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climate change whos paying?

Created by NowindSurfer > 9 months ago, 8 Dec 2009
QLD, 12326 posts
18 Dec 2009 3:02AM
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ADS said...

Greenpeace activist gets owned at Copenhagen

I thought Blind Faith was a band with Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Ginger Baker and Rick Grech!!

After watching that interview I have come to realise it is the most dangerous thing on the planet!!

Even more dangerous than Global Warming!!

"Global Warming"?? That sounds like a really appealing name for a rock and roll band. It has this sort of all encompassing touchy feely glow about it.

WA, 6415 posts
28 Dec 2009 4:44AM
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"We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination... So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." - Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports

"Unless we announce disasters no one will listen." - Sir John Houghton, first chairman of IPCC

"It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true." - Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace

"We've got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy." - Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation

"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony... climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world." - Christine Stewart, fmr Canadian Minister of the Environment

"The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe." - emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

"We require a central organizing principle - one agreed to voluntarily. Minor shifts in policy, moderate improvement in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change - these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary." - Al Gore, Earth in the Balance

"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsiblity to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme

"A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation." - Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies

"The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can't let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are." - Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense Fund

"Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control." - Professor Maurice King

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
28 Dec 2009 11:24AM
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Some more quotes taken out of context and proving nothing

As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree' -- probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on.
Woody Allen

Facts are stupid things.
Ronald Reagan

If America shows weakness and uncertainty, the world will drift toward tragedy. That will not happen on my watch.
George W. Bush

Chew before you swallow.
George W. Bush

The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one.
Adolf Hitler

QLD, 12326 posts
28 Dec 2009 10:48AM
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"When the power of love overtakes the love of power, there will be peace." Jimi Hendrix.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
28 Dec 2009 12:15PM
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Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Oscar Wilde

QLD, 12326 posts
28 Dec 2009 11:18AM
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Imagination is more important than education. Albert Einstein

Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
28 Dec 2009 9:44AM
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My cat's breath smells like cat food. Ralph Wiggum

WA, 6415 posts
28 Dec 2009 5:15PM
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ginger pom... some more quotes taken out of context and proving nothing.

you are living in self-denial my friend.

''it does not matter what is true, it only matters what people beliieve is true'' Paul Watson co-founder of Greenpeace''.

please explain how this can be taken out of context.

i suppose you also believe Gordon Brown was also being ''taken out of context and proving nothing'' when he called for a New World Order, something like 6 times in a speech he gave a few months back.

if evidence like this is allowed to be dismissed as ''out of context'' then this would make a mockery of the courts.

larry silverstein '' i spoke to the firefighter commander and we have had such terrible loss of life that we decided the best thing to do was PULL the building and we stood back and watched the building collapse''.

you cannot stand back and watch a building collapse unless it is a PLANNED building collapse.

this is an obvious fact to all.... short of those living in self-denial.

do you believe also Larry Silverstein was being ''taken out of context and proving nothing'' when he gaffed live on television by saying this.

NSW, 9029 posts
28 Dec 2009 9:14PM
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I really don't know about the climate change stuff. Is the climate changing and if it is, is human activity causing it?

What I do know is I have a real problem with how climate change is being used as a tool to ramrod society into huge change. Anyone who expresses doubt is labelled as a sceptic and basically on the same intellectual and moral level as a holocaust sceptic and effectively and neo nazi who wants to kill babies. Thats not the way to have reasoned argument.

It seems like people who basically hate people and think we are effectively a disease that is raping and pillaging nature have jumped on the global warming bandwagon and are using it to tell us to pay more for everything.

The sad thing is someone like myself, no children, walk to work, turn off all appliances, besides the fridge when I go to work, who also is sceptical, is labelled as a wrecker and vandal while someone living in Double Bay, has skiing holidays at Aspen and Davros, owns a Prius but prefers the Landcruiser to drop the kids off at school, but believes in human induced climate change is a saint.

