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The Resecession

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 18 May 2012
1862 posts
18 May 2012 7:52PM
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Just like I predicted a few months ago.

The mother of all recessions is finally taking a second bite - and there is little you can do about it, unless you act quickly.

Sell your house, sell your family sell your children and buy physical silver.

That's my tip - you can thank Adolpy later.

WA, 512 posts
18 May 2012 7:55PM
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Done. Thanks A

WA, 14677 posts
18 May 2012 7:55PM
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adolf said...

Just like I predicted a few months ago.

The mother of all recessions is finally taking a second bite - and there is little you can do about it, unless you act quickly.

Sell your house, sell your family sell your children and buy physical silver.

That's my tip - you can thank Adolpy later.

Come on! I don't mind the attempt to start a recession, but of my god, spell it correctly

1862 posts
18 May 2012 8:00PM
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FormulaNova said...

Come on! I don't mind the attempt to start a recession, but of my god, spell it correctly

I didn't have time to get my spell checker out, I bought a whole lot of BHP shares yesterday. I thought I was getting quite good at catching falling knives, but I was wrong.

I thought there would be one of those dead cat bounces - but it didn't happen.

QLD, 1499 posts
18 May 2012 10:04PM
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FormulaNova said...

adolf said...

Just like I predicted a few months ago.

The mother of all recessions is finally taking a second bite - and there is little you can do about it, unless you act quickly.

Sell your house, sell your family sell your children and buy physical silver.

That's my tip - you can thank Adolpy later.

Come on! I don't mind the attempt to start a recession, but of oh my god, spell it correctly

Fixed that for you

WA, 1305 posts
18 May 2012 8:05PM
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Just what we need ..... MORE pessimism

Is there no posative thinkers out there?

VIC, 5904 posts
18 May 2012 10:11PM
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Will be plenty of work in Greece as police , firemen , street cleaners and anti looting squads .

May not pay very well though!!!!!

1862 posts
18 May 2012 8:18PM
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In the flick of an eyelid, my dreams have evaporated.

How am I going to pay for all those Voice chairs that I bought in China? That f'ck off Massaratti that I saw on for $40K is looking more and more like a distant dream.

I don't think I can cope driving a Nissan Stanza at 50. I may even have to pull my kids out of private schools!

I thought we were in a mining BOOM!

VIC, 1300 posts
18 May 2012 10:28PM
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Just reading about the massive 32billion share slide/ selloff in the share gambling industry, for every seller a buyer looms to pounce, so is the reporting biased should it not be a massive buying spree by gambler/ investors. So is the cup half empty of half full, negativity and paranoia sells newspapers

1862 posts
18 May 2012 8:39PM
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ockanui said...

Just reading about the massive 32billion share slide/ selloff in the share gambling industry, for every seller a buyer looms to pounce, so is the reporting biased should it not be a massive buying spree by gambler/ investors. So is the cup half empty of half full, negativity and paranoia sells newspapers

I've been watching the economy for about 10 years and I don't think I'm any the wiser to understanding it. I'd like to think I've got wiser, but the reality is I've got no idea where we are heading.

My gut feeling is that property values in Australia is in big bubble and we will see a major correction in the next two years.

3777 posts
18 May 2012 8:42PM
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Think what you want It not as bad as you think ... Don't sell anything

WA, 4564 posts
18 May 2012 8:47PM
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adolf said...

ockanui said...


My gut feeling is that property values in Australia is in big bubble and we will see a major correction in the next two years.

How you figure that?
People bidding to get a rent deal, which for a great number is getting out of reach for a rent property Housing industry not being encouraged to promote any new incentives to build, and industry cant build that fast, no matter how good they are. Don't believe you are on the same page with that prediction.

1862 posts
18 May 2012 8:57PM
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mineral1 said...

adolf said...

ockanui said...


My gut feeling is that property values in Australia is in big bubble and we will see a major correction in the next two years.

How you figure that?

When I bought my first property in 1996 there was a formula going around that your property would double in value every 7 years.

That did eventuate, until quite recently - in Melb Metro.

Obviously, that is in no way sustainable.

