Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

The earth is motionless

Created by petermac33 > 9 months ago, 3 Feb 2012
WA, 12095 posts
6 Feb 2012 10:01PM
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Some more stuff to think about.

QLD, 6806 posts
7 Feb 2012 12:16AM
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decrepit said...

Some more stuff to think about.

if we move to quantum sphere from old Newton physics you both could be right at same time.
Thar Earth is moving and stay stationery at same time

WA, 6277 posts
6 Feb 2012 10:26PM
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You will be led to judgement like lambs to the slaughter--a simile whose existence, I might add, will not do your species any favors.

NSW, 2005 posts
7 Feb 2012 1:35AM
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petermac33 said...

Getting into a technical discussion just clouds the debate,clearly the earth is still---period.

Translation: "don't confuse me with details or facts."

2224 posts
6 Feb 2012 10:52PM
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Dear the doctor in your picture you look similar too an agent off the matrix movie which government agency do you work for I understand your apprehension of allowing worker ants to know to much but haaarp is real have a look at the patents put out under mind control devices and mood altering devices by America's government Russia also has a similar project the cold war never stopped and America could only get a rocket into orbit once they stole the head Russian scientist and worked out the trajectory off 360 days a year due to a lunar cycle of 29.53 days or 360 days a year during this time they also funded Afghanistan to shoot down Russian helicopters and steal the little box that's a maP which we now know as gps apparently they then lande a rocket on the moon only two years after that bit suspicious if you drop a feather and hammer on the moon they both hit the ground at the same time bull**** watch it on you tube it's easy to believe a big lie rather than a lot of little ones

NSW, 5780 posts
7 Feb 2012 6:54AM
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Dear razzonator, take your medication

WA, 6415 posts
7 Feb 2012 5:18AM
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theDoctor said...

i love how someone who believes in the principles and effecs of haarp is convinced the earth is motionless...

dude you're losing it

Question: “The fixed atmosphere and the movement of the Sun, I had somebody on [international] radio ask me today how did I know the Earth is stationary and motionless, and I said, well, first of all we feel and sense no movement so that told me something was wrong right away. But we can see from the time-lapse photographs and our very own eyes that the Sun is changing position from East-to-West, we can tell that people are not affected by any continuous, perpetual strong winds so how could the Earth be rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, in other words the whole story they've been telling us is nonsense. What's the real story as far as you've been able to figure out?”

Response: “Well, what's really interesting though, when you consider if the Government or NASA, if they had said to you that the Earth is stationary. Imagine that. And then imagine we are trying to convince people that 'no, no' it's not stationary, it's moving forward at 32 times rifle bullet speed and spinning at 1,000 miles per hour. We would be laughed at, we would have so many people telling us, are you crazy, the Earth is not moving, we would be ridiculed for having no scientific backing for this convoluted moving theory. And not only that but then people would say, oh then how do you explain a fixed, calm atmosphere and the Sun's observable movement, how do you explain that? Imagine saying to people, 'no, no' the atmosphere is moving also but is somehow magically velcroed to the moving-Earth, the reason is not simply because the Earth is stationary. So what we are actually doing is what makes sense. We are saying that the moving-Earth theory is nonsense, the stationary-Earth theory makes sense and we are being ridiculed. You've got to picture it being the other way around to realize just how RIDICULOUS this situation is. This theory from the Government and NASA that the Earth is rotating and orbiting and leaning over and now they have wobbling is absolute nonsense and yet people are clinging to it, tightly, like a teddy bear, they just can't bring themselves to face the possibility that the Earth is stationary but ALL the evidence shows it, we feel no movement, the atmosphere hasn't been blown away, we see the Sun move from East-to-West, everything can be explained by a motionless Earth without bringing in all these assumptions to cover up previous assumptions gone bad."

QLD, 1534 posts
7 Feb 2012 7:20AM
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Razzonater said...

Dear the doctor in your picture you look similar too an agent off the matrix movie which government agency do you work for I understand your apprehension of allowing worker ants to know to much but haaarp is real have a look at the patents put out under mind control devices and mood altering devices by America's government Russia also has a similar project the cold war never stopped and America could only get a rocket into orbit once they stole the head Russian scientist and worked out the trajectory off 360 days a year due to a lunar cycle of 29.53 days or 360 days a year during this time they also funded Afghanistan to shoot down Russian helicopters and steal the little box that's a maP which we now know as gps apparently they then lande a rocket on the moon only two years after that bit suspicious if you drop a feather and hammer on the moon they both hit the ground at the same time bull**** watch it on you tube it's easy to believe a big lie rather than a lot of little ones

Ah Ha! I knew it! That doctor Avatar, and I bet he's hiding behind a computer too, hiding his real identity!
The whirly birds on my house keep me safe - I still don't know what spins.

