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To Owe or Not to Owe??

Created by cisco > 9 months ago, 17 Aug 2011
WA, 4564 posts
17 Aug 2011 8:15PM
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teatrea said...

CMC said...

dinsdale said...

Hmmmmm. Kinda speaks for itself, doesn't it.

well said CMC. The Liberals have always been concerned about looking after the big end of town. If Tony Abbott is ever our leader God help us! One Liberal i like though is Turnbull he makes sense.

Agree about ol flap ears. Only one issue with Turnbull who in real terms isn't half too bad, that makes me shy away from his slant on things.
Somehow a number of major powerbrokers in his side, managed to con him into the "Ute-gate" controversy, ending up with him getting egg on his face. Those shakers and movers should have been jailed for treason I wont forget in a big hurry that there are some very very crooked people in that bunch.
Turnbull needs to clean out the crooks to make a go of things.

WA, 64 posts
17 Aug 2011 8:16PM
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Howard managed to reduce Public debt by increasing private debt. And by leading the highest taxing government in history. At the same time he increased middle class welfare spending to record levels.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative" John Stuart Mill

WA, 14677 posts
17 Aug 2011 9:03PM
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cisco said...

(nothing at all)

One thing I find annoying is when people quote other people's information, or in this case a graph, without any explanation or comment on it.

"It goes without saying" is a 'weasily' way of saying something.

In the absence of any text, I will take your comment to mean, "gee, why does the Liberal goverment in this particular sample save so much and where does it come from. Is it magic?" and also " I wonder why the incumbent government during any recessions didn't save their money and instead spent it on creating jobs".

To this, I would say, "congratulations, you understand basic economic policy".

QLD, 12326 posts
18 Aug 2011 2:00AM
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FormulaNova said...

cisco said...

(nothing at all)

One thing I find annoying is when people quote other people's information, or in this case a graph, without any explanation or comment on it.

"It goes without saying" is a 'weasily' way of saying something.

In the absence of any text, I will take your comment to mean, "gee, why does the Liberal goverment in this particular sample save so much and where does it come from. Is it magic?" and also " I wonder why the incumbent government during any recessions didn't save their money and instead spent it on creating jobs".

To this, I would say, "congratulations, you understand basic economic policy".

Sorry if my format annoys you Formula Nova. The thread title and the post are posed as a question such as "What do you think about this?" or something similar.

You have to admit the graph is graphic as graphs are supposed to be.

What is of note is the number of red bars and blue bars in the graph. The black bars have not happened yet but are projected.

What the graph illustrates for me is that Labor is far more skillful at running UP debt than the Liberals are at bringing it DOWN.

It took Hawke/Keating SEVEN years to run it UP and it took Howard/Costello NINE years to bring it back DOWN to just under where it was in 89-90.

Then Howard/Costello had THREE good years creating a healthy surplus.

You have to hand it to the Rudd/Gillard lot though. They learn fast.

In just THREE years they have wiped out the benefits of ELEVEN years of good fiscal policy.

Now the graph came to me in an email, so it might not be correct, however it is tagged at the lower left.

I am not really interested in the whys and hows of the past that some are prattleing on about above because I go to the "Church of What's Happenin' Now". What's happenin' now in the main street of my town is businesses are closing and shops are vacant and that ain't no good for nobody.

Fluck Gillard and Swan!! They can have the $900 back and I don't want no digital set top box neither. Conts!!!

QLD, 3954 posts
18 Aug 2011 6:29AM
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I can't help thinking that people feel that Australia as an isolated island bordered by the Pacific and Indian oceans in the East and West should survive on it's own despite the conditions of the GLOBAL economy.

What does that mean? It does not matter who is in power or how the economy is managed right now in the sense that things are tough everywhere. We are not on our own planet, we do not have a self sufficient isolated economy if the dollar is high we can't export, if it's cheaper to import, if people are nervous because they see the world is falling and wonder when its our turn to fall they stop spending.

The Labor party like it or not DID NOT CAUSE THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. Don't confuse things being slow with who's in power. Guess what Liberal guys, unfortunately things would be no better right now globally if Liberal was in power either.