I bet 99% of the participants at the Copenhagen conference produce 10 times the amount of greenhouse gases through their activities than the average Australian.

When it comes to your effect on human induced climate change the formula is quite simple. The more income you earn and effectively the more you consume. The more you affect the environment.

NSW, 864 posts
28 Dec 2009 9:20PM
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Squid Lips said...

My cat's breath smells like cat food. Ralph Wiggum

Best and only sensible quote in the whole collection!

NSW, 864 posts
28 Dec 2009 9:26PM
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Mobydisc said...

What I do know is I have a real problem with how climate change is being used as a tool to ramrod society into huge change. Anyone who expresses doubt is labelled as a sceptic and basically on the same intellectual and moral level as a holocaust sceptic and effectively and neo nazi who wants to kill babies. Thats not the way to have reasoned argument.

Basically, I agree with you Mobydisc.

But forget climate change. To my mind, that's all smoke and mirrors and I bet the politicians wouldn't give a rats about it except that it's a convenient excuse to hang a solution to the real problem on. The real problem is... what do we do when the oil runs out? Coal? Uranium? See my earlier post - if you have young children, they will be the ones who will have to face these events. If not them then their children.

QLD, 12326 posts
29 Dec 2009 1:14AM
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The world will not run out of resources. The best recource the world has is increasing and gaining quality all the time. That resource is the human intellect.

WA, 1194 posts
29 Dec 2009 8:11AM
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cisco said...

The world will not run out of resources. The best recource the world has is increasing and gaining quality all the time. That resource is the human intellect.

human intellect? oh puhlease... we are only a few degrees more than apes in tree's.

everything you do today will probably have either an indirect or direct relationship to oil. food , fertilizers, paint, plastic, blah blah blah the list is almost endless in the world that western society utilizes today.

to change from a oil dependant society to something else isn't going to happen unless its forced upon everyone (including men in the dark suits) humans have such poor foresight especially when it comes to anything that has an exponential output.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
29 Dec 2009 12:27PM
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petermac33 said...

ginger pom... some more quotes taken out of context and proving nothing.

you are living in self-denial my friend.

''it does not matter what is true, it only matters what people beliieve is true'' Paul Watson co-founder of Greenpeace''.

please explain how this can be taken out of context.

i suppose you also believe Gordon Brown was also being ''taken out of context and proving nothing'' when he called for a New World Order, something like 6 times in a speech he gave a few months back.

if evidence like this is allowed to be dismissed as ''out of context'' then this would make a mockery of the courts.

larry silverstein '' i spoke to the firefighter commander and we have had such terrible loss of life that we decided the best thing to do was PULL the building and we stood back and watched the building collapse''.

you cannot stand back and watch a building collapse unless it is a PLANNED building collapse.

this is an obvious fact to all.... short of those living in self-denial.

do you believe also Larry Silverstein was being ''taken out of context and proving nothing'' when he gaffed live on television by saying this.

You have walked straight into this one!!

To everyone else, Larry Silverstein wasn't referring to the twin towers. He was referring to the World Trade centre 7 - a building next door that got hit by the falling towers - and later fell. Peter holds a commonly held conspiracy theory about 911 being caused by the US government or some evil subdivision of it...

I'm not a civil engineer but I do accept that civil engineers know more about it than I do...

Suffice to say that you believe that 911 was an action by the US government... and I don't

Next point

We may need to do something to the way that we govern/oversee the world in order to deal with climate change. This is because there's too much of a free rider benefit for countries. Free rider is a concept from game theory that means someone can take advantage of a benefit while contributing nothing to it.

Climate change is similar - all countries will get the benefits of reduced climate change regardless of their contributions towards it. So why should any of them bother to change their own policies. There's no disincentive not to be the dirtiest most CO2 emitting country in the world. If countries cannot be made to keep their promises then what hope do we have...

Of course, you wouldn't trust this new world order because you believe that the current world order sent two planes into the twin towers...

