8407 posts
19 Jun 2015 10:39PM
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Lived in 5 different countries, aus especially wa would be the worst, I'd say it's down to the lack of population and lesser challenging roads, France was mental but they can drive, they'd weave in and out like threading through the eye of a needle, you have to raise your game on the roads or you get shat on, some of the spots that people crash at can only be through lack of attention or boredom,locally the s bend has approx 25klms north and south of dead straight road, chuck a bend in and it's mayhem

WA, 12095 posts
19 Jun 2015 10:53PM
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Yes, you've got a good point there. I think people here just aren't in the habit of taking the rest of the traffic on the road into account, anticipating the needs of other drivers and allowing for it.

NSW, 1575 posts
20 Jun 2015 3:43AM
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I really liked the bloke driving a 200 tonne crane
.Its an oversize vehicle with escort vehicles .
Texting as i drove past on the expensive way ,
Well I can't call it a freeway in sydeny

QLD, 1003 posts
20 Jun 2015 10:47AM
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pineapple said...
poor relative said..
You should ride a bicycle around..... its ****ing petrifying

Try counting the number of people looking in their laps as they drive around if you really want to be put off.

Though I really enjoyed bicycle commuting, I no longer do as I want to see my kids grow up.

The last straw was some idiot driver with a smart phone holder mounted smack bang in the middle of their half of the windscreen. A metre hardly matters when this is the sort of stuff that goes on. I'm much happier to share the road with the lowest common denominator when I've got 1600kg of steel around me.

The last straw for me was when I got hit while rolling (not pedalling had been on bike 15 meters) on THE FOOTPATH. Some fool pulling out of their underground carpark drove straight across the footpath without looking. I ended up on their bonnet, if Id been walking I would have been under the car. The idiot then abused me for being in his way!

Commuted for 10 years in Melb with the occasional close call, mostly people turning left immediately in front of me. Got knocked off the bike twice in two months after moving to Bris. An especially crap breed of driver in Qld. No more commuting on the bike for me

WA, 1134 posts
20 Jun 2015 9:08AM
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I find the little convoys of foreign tourists in people carriers that take stupid risks passing on country roads just in order to stay a car length behind their friends in front dangerously annoying. It's as though they are afraid if they lose sight of their mate's rented number plate in front of them they might never find them again in this wilderness.

A few times I've come across tourists passing at the "passing lane xx ahead" sign. No reado engrish, picture say pass, I pass, whether it's on a double white line on a blind corner or not...

Tailgating though is my biggest whinge. Roos are a big problem where I am, and the thought of getting shunted from behind while I'm dodging a roo in front really gets up my nose. I like space in front of me, and I like space behind me. City drivers here on their holidays are shocking for filling up spaces just because it's what they are used to.

NSW, 3074 posts
20 Jun 2015 11:36AM
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Its todays attitude of "*** you as long as Im OK". Unfortunately a lot of people don't give a **** and this extends to their driving. They think they have a right to do what ever they want and others will allow for this behaviour. I watched a dummy mummy in her 4wd reverse park into a spot at our local shops. She actually got out to see how her effort was. Problem, she was 2/3 in her spot but 1/3 in the next one. She shrugged, grabbed her keys and walked off. If you say anhthing you cop a gobful or the old "Ill only be 5 minutes" Doesn't ****** matter dumb arse.
Says it all really.

WA, 902 posts
20 Jun 2015 9:44AM
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Driving in Perth is a bit automotive. Driving from one set of lights to another. People don't need to think so they dont. If driving presents situations that required at least a bit of thought people might try a bit harder. I supose its like riding a motorcycle you need to ride for all the bad drivers and expect what might happen. When we drive we are seconds away from a life changing incident but many people just drive without thinking about other road users. I don't ride a bike but it is common sense that you need to give way and be courtious to them because if you hit one the outcomes are very serious.

QLD, 1694 posts
20 Jun 2015 12:48PM
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People who decide to stop at give way signs/roundabouts when there is nobody coming and they could just go.

I loose my mind when someone dose this infront of me. My wife is the worst for it! (don't tell her I said that, I don't want to be beaten up tonight).

NSW, 433 posts
20 Jun 2015 1:15PM
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I was T boned on the worlds biggest chook chaser (at the time) when a clown pulled out from a parallel park, without warning, as I pulled into the driveway in front of him.
His daughter stormed out of the car shouting 'I know the law and you're in the wrong!"
Then had to chase him through legal channels for repairs.
His own solicitor said he was "dodgy".

The really annoying part is that these drivers aren't policed, only the easy to observe so called speeders.
Our freeways are on a par with a lot of European motorways, and cars are now much safer, but we are nabbed for doing 10 klms over the limit.
What ****e!

WA, 12095 posts
20 Jun 2015 11:29AM
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ThinkaBowtit said..

Tailgating though is my biggest whinge. Roos are a big problem where I am, and the thought of getting shunted from behind while I'm dodging a roo in front really gets up my nose. I like space in front of me, and I like space behind me. City drivers here on their holidays are shocking for filling up spaces just because it's what they are used to.

As I mentioned earlier, I've had to slow down to 80km/hr to let tailgaters pass. Got really fed up with this, so the next idiot that sped up behind me only to sit a car length away, although there was plenty of room to safely pass, got a spray of gravel as I just eased off the side of the road. Worked a treat, you've never seen a tailgater drop back so fast. Hopefully that lesson will sink in, and they'll realise just how dangerous it is, to sit that close at that speed.

WA, 344 posts
20 Jun 2015 4:22PM
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kemp90 said...

People who decide to stop at give way signs/roundabouts when there is nobody coming and they could just go.

In WA we have this bizaar habit of some drivers indicating for aright turn at a roundabout when going straight through. They switch off their indicators at the last moment meaning that traffic coming from opposite direction have to stop for no reason. Sends my missus absolutely troppo.
Having commuted to work on a motorcycle for the past year, nothing surprises me anymore as to the levels of stupidity and selfishness of some road users.

2156 posts
20 Jun 2015 5:00PM
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License to rule ?

I reckon some people believed that once they are legally permitted to drive on the road, and when they are within a vehicle, they are lord of the castle. You will find those angry moron are actually very different once out of their cars. Somehow, the act of being in charge of a vehicle made them very powerful and self-centred. Anyone whom they conceived to be "wrong" by them are the potential victim for their rage.

Admittedly, I had been doing the wrong thing by being in the wrong lane before a traffic light on unfamiliar roads. Most times other drivers are sympathetic enough to allow me to merge in. I myself also learned to be forgiving and allowed others to merge in. It is simply courtesy in a civil society. The perpetrators of road rage are the type of people who believe they are always right. Mind you, some of them probably always harbour nasty intents anyway, judging by the type of weapons they had hidden under car seats, ready to be deployed to do others harms.

I suggest we need a "Road Rage Commissioner", somewhere along the line of Tonyabbot's "Windmill Commissioner".

QLD, 255 posts
20 Jun 2015 8:43PM
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Simple solution, each time you renew your licence, you have to re-sit your rules exam. You also have to re-do your driving test - unless you have completed an advanced driver training program in the intervening period.

A drivers licence should not be for life. Skills diminish.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Road Rage" started by billykiter