Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

The earth is motionless

Created by petermac33 > 9 months ago, 3 Feb 2012
NSW, 9202 posts
4 Feb 2012 9:44PM
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choco said...

FlySurfer said...

WTF was that crap about?

Peter don't take this the wrong way, but I think it may be time to seek some professional help.
Your information filters have clearly been impaired and you may be subjected to exploitation by unscrupulous entities.

I'm here for you if you need me.

your kidding[}:)] how farkin boring would these forums be without petermac and the doc, they make me feel intelligent

To be honest as much as I think the chemtrails et al conversations are bull****, they sure can be entertaining.

And I think PM33 has put this up as a joke. He does that occasionally if you haven't noticed.

NSW, 4188 posts
4 Feb 2012 10:50PM
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Test pilot 1 said...

Mark _australia said...
Ergot is a fungus, your word is Ergo

I resisted the temptation to point that one out, mostly because I am a fun guy too

(yes I will ban myself for a few days for that terrible joke)

WA, 6415 posts
4 Feb 2012 9:52PM
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To be honest,not entirely sure about this,unlike with those trails that you can see with your own eyes.

Perhaps they are using this nonesense that the earth is rotating at such bewildering speed to push this evolution theory/take spiritual belief away from the sheeple,i'm not sure.

It certainly appears to me the earth is not rotating at all.The idea that the earth and the gas around it are in identical synchronized speed is ludicrous,at least to me anyway.

if the earth is rotating along with the atmosphere around it,then taking a flight with the flow of gas should be very,very quick.The flight the other way,against the gas, should be very,very slow.

6657 posts
4 Feb 2012 9:58PM
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Spiritual Belief = Vodka

QLD, 6806 posts
5 Feb 2012 12:15AM
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Mark _australia said...

... is expanding, so it must all be expanding away from something - a single point.....


sure ...expanding ... expanding ...

I hope that will not burst (this ergo(t)nomic wet-suit ) !!!

1262 posts
4 Feb 2012 11:53PM
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^^ that pic may possibly explain the 'boardies over wetties' concept....

QLD, 1534 posts
5 Feb 2012 1:57AM
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desertyank said...

^^ that pic may possibly explain the 'boardies over wetties' concept....

But doesn't explain why Macro can find these pictures. I don't wanna know

NSW, 2005 posts
5 Feb 2012 3:30AM
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evlPanda said...

And I think PM33 has put this up as a joke.

One wonders...

QLD, 1534 posts
5 Feb 2012 2:36AM
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BulldogPup said...

Spiritual Belief = Vodka

And I believe I'll have another!

TAS, 1992 posts
5 Feb 2012 10:20AM
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petermac33 said...

To be honest,not entirely sure about this,unlike with those trails that you can see with your own eyes.

Perhaps they are using this nonesense that the earth is rotating at such bewildering speed to push this evolution theory/take spiritual belief away from the sheeple,i'm not sure.

It certainly appears to me the earth is not rotating at all.The idea that the earth and the gas around it are in identical synchronized speed is ludicrous,at least to me anyway.

if the earth is rotating along with the atmosphere around it,then taking a flight with the flow of gas should be very,very quick.The flight the other way,against the gas, should be very,very slow.

So do you think the sun is whizzing around us every day?

WA, 6415 posts
5 Feb 2012 3:00PM
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All i know/think is that the earth certainly appears to be motionless.

yes,i believe the sun rotates daily around the earth.

If the atmosohere was moving at such synchronized speed as the earth there should be a trail of gas in it's wake.

The motivation in pushing this,is the same motivation in pushing the evolution theory----to take spiritual belif away from us.

p.s---one species can never evolve in to another.

We started out as a species to bigin with i believe.

They lie to us about nearly everything else,so why not this?

NSW, 2495 posts
5 Feb 2012 6:11PM
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i just tried to watch that again but had to stop when my eyes started bleeding.
4.39 min and that stupid helicopter thing among other coments were so out of whack that i had to stop. please, no more. i cant take it

NSW, 2495 posts
5 Feb 2012 6:14PM
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petermac33 said...

All i know/think is that the earth certainly appears to be motionless.

yes,i believe the sun rotates daily around the earth

if the sun rotated around the earth the entire solar system would be gone. just imagine the "wobble" from the suns gravity for one.
struth mate, doing my head in!

WA, 205 posts
5 Feb 2012 3:59PM
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Hi Petermac33,

I highly recommend reading a highschool physics textbook, one where you can do the experiments yourself, seeing is beleiving after all. An interesting conundrum I struggled to understand for quite sometime was why high pressure cells on the weather map would actually travel (west to east around the earth) faster than the earth was spinning. It's all been thought of before (in many cases several hundreds of years ago) and there are perfectly logical and understandable explanations for it. You may have to spend a bit of time doing your homework but it's all out there to be understood.

As for religion....check this out

WA, 1227 posts
5 Feb 2012 4:23PM
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Someone already mentioned Mr Coriolus. Nobody's picked up on it yet.

... and of course the Earth really is flat. When Columbus set off there were 3 ships, right. So what happened to the other 2? I'll tell you what happened; They fell off the edge, didn't they. That's what happened, and it's all been a big gummint cover-up/lie/conspiracy ever since.

WA, 4642 posts
5 Feb 2012 5:09PM
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petermac33 said...

All i know/think is that the earth certainly appears to be motionless.

yes,i believe the sun rotates daily around the earth.

Well that explains everything!
Now I can see why the the use of micro nukes to demolish inner city buildings is so completely plausible,... to some.
Even though they don't actually exist.
Everything is clear to me now.