NSW, 5780 posts
7 Feb 2012 10:17AM
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petermac33 said...

theDoctor said...

i love how someone who believes in the principles and effecs of haarp is convinced the earth is motionless...

dude you're losing it

Question: “The fixed atmosphere and the movement of the Sun, I had somebody on [international] radio ask me today how did I know the Earth is stationary and motionless, and I said, well, first of all we feel and sense no movement so that told me something was wrong right away. But we can see from the time-lapse photographs and our very own eyes that the Sun is changing position from East-to-West, we can tell that people are not affected by any continuous, perpetual strong winds so how could the Earth be rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, in other words the whole story they've been telling us is nonsense. What's the real story as far as you've been able to figure out?”

Response: “Well, what's really interesting though, when you consider if the Government or NASA, if they had said to you that the Earth is stationary. Imagine that. And then imagine we are trying to convince people that 'no, no' it's not stationary, it's moving forward at 32 times rifle bullet speed and spinning at 1,000 miles per hour. We would be laughed at, we would have so many people telling us, are you crazy, the Earth is not moving, we would be ridiculed for having no scientific backing for this convoluted moving theory. And not only that but then people would say, oh then how do you explain a fixed, calm atmosphere and the Sun's observable movement, how do you explain that? Imagine saying to people, 'no, no' the atmosphere is moving also but is somehow magically velcroed to the moving-Earth, the reason is not simply because the Earth is stationary. So what we are actually doing is what makes sense. We are saying that the moving-Earth theory is nonsense, the stationary-Earth theory makes sense and we are being ridiculed. You've got to picture it being the other way around to realize just how RIDICULOUS this situation is. This theory from the Government and NASA that the Earth is rotating and orbiting and leaning over and now they have wobbling is absolute nonsense and yet people are clinging to it, tightly, like a teddy bear, they just can't bring themselves to face the possibility that the Earth is stationary but ALL the evidence shows it, we feel no movement, the atmosphere hasn't been blown away, we see the Sun move from East-to-West, everything can be explained by a motionless Earth without bringing in all these assumptions to cover up previous assumptions gone bad."

oh i get it now... its like when i'm on a train right, it doesn't feel like i'm moving but i somehow arrive at a destination...

so the train must stay stationary and everything else must move... i get it, that sneaky guv'met an dem space boys at nasa sure had me fooled...!

wasn't the art bell coast to coast you were listening to by chance....?

p.s, how do we direct haarp if the atmosphere (or the earth for that matter) doesn't move...?

NSW, 9202 posts
7 Feb 2012 10:29AM
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jquigley said...

Hi Petermac33,

It's all been thought of before (in many cases several hundreds of years ago) and there are perfectly logical and understandable explanations for it.

This can't be right because any time that something amazing or insightful happened Peter was there, in the centre of it all. Ask Peter, he was there.

WA, 6415 posts
7 Feb 2012 7:47AM
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We have been duped so many times doc,but somehow they would never,ever lie to us about this,right on doc.

To not be open to even the possibility doc,shows how well a job they've done on their teaching programme on this matter.

Next doc, you might start believing building 7 just had to fall in near perfect symmetry due to all the fallen debris/fire

WA, 3519 posts
7 Feb 2012 9:58AM
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Macroscien said...

Mark _australia said...

... is expanding, so it must all be expanding away from something - a single point.....


sure ...expanding ... expanding ...

I hope that will not burst (this ergo(t)nomic wet-suit ) !!!

Now I know why the tea bags are wearing polka dot boardies overtheire wetties! I nearly vomited in my mouth!

WA, 3519 posts
7 Feb 2012 10:05AM
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I read in a book that the earth is flat and supported on the back of 4 elephants who are themself standing on 4 turtles and it is cruising aroud the univers! Must be real it is in a book, one of the scientist in that book, by the name of Rincewind tells all about it! HE EVEN WENT TO THE EDGE AND NEARLY FELT!

