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Beware purchasing second hand kites

Created by Maxiy > 9 months ago, 24 Mar 2012
ACT, 96 posts
24 Mar 2012 11:05PM
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Hi everyone

I have just had a very disappointing experience purchasing a second hand kite from a person on seabreeze. I purchased an 08 model 12m liquid force havoc for $400 dollars. Now for that price and that year model i was not expecting the best kite in the world HOWEVER i was expecting a kite that i could actually fly when i got it. Now this is what was posted on the advert

"kite\ bar\bag couple small pro repairs......... offers........"

i contacted the seller and he sent me some pictures, the usual top back and sides deal. The kite looked in decent condition from the pics (no pictures of the repairs however). Now i should have been more cautious and asked for more pictures and pictures of the repairs, that was a misjudgment on my part.

I bought the kite and a few days later got it in the mail. To cut a long story short, there was more than a few repairs, most were small but a number were over 20cm in length. There was a number of tears that were not repaired, and i would not say they were repaired some repair tape had been put over the tears, most of which had sand under it and was falling off. The bar was not the original bar and both the bar and kite were covered in sand and salt so were in my opinion terrible condition. Then to top it all off i didn't even get to fly it for more than 2 minutes before the kite had deflated due to a bladder puncture in one of the struts.

I contacted the seller to tell him my frustrations and disappointment, and his reply was " that's kiting mate you need to fix your gear some times, you will need to learn how to repair bladders. you can repair the bladder quite easily" (he told me how to do this) Then he said, "Repair the bladder, go kite surfing and get over it, im not going to loose sleep over it"

Top bloke

So to sum up i payed $400 for a kite that does not fly, was in horrible condition and the seller was blatantly dishonest about the kite.

I hope this can be a warning to anyone purchasing second hand gear. Have your whits about you, Most people are honest good people, but not everyone, and like me you can get stung


QLD, 2770 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:11PM
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i think you got what you paid for. a bit of sand and salt on the kite does not equal poor condition, nor does a different bar. for that price and age a few repairs are to be expected, and there's nothing wrong with using tape.
the bladder fix will probably cost you all of $10. sounds like you noticed the leak on the beach, be thankful it didn't happen 500 metres offshore in a big swell.

sorry but i agree with the seller on this one.

QLD, 1011 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:19PM
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I had a similar experience, bought a Waroo for the Mrs from a WA instructor, he said no repairs, 1 year old kite, but the whole kite was full of small holes from, I am guessing oyster shells, had to put at least 20 pieces of repair tape on it and he didn't send the pump hose. Asked him about the situation and he basically said, you got it cheap so tough sh1t and I will and you the hose, which never turned up, the Mrs was pretty disappointed with her birthday present.....don't like to name and shame, but maybe it's time.....

WA, 174 posts
24 Mar 2012 8:20PM
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You should never buy a second hand kite without seeing it first.

WA, 258 posts
24 Mar 2012 8:20PM
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i have a 08 north evo with all new valves, 0 repairs, impeccable condition bar/lines and kite for $50 less than what you paid..
not pimping my own shiznit but you got ripped off dude. Need to shop better.

QLD, 1011 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:23PM
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stamp said...

i think you got what you paid for. a bit of sand and salt on the kite does not equal poor condition, nor does a different bar. for that price and age a few repairs are to be expected, and there's nothing wrong with using tape.
the bladder fix will probably cost you all of $10. sounds like you noticed the leak on the beach, be thankful it didn't happen 500 metres offshore in a big swell.

sorry but i agree with the seller on this one.

You would be happy buying a kite that you couldn't fly or even inflate? I have a car for sale, what's your number....????

ACT, 96 posts
24 Mar 2012 11:30PM
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stamp said...

i think you got what you paid for. a bit of sand and salt on the kite does not equal poor condition, nor does a different bar. for that price and age a few repairs are to be expected, and there's nothing wrong with using tape.
the bladder fix will probably cost you all of $10. sounds like you noticed the leak on the beach, be thankful it didn't happen 500 metres offshore in a big swell.

sorry but i agree with the seller on this one.

I like fixing things for sure. Not something i just bought.

NSW, 2707 posts
24 Mar 2012 11:30PM
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Liquid Force???? Didn't do any research before buying I take it?

ACT, 96 posts
24 Mar 2012 11:34PM
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surfingboye said...

Liquid Force???? Didn't do any research before buying I take it?

hahahaha everyone has their own opinion

VIC, 138 posts
24 Mar 2012 11:35PM
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stamp said...

i think you got what you paid for. a bit of sand and salt on the kite does not equal poor condition, nor does a different bar. for that price and age a few repairs are to be expected, and there's nothing wrong with using tape.
the bladder fix will probably cost you all of $10. sounds like you noticed the leak on the beach, be thankful it didn't happen 500 metres offshore in a big swell.

sorry but i agree with the seller on this one.