NSW, 1317 posts
18 Aug 2011 6:50AM
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"lies ,damn lies and statistics"
"i've never met an economist who was an optimist"

NSW, 2005 posts
18 Aug 2011 7:17AM
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Big +1 too on CMC's original observations on the graph.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Aug 2011 7:31AM
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labor did cop the raw end of the deal, but to throw money at people which at the end of the day meant very little to a peoples circumstances was just plain reckless.

now its pay back time= tax

WA, 14677 posts
18 Aug 2011 6:25AM
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cisco said...

<my stuff deleted>

Sorry if my format annoys you Formula Nova. The thread title and the post are posed as a question such as "What do you think about this?" or something similar.

You have to admit the graph is graphic as graphs are supposed to be.

What is of note is the number of red bars and blue bars in the graph. The black bars have not happened yet but are projected.

What the graph illustrates for me is that Labor is far more skillful at running UP debt than the Liberals are at bringing it DOWN.

It took Hawke/Keating SEVEN years to run it UP and it took Howard/Costello NINE years to bring it back DOWN to just under where it was in 89-90.

Then Howard/Costello had THREE good years creating a healthy surplus.

You have to hand it to the Rudd/Gillard lot though. They learn fast.

In just THREE years they have wiped out the benefits of ELEVEN years of good fiscal policy.

This is where I have to disagree. Any government is not isolated from the rest of the world, so how can you say the debt levels are any indication of good fiscal policy? That's like saying because I sold a house in a housing boom that I am a good financial advisor. In reality I was just lucky that housing prices went to stupid levels.

Now the graph came to me in an email, so it might not be correct, however it is tagged at the lower left.

I am not really interested in the whys and hows of the past that some are prattleing on about above because I go to the "Church of What's Happenin' Now". What's happenin' now in the main street of my town is businesses are closing and shops are vacant and that ain't no good for nobody.

So, you just want to ignore how the economy works and take pot shots at a government you don't like? Fine, why didn't you just say that?

Fluck Gillard and Swan!! They can have the $900 back and I don't want no digital set top box neither. Conts!!!

If businesses and shops are closing AND the global economy is suffering AND the government is still spending money in the economy, can you work out why?

QLD, 3954 posts
18 Aug 2011 8:42AM
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Sounds like Mr Nova is on the same page as I am.

Here's one for you. A friend of mine that has done very well for himself told me that he believes the real problem with our leading politicians is that they get paid too little. Not that we should pay our current boneheads more but if the wages were higher more talented people would take the job. If you are a brilliant person now you'd go work for a bank or a mine and get 4 times as much. Why would you take all of that pressure of being in politics for such little money. I thought it was a very good point.

VIC, 5000 posts
18 Aug 2011 9:37AM
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CMC said...

Guess what Liberal guys, unfortunately things would be no better right now globally if Liberal was in power either.

Personally going by the Libs historic trends, I reckon we'd be worse off. Sure, our govt would prob be more financial, but would we, the people? The stimulus that Labor have generated have kept us afloat (so far). We are the lucky country & can trade our way back to a surplus, especially because of our current financial position in the GDP.

Here's one for you. A friend of mine that has done very well for himself told me that he believes the real problem with our leading politicians is that they get paid too little. Not that we should pay our current boneheads more but if the wages were higher more talented people would take the job. If you are a brilliant person now you'd go work for a bank or a mine and get 4 times as much. Why would you take all of that pressure of being in politics for such little money. I thought it was a very good point.

(Sorry for quoting you twice CMC, but your comments are making too much sense!)
Unfortunately, the difference between a politician's salary & a corporate partner/director's is far too great ($300k vs $3m at a min.) to even try to dangle that carrot. Politicians generally have a passion for 'the game' and agendas to seek. Smart business people know better...besides, if politics became sensible, those corporate salaries would be in trouble.

QLD, 12326 posts
18 Aug 2011 9:45AM
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I have often thought that pollies should be paid a living wage and then a commission or bonus based on economic performance.

That could not work though. Too much scope for corruption and once one lot got in and was getting the money, the other lot would never stand a chance of getting in.

Admittedly the graph only illustrates one aspect of governments' performance and would be far more enlightening if it went back say 50 years and had another line or two that indicated for instance the economic well being of the general population and small to medium sized business activity.

Maybe a graph line not based on economic factors would be helpful. Say one based on technological innovations or a social factor.

A very interesting comparison line would be one based on public infrastructure spending.

QLD, 12326 posts
18 Aug 2011 9:51AM
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The Topic Question:- Are we better off oweing or not oweing??

WA, 7671 posts
18 Aug 2011 9:29AM
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CMC said...

