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k Rudd gives up on leadership aspirations

Created by Mr float > 9 months ago, 20 Feb 2012
Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
22 Feb 2012 9:54PM
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TwoTone said...

well he just quit as foreign minister, and getting ready to take the reigns again, I wonder if he can reverse the tax on the air we breathe?

gosh this joke post has taken a life of its own .My hunch is that someone else will emerge who will take the reigns .

VIC, 5904 posts
22 Feb 2012 10:05PM
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sausage said...

sausage said...

If I was a betting man I would place $50 with a bookie that one K.Rudd will not be the Foreign minister by Friday Week. He's become such a large boil on the arse of Labor that they've got no choice but to lance it quickly.

Come in spinner. Goneski already. He must have read my post and decided to quit

PS - My prescience scares me.

Hey sausage ! Tatts numbers please !

QLD, 4873 posts
22 Feb 2012 10:31PM
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SandS said...

sausage said...

sausage said...

If I was a betting man I would place $50 with a bookie that one K.Rudd will not be the Foreign minister by Friday Week. He's become such a large boil on the arse of Labor that they've got no choice but to lance it quickly.

Come in spinner. Goneski already. He must have read my post and decided to quit

PS - My prescience scares me.

Hey sausage ! Tatts numbers please !

3, 12, 8, 42 25, 26 supps 18, 20
PS - I want half of anybody's winnings

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
22 Feb 2012 8:38PM
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Gives up on leadership aspirations? Pity he didn't give up on political aspirations 20yrs ago

Damn Labor - weren't elected properly with a clear majority, and instead of the re-vote that should have happened they sided with the greens so they could get in. Since then we have had a leadership change (person we never voted for) and maybe now another leadership change. Democracy? Hardly

NSW, 4453 posts
23 Feb 2012 1:08AM
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Who cares who's leader as long as we get rudd of this

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
23 Feb 2012 9:24AM
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Well it seems likely that we'll eventually end up with the mad monk, Dr NO

any which way you look at it we're screwed

SA, 4032 posts
23 Feb 2012 9:08AM
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all they are worried about are polls and egos, maybe the government should scrap having a leader all together and each day a member of the public can be prime minister for the day

QLD, 389 posts
23 Feb 2012 9:08AM
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The Leftards will push Joolia through, KRudd is gone. ALP are in a mess

NSW, 9202 posts
23 Feb 2012 11:11AM
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Mark _australia said...

Gives up on leadership aspirations? Pity he didn't give up on political aspirations 20yrs ago

Damn Labor - weren't elected properly with a clear majority, and instead of the re-vote that should have happened they sided with The Greens so they could get in. Since then we have had a leadership change (person we never voted for) and maybe now another leadership change. Democracy? Hardly

The Greens, and a few independents.

This is how democracy works. If you want a pure democracy, where the people vote and are educated on every topic, like in ancient Greece, you need slaves. There is simply no other way for people to have the time participate in politics at that level. That's how the Greeks did it. Look at them now.

Your other choice is the other coalition:

Maybe we need a dictatorship, stop all this squabbling, get on with our lives.

NSW, 9202 posts
23 Feb 2012 11:14AM
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Who are we betting on come Monday by the way?

I suspect Rudd is the people's choice, he was very popular (the most popular ever at one stage), but it seems he busts too many asses in the workplace. not toeing the public servant line.

I would like to see Turnbull v Rudd.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
23 Feb 2012 11:34AM
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I doubt if Rudd will even stand......(again)

WA, 7671 posts
23 Feb 2012 8:39AM
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log man said...

I doubt if Rudd will even stand......(again)


I think you are right!

How's life at work mate, must be fun with all this going on. Need to re-apply after Bill Shorten slips in from the side and takes the PMship easily from vile Gillard

Live life without honesty, integrity and respect, and you become wretched. Consumed by your own demons and the guilt of your deceptive behaviour.

QLD, 12327 posts
23 Feb 2012 10:48AM
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log man said...

cisco said...
In full flight eh loggy.

Labor is so credible these days. Best they could raise as a candidate in Bundaberg for the up coming state elections is a single mother bar maid.

No doubt she will get a lot of votes from the cretins who say:- "Labor is the peoples' party..........................isn't it???????"

It's unbelievable that you would look down your nose at a "single mother barmaid"!

It is not a matter of that. The candidate lacks substance, is a desperate last minute appointment and is a person who will argue the contrary just for the sake of argument.

