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City Beach/Floreat Kiters - FYI

Created by WAKSA > 9 months ago, 16 Dec 2010
WA, 9499 posts
19 Dec 2010 3:44PM
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Jono said...

I first went to City Beach/Floreat when I was 5 years old . I learnt to surf there when I was 10. I got my first root there ,I learnt how to do burnouts in the car park when the sand hadnt been cleaned up. Ive been kitesurfing there for 6 years , I take my kids there and now some pen pushig f**kwit tells me what I can and cant do . Not happy

Feel your pain dude... George Orwell wasn't far off the mark. But still, let's keep our heads cool here, better to fight this with reason, because as most people have clearly pointed out, the zoning scenario is counter intuitive.

WA, 192 posts
19 Dec 2010 5:27PM
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coreyb said...

All I see in those photos are a bunch of kiters on a near empty beach.

What You don't see kiters walking, landing with lines over peoples heads, riding amongst the swimmers, beginners struggling to keep their kites up in marginal conditions etc ------this is what I meant by denialism in my pulled post. I regret pulling that post now when one of the state's top wave kiters (Respect for that part Corey!!) thinks there is nothing wrong with all the above. How bad is that for publicity?

Denial is a common human trait, the mind's mechanism for blotting out painful/unpleasant stuff. Male autism, the difficulty to empathise with others, to see it from their perspective is also very common. So this is not an attack:

It's an appeal for a little more self awareness, boys...else we will lose access over time no doubt.

NOW...I think a lot problems with other beach users occur when us mad-keen kiters go out in marginal conditions. The lower the wind, the less control we have over our kites. There will always be other beach users out there when the weather is hot and the wind is light. This is a recipe for friction.

So I would like for WAKSA to consider proposing that -at busy mixed-use spots like Scarbs, Brighton, City Beach, Mullalloo- a voluntary ban on kiting in under 20knot wind conditions be imposed. No kiting unless its over 20k!

-It's not much fun in those conditions anyway
-Other beach users generally leave at 20k, so generally no invasion of personal safety zones
-Signage to such effect will keep noobs and touros from rigging up

I think this would be a much better solution than the recent 'win' we had at Mullaz: a feeble 400m kiting zone. Way small, easy to drift out of in light winds. Not discrediting WAKSAs hard work, I personally witnessed it at every public meeting, but the 'no kiting under 20' may lead to much better outcomes.

And those of you who must kite in'll just have to travel further afield.

"The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share..."
(Beds Are Burning - Midnight Oil)

keep surfin
WA, 40 posts
19 Dec 2010 5:51PM
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Lads, there is some really valid points and some pretty good ideas flying around the forum at the moment e.g local signage, education forums, licence etc.

I gather we will need a co-ordinated aproach to stopping this. Apart from e-mailing the council what is our next step.

Waksa any ideas????

WA, 2184 posts
19 Dec 2010 6:28PM
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um, if you can't fly a kite in anything over 13 knots then you are a sub standard kiter.

WA, 192 posts
19 Dec 2010 7:18PM
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kitecrazzzy said...

um, if you can't fly a kite in anything over 13 knots then you are a sub standard kiter.

Sure, there are many ordinary kiters, not at your level.

However the world does not revolve around your elite clique. It consist of all sorts: sub-standard kiters, children, boogie boarders, housewives, horses even. We're talking about getting on with each other at popular beaches.

Bearing in mind a world beyond your own interests, you may have to practice your high level kiting skills levels further afield. I spose this does not fit too well, you'd lose your admiring audience (just had a peek at your profile)

Go on homey, avoid all contemplation, gimme dem red thumbs, haw haw...

WA, 773 posts
19 Dec 2010 7:28PM
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kitecrazzzy said...

um, if you can't fly a kite in anything over 13 knots then you are a sub standard kiter.

Sub standard!!What???

