Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Shart Shield - Do they work?

Created by KEARNSY > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2016
WA, 1777 posts
1 Jul 2016 8:33PM
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jbshack said..

RockyDude said..

Kozzie said..
getting a bit sick of saying it

sharks need to eat alot. they cant risk getting hurt. as long as your surfing next to an easier target *cough tourist cough* then youll be fine.

so give our guests some fair dinkum aussie hospitality and drag em into the ocean with ya. problem solved. no more aussie surfers dieing to sharks. no sharks dieing.

For what it's worth, most of the imagery of the bigger ones shows many battlescars around the pointy end.

To me that says they're not too fussed about the complaints of their meal.

Most of the ones you would see have had run ins with cages. Hence the nose damage.

Truth is large sharks will tend to be rather tentative when attacking or hunting prey, especially at the last moment and hence the eye lids sliding over. If a shark was to lose an eye it would more than likely die due to inability to hunt and feed..

You just told a great truth there. Albeit missed in transit.

If only you would get behind the smart choice denying the training of these wild predators.

In the meantime, terminate them.

That should be your motivation to stop "training" them, to associate boats and baiting with humans.

WA, 6913 posts
1 Jul 2016 8:56PM
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RockyDude said..

jbshack said..

RockyDude said..

Kozzie said..
getting a bit sick of saying it

sharks need to eat alot. they cant risk getting hurt. as long as your surfing next to an easier target *cough tourist cough* then youll be fine.

so give our guests some fair dinkum aussie hospitality and drag em into the ocean with ya. problem solved. no more aussie surfers dieing to sharks. no sharks dieing.

For what it's worth, most of the imagery of the bigger ones shows many battlescars around the pointy end.

To me that says they're not too fussed about the complaints of their meal.

Most of the ones you would see have had run ins with cages. Hence the nose damage.

Truth is large sharks will tend to be rather tentative when attacking or hunting prey, especially at the last moment and hence the eye lids sliding over. If a shark was to lose an eye it would more than likely die due to inability to hunt and feed..

You just told a great truth there. Albeit missed in transit.

If only you would get behind the smart choice denying the training of these wild predators.

In the meantime, terminate them.

That should be your motivation to stop "training" them, to associate boats and baiting with humans.

Why do You assume I'm in support of cage diving My point was simply those sharks that get photographed, tend to be photographed around cage diving operations..

You say ban training sharks, being taunted to boats with burley, well how do you feel about recreational fishermen feeding sharks and teaching them to approach boats

For me i have as much an issue with this activity as i do cage diving. Especially when you here people boasting about feeding 18 Snapper to one shark in one evening of fishing in the sound.. (this happened on another forum)

1595 posts
2 Jul 2016 2:19AM
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I reckon these work pretty well for a shart shield, so I'm told.

WA, 1777 posts
2 Jul 2016 5:03PM
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jbshack said..

Why do You assume I'm in support of cage diving My point was simply those sharks that get photographed, tend to be photographed around cage diving operations..

You say ban training sharks, being taunted to boats with burley, well how do you feel about recreational fishermen feeding sharks and teaching them to approach boats

For me i have as much an issue with this activity as i do cage diving. Especially when you here people boasting about feeding 18 Snapper to one shark in one evening of fishing in the sound.. (this happened on another forum)

I didn't say that you supported cage diving, but surely a great first easy step would be to stop this training, and I'm well aware that there are many GW's that show no such scars.

Your post fluffs around with fluffy speak, but you can't seem to speak out against cage diving.

"I have as much of an issue with this activity", (people fishing from your boats)....lift the protected status, and their numbers will be restricted according to their desire to enter fisherpeople's range.

If they choose to stay offshore and eat seals and whales, they will do just fine.

The sharks now plaguing WA shores chasing fish, are doing what they do best, and certainly not just GW's. Terminate the angry ones.

For the fisherman having the "once in a lifetime opportunity" to actually see one, I would probably want to extend the moment by sacrificing a fish or two.

Not quite the same as an organised, regular as clockwork, training regime.

Are you actually against cage diving?

Tequila !
WA, 915 posts
2 Jul 2016 11:27PM
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jbshack said..

Truth is large sharks will tend to be rather tentative when attacking or hunting prey, especially at the last moment and hence the eye lids sliding over. If a shark was to lose an eye it would more than likely die due to inability to hunt and feed..