The Conservatives are just spruikers for the big end of town, always have been, always will be,

You might see it that way but the fact is if you don't have business and free enterprise there is no creation of general wealth.

What do you want:- Sales and business people distributing the excess or bureaucrats metering out the shortage??

The remarkable thing is how many "ordinary" people they suck in into believing that doing things like giving ****loads of public money to rich private schools is in some way a good thing for the community.

When that funding results in less privileged children receiving scholarships or bursarys at schools that deliver a much higher standard of education, yes it is a very good thing for the community.

Anyhoo, Wasn't your glorious leader (She was an elected member of a federal seat. I don't recall her being leader of anything.) Miss Hanson a "single mother", and didn't she work in a fish and chip shop. (She also OWNED the shop.) Ah well, seems a bit funny to me that suddenly being described like that is somehow "lower class"

It has nothing to do with class and everything to do with moral fortitude which the current PM totally lacks.

QLD, 12327 posts
23 Feb 2012 10:58AM
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evlPanda said...
I would like to see Turnbull v Rudd.

I would go with that. They would be opponents worthy of each other and whichever won would hopefully not have to rely on Greens or Independents to stack the numbers.

It is the minor parties that need to be kept honest these days.

QLD, 1326 posts
23 Feb 2012 11:06AM
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SandS said...

This just keeps getting better and better !!!!

The script for this could not have been written any funnier even if a pro comedy writer had of smashed it out !!!

Too true. Pity the joke is the currently elected government of our country......

If any of them had any morals they would admit they are in disarray and call an election immediately.

If you were on a company board and the executive managers were behaving like this, what do you reckon you would do?

NSW, 9202 posts
23 Feb 2012 12:10PM
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cisco said...

evlPanda said...
I would like to see Turnbull v Rudd.

I would go with that. They would be opponents worthy of each other and whichever won would hopefully not have to rely on Greens or Independents to stack the numbers.

It is the minor parties that need to be kept honest these days.

Scrap that. I want to see Rudd & Turnbull.

QLD, 4873 posts
23 Feb 2012 11:43AM
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evlPanda said...

cisco said...

evlPanda said...
I would like to see Turnbull v Rudd.

I would go with that. They would be opponents worthy of each other and whichever won would hopefully not have to rely on Greens or Independents to stack the numbers.

It is the minor parties that need to be kept honest these days.

Scrap that. I want to see Rudd & Turnbull.

Only half agree with you there Panda - Turnbull is one of a very few decent politicians running around out there at the moment. It was such a shame his personal belief (supporting an ETS) did not correlate with the party line and when push came to shove he wouldn't compromise his ideals. I believe there is an altruistic motive at the core of Turnball's political ambitions, whereas in Rudd's case it's purely driven by an ego larger than we've ever seen the likes of before. He has cut off Labor's nose to spite its face and I can't fathom that the general public think he has been hard done by irrespective of Joolia's deficiencies (perceived or actual).

Megalomaniac is the only way to accurately describe Rudd.

SA, 4032 posts
23 Feb 2012 12:24PM
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sausage said...

evlPanda said...

cisco said...

evlPanda said...
I would like to see Turnbull v Rudd.

I would go with that. They would be opponents worthy of each other and whichever won would hopefully not have to rely on Greens or Independents to stack the numbers.

It is the minor parties that need to be kept honest these days.

Scrap that. I want to see Rudd & Turnbull.

Only half agree with you there Panda - Turnbull is one of a very few decent politicians running around out there at the moment. It was such a shame his personal belief (supporting an ETS) did not correlate with the party line and when push came to shove he wouldn't compromise his ideals. I believe there is an altruistic motive at the core of Turnball's political ambitions, whereas in Rudd's case it's purely driven by an ego larger than we've ever seen the likes of before. He has cut off Labor's nose to spite its face and I can't fathom that the general public think he has been hard done by irrespective of Joolia's deficiencies (perceived or actual).

Megalomaniac is the only way to accurately describe Rudd.

2nd that Malcom should be our next PM(after election) Abbott is a simply irritating Dr No, Rudd is a typical Queenslander in love with his ego( queensland has the highest sales of mirrors)

NSW, 1499 posts
23 Feb 2012 12:59PM
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The writing is on "The Wall"

as seen at a recent concert........

"mother should I trust the government"......"No f@#king way"

(any government)

NSW, 1132 posts
23 Feb 2012 1:00PM
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Put them all in a U.F.C ring.see who comes out.
They are the next P.m could not be any worse than the crap that's going on now.