Mate I don't and never will own a kite that would get me going In 13knots!
How boring, Bo is right, anything under 20knots is kinda lame!!
Under 20 knts I'm either fishing or at the pub...
But rock on mate, I'm sure you above standard kiters have all the water to yourself in 13 kts

WA, 266 posts
19 Dec 2010 8:25PM
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20knots? - I don't think so. Nothing wrong with a 15-16knot breeze.

If it's lame and people don't want to kite in sub 20knot winds - no worries, I'll see you at the pub after my sesh

WA, 7317 posts
19 Dec 2010 8:27PM
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Bo said...

kitecrazzzy said...

um, if you can't fly a kite in anything over 13 knots then you are a sub standard kiter.

Sure, there are many ordinary kiters, not at your level.

However the world does not revolve around your elite clique. It consist of all sorts: sub-standard kiters, children, boogie boarders, housewives, horses even. We're talking about getting on with each other at popular beaches.

Well said, I don't think many kiters can grasp the concepts at work here; that is why the bans happen.

WA, 724 posts
19 Dec 2010 8:42PM
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I am sorry guys but obviously you guys are twin tippers, 20knots a starting point you got to be kidding me.

But saying that, you do get your sub standard kiters who kite near people in light conditions and stand upwind of of beach goers in those conditions - these are substandard kiters that need to be educated.

But Bo and Hilly, I understand were you are coming from but you guys are taking the mentality of your standard Health and Safety Officer - Black or White without any grey in the middle. I realize Hilly you are getting your stoke elsewhere but cast your mind back when you were kiting and rather think of a solution.


WA, 773 posts
19 Dec 2010 8:51PM
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Nope i ride SB... Just like to be powered
It only goes green at 18knts
Pretty tAme riding under that

WA, 773 posts
19 Dec 2010 9:01PM
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Factor 5 said...

20knots? - I don't think so. Nothing wrong with a 15-16knot breeze.

If it's lame and people don't want to kite in sub 20knot winds - no worries, I'll see you at the pub after my sesh

Each to there own mate, while your happy with working your big kite in 16 knots, I'd rather be going down the line forgetting the kites there in 20plus

WA, 192 posts
19 Dec 2010 10:01PM
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Thanks for not spitting the dummy people, and actually allowing this into the discussion. (BTW I havent been on a twinny for the past 2 seasons. Jimi Lewis Rad F or strapped surfboard, me)

richswing said...
these are substandard kiters that need to be educated.

In an ideal world, yes!. But we'd have to put up volunteer inspector crew 7 days a week to catch the loose canons. I'm not sure I'd have the stomach or time to 'educate' insecure, aggressive Euros (and locals!) on a daily basis...

richswing said...
[snip.....]Black or White without any grey in the middle

I hear you. But the reality is black and white. Kiters *have* now been banned form launching at North groyne. The general public is not happy with us! Remember these are some of the most crowded/popular beaches in Perth metro, when the wind is not nuking. Are we prepared to share the beach and compromise? And what's the best solution? Massive restrictive exclusion zones a la Mullaloo...or a voluntary refraining form kiting in less-than-ideal conditions? Just suggesting that WAKSA consider negotiating the avenue of least pain...biggest possible win for all stakeholders.

WA, 46 posts
19 Dec 2010 10:21PM
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...Kiters *have* now been banned form launching at North groin...

Have they?

WA, 9499 posts
19 Dec 2010 10:24PM
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Dudes you have all got to step back, take a chill pill and just read back the neurotic stuff you are producing. My god what have we become! Licenses, agro, opinionated sledging, wow, this thread needs to end.

It has outlived it's usefulness and is just getting downright depressing and bordering on 'Jerry' Springer.

Please, whoever runs this forum, don't let it get hijacked by whining, pissed off people! (And yes I see the hypocrisy in my statement).

End it please. Let's revisit it in the near future, when we have calmed down.

WA, 266 posts
19 Dec 2010 10:26PM
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Yeah my 10 is a massive kite LOL! Apologies all - for getting off track.