Next point (and my favorite)

''it does not matter what is true, it only matters what people beliieve is true'' Paul Watson co-founder of Greenpeace.

IT IS TRUE THAT Paul Watson is not in Greenpeace any more and was thrown out of Greenpeace before I was born in 1977. By referring to him as the co-founder but omitting to mention that he left 32 years ago, you are misleading people. He was definitely an early member but that's it...

Therefore you have misled the other people on this thread for some reason.

Either you are ignorant and you didn't check the first paragraph of the Wikipedia page on Paul Watson

... or you did it on purpose and you yourself agree with the quote.

To be clearer... In your next post please answer with I AM IGNORANT or I BELIEVE THE QUOTE

The quote is valid. It's not evil or manipulative. People act on their beliefs. If something is true and no-one believes it then no one will act on it. If climate change is true but no-one believes it then no one will act on it... as a leader of an organisation (He is the founder and president of Sea Shepherd - an organisation which stops Japanese people killing whales and judging by car stickers is EXTREMELY well supported by surfers and windsurfers), he is suggesting that focus goes into convincing people of the truth... rather than squandering time convincing deliberately stubborn people on windsurfing forums when you should be out in the garage cleaning the van out...

QLD, 12326 posts
29 Dec 2009 11:34AM
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human intellect? oh puhlease... we are only a few degrees more than apes in tree's.


That may be your self image. It is certainly not mine.

the list is almost endless in the world that western society utilizes today.

So is it only western society that uses resources??

to change from a oil dependant society to something else isn't going to happen unless its forced upon everyone

Does that mean we have to throw democracy out the window??

QLD, 14393 posts
29 Dec 2009 11:41AM
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show me who is throwing democracy out the window.

the UN is democratic, the NWO as it has been described is also democratic.

show me how it isn't,

it's australia's democratically elected leader that was been arguing the toss with all of the other democratically elected leaders. and in the end they all had to come to a democratic outcome. which they did.

if you don't like the outcome then tuff titty as it was democratic process that gave us the outcome.

WA, 365 posts
29 Dec 2009 10:06AM
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Bollocks, there's nothing democrtatic about a binding agreement, that once your in your in - AND that has financial penalties imposed by an entitiy that is NOT the democratically elected Australian government. Guess who pays sunshine? that's right the Aussie taxpayer. Nah, we shouldn't be concerned at all...

NSW, 864 posts
29 Dec 2009 1:13PM
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ADS said...

Bollocks, there's nothing democrtatic about a binding agreement, that once your in your in - AND that has financial penalties imposed by an entitiy that is NOT the democratically elected Australian government. Guess who pays sunshine? that's right the Aussie taxpayer. Nah, we shouldn't be concerned at all...

WRONG, sunshine. That's the democratic process. We, the people, elect the leaders to lead including entering us into agreements. If you, an individual, don't like what they do when they're leading then tough titty (as gestalt aptly put it). Don't like it? Then go live in communist Russia.

Oh, wait...

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
29 Dec 2009 1:20PM
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ADS said...

Bollocks, there's nothing democrtatic about a binding agreement, that once your in your in - AND that has financial penalties imposed by an entitiy that is NOT the democratically elected Australian government. Guess who pays sunshine? that's right the Aussie taxpayer. Nah, we shouldn't be concerned at all...

Yes, agreements that aren't binding, that once you're in you can decide not to be in and that don't impose any penalties are much more effective.

Democracy is being able to change your mind every day and not live with the consequences

WA, 365 posts
29 Dec 2009 10:41AM
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ginger pom said...

Select to expand quote
ADS said...

Bollocks, there's nothing democrtatic about a binding agreement, that once your in your in - AND that has financial penalties imposed by an entitiy that is NOT the democratically elected Australian government. Guess who pays sunshine? that's right the Aussie taxpayer. Nah, we shouldn't be concerned at all...

"Yes, agreements that aren't binding, that once you're in you can decide not to be in and that don't impose any penalties are much more effective.