WA, 7671 posts
23 Feb 2012 10:00AM
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sausage said...

Megalomaniac is the only way to accurately describe Rudd.

There is another word, Narcissist.

Applies equally to Julia and Kevin.

Green Cherub
WA, 296 posts
23 Feb 2012 11:19AM
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I do not have enough red thumbs for this thread haha

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
23 Feb 2012 2:43PM
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cisco said...

log man said...

cisco said...
In full flight eh loggy.

Labor is so credible these days. Best they could raise as a candidate in Bundaberg for the up coming state elections is a single mother bar maid.

No doubt she will get a lot of votes from the cretins who say:- "Labor is the peoples' party..........................isn't it???????"

It's unbelievable that you would look down your nose at a "single mother barmaid"!

It is not a matter of that. The candidate lacks substance, is a desperate last minute appointment and is a person who will argue the contrary just for the sake of argument.

The Conservatives are just spruikers for the big end of town, always have been, always will be,

You might see it that way but the fact is if you don't have business and free enterprise there is no creation of general wealth.

What do you want:- Sales and business people distributing the excess or bureaucrats metering out the shortage??

The remarkable thing is how many "ordinary" people they suck in into believing that doing things like giving ****loads of public money to rich private schools is in some way a good thing for the community.

When that funding results in less privileged children receiving scholarships or bursarys at schools that deliver a much higher standard of education, yes it is a very good thing for the community.

Anyhoo, Wasn't your glorious leader (She was an elected member of a federal seat. I don't recall her being leader of anything.) Miss Hanson a "single mother", and didn't she work in a fish and chip shop. (She also OWNED the shop.) Ah well, seems a bit funny to me that suddenly being described like that is somehow "lower class"

It has nothing to do with class and everything to do with moral fortitude which the current PM totally lacks.

Keep diggin that hole Cisco

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
23 Feb 2012 2:55PM
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Personally, this is the best situation....out of all the worst situations(if ya know what I mean) that the party could have hoped for. The worst would have been an undeclared war between the forces that went on all the way to the election. I'm sure the conservatives would have hoped for a guerilla war until they won the election. This way the air will be cleared as Rudd will go to the back bench weather he stands or not. So hopefully Gillard will be able to assert her superiority over Abbott in the year before we go to the Polls. A year is a long time and sure Gillard is coming from a long way back but she'll have the momentum and a good policy and economic record to show the electorate. The coalition will have to lift their game and my feeling is Abbott may be found wanting.

WA, 554 posts
23 Feb 2012 12:02PM
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Rudd or Gillard, Turnbull or Abbott?

At the end of all of this you can be assured that the person elected will still be one thing.

A POLITICIAN - no more and no less.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
23 Feb 2012 1:45PM
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log man said...

Personally, this is the best situation....out of all the worst situations(if ya know what I mean) that the party could have hoped for.

But it is the worst situation for the country.

With real problems needing to be fixed, and complicated matters to attend to, they can't even decide on a leader.
Like somebody said above, if it was a private company it would be on the rocks.

Is 2 leadership changes in one term unprecedented? (I dunno if it is, but it is poor)

The election was only the second time in history that there was no clear majority (like I said before, we should have gone back to the polls rather than score a Govt based on backroom deals we are not privvy to) - so they are lucky to be there but still can't get their sh!t squared away.

QLD, 14393 posts
23 Feb 2012 3:49PM
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i'm a little surprised it actually took this long for labor to destroy themselves.

this is how labor works. always has.

WA, 7671 posts
23 Feb 2012 2:11PM
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Mark _australia said...

But it is the worst situation for the country.

So true.

The Labs are so self-absorbed; they see nothing other than the best situation as being what is best for them.

To paraphrase Malcolm Turnbull - The Liberals work to help you do what you think is best for you. Labor works to help you do what they think is best for you.

WA, 7671 posts
23 Feb 2012 2:14PM
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log man said...

Personally, this is the best situation....out of all the worst situations(if ya know what I mean) that the party could have hoped for.

Little kick back from the employer for greasing the right wheels OR is that the left wheels

QLD, 14393 posts
23 Feb 2012 4:29PM
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if i was K rud i'd have a crack,

if i won, i'd sack all of the loud mouths to the back benches
if i lost, i'd resign from labor, become an indipendant and cross the floor.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"k Rudd gives up on leadership aspirations" started by Mr float