Now, this "proposal" losing beach access north of Floreat groin is ludicrous and should not get off the ground. Until the council goes through the correct procedures to implement this lawfully - IT IS A COMPLETE FARCE!!! WAKSA needs to make the most of this wind downtime currently to formally restore this beach access before Xmas.

To the people who are bad mouthing kiting at this location, if you are a kiter - pull your head in and stop whining, restriction issues effect us all. To the non kiters - please go away, this is not your issue and you are just stirring the pot.

WA, 9499 posts
19 Dec 2010 10:32PM
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and it continues..... good points though, but still it continues... i think we all know the illogical reasoning here or maybe we someone else to word the ridiculous north groyne contingency plan in another way. On it goes, please make it stop

WA, 67 posts
19 Dec 2010 10:59PM
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I don't want to get involved in who is right or wrong as this whole thing is ludicrus, the thought of giving up this joyous downwind run angers me but it had to happen one day, the kiting community has grown at such a pace.
I remember doing my first downwinders from City Beach in early 2003 and we never had to take a number to find a spot on the grass to pump up, nor sramble for some clear beach to self launch. There were never complaints back then but obviously, the number of kiters has increased ten fold.
Just throwing it out there but has anyone heard any truth to the rescue Helicoptor pilots who land and take off from the top carpark at Floreat Beach had anything to do with this? The Beach inspector told me the other day that it is hazardous for the pilots on busy weekends? (this may have been mentioned already but hell if I am going to read each and every post?)

WA, 7317 posts
19 Dec 2010 11:07PM
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richswing said...

I realize Hilly you are getting your stoke elsewhere but cast your mind back when you were kiting and rather think of a solution.


Still kite - well will when the knee recovers from the last effort. Snapped MCL and PCL bugger. Been kiting since just after I first saw it in 1999 at a windsurfing comp at Hookipa. Makes me laugh guys calling me a non kiter :-).

My only message was be proactive and self police but apparently I am under mining the very fabric of your right to kite. Feck grow up guys look outside the goldfish bowl and see what impact you on others who have been there longer and will complain to council. For example the old guys who fish at the drain and get swooped by everyone who goes past.

It is a great sport pity if we lost access. In your hands

WA, 637 posts
20 Dec 2010 7:32AM
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The battle for retaining beach access at City Beach hasn't been lost to my knowledge, in fact, it hasn't really been started. I am sure WAKSA is already working on the most appropriate approach. If anyone has some strategically workable idea, WAKSA crew asked for feedback at the start of this thread: email to

Historically, when an army could not unite before a battle, always lost the battle.
The opposition against kitesurfers is most likely reading this thread. Every negative post here, criticizing and blaming kitesurfers, reinforces their position.
Being emotionally intelligent or grown up may not relate to age......

WA, 9499 posts
20 Dec 2010 9:27AM
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Andrash said...

The battle for retaining beach access at City Beach hasn't been lost to my knowledge, in fact, it hasn't really been started. I am sure WAKSA is already working on the most appropriate approach. If anyone has some strategically workable idea, WAKSA crew asked for feedback at the start of this thread: email to

Historically, when an army could not unite before a battle, always lost the battle.
The opposition against kitesurfers is most likely reading this thread. Every negative post here, criticizing and blaming kitesurfers, reinforces their position.
Being emotionally intelligent or grown up may not relate to age......

Well done mate, well said and I would encourage those to take note. Unite in a calm, organised fashion, you guys will be much more effective. I do realise it is an emotional issue, when something you enjoy so much is being threatened by once again, rules and regulations, but it is better to work with those with the ultimate decision making power. It's not what you know, who you know and you treat who you know... so calm, intelligent, reasoned thought will win the day. Or you can keep ranting and you will lose.

WA, 1243 posts
20 Dec 2010 9:36AM
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There are 3 options

3)Do nothing

At the end of the day there is a small minority of douche bags that are ruining it for the majority. I can't see any other option other than some form of licensing to restrict and minimise the damage they can potentially do to the sport. I know there are guys out there, trying their best to advise & educate noob & errant kiters