Just a reminder that Seabreeze is a place to get away violence, conspiracies, hate, racism etc
It's a place about sport, fun, friends.
Posts containing violence etc will be removed, and posters suspended or banned without notice.
Read the whole story in the Forum Rules: www.seabreeze.com.au/Members/Help/ForumRules.aspx
Easily the best post I have read
The GALLERY page has been hijacked by extreme political views.
SEABREEZE should ban all types of political videos and photos on that page and reserve it for the reasons we all come to the site for.
Actually they should ban all political threads, views completely from their site. I know I would visit it more often without getting smashed by the extremists who habit and post on these types of forums
I'm reading seabreeze now more than ever, as foiling has got me psyched on the sport again, and there is so much new and interesting stuff out there. Its awesome to read the windfoiling and SUP foiling forum and get psyched on all the epic new possibilities out there. But I have to scroll past the morons in Heavy Weather when I check Active Topics.
Just delete Heavy Weather and be done with it. Then go hard with the ban hammer, and hand out lifetime bans for anyone who can't keep it civil. Not only is it a drag on the overall website vibe, but it probably presents legal issues if you give the crazies a platform to spout their crap on as some of the social media platforms are finding. I'm honestly surprised it's been tolerated for so long. If it has to be hidden behind a curtain where only long term members can view it, why even have it at all?
Heavy Weather contributes nothing to the forum as a whole, except as an attempt to keep all the crazies in one spot. Let them find somewhere else to spout their nutjob theories. There enough of this crap on facebook etc, no need for it here. Even Facebook is struggling with giving the crazies a platform to spout their garbage in a "mature" fashion.. I wouldn't expect Seabreeze to have to try do the same.
At least give me a way to filter Heavy Weather from the Active Topics... maybe there is a way?
Anyway, my new board is here, time to go pick it up!
As a member since 2006 but rarely a poster, I can't believe the absolute ****e and drivel about conspiracy theories and politics that now gets regurgitated on a once fine watersports forum. The morons need go broadcast their rubbish on reddit or facebook or some place other than here.
Swoosh is on the money I think.
Seabreeze has created a forum where these abhorrent views can fester and grow.
The culture that is allowed to grow there spills out into the other forums, along with the bullying groups of hateful persons and posts.
There are regular members who start entire topics designed to intimidate, bully and denigrate individual members but when these topics are reported, the repeat perpetrators are not suspended or banned.
Instead, it looks like the victims of these hateful topics and views are systematically bullied and then banned from the site entirely when they complain.
Management is so blind to what's going on.
Perhaps Seabreeze needs to rethink what sort of culture it is encouraging in the first place with such forums.
Perhaps the threats to remove such abhorrent forums need to be followed through or they are empty threats.
The culture will persist because it is tolerated by SB.
I'm often in Heavy Weather, but not once have I looked at the active topics button.
I come to the site on the local wind forecast page, then Forums and select the one I want to view.
I like the nutcases in HW. Without them, I'd never read some of the fringe ideas that they take seriously.
I particularly like the ones who say we should not just accept what we are told and do our own research.
Just last night that encouraged me to find out a bit more about 5G phones.
Apparently the mm wave band is too short to penetrate buildings, so I guess I'll be safe from them if I stay indoors.
The beauty of HW is that is a place which allows people from all directions on the political compass to air their views, no matter how wrong headed and have them seen by other people who wouldn't come across them elsewhere.
The problem is that the debate often degenerates to pre school level.
..will receive the payments as compensation for mental health issues they may have developed while assessing potentially harmful material on the platform
Does this apply to all forums? I read something about Windwings once and I am traumatised.
HW is just full of paranoid consipiracy theorists predicting the ned of the world and neferious actvities by well known talk shopw hosts.
Its like home and away just different subject matter and more paranoia
I always did think the whole place was under-moderated
Other fora I frequented for other hobbies, both overseas and aussie-based, would boot people daily just for not looking serious enough by not posting in the noobs room or making smartarse comments too early (that may be tolerated after a few months of regular posting for example). I was pretty surprised at what was tolerated here - not talking about HW, just the constant juvenile trolling by some members. Like the red thumbs thing where certain people had dished out thousands of red thumbs and a handful of green... not earth-shatteringly important but did show their mind set......
So when HW started, that culture was already in place. It wasn't going to just go away
HW was needed to get alien chemtrails out of the normal fora, but its gone too far now.
My 19c worth. Possibly not even that much.
I'd like to never see any covid posts on here.
It's on the news 24/7.
Seems to cause division between members who would otherwise be posting water sports related topics.
It's amazing how often people post Heavy Weather stuff in General.
It's like that one guy who goes for a swim amongst 50 Kiters. He just shouldn't be there.
I reckon Laurie should bring back red thumbs. It informs people that they are off topic or out of line. Settles the crazies.
I really appreciate the funny images. Some of that stuff makes me cry laugh they are so good. So thanks to those that find that stuff.
What exactly is all this all heavy weather chat? I looked but couldn't find it? Sounds like some interesting reading