VIC, 237 posts
7 Feb 2012 3:52PM
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Whether the Earth spins or not is irrelevant (it does) because I have just found out that the Moon is hollow (and is in fact made by aliens, sort of like the Death Star) and also that that the continents move because the Earth is growing, in fact it has doubled it size over 600 million years. This is far more important.

QLD, 6806 posts
7 Feb 2012 3:09PM
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I have bad news for you guys

All world is just creation of my imagination ! When I die you are all cease to exist

WA, 1227 posts
7 Feb 2012 3:41PM
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felixdcat said...
I read in a book that the earth is flat and supported on the back of 4 elephants who are themself themselves standing on 4 turtles and ...

One turtle! If you're going to get all scientific then at least be accurate .

WA, 3519 posts
7 Feb 2012 4:07PM
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dinsdale said...

felixdcat said...
I read in a book that the earth is flat and supported on the back of 4 elephants who are themself themselves standing on 4 turtles and ...

One turtle! If you're going to get all scientific then at least be accurate .

just testing Dinds..... just testing!

NSW, 9202 posts
7 Feb 2012 7:27PM
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felixdcat said...

dinsdale said...

felixdcat said...
I read in a book that the earth is flat and supported on the back of 4 elephants who are themself themselves standing on 4 turtles and ...

One turtle! If you're going to get all scientific then at least be accurate .

just testing Dinds..... just testing!

A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the center of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: "What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise." The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?"

"You're very clever, young man, very clever," said the old lady. "But it's turtles all the way down!"

WA, 4642 posts
7 Feb 2012 4:38PM
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petermac33 said...

You can believe till your last breath what you want/what they teach you to believe,aka man-made global warming.I will continue to believe the earth is motionless till i see evidence to the contrary. Getting into a technical discussion just clouds the debate,clearly the earth is still---period.

Some 'evidence to the contrary' eh?
If you get in any aeroplane and sit on the same heading according to the directional gyro, for every hour you follow it, it will be 15 degrees in error. So after 2 hours it will be up to 30 degrees off course, 4 hours will be 60 degrees off course so it will be hard not to notice.
No problem if you weren't going anywhere but big problem if you actually wanted to go in a straight line. You have to reset them every 15 minutes or so. Why is this?
It's because the earth rotates and the gyro always points to the same position in space, not the same position on earth. If the earth was motionless then the gyro procession would be close to zero and it would be random, this way or that way. All gyros process the same way depending on the hemisphere they are in, north or south.
It's not random and it's always 15 degrees per hour, which coincidentally is the rate of rotation of planet earth. (360 divide by 24) = 15 deg per hour)
This is NOT a coincidence. It is a proof of a scientific fact The earth rotates once every 24 hours..

The fact that the earth is spinning has been used to navigate ships for the last 100 years and still is, even in this day of GPS and everything else electronic.
A gyro compass relies on the spin of the earth to find true north. Not magnetic north but TRUE north. That is the northern point on the planet which lies on the axis on which the EARTH ROTATES. If the earth didn't rotate every gyro compass on every large ship would stop working. And even in this day and age of GPS it is still mandatory to have a gyro compass onboard large vessels for navigation.
You can look up gyro compasses on Wikicleverdick.

This is the device which was at the heart of the inertial navigation systems which we used to navigate nuclear subs, ocean liners and airliners. The science is good and it's reliable. You can take it that the earth DOES rotate.
If anyone can come up with an even half convincing proof that it doesn't could you let the world know before there are some serious collisions.

NSW, 9202 posts
7 Feb 2012 7:39PM
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petermac33 said...

We have been duped so many times doc,but somehow they would never,ever lie to us about this,right on doc.

To not be open to even the possibility doc,shows how well a job they've done on their teaching programme on this matter.

Next doc, you might start believing building 7 just had to fall in near perfect symmetry due to all the fallen debris/fire

What about the internet? They *say* it was all created by the US military, but how do we know it isn't alien technology designed to ensnare us in a trap? We have to stop just believing them.

NSW, 9202 posts
7 Feb 2012 7:42PM
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(machine posting)

Whoah whoah whoah...

The most-well known of these is the Michelson-Morley experiment which attempted to measure the change in speed of light due to the assumed motion of Earth through space. They measured in every different direction in various places on the Earth's surface and failed to detect any significant change whatsoever.

Of course not. C is the constant. The whole theory of relativity was driven by this experiment (or at least partly).


Einstein's theory of relativity is accepted worldwide as gospel truth, even though he himself admitted geocentricism is equally justifiable.