Wait... you did said pages ago in the other post the eye contact is vital to steer away your Pet shart from a potential attack...and then here it closes their eye lids when in attack tune?

Maybe the shart is so smart it can detect (with eyes closed) the diver looking into their eyes (closed lids in this case) ?

Surf gear brands are losing an opportunity to launch some ''mascara'' and maybe some ''eye lashes'' who are shart repellent?

WA, 81 posts
3 Jul 2016 1:57AM
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novetti said..

jbshack said..

Truth is large sharks will tend to be rather tentative when attacking or hunting prey, especially at the last moment and hence the eye lids sliding over. If a shark was to lose an eye it would more than likely die due to inability to hunt and feed..

Wait... you did said pages ago in the other post the eye contact is vital to steer away your Pet shart from a potential attack...and then here it closes their eye lids when in attack tune?

Maybe the shart is so smart it can detect (with eyes closed) the diver looking into their eyes (closed lids in this case) ?

Surf gear brands are losing an opportunity to launch some ''mascara'' and maybe some ''eye lashes'' who are shart repellent?

The nictitating membrane goes up about a second before contact, at that point the electro receptors take over which is why shark sheild type devices work. if your swimming with a shark eye contact is essential, especially with big tigers as they like to get sneaky and try different approaches to get close to you. We purposly turn our backs on them if we want them to come closer (and curl up to look smaller), the second you make eye contact they almost always turn away which is one of the reasons that being in murky water with big sharks is much more risky than clear water.

WA, 6913 posts
3 Jul 2016 1:25PM
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RockyDude said..

jbshack said..

Why do You assume I'm in support of cage diving My point was simply those sharks that get photographed, tend to be photographed around cage diving operations..

You say ban training sharks, being taunted to boats with burley, well how do you feel about recreational fishermen feeding sharks and teaching them to approach boats

For me i have as much an issue with this activity as i do cage diving. Especially when you here people boasting about feeding 18 Snapper to one shark in one evening of fishing in the sound.. (this happened on another forum)

I didn't say that you supported cage diving, but surely a great first easy step would be to stop this training, and I'm well aware that there are many GW's that show no such scars.

Your post fluffs around with fluffy speak, but you can't seem to speak out against cage diving.

"I have as much of an issue with this activity", (people fishing from your boats)....lift the protected status, and their numbers will be restricted according to their desire to enter fisherpeople's range.

If they choose to stay offshore and eat seals and whales, they will do just fine.

The sharks now plaguing WA shores chasing fish, are doing what they do best, and certainly not just GW's. Terminate the angry ones.

For the fisherman having the "once in a lifetime opportunity" to actually see one, I would probably want to extend the moment by sacrificing a fish or two.

Not quite the same as an organised, regular as clockwork, training regime.

Are you actually against cage diving?

I don't like anything that teaches a wild animal to come in for a easy feed. In fact i think feeding large sharks (Like you see on most videos on the TV) should be made illegal.

I think Cage diving has a small place in helping educate the general public and they are also responsible for a lot of the research and tagging of great whites, so i can see the positive also. I think simply blaming attacks on Cage diving is a silly suggestion and i would like to see some more serous research into the effects, but would not expect it any time soon as it seems the cage diving operators have the CSIRO in pocket, understandably i guess when they work together already.

There is no single silver bullet to the problem. Their needs to be a effort from many fronts, still having said that, you'll never 100% stop shark attacks.

WA, 1777 posts
3 Jul 2016 4:04PM
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OK, so you have decided that because of your doubt that opposition to shark training programs, you will not only not speak out against them, but actually switch sides?

Maybe you have shares in a shark training business... At least you've clarified your position.

"If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem".

Now where have I read that before?

JB, seriously, nobody has suggested that anything could be a 100% guarantee of no shark attacks, but lift the protected status, and I can guarantee that the inshore people eaters will have many willing and watching eyes waiting for them.

Just prune off the branches that hang over the fence, so to speak.

WA, 1777 posts
3 Jul 2016 4:18PM
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Just another thought, kindly highlighted by you, JB.

If, as you suggest, the GW's that have scars, have them due to cage interaction, then there is a very simple way to test your proposition.

Catch and kill any sharks in the area of an attack, gut them, and if the one with the scars has a leg or two in it, or needs a toothpick to remove some wetsuit material, WALLA!