Here's one for you. A friend of mine that has done very well for himself told me that he believes the real problem with our leading politicians is that they get paid too little. Not that we should pay our current boneheads more but if the wages were higher more talented people would take the job. If you are a brilliant person now you'd go work for a bank or a mine and get 4 times as much. Why would you take all of that pressure of being in politics for such little money. I thought it was a very good point.


Consider the other perks, and I don't mean those that are part of the role whilst in office, such as domestic/international travel, accommodation, cars etc, this could be considered part of the job - or any job for that matter.

What happens when you retire from politics, life time salary, life time travel allowances... A little googling, and I found this highly reliable article()...

John Howard is costing taxpayers an estimated $300 000 a year in air fares, chauffeured cars and office expenses, on top of a $330 000 annual pension.

It's not all bad for them

WA, 6650 posts
18 Aug 2011 9:48AM
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CMC said...

I can't help thinking that people feel that Australia as an isolated island bordered by the Pacific and Indian oceans in the East and West should survive on it's own despite the conditions of the GLOBAL economy.

What does that mean? It does not matter who is in power or how the economy is managed right now in the sense that things are tough everywhere. We are not on our own planet, we do not have a self sufficient isolated economy if the dollar is high we can't export, if it's cheaper to import, if people are nervous because they see the world is falling and wonder when its our turn to fall they stop spending.

The Labor party like it or not DID NOT CAUSE THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. Don't confuse things being slow with who's in power. Guess what Liberal guys, unfortunately things would be no better right now globally if Liberal was in power either.

Maybe so, but what everyone is failing to mention is that Australia currently has record levels of terms of trade. Really extreme record levels.

If we can't live within our means when we sell much more than we buy what hope for the future ?

Use the global financial crisis as an excuse if you want (remembering it wasn't global, it was and still is - US and European), but is it good to be in debt ?

Depends what you spend the money on and how much you spend in repaying the debt. Borrow today to earn more tomorrow OK, borrow today to pay for yesterday's excesses or today's wastful consumerism then not OK.

The chart is also out in its prediction by $ 42 billion. Because the NBN isn't included as government spending, because they argue they will eventually sell it and repay the $42 billion, so it is not a debt.

By the way anyone got the NBN yet ? Somebody must have it, I am paying for it already. Have you stopped visiting the doctor and done all your medical consultations on-line like you told me you would ? - or have you just got slightly faster porn ?

WA, 6650 posts
18 Aug 2011 10:07AM
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What the graph perhaps also says is :

Hawk / Keating, two PMs and 6 treasurers in 13 years
Howard, one PM and one treasurer 11 years
Rudd/Gillard, so far two PMs and one treasurer in four years

and if you want to go back, 'because the graph is only a snap shot of three governments' then the data is :

Two liberal treasurers in eight years
Four labour treasurers in three years
Four liberal treasurers in fourteen years

So - in the last 50 years :
Labour - 11 treasurers in 17 years (1.5 years average service)
Liberal - 7 treasurers in 33 years (4.7 years average service)

And they say Labour is the party of the worker and of job stability.

VIC, 5000 posts
18 Aug 2011 12:33PM
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^^^ are the Bruce McAvaney (stats man) of politics!

NSW, 807 posts
18 Aug 2011 2:43PM
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Carantoc said...

Use the global financial crisis as an excuse if you want (remembering it wasn't global, it was and still is - US and European), but is it good to be in debt ?

Do you really think that Europe and the US are economic islands to themselves? Surely when all of the worlds biggest economies are hit hard, the downstream effects hit everyone - including Australia and Asia.

EDIT: I haven't gone into the question of being good or bad to be in debt because I think others here have answered it better than I could with "It depends".

WA, 877 posts
18 Aug 2011 1:19PM
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cisco said...

The Topic Question:- Are we better off oweing or not oweing??

Taking politics out of the equation.

High levels of public debt are obviously a bad thing (look at PIIGS, USA and Japan). Some public debt as with private debt is fine provided that it can be paid back and it is spent productively (ei used to find capacity improvements, technology, etc).

Back to politics.

The biggest problem with goverments being allowed to borrow is they are never accountable for the money. We (the tax payers) are. They are in the job for 3 years, and then the next election someone else has to deal with the problem.

