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To Owe or Not to Owe??

Created by cisco > 9 months ago, 17 Aug 2011
Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
18 Aug 2011 11:08PM
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It wasn't Howard and Costello, Australia did well because of China, those communists beat the right wing countries like America hands down

WA, 877 posts
19 Aug 2011 9:50AM
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Little Jon said...

It wasn't Howard and Costello, Australia did well because of China, those communists beat the right wing countries like America hands down

The only reason for China's rise is the US exporting jobs, manufacturin and technology to China. In the US's greed and search for greater profits they gave away their competitive advantage (for free) to China. The offshoring of jobs, manufacturing and technology has led to the rise of China. Capitalism has lead to chinese (and other emerging economy) growth, not communism.

Communism dis-incentifies growth, because it is not rewarded. The search for greater profits (reward) by companies in developed countries sent them to China. This is capitalism at work.

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
19 Aug 2011 1:30PM
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FilthyAmatuer said...

Little Jon said...

It wasn't Howard and Costello, Australia did well because of China, those communists beat the right wing countries like America hands down

The only reason for China's rise is the US exporting jobs, manufacturin and technology to China. In the US's greed and search for greater profits they gave away their competitive advantage (for free) to China. The offshoring of jobs, manufacturing and technology has led to the rise of China. Capitalism has lead to chinese (and other emerging economy) growth, not communism.

Communism dis-incentifies growth, because it is not rewarded. The search for greater profits (reward) by companies in developed countries sent them to China. This is capitalism at work.

Ok China is turning into a capitalised system but they are still communists, just mordern communisum. Maybe governments like the USA and us ought to do more about jobs in Australia other than matching china wages

NSW, 9202 posts
19 Aug 2011 2:16PM
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FormulaNova said...

Pugwash said...

OK... so who actually misses any of the ****e lil' John sold?


The telecoms infrastructure frustrates me... there should be one set of infrastucture, and companies pay to access it - rather than 3 different mobile poles in the one spot

Well, at least the NBN will address part of this

I've started reading Guns, Germs and Steel which tries to answer the question "why did civilisation develop in some parts of the world and not others". The gist of it (so far) is that some peoples where just lucky enough to be in a location that had abundant resources. They could use intensive agriculture, which produced a food surplus, which enabled some members of society to become craftsmen, political leaders and the like. They were lucky enough to have the right rocks nearby, be on trade routes etc.

I'm starting to think the NBN could be a great resource (greater than I thought before). It's already worth $50B to the economy:


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"To Owe or Not to Owe??" started by cisco