Present to the public, and shark training would probably be banned. Maybe even worldwide.

Buster fin
WA, 2576 posts
3 Jul 2016 4:53PM
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Back on topic, if I may be so bold, HEADS UP!!, there seems to be something on Ch 7 news tonight about the "effectiveness" of a deterrent device. Rpela or not?, we'll have to tune in, I guess.

WA, 6913 posts
3 Jul 2016 5:50PM
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RockyDude said..
OK, so you have decided that because of your doubt that opposition to shark training programs, you will not only not speak out against them, but actually switch sides?

Maybe you have shares in a shark training business... At least you've clarified your position.

"If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem".

Now where have I read that before?

JB, seriously, nobody has suggested that anything could be a 100% guarantee of no shark attacks, but lift the protected status, and I can guarantee that the inshore people eaters will have many willing and watching eyes waiting for them.

Just prune off the branches that hang over the fence, so to speak.

Honestly i have no idea what you are on, were have i switched sides Your assumptions in your head may be clear to you, but to others they are clear as mud..

I wonder why they won't lift the Protected status, if only there was a good reason, oh thats right, because they must still be endangered

WA, 6913 posts
3 Jul 2016 7:56PM
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Don't forget the story on 60 minutes tonight.

This is the research part of it about to be released.

3777 posts
4 Jul 2016 9:33AM
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Didnt see anyone get out the cage. Tested on a peice of wood.

WA, 6913 posts
4 Jul 2016 10:53AM
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busterwa said..
Didnt see anyone get out the cage. Tested on a peice of wood.

Yeah that style of testing provided nothing and quite frankly didn't even pass for TV let alone any research or scientific advancement..

They talked about TC being the only one to stay in the line up with the shark, well you didn't see the shark and he at least had the photographer swimming with him the entire time also

QLD, 6123 posts
4 Jul 2016 1:02PM
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jbshack said...
RockyDude said..

Kozzie said..
getting a bit sick of saying it

sharks need to eat alot. they cant risk getting hurt. as long as your surfing next to an easier target *cough tourist cough* then youll be fine.

so give our guests some fair dinkum aussie hospitality and drag em into the ocean with ya. problem solved. no more aussie surfers dieing to sharks. no sharks dieing.

For what it's worth, most of the imagery of the bigger ones shows many battlescars around the pointy end.

To me that says they're not too fussed about the complaints of their meal.

Most of the ones you would see have had run ins with cages. Hence the nose damage.

Truth is large sharks will tend to be rather tentative when attacking or hunting prey, especially at the last moment and hence the eye lids sliding over. If a shark was to lose an eye it would more than likely die due to inability to hunt and feed..

Yeah they look really tentative when they hit those seals at 60kmh and get airborne

10979 posts
4 Jul 2016 12:27PM
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This was released today.

On the effectiveness of Shark Shield.

Good for those that like their facts reinforced by science and testing..

WA, 1019 posts
4 Jul 2016 8:32PM
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Anyone catch the very end of the report saying that some sharks have built a resistance to the units? What happens when the majority do?

If it's too good to be true, it usually is

SA, 850 posts
5 Jul 2016 6:54AM
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I would love to see a similar test done with a moving bait target that resembles something on there food chain, I wonder if a shark traveling at speed in hunting mode would still be deterred from biting with a 1.3 mtr range of the deterrent. Still believe they have there place for divers etc where the shark is more than likely to approach in a inquisitive manner.

Had a encounter a while back that's had me wondering for quite a while, travelling at around 25 knts sensed something out the corner of my eye, looked down to see a large object aprox 1mtr below my board travelling at same speed, looked up to focus on path initially thinking dolphin, as quick as I thought dolphin I thought that's to bronze to be a dolphin and looked back down (only seconds later) and it was gone.

WA, 3519 posts
5 Jul 2016 8:36AM
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Yes that's rite, it may not work so you should not wear one............. stop crying when someone is taken not wearing one.
Would you jump of a plane without a chute knowing that sometime they fail to open?
I would start worrying the time that someone will be taken wearing a shield worn correctly and switched on!
As per know I will keep wearing mine!