Democracy is being able to change your mind every day and not live with the consequences"

So let me get this right, you don't care if we lose our sovereignty and therefore freedom? and for an agreement that will not fix a problem that does not exist?
I respect your right to an opinion after all we (currently) live in a democrtic society, but maybe you should go live in communist China comrade

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
29 Dec 2009 2:31PM
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ADS said...

ginger pom said...

Select to expand quote
ADS said...

Bollocks, there's nothing democrtatic about a binding agreement, that once your in your in - AND that has financial penalties imposed by an entitiy that is NOT the democratically elected Australian government. Guess who pays sunshine? that's right the Aussie taxpayer. Nah, we shouldn't be concerned at all...

"Yes, agreements that aren't binding, that once you're in you can decide not to be in and that don't impose any penalties are much more effective.

Democracy is being able to change your mind every day and not live with the consequences"

So let me get this right, you don't care if we lose our sovereignty and therefore freedom? and for an agreement that will not fix a problem that does not exist?
I respect your right to an opinion after all we (currently) live in a democrtic society, but maybe you should go live in communist China comrade

I didn't suggest that you move to china...

I believe that the problem does exist... and suppose, just to reach agreement on what might be a good action, we agree that there is a problem - namely China, and others, would like to consume as much stuff as us. We can't stop them. They are humans and we have no more right than they do. If they do consume as much stuff as us, then resources will run out or become prohibitively expensive. Therefore it is a good idea to tax the usage of those resources rather than say increasing income tax or GST. This tax will make alternatives viable.

I'm not Australian. I'm English. I'm not qualified to talk about Australian sovereignty. I'm not entitled to vote in Australia.

If you believe that you can do anything you want in the comfort of your own home providing it doesn't harm anyone else, then you should also believe that you can do anything you want in the comfort of your own country providing it doesn't harm anyone else.

You can't look at Australia as a self-contained country. If China stopped buying Australian coal and the USA was not a military ally then Australia would be affected. If other countries grow by producing CO2 (and climate change is true) then Australian farmers will be impacted.

NSW, 864 posts
29 Dec 2009 4:14PM
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cisco said...

The world will not run out of resources. The best recource the world has is increasing and gaining quality all the time. That resource is the human intellect.

Hey cisco, how do you spell your name again? It's C-A-N-U-T-E right?

There is an excellent book titled "Collapse - How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive" by a guy called Jared Diamond which would be good reading for many contributors to this thread on either side of the argument. He looks at past civilisations, how and why they collapsed - or indeed avoided collapse.

NSW, 864 posts
29 Dec 2009 5:44PM
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ADS said...

So let me get this right, you don't care if we lose our sovereignty and therefore freedom? and for an agreement that will not fix a problem that does not exist?

I reckon its time you put up or shut up. Where is this agreement? I want to see it. Not the demented ravings of some Lord Loonie. Definitely not a headline grab by some right wing rag quoting Lord Loonie. I want the real thing so I can read it myself. If you can't produce it then I reserve my democratic right to believe you're full of it.

QLD, 14393 posts
29 Dec 2009 4:48PM
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some more quotes

"That's the thing about Mother Nature, she really doesn't care what economic bracket you're in."

— Whoopi Goldberg

"Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once."

— Woody Allen

"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

— Douglas Adams

"For 200 years we've been conquering nature. Now we're beating it to death."

— Tom McMillan

"Why should I care about future generations? What have they ever done for me?"

— Groucho Marx

"According to a survey in this week's Time magazine, 85% of Americans think global warming is happening. The other 15% work for the White House."

— Jay Leno

"President Bush has a plan [to fight global warming]. He says that if we need to, we can lower the temperature dramatically just by switching from Fahrenheit to Celsius."

— Jimmy Kimmel

"The Union of Concerned Scientists says the Bush administration manipulates and suppresses science. The administration points out that the Union of Bought and Paid for Scientists disagrees."