When I bought my first house for $180K I think my annual wage was around $28K now for someone the same age as me with the same skills it's probably around $40k, however my property that I bought back then is arguably worth over 1M - do the maths.

Will Robbinson - Danger Danger - it does not compute.

Buster fin
WA, 2576 posts
18 May 2012 9:09PM
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Unrelated to the current slide, I asked my portfolio manager to liquidate my shares last week to put my family in a house surrounded by garden, but he said it'll take a week or two to happen.... How much will I lose? I should have just put my coin in the bank. Or silver. Or platinum.

WA, 6415 posts
18 May 2012 9:20PM
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Watched real estate programme selling houses Australia last night. A inner well to do suburb of Sydney has went down 43 percent from it's peak.

Las Vegas is down around 70 percent.

Going to be a lot of empty property,with owners just walking away. Better to go bankrupt than pay huge interest on a house that's worth a fraction of what you took the loan for.

NSW, 5780 posts
18 May 2012 11:39PM
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uncensored has been calling this with timeline accuracy for years, but hey its all conspiracy right..?

NSW, 2005 posts
18 May 2012 11:50PM
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adolf said...
I thought we were in a mining BOOM!

Yeah but mining boom doesn't mean anyone makes instant money just by buying shares. Just means you have to follow the trends and judge of the right time to buy, just like any other market.

whoever said...
just go bankrupt

Ahh, another great advice..

NSW, 6870 posts
18 May 2012 11:51PM
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I am picking up some cow **** and veggie seeds tomorrow.

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
18 May 2012 9:59PM
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If property values plummet I will be stoked.
People can't afford a house due to baby boomer greed and Govt policy helping them, plus mining boom, turning one of life's 3 essentials (shelter) into a money spinner.

An average house in Perth peaked at $500K not long ago, even a 3x1 in poor condition in a really sh!t suburb was $300K

That can't be sustained.

Those who complain the loudest are the ones in WA who bought at $250K and when their house was suddenly worth $500K a couple of years later they borrowed against it to buy 2 new 4WD's, a boat, and $40K of home entertainment gear to keep up with the Joneses. If they suddenly can't afford to keep it all - tough bikkies.

3777 posts
18 May 2012 10:03PM
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I remember the people boasting about how there property had just gained $40.000 in value now are selling at a complete loss.

QLD, 12326 posts
19 May 2012 12:26AM
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Spare bedrooms in Gladstone are worth $200 to $300 per week.

If you have three of them it is a nice little earn for not much effort.

What?? You don't think real estate is a good investment???

WA, 7671 posts
18 May 2012 11:37PM
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adolf said...

My gut feeling is that property values in Australia is in big bubble and we will see a major correction in the next two years.

Your gut feeling Sure. Watch the ABC news regularly and you'll know Alan Kohler has been talking about this for a long time.

We live in a bubble, the work associated with the feasibilities and design and construct of the Pilbara iron ore will slow. The slowing of the iron ore may be offset by the growing gas boom... Who knows... Easy to guess... A nuclear free Japan is an interesting prospect - and still needs loads of energy.

The real interesting thing at the moment is the motivation behind comments from two big miners around expansion and the Australian investment climate... Looks like an interesting arm wrestle between government and industry...

1862 posts
18 May 2012 11:47PM
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Pugwash said...

adolf said...

My gut feeling is that property values in Australia is in big bubble and we will see a major correction in the next two years.

Your gut feeling Sure. Watch the ABC news regularly and you'll know Alan Kohler has been talking about this for a long time.

We live in a bubble, the work associated with the feasibilities and design and construct of the Pilbara iron ore will slow. The slowing of the iron ore may be offset by the growing gas boom... Who knows... Easy to guess... A nuclear free Japan is an interesting prospect - and still needs loads of energy.

The real interesting thing at the moment is the motivation behind comments from two big miners around expansion and the Australian investment climate... Looks like an interesting arm wrestle between government and industry...

Do you reckon my BHP shares are worthless now?

It's going to be a rough day for me, to tell my kids that my hands are tied - I have no more money: I'm sorry, but I'm forced to send send you to a regular school to mix with logman's kids.