WA, 6415 posts
5 Feb 2012 8:31PM
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In the eye,double el card game that came out i think around 1995.

In one of the cards there is a picture of two identical high rise skyscrapers........With the word nuke written across the card.

mmm----you are a believer then pweedas of coincidence?

WA, 12095 posts
5 Feb 2012 9:34PM
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Elmo got me really stirred up yesterday, trying to explain his theory of fin push-up-ness, (note, I refuse to call it lift), where he denies any angle of attack, says no hydrodynamic lift is generated. the tail is kept inline purely by fin area pushing against the water. And the tail is pushed up by the water squeezing the fin out.

So I'm not game to enter this debate, might just blow a fuse!!!!

WA, 4642 posts
5 Feb 2012 11:48PM
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petermac33 said...

In the eye,double el card game that came out i think around 1995.

In one of the cards there is a picture of two identical high rise skyscrapers........With the word nuke written across the card.

mmm----you are a believer then pweedas of coincidence?

I certainly am Pweet. I totally believe in coincidence because 'coincidence' has happened to me many times over many years, mostly on trivial things but sometimes on amazing things.
The fact is that in the millions of things that happen on this planet every day, sometimes by sheer chance, wierd things coincide.

WA, 12095 posts
6 Feb 2012 7:47PM
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OK, I guess I can't resist.

Peter is it a coincidence, that the stars and planet's position in the sky change yearly exactly as if the earth spins daily on an axis tilted to the plane of it's yearly rotation around the sun.

If the earth is stationary you have to come up with a very convincing argument for the movement of the planets.
How do they change direction and do a little dance???????

Sure the Earth appears to be stationary, but then I bet if you ask the Moon astronauts, they'll tell you the Earth and sun appear to rotate around the Moon, when standing on the moon.
And I'm also sure from the Mars rovers point of view, the universe revolves around Mars.
In fact when a mate did some loops in a glider, it appeared as if the Earth was going round the glider.

It's all relative and a matter of perspective. relative to Peter, the universe revolves around him.
But relative to the universe, the galaxies are mostly moving away from each other and spinning, (probably around the black hole at their centre) the solar systems in the galaxies are also spinning around their suns.

A balance of gravity and centrifugal force.

If the matter in the universe isn't revolving around the heaviest stuff in the near vicinity, it's all going to crash!
Revolving around Peter just doesn't do the job!

No moons, no planets, no suns, just one giant black hole where the centre of the galaxies should be.

QLD, 1534 posts
6 Feb 2012 9:59PM
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I can fly by lifting my feet by my hands!

WA, 6415 posts
6 Feb 2012 8:00PM
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You can believe till your last breath what you want/what they teach you to believe,aka man-made global warming.I will continue to believe the earth is motionless till i see evidence to the contrary. Getting into a technical discussion just clouds the debate,clearly the earth is still---period.

QLD, 1534 posts
6 Feb 2012 10:02PM
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When I stand in my house nothing moves.

WA, 12095 posts
6 Feb 2012 8:05PM
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petermac33 said...

You can believe till your last breath what you want/what they teach you to believe,aka man-made global warming.I will continue to believe the earth is motionless till i see evidence to the contrary. Getting into a technical discussion just clouds the debate,clearly the earth is still---period.

OK do a bit of real research your self, study the motion of the planets over a year and explain their motion.

Or if you can't wait a whole year, maybe you could set up a long pendulum.

QLD, 1534 posts
6 Feb 2012 10:19PM
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Do my whirlybirds spin or does the house rotate around them?

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Feb 2012 10:52PM
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decrepit said...

petermac33 said...

You can believe till your last breath what you want/what they teach you to believe,aka man-made global warming.I will continue to believe the earth is motionless till i see evidence to the contrary. Getting into a technical discussion just clouds the debate,clearly the earth is still---period.

OK do a bit of real research your self, study the motion of the planets over a year and explain their motion.

Or if you can't wait a whole year, maybe you could set up a long pendulum.

To be absolutely positively sure you should send Peter on the moon with your pendulum and Peter could report us results if differ a bit on that one on Earth.

Obviously we could ask Armstrong which way was water circulating after morning shave or poo flushing in the toilet , but don't expect him to remember.

BTW I am interested if they flushed all waste content on the spot as all ships do ?

that guy must be really confused
his ship is spinning around
he is rotating around the Earth
Earth is spinning also orbiting Sun
somehow if he departure from Kennedy space center will land also near by

WA, 12095 posts
6 Feb 2012 8:56PM
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bobajob said...

Do my whirlybirds spin or does the house rotate around them?

Depends if Peter is standing on them!

2224 posts
6 Feb 2012 9:02PM
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The earth moves through the atmosphere which helps to create wind there is less wind around the earths equator due to the corrolosis effect which also affects which way cyclones rotate north or south of the equator however if you fly on a plane with the earths rotation or against it you seem to land at a similar timeframe apart from headwinds tailwinds etc

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Feb 2012 11:09PM
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decrepit said...

OK do a bit of real research your self, study the motion ...

you could set up a long pendulum.

OK follow your advice Peter just finished pendulum experiment.
( Good , handy bungy cord is perfect for that)
Results below

Since Pete remained motionless (and emotionless too ) , his guts content still keep moving ...
blame Coriolis not me ...

NSW, 5780 posts
7 Feb 2012 12:26AM
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i love how someone who believes in the principles and effecs of haarp is convinced the earth is motionless...

dude you're losing it


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The earth is motionless" started by petermac33