"Some folks believe that global warming doesn't exist and that the environment doesn't need any help. I tend not to listen to them."

— Robert Wagner

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."

— Dan Quayle, former US vice president

"We have met the enemy and he is us."

— Walt Kelly (from "Pogo")

"We have found the sources of hazardous waste and they are us."

— US EPA, from "Everybody's Problem: Hazardous Waste"

"The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing."

— Cole's axiom

"Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them."

— Bill Vaughan

"The greenest house is the one that never gets built."

— Whit Faulconer, GreenBlue

"Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time."

— Steven Wright

"I think that all good, right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not, and I'm sick and tired of being told that I am."

— Monty Python

"Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist."

— Kenneth Boulding

"Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees."

— David Letterman

"There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all."

— Robert Orben

"I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants."

— A. Whitney Brown

"Wolves are very resourceful. All they need to survive is for people not to shoot them."

— Bob Ferris

"Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer."

— Dave Barry

QLD, 12326 posts
29 Dec 2009 6:11PM
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maxm said...
Where is this agreement? I want to see it. Not the demented ravings of some Lord Loonie. Definitely not a headline grab by some right wing rag quoting Lord Loonie. I want the real thing so I can read it myself. If you can't produce it then I reserve my democratic right to believe you're full of it.

I think this is it here mate.

NSW, 864 posts
29 Dec 2009 7:47PM
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cisco said...

I think this is it here mate.

Finally! A credible source. Thank you cisco.

Though it'll take a while and some work. These types of documents are usually laced with that element much loved by bureaucrats - mindnumborium

QLD, 14393 posts
29 Dec 2009 6:54PM
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i wouldn't be too hastey maxm,

this is a document which is a framework to encourage debate and produce desired outcomes. nowhere does it oputline specific consequences. it even goes into options of particular outcomes.

so where is the document that you guys are saying is bad for australia, and what particular points in it are bad? also where specifically does it remove our Sovereignty? and how will it be any different to any of the other treaties, agreememts that we have entered into since ww2?

time to step up guys. and not the usual bull**** of arguing about something completely different.

WA, 6415 posts
29 Dec 2009 6:15PM
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i do believe paul watson was co-founder for greenpeace.

ginger pom......i do accept civil engineers know more about it than i do.

what is it....985 architects + engineers have signed a petition calling for a new independent investigation of 911.

the majority of these saying it was a controlled demolition including founder Richard Gage.

ginger pom.....can you please explain to me how it is possible to ''stand back and watch the building collapse'' Larry Silverstein said...... unless it was a planned building collapse.

perhaps you think Larry Silverstein has some physic powers.

he used this physic power to know when exactly the 650foot superstructure[building 7] was going to collapse, thus allowing himself ''to stand back and watch the building collapse''.

if we are being lied to about one of the largest events in history[911], is it not safe to assume we are also being lied to about this man -made climate change.

WA, 6415 posts
29 Dec 2009 6:29PM
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you can read a 181 page document here.

QLD, 14393 posts
29 Dec 2009 8:51PM
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yeah of course. and of course you didn't read the document and of course you are quoting more missleading gutter journalism.

are you aware that there is nearly 20 different methods of which it is suggested the cost of global warming can be achieved. what you have linked to in the article is only 1 of those. munkdon has a lot to answer for!

but here is the clincher and why i asked the question above. are you ready.

"there is no signed binding agreement between any countries"

it doesn't exist! funny stuff hey, what do all of the "non believers and conspiracy theorists in this thread have to say about that.


each countrry that attended the summit and made "verbal" commitments to environmental goals.

"now has to get those commitments through their respective parliments"

not very new world order is it and sounds very democratic and sovereign

now don't take this personally but

i find it funny how the people arguing that global warming is false or a big conspiracy are also the ones that can't produce any facts to support their claims, have no understanding of political process or law and little understanding of the copenhagen summit and it's purpose.

in the end the conspiracy was actually created by conspiracists.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"climate change whos paying?" started by NowindSurfer