6657 posts
19 May 2012 1:18AM
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Damn - I'll have to sell my white arse to the rich old girls in Toorak , Peppy Grove , The Rocks & Robina a bit earlier than I envisioned

WA, 725 posts
19 May 2012 4:44AM
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adolf said...

mineral1 said...

adolf said...

ockanui said...


My gut feeling is that property values in Australia is in big bubble and we will see a major correction in the next two years.

How you figure that?

When I bought my first property in 1996 there was a formula going around that your property would double in value every 7 years.

That did eventuate, until quite recently - in Melb Metro.

Obviously, that is in no way sustainable.

When I bought my first house for $180K I think my annual wage was around $28K now for someone the same age as me with the same skills it's probably around $40k, however my property that I bought back then is arguably worth over 1M - do the maths.

Will Robbinson - Danger Danger - it does not compute.

Hmmm lets say property doubled in value every 10 years, that is 7 per cent nominal growth.

Pretty close to average of nominal Australian interest rates over the past 40 years?

As you could put your money in the bank and earn close to that return, the value of property had to rise at that rate, or a bit more, to induce developers to build new housing?

More recently, the wealth effect of declining interest rates plus the tax distortions favouring housing saw things get a bit out of whack. We are in for quite a long period of nominal sideways at best (that is, real price declines).

WA, 6415 posts
19 May 2012 5:27AM
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Can see property prices continuing to drop in value by at least another 50 percent soon.

If the ptb create a deflationary GFC, then it's going to be more severe than an inflationary GFC.

Being a million dollars in debt in an inflationary GFC is actually not that bad. In a deflationary GFC, contracting of the money supply, money is much harder to come by, so paying back the mortgage would become near impossible.

Cash is king in a deflationary period.

And absolutely no debt.

As for silver/gold, have come to the conclusion the markets are rigged [plunge protection team],so while i believe the real value of silver is greater than $30 an ounce,believe they are going to pop this too.

QLD, 1499 posts
19 May 2012 9:40AM
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adolf said...

...I've been watching the economy for about 10 years and I don't think I'm any the wiser to understanding it. I'd like to think I've got wiser, but the reality is I've got no idea where we are heading.....

Something to keep in mind when trying to understand the markets, they are driven by two basic emotions... Fear and greed
Observe these at play in any group situation (people fleeing a burning building or trying to be first through the door on a boxing day sale) and you get the idea.
Sorry this may not help to pick the direction at any given point, but the direction will follow the emotion of the masses (and at times be helped by the pre-programed 'cut loss' automated sell orders)

WA, 14677 posts
19 May 2012 9:25AM
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Skid said...

FormulaNova said...

adolf said...

Just like I predicted a few months ago.

The mother of all recessions is finally taking a second bite - and there is little you can do about it, unless you act quickly.

Sell your house, sell your family sell your children and buy physical silver.

That's my tip - you can thank Adolpy later.

Come on! I don't mind the attempt to start a recession, but of oh my god, spell it correctly

Fixed that for you

I'm going to blame my keyboard! Someone obviously stole the h key and replaced it with the f and then chaged it back...

edit: and now they stole the n key!

QLD, 1499 posts
19 May 2012 11:36AM
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WA, 196 posts
19 May 2012 2:56PM
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petermac33 said...

Can see property prices continuing to drop in value by at least another 50 percent soon.

As for silver/gold, have come to the conclusion the markets are rigged [plunge protection team],so while i believe the real value of silver is greater than $30 an ounce,believe they are going to pop this too.

Agreed. We have the highest ratio of household income to debt in the world which now runs at a whopping 160% up from 50% 20 years ago.
Totally not sustainable.Hard to put a time line on that though (without crystal ball).
As for silver... a seasoned trader told me years ago never to make any conclusion about its price/ direction without having tomorrows newspaper today...and even then be careful.Its a beast of a metal.Makes gold trading look like a day at the beach

VIC, 5000 posts
19 May 2012 7:03PM
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adolf said...

It's going to be a rough day for me, to tell my kids that my hands are tied - I have no more money: I'm sorry, but I'm forced to send send you to a regular school to mix with logman's kids.

Don't worry adolf...I'm sure logman home schools.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The Resecession" started by adolf