SA, 3589 posts
5 Jul 2016 10:34AM
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pirrad said..
Had a encounter a while back that's had me wondering for quite a while, travelling at around 25 knts sensed something out the corner of my eye, looked down to see a large object aprox 1mtr below my board travelling at same speed, looked up to focus on path initially thinking dolphin, as quick as I thought dolphin I thought that's too bronze to be a dolphin and looked back down (only seconds later) and it was gone.

Had that happen to me, but turned out it was a seal. Cheeky bugger

WA, 1777 posts
5 Jul 2016 6:43PM
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I don't like anything that teaches a wild animal to come in for a easy feed.

In fact i think feeding large sharks (Like you see on most videos on the TV) should be made illegal.

I think Cage diving has a small place in helping educate the general public and they are also responsible for a lot of the research and tagging of great whites, so i can see the positive also.

I think simply blaming attacks on Cage diving is a silly suggestion and i would like to see some more serous research into the effects, but would not expect it any time soon as it seems the cage diving operators have the CSIRO in pocket, understandably i guess when they work together already.

Honestly i have no idea what you are on, were have i switched sides Your assumptions in your head may be clear to you, but to others they are clear as mud..

I wonder why they won't lift the Protected status, if only there was a good reason, oh thats right, because they must still be endangered

You're behind cage diving JB, it's right there in your own words.

"Small place", but a place nonetheless.

I'm not arguing, just reposting your own words.

Get behind banning cage diving, and you will have a landslide behind you.

OH wait, what about share prices....????

WA, 6913 posts
5 Jul 2016 8:13PM
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RockyDude said..

I don't like anything that teaches a wild animal to come in for a easy feed.

In fact i think feeding large sharks (Like you see on most videos on the TV) should be made illegal.

I think Cage diving has a small place in helping educate the general public and they are also responsible for a lot of the research and tagging of great whites, so i can see the positive also.

I think simply blaming attacks on Cage diving is a silly suggestion and i would like to see some more serous research into the effects, but would not expect it any time soon as it seems the cage diving operators have the CSIRO in pocket, understandably i guess when they work together already.

Honestly i have no idea what you are on, were have i switched sides Your assumptions in your head may be clear to you, but to others they are clear as mud..

I wonder why they won't lift the Protected status, if only there was a good reason, oh thats right, because they must still be endangered

You're behind cage diving JB, it's right there in your own words.

"Small place", but a place nonetheless.

I'm not arguing, just reposting your own words.

Get behind banning cage diving, and you will have a landslide behind you.

OH wait, what about share prices....????

Jesus you really are an idiot. Why not focus on the problem of sharks instead of your obsession with me and what you think i do and don't like..

WA, 1777 posts
5 Jul 2016 8:31PM
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Ok well there's something new, JB going full retard.

Maybe go back a few posts and realise how you stepped off the sanity ball.

3777 posts
5 Jul 2016 8:46PM
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Hey jbs i was thinking about becoming a green The other day i ate a beetroot cause nuthn beats a root. But hey i couldnt help to feel bad cause i cut it in half and it bled. I want to save everything
I tried being green for 4hours last week but found it difficult swallowing the yellow sand.

WA, 1777 posts
5 Jul 2016 8:50PM
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Maybe you were overwhelmed by your own words. Who do you suppose gives a rats about what you like? Or what I like?

"Jesus you really are an idiot".

Wear your SS JB. Make sure it's switched on. At all times. Get a GoPro fitted too.

Maybe a direct link to your favourite cage diving website while you're about it.

How stupid do you think people are?

I think Cage diving has a small place in helping educate the general public and they are also responsible for a lot of the research and tagging of great whites, so i can see the positive also. I think simply blaming attacks on Cage diving is a silly suggestion and i would like to see some more serous research into the effects, but would not expect it any time soon as it seems the cage diving operators have the CSIRO in pocket, understandably i guess when they work together already.

Clearly no intent of speaking out against it.

WA, 3028 posts
6 Jul 2016 2:36PM
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RockyDude said..
Maybe you were overwhelmed by your own words. Who do you suppose gives a rats about what you like? Or what I like?

"Jesus you really are an idiot".

Wear your SS JB. Make sure it's switched on. At all times. Get a GoPro fitted too.

Maybe a direct link to your favourite cage diving website while you're about it.

How stupid do you think people are?

I think Cage diving has a small place in helping educate the general public and they are also responsible for a lot of the research and tagging of great whites, so i can see the positive also. I think simply blaming attacks on Cage diving is a silly suggestion and i would like to see some more serous research into the effects, but would not expect it any time soon as it seems the cage diving operators have the CSIRO in pocket, understandably i guess when they work together already.

