Thought I'd keep this thread alive (seeing I started it).
What's with baby on board signs. Has anyone ever driven up close to someone and then thought oh gee I'd better be ultra careful I don't crash into that Hyundai with the baby on board sticker.ill tailgate that Mercedes instead, cause if I crash that would be a better option.
I'm picking up on the let's all bash WA drivers vibe. I'm from WA and now been living in Geelong for the past 3 years and I definitely have to agree and disagree with many of the comments. Sure WA does have road rage issues but that's due to be the population growing alot quicker then the road network. What I've noticed in Victoria is the young drivers and P platers in particular are way to overconfident and very aggressive bordering on dangerous. Mobile phone use in Victoria is a big issue aswell. I'm guessing these kinds of issues aren't exactly issues solely in WA and Vic. Myself I don't speed anywhere as I dint want to give this govt anymore of my $$$$ then I have to
An everyday scenario at a local shopping centre near you.
Dummy mummy pulls into a normal size parking space and parks latest model 4wd/SUV 2 feet too close to one side. Hops out then opens rear door to extract snot gobbler. Leaves door wide open for 5 minutes while all baby accessories are located then opens tailgate and Mclaren AWD stroller that is nearly the size of a Toyota Yaris is assembled.
Meanwhile old mate is still waiting for door to close so he can park, mistake 1.
Snot gobbler is then placed in $4k stroller and left in car park while mummy gets purse, handbag etc. Then bub is wheeled down carpark making all other vehicles stop for fear of said dummy mummy walking straight out in front of them. Wait 2 hours while mum has umpteen cups of soy latte flat white mocha babychino, buys roll of toilet paper and returns to car.
Process is repeated in reverse.
Old mate who has parked next to dummy mummy now has a door opened into his door leaving slight dent and scratch. Mistake 2.
Mum finally succeeds in getting all accessories back into vehicle. Then Miffy Devenish-Meares yells out hello so they chat for 10 minutes with all doors open and tempers rising.
Old mate returns from grocery shopping, chucks groceries into boot and tries to reverse out. Mistake 3.
In frustration he politely asks if mummy can close her door so he can exit carspace.
Is frostily told "Cant you see I have a baby, you will just have to wait"
Homicide is averted as mummy reluctantly says ciao to Miffy and finally closes door.
Road rage, what about carpark rage???
Love this ****. Feral bogans getting NEARLY what they deserve. Swift kick up the clacker is warranted!!!
indeed, I've cycled in quite a few cities.. Perth stands out as the worst in terms of safety. most people seem to be polite/give you space but many have no idea, like they've never seen a bikie. also started riding an electric skateboard to work.. the cycle network is good but lots of dead ends/ no linkages
I'm not a cyclist, and I have no problems with cyclists. But if some Lycra cladded clown belts the bonnet of my car, as has become common in Perth, then they are going to notice a sudden change in my opinion of them. Cyclist contrary to their belief, are not always in the right.
Ha ha, crack addicts that haven't quite got to the point of selling their car to fund their habit?
Police officer was a classic in this one
ha fair enough - bikes need their own bike lanes, what i was saying i there are too many dead ends, if you are riding you end up on the road/busy intersections too often. personally i try and be seen and ride predictably = if moving faster than traffic, i cruise down the middle, if same speed or passing through a round about where there is no room for bike and car, right in the middle otherwise peel off to the left or even pavement
they should introduce driver testing/licencing like they have in Europe. So that you have fewer incompetent, ignorant hillbillies in charge of 2 tonnes of high speed death on wheels. Until then I recommend everyone keep driving the biggest 4wd imaginable to protect yourselves from Perth drivers and of course mount all the redundant carpark curbing.
to the curly haired, deranged middle aged woman (and her husband if there is such a poor bastard) who just tried to kill me because I might have delayed her rush to the next set of lights for maybe 2 seconds while skating at 40k/hr in a 50k unmarked road and indicating to go right: I am looking forward to seeing that white nissan navara crew cab with canopy again to administer some maintenance with the crow bar I carry
No agro in Bali getting around twice as busy Bikes Cars Horse and Cart and pedestrians ..... so you tell me whats the problem with Australia .................ive got my thoughts and they aint that pritty
For a start were over policed roads schools sub burbs councils supermarkets etc etc etc ,and anyone whom is seen to be doing something / anything contrary to our fked up rules regulations and speed limits is jumped on by the the do gooders , who aint angles them selves but become police and bitches and agro dibby dobbers whem selves, soon as some one else is doing what they didn t and would have only for the fact they through they would get fined , but ironically they previously have.
Over the speed cameras and Australian supermarket drivers whom assume they have right of way because there is a fked up painted arrow on the ground to which there existence depends.
any way ....................rules are for fools and the wise interpreted,,,,,,,,,,,,to bad Australia is fast becoming full of fools / tools / rules
You are taught how to drive a vehicle. You were tested on road rules. Then a parking test as well as a short stint on the road. If you are deemed competent enough, you get a "P" plate.
The trouble is that there is no way the tester is able to check up on your personality and general attitudes. If you are a prick, you still can get a license. The trouble is that a prick with the control of a lethal machine can potentially become a "super prick". He/she believes that once he is within a vehicle, he is 8 feet tall and 200 Kg of muscles. Adding on top of that, drugs and alcohol further give them the false sense of invincibility.
So how do you teach someone tolerance, good manners, and above all, non violence?
Good example - This afternoon, on the shared pathway at the Southport street bus/train transfer stop in West Leederville.
2 lycrayobs tore through the pedestrians - with a few being shoved into the wall, one lass ended up with broken glasses.
Yobs didn't even slow down - front one too busy cursing everyone that dared to get in his way.
Pretty regularly see a toure-de-eejit on Charles St, bouncing between the cars pulled up at red lights - and then running the red lights himself.
Had to laugh when he almost got killed by a bloke on a gopher
They aint all dodgy gits though, I see plenty of good riders out there too,