A bit of sand and salt on the kite?? means yes its piece of crap because obviously the seller does not de-service his kit properly and obviously wash it down after use nor stores it properly i have some 07 kites which look brand new because i look after them. You would like to think some one would have enough respect for themselves, their kit and the buyer to at least wash the kit before sending it. Sounds like the seller was looking to rip some one off and it appears he succeced! Karma is a bitch and one would only hope a massive Karma bitch slap is coming their way! Unfortuntaley if its to good to be true, it usually is. Z grade on behalf of the seller.

NSW, 5780 posts
25 Mar 2012 12:04AM
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if you have 2007 kites that look brand new, it's cause you've never used them

WA, 3619 posts
24 Mar 2012 9:43PM
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Maxiy said...

Hi everyone
I purchased an 08 model 12m liquid force havoc for $400 dollars. Now for that price and that year model i was not expecting the best kite in the world HOWEVER i was expecting a kite that i could actually fly when i got it.

Maxiy - the one thing I do like about your post is the very appro warning to those looking to buy 2nd hand. On that point you are spot on.
Anyone expecting to buy a kite 'complete' for $400 that will actually fly should be told 'they are dreaming'.
Any 08 kite for sale at that price - esp when it says there are repairs - should immediatel read it as 'a well used 08 kite' which will never be saleable (fairly) at that price. Any well used 08 kite is almost certainly past its used by date.
To buy it without seeing it and checking it out thoroughly is just plain foolish.
Now if it had said 'older model but hardly used, no marks no repairs' then you may have been onto a reasonable deal (if you are happy to buy an 08 kite) from someone who has just never got into kiting seriously.

Buying any kite sight unseen is CRAZY. To expect to buy a kite for $400 that is anything but stuffed, or near to, is also crazy. Any kite (complete) worth buying at all is worth more than $400. If its priced that low you need to inspect to confirm that it really is a bargain for yourself.

WA, 108 posts
24 Mar 2012 11:05PM
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puppetonastring said...

Buying any kite sight unseen is CRAZY. To expect to buy a kite for $400 that is anything but stuffed, or near to, is also crazy. Any kite (complete) worth buying at all is worth more than $400. If its priced that low you need to inspect to confirm that it really is a bargain for yourself.

The only thing I can agree about is that u never should buy a used kite unseen. Go there, inflate it to check and if possible, give it a little fly. No serious seller would deny you a test fly.

But there is plenty of 2-3 year old kites in sweet condition. I just sold an 11 2009 for $450, especially at this part of the season when loads of people are leaving and need to get rid of their stuff, it's bargain season. Think it was a thread a while ago with advises what to look for.

QLD, 825 posts
25 Mar 2012 2:41AM
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stamp said...

i think you got what you paid for. a bit of sand and salt on the kite does not equal poor condition, nor does a different bar. for that price and age a few repairs are to be expected, and there's nothing wrong with using tape.
the bladder fix will probably cost you all of $10. sounds like you noticed the leak on the beach, be thankful it didn't happen 500 metres offshore in a big swell.

sorry but i agree with the seller on this one.

What a pixx poor reply, So Un-Australian.
A reply like this from one person means there must be more alike.

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:09AM
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^^^^^^^Maybe he was the seller

QLD, 248 posts
25 Mar 2012 8:38AM
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I feel for you how disappointing.

My 2c would be to look around for a shop that sells used gear, some of these places offer a shop warranty for 1yr which would be ideal and a great way to safeguard yourself.

QLD, 918 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:00AM
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yeah you got ripped off... I paid 1100 for a kite once in similar condition although a newer model, advertised in good condition...thing was a peice of shiz....In my case the dude saw reason after some threats of a non-violent nature and returned my cash... There is ways mate...
Its hard to say never buy unseen, online buying is fast becoming the premier way to shop(not saying its the best)
If your buying online and within aus, there are laws that protect you just like normal shopping(2nd hand as well)
I think the best way is to pay half then half again on delivery and inspection...

VIC, 273 posts
25 Mar 2012 10:12AM
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How about a bit of honesty ? Okay for some to preach viewing a kite before you buy not always possible to view a kite before you buy, okay if it's just down the road, sometimes it can be on the other side of the country.

Sounds like a rouge seller to me

QLD, 2770 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:47AM
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2 sides to every story, and i bet the seller gives a different version.
yeah it's crap if you get sold a poor condition kite, but it doesn't sound that bad for $400 and the bladder issue sounds easily fixed.

VIC, 138 posts
25 Mar 2012 10:54AM
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theDoctor said...

if you have 2007 kites that look brand new, it's cause you've never used them

No it means that i look after my kit!, sorry i cant afford to be out replacing my gear every season, we aint all doctors. And both kites were what i did all my initial training on so they were heavily used, dropped, dumped, rolled in surf, for at least two years before being stored for the last 2.5 years, pulled them out and they both are like new and no issues at all. Its amazing what happens when you wash them and store them correctly, the dude should have at least cleaned them before sending them, thats just crap.

NSW, 209 posts
25 Mar 2012 11:03AM
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best advice ever given to me was,

'buy nice or buy twice'

In my early days I was always buying second hand kites to save some cash.

It actually works out cheaper to buy a new or near new kite and it will last for a few season if you look after it. As opposed to getting one repaired all the time and missing out on windy days while your kite is down for repairs.