Everyone wants more from the government than what they pay for. The problem is if the government doesnt give everyone what they want (free ****) then they dont get re-elected. When they try and act responsibility (say austerity) people go ape-**** (london, greece, etc).

Any and all governments (regardless of party) are hopelessly wasteful because they dont have to earn there money - they just take it from people or borrow it and let someone else pay it back.

WA, 6650 posts
18 Aug 2011 2:09PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

Carantoc said...

Use the global financial crisis as an excuse if you want (remembering it wasn't global, it was and still is - US and European), but is it good to be in debt ?

Do you really think that Europe and the US are economic islands to themselves? Surely when all of the worlds biggest economies are hit hard, the downstream effects hit everyone - including Australia and Asia.

EDIT: I haven't gone into the question of being good or bad to be in debt because I think others here have answered it better than I could with "It depends".

Not islands no, but China is the worlds second largest economy. In 1900 it was the world's largest, by 2020 it is likely it will again be the world's largest.

China's economy isn't exactly in crisis ?

The only economies in anything like 'crisis' were US, Iceland and a few Euro zones one. Although arguably those ones are in nothing like the 'crisis' they will be in the not too distant future. Japan has been where it is for quite a long time, just seems to carry on.

By the way did you know out of the 196 nations the big corporations Wal-Mart and Exxon-Mobil (well biggest western non-chinese-government owned corporations) would be placed about number 30 if they were countries.

Wal-mart reported $16 billion profit last year, Exxon $30 billion, both on increased sales volumes and increased revenues.

Australia inc. posted a $40 billion loss on the back of record sales and record revenues.

NSW, 9202 posts
18 Aug 2011 4:47PM
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cisco said...

I have often thought that pollies should be paid a living wage and then a commission or bonus based on economic performance.

How do you gauge economic performance cisco? How much cash somebody has?

It's too simplistic and completely ignores returns on investment, both short and long term. It sounds like your idea would be a government that just sold everything it owns, cut all services and just piled up a giant stack of money from taxes. What would the outcome of that be like?

Again, you have to compare public debt against GDP, or similar. Both parties have done well historically and we are lucky for that.

A Government's role is to redistribute wealth where it will be best invested (whatever that may mean).

NSW, 807 posts
18 Aug 2011 5:24PM
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Carantoc said...

By the way did you know out of the 196 nations the big corporations Wal-Mart and Exxon-Mobil (well biggest western non-chinese-government owned corporations) would be placed about number 30 if they were countries.

Wal-mart reported $16 billion profit last year, Exxon $30 billion, both on increased sales volumes and increased revenues.

Australia inc. posted a $40 billion loss on the back of record sales and record revenues.

Interesting. What were their schools like? How do their unemployment benefits stack up to ours? Do they have a good health service? How powerful are their armies?

Honestly, if you want to compare apples and oranges then you can make any case at all!

EDIT (Sorry just can't seem to stop these second thoughts today): When you compare the above list in the US to Australia - worlds biggest economy against a middle ranker - you'd have to say the US stacks up fairly poorly except for the military. And their debt is huuuuggggeeee!

NSW, 807 posts
18 Aug 2011 6:58PM
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evlPanda said...

It sounds like your idea would be a government that just sold everything it owns, cut all services and just piled up a giant stack of money from taxes. What would the outcome of that be like?

...why... sounds just like the Howard government!

sorry, it was just begging to be said and I couldn't hold back any longer. I did try!

NSW, 6869 posts
18 Aug 2011 7:28PM
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CMC said...

Sounds like Mr Nova is on the same page as I am.

Here's one for you. A friend of mine that has done very well for himself told me that he believes the real problem with our leading politicians is that they get paid too little. Not that we should pay our current boneheads more but if the wages were higher more talented people would take the job. If you are a brilliant person now you'd go work for a bank or a mine and get 4 times as much. Why would you take all of that pressure of being in politics for such little money. I thought it was a very good point.

I thought that for a while, that if they were more highly paid then you would get better folk.

Now I realise that the shakers and movers in our political system are filled with sociopaths who get paid better than we will ever realise. When they leave politics that is when their pigeons come home to roost.

I have maintained for a long time that one of the reasons so many of our brightest are enticed into doing medicine, law or banking is because the last thing they want is smart people with time on their hands to reflect that not all is well. Just a theory but it will do me

WA, 7671 posts
18 Aug 2011 5:28PM
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OK... so who actually misses any of the ****e lil' John sold?