Ok. read further - jumped the gun.

This is actually what I've said above and above. Both are true. Really. Truly.
The Earth spins ...and it doesn't.

NSW, 807 posts
7 Feb 2012 8:35PM
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pweedas I think that'll prove too complimacated for pete.

PM, here's a little test for you:

Go out, watch the stars go overhead for a few nights. You can see it for yourself with some patience that they slowly travel east to west don't they?

Now go down near the south pole (Or north pole if you prefer... say Alaska or Greenland). Watch them for a few nights down there. How come the stars that go east/west here in the temperate zones go around and around in a circle in the arctic zones? Same stars. Same planet.

WA, 15849 posts
7 Feb 2012 5:52PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

pweedas I think that'll prove too complimacated for pete.

PM, here's a little test for you:

Go out, watch the stars go overhead for a few nights. You can see it for yourself with some patience that they slowly travel east to west don't they?

Now go down near the south pole (Or north pole if you prefer... say Alaska or Greenland). Watch them for a few nights down there. How come the stars that go east/west here in the temperate zones go around and around in a circle in the arctic zones? Same stars. Same planet.

If you have to spell it out, its generally not worth it SOG.

NSW, 4188 posts
7 Feb 2012 9:12PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

pGo out, watch the stars go overhead for a few nights. You can see it for yourself with some patience that they slowly travel east to west don't they?

Now go down near the south pole (Or north pole if you prefer... say Alaska or Greenland). Watch them for a few nights down there. How come the stars that go east/west here in the temperate zones go around and around in a circle in the arctic zones? Same stars. Same planet.


No one has ever been to the poles. They did all that stuff in a movie studio in Nevada.

WA, 2775 posts
7 Feb 2012 6:13PM
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I just read this, and all I can say is
my head hurts

NSW, 807 posts
7 Feb 2012 10:26PM
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doggie said...

If you have to spell it out, its generally not worth it SOG.

Yeah, you're right. I was just filling some time....

NSW, 807 posts
7 Feb 2012 10:29PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...


No one has ever been to the poles. They did all that stuff in a movie studio in Nevada.

Now here's an interesting question - put a beetle in a tin and it'll usually work it's way to the top and then go around and around and around and...

Question is - which way around do they go? And does it depend on which hemisphere they're in?? I mean, is there a coriolis force for beetles?

PM! Some homework for you. I'd like an answer and unquestionable youchoob proof thanks!

QLD, 1534 posts
7 Feb 2012 9:39PM
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When I stand on my roof the whirlybirds spin, when I stand on the whirlybirds the house spins..... and the chemtrails are chem circles!

WA, 12095 posts
7 Feb 2012 8:28PM
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OH dear, should I give up now? It's all getting a bit tedious, all though some of the asides are quite humorous.

OK Peter, how do you explain the phases of the moon?
If the earth doesn't spin, the sun and moon both rotate around the earth daily, whereas the standard theory of moon phases relies on the moon spinning round the earth every 28 days???????

why would the atmosphere be stationary? It's an inherent part of the earth, there's no reason to suppose it's somehow separate and the earth has to spin in it. So of course there's no wind evidence of the earth's spin.

And your sense of speed is purely relative.
Have you ever flown by jetliner???? That's going at a reasonable percentage of the Earth's speed near the equator. But if there's no turbulence and the windows are shut, there's also no sensation of speed!!!!! You judge your speed relative to your surroundings, if everything around you moves at the same speed as you, you do feel stationary.

There's no evolutionary reason why we should be able to sense absolute motion.
Our senses have developed purely in response to relative movement.

(but I guess it's doubtful you pay much credence to evolution either)

TAS, 1992 posts
8 Feb 2012 10:21PM
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This topic reminds me a little of the one where people think that trees make the wind blow. I first heard this when a guy rang up the radio station to say how his girlfriend had said 'the trees must be angry today' and he said 'why' and she said 'because it's so windy'! He was absolutely gobsmacked and could not believe she thought that the trees produced the wind. Then another guy rang up and said his girlfreind thought exactly the same thing. The radio announcers could not believe it either. Apparently it's quite common for kids to think this:

Not sure of the connection to this topic, but I suppose they are both about a lack of understanding beyond what might appear at first to be the case. Luckily, as an evolving species, we're gaining and passing on information so each generation doesn't have to start from scratch. That's why we know more now that at any other time in history.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The earth is motionless" started by petermac33