Cant put a price on missing out on windy days.

WA, 258 posts
25 Mar 2012 8:20AM
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How does "$400 for a 08 torn to sh** kite with the wrong bar sound not that bad"?!?! LOL buying a kite with even 1 repair in it 4 anything less than an ABSOLUTE bargain is crazy, f knows what else the poor kite has been through.
400 is a decent price for such a kite in good solid condition.. no repairs, especially tape!
I'd check the lines for fray aswell dude and maybe throw the heap in the bin. Do not resell it!

People must know kites have an expiry date, like old meat they can kill people after that..

VIC, 1090 posts
25 Mar 2012 12:01PM
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My recommendation for other people who are buying used kites, is to go with with a kite dealer. Prices might be inflated a little but you atleast have the reputation of a company behind it which hopefully will offer some kind of warranty.
Im currently looking for a secondhand kite to add to my quiver and i have spent plenty of time researching the kite to know that i will get what im looking for.
Ensure you ask if the bar and lines are original with the kite, for instance i was looking at a secondhand slingshot that the add said comes complete with bar and lines etc. Apon asking the seller if it comes with the original slingshot bar and lines (2010 bar set up) he replyed with no it comes with an old North bar set up.
Now all my other kites are slingshot and the main reason im wanting another slingy is because the bar and lines are unbreakable.
Im also sure there are plenty of honest guys out there who are selling quality gear privately, but like everything TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
just my 2cents worth

QLD, 199 posts
25 Mar 2012 11:08AM
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I think a feedback mechanism,like on Ebay,would work very well on Seabreeze. It would stop this kind of thing happening and give purchasers more confidence when they buy.

WA, 9503 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:11AM
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Yeh been there mate. Thats why even second hand I will always go through a retailer I trust. They have a vested interest in looking after you as in time you will buy new new or new off them. That doesn't help your situation. Repair the bladders and move on.

WA, 908 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:39AM
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mywisdom said...

i have a 08 north evo with all new valves, 0 repairs, impeccable condition bar/lines and kite for $50 less than what you paid..
not pimping my own shiznit but you got ripped off dude. Need to shop better.

agree with stamp,mywisom and surfingboye..

"Confusius say..... 'Man who buy nasty cheap kite from interwebs only get sore head and empty wallet"................

Next time go see it in person or buy from a shop. You wouldn't buy a car without seeing and driving it.. Kite's need to be inspected, pumped up and a quick check done before u buy.. You took the soft cheap option.. Lesson learned I hope.

PS I'll just leave this here..

QLD, 1011 posts
25 Mar 2012 11:54AM
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You would think you could trust a fellow Seabreezer though mate...... Buying used kit off the net by other means is a big no no, but seabreeze should make you feel more comfortable.....

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Mar 2012 1:04PM
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I have bought a couple of kites off Seabreeze.
Both no dramas.
One was $500,2 year old,hardly used, not a mark on it.
I find talking to the seller on the phone helps to ,as it makes it a bit more personal than just email and you get a bit of a vib if the sellers full of poo or not.

The only kite I bought that wasnt complete, was the one I bought off waveslave which was missing its safety leash??????

WA, 753 posts
25 Mar 2012 11:06AM
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davem207 said...

stamp said...

i think you got what you paid for. a bit of sand and salt on the kite does not equal poor condition, nor does a different bar. for that price and age a few repairs are to be expected, and there's nothing wrong with using tape.
the bladder fix will probably cost you all of $10. sounds like you noticed the leak on the beach, be thankful it didn't happen 500 metres offshore in a big swell.

sorry but i agree with the seller on this one.

A bit of sand and salt on the kite?? means yes its piece of crap because obviously the seller does not de-service his kit properly and obviously wash it down after use nor stores it properly i have some 07 kites which look brand new because i look after them. You would like to think some one would have enough respect for themselves, their kit and the buyer to at least wash the kit before sending it. Sounds like the seller was looking to rip some one off and it appears he succeced! Karma is a bitch and one would only hope a massive Karma bitch slap is coming their way! Unfortuntaley if its to good to be true, it usually is. Z grade on behalf of the seller.

Some of us have a life and a kite is a toy so I don't need to waiste 30 mn after each session to clean a kite!!!! (wash a kite, lol).
2007 kite which look brand new, I am sure that your car is spotless too.
The doctor orders 2 chill pills,more time on the water and less time indulging your OCD tendencies.

VIC, 273 posts
25 Mar 2012 2:52PM
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I've bought lots of kites off the seabreeze site without looking at them and never once had a problem.

Do the reasearch on your kite well first

I make sure I get plenty of kite pics including the bar and lines. The majority of seabreezers are genuine, only the minority give it a bad name through my experience.

WA, 1549 posts
25 Mar 2012 12:11PM
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lotofwind said...

I have bought a couple of kites off Seabreeze.

The only kite I bought that wasnt complete, was the one I bought off waveslave which was missing its safety leash??????

Wavelsave has a habit of glueing his deflation valves permanently shut... Another one of his kooky ideas.. Oh Man....


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Beware purchasing second hand kites" started by Maxiy