When it comes to selling ****e cheap, I think the labs are not doing so bad either... enter Christina Keneally*, and everyones favourite person with disabilities, Anna Bligh... But then there was bloody Jeff... Jeff Kennett sold everything... suffer in your jocks Vic

*maybe this was a Labs love in, as Christina knew of Julia's real carbon plan Then again, they didn't seem that close And, if they were ever close (physically), someone would have been stabbed in the eye!

The telecoms infrastructure frustrates me... there should be one set of infrastucture, and companies pay to access it - rather than 3 different mobile poles in the one spot

NSW, 6869 posts
18 Aug 2011 8:19PM
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To Owe or not to Owe hey!

The question we should be asking is this, who do we owe?

There was a time when the US government issued money based on a gold and silver standard. They lost their freedom to the federal reserve. The same people, younger generation, control this ponzi digital scheme that rules our lives globally. Our illusion of democracy is bought and paid for. They control the media, virtually all of it. George Orwell was a bit out on his timing but TV has produced a population of zombies.

The whole point of the lib vs lab debate is to keep people divided whilst throwing up a smoke screen that hides the truth. For **** sake, we have the whole world in debt. To whom and for what? You can't eat money, well you can but even if you could eke a little nutrition out of a five dollar note you would starve pretty quick anyway because most of it is digital. Trillions and trillions of utter crap.

All based on debt.

Reflect for a moment. Why would the people who engineered the Great Depression push for legislation against a gold standard? I can remember when a Rand promised to pay the bearer in gold on demand.

Then ask yourself what would happen to anyone who showed promise of taking back the issuing of money by a government of the people.

Wish I had had the smarts to buy some gold way back. I reckon there is still an opportunity there because a lot of people are waking up to the fact that we have been had

Then if we took our country back we could focus on wind

NSW, 807 posts
18 Aug 2011 8:31PM
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japie said...

Reflect for a moment. Why would the people who engineered the Great Depression push for legislation against a gold standard? I can remember when a Rand promised to pay the bearer in gold on demand.

Then ask yourself what would happen to anyone who showed promise of taking back the issuing of money by a government of the people.

Wish I had had the smarts to buy some gold way back. I reckon there is still an opportunity there because a lot of people are waking up to the fact that we have been had


Q: What's a lump of gold worth japie?

Can't eat it, smoke it or drink it. Can procreate with it. It doesn't produce anything .. or consume anything for that matter. Your life is no better with it than it was without it other than some intangible sense that you have something.

A: It's worth whatever someone else will give you for it. Same as a bit of paper. That's why everyone abandoned it.

NSW, 6869 posts
18 Aug 2011 8:57PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

japie said...

Reflect for a moment. Why would the people who engineered the Great Depression push for legislation against a gold standard? I can remember when a Rand promised to pay the bearer in gold on demand.

Then ask yourself what would happen to anyone who showed promise of taking back the issuing of money by a government of the people.

Wish I had had the smarts to buy some gold way back. I reckon there is still an opportunity there because a lot of people are waking up to the fact that we have been had


Q: What's a lump of gold worth japie?

Can't eat it, smoke it or drink it. Can procreate with it. It doesn't produce anything .. or consume anything for that matter. Your life is no better with it than it was without it other than some intangible sense that you have something.

A: It's worth whatever someone else will give you for it. Same as a bit of paper. That's why everyone abandoned it.

I agree entirely. But you cannot degrade gold. I spend far too much of my time, my most valuable asset, exchanged for digital dollars. They are degrading fast. Especially in relation to gold.

If we must have a currency then let's have something solid that cannot be manipulated by avaricious people.

WA, 14677 posts
18 Aug 2011 8:09PM
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Pugwash said...

OK... so who actually misses any of the ****e lil' John sold?


The telecoms infrastructure frustrates me... there should be one set of infrastucture, and companies pay to access it - rather than 3 different mobile poles in the one spot

Well, at least the NBN will address part of this

Unfortunately with Telcos and mobile (phone) services, they all seem to have different levels of service and they don't particularly want to share with each other (at a decent price anyway) as it undermines their own business. (Without government direction, this is the way it works.)

Luckily for us, the electricity and gas networks didn't evolve in the same way!

WA, 7671 posts
18 Aug 2011 8:31PM
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The answer is simple for this democracy. Do as I say


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"To Owe or Not to Owe??" started by cisco