Clearly no intent of speaking out against it.


WA, 6913 posts
6 Jul 2016 6:16PM
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RockyDude said..
Maybe you were overwhelmed by your own words. Who do you suppose gives a rats about what you like? Or what I like?

"Jesus you really are an idiot".

Wear your SS JB. Make sure it's switched on. At all times. Get a GoPro fitted too.

Maybe a direct link to your favourite cage diving website while you're about it.

How stupid do you think people are?

I think Cage diving has a small place in helping educate the general public and they are also responsible for a lot of the research and tagging of great whites, so i can see the positive also. I think simply blaming attacks on Cage diving is a silly suggestion and i would like to see some more serous research into the effects, but would not expect it any time soon as it seems the cage diving operators have the CSIRO in pocket, understandably i guess when they work together already.

Clearly no intent of speaking out against it.

Really what part of "SMALL PLACE IN HELPING EDUCATE" says i support it? How about the comment i made directly above that one that you chose not to copy that said "I DONT LIKE ANYTHING THAT TEACHES A WILD ANIMAL TO COME IN FOR AN EASY FEED"

This thread is nothing to do with Cage diving (even though thats what your trolling it to be). Why don't you start another thread and bag them out to your hearts content. Even the guys on this page who work in the CD industry may comment if your lucky

WA, 1777 posts
6 Jul 2016 6:53PM
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Chill out a tad.

Getting cranky resolves nothing.

"I think Cage diving has a small place in helping educate the general public, and they are also responsible for a lot of the research and tagging of great whites, so i can see the positive also."

"[b]I would like to see some more serious research into the effects


What's difficult to interpret there?

You acknowledge there is possibly a link with CD and attacks, and that more research needs doing into the possible link.

But the idea of continuing the "research", (easily done without tourists teasing sharks), is quite OK to go on without disrupting CD businesses.

My thoughts are that the sharks probably don't care too much whether there's a person in the cage, so long as they get an easy meal, so why prolong the training while there is potentially more sharks learning that people = food.

You happily speak out vehemently about some things, but strangely silent on this one.

Your argument could be put like this:

1. Jumping into a cage surrounded by wild lions enables people to learn that lions will try to kill you = positive.

2. More lions seem to be eating people, so we must look into that some day. But keep doing what we are doing.

3. People attracting lions with the prospect of a easy meal is bad. Nothing to see here....

I can't help but shake my head, and even more when you suggest that CD should be separated from other shark attack thoughts.

No offence intended JB, anything that will help should be available on the table for discussion.

PS, if I was trolling, I would have only posted a clown smiley.

WA, 6913 posts
6 Jul 2016 7:25PM
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RockyDude said..

Chill out a tad.

Getting cranky resolves nothing.

"I think Cage diving has a small place in helping educate the general public, and they are also responsible for a lot of the research and tagging of great whites, so i can see the positive also."

"[b]I would like to see some more serious research into the effects


What's difficult to interpret there?

You acknowledge there is possibly a link with CD and attacks, and that more research needs doing into the possible link.

But the idea of continuing the "research", (easily done without tourists teasing sharks), is quite OK to go on without disrupting CD businesses.

My thoughts are that the sharks probably don't care too much whether there's a person in the cage, so long as they get an easy meal, so why prolong the training while there is potentially more sharks learning that people = food.

You happily speak out vehemently about some things, but strangely silent on this one.

Your argument could be put like this:

1. Jumping into a cage surrounded by wild lions enables people to learn that lions will try to kill you = positive.

2. More lions seem to be eating people, so we must look into that some day. But keep doing what we are doing.

3. People attracting lions with the prospect of a easy meal is bad. Nothing to see here....

I can't help but shake my head, and even more when you suggest that CD should be separated from other shark attack thoughts.

No offence intended JB, anything that will help should be available on the table for discussion.

PS, if I was trolling, I would have only posted a clown smiley.

"Chill out a tad" once again i have no idea what your on. Im not upset, I've just answered and tried to explain. Obviously you are reading this upside down or something as you seem to completely miss what I'm saying so ill give up.

Ill say this one more time, go start a Anti cage diving thread..


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Shart Shield - Do they work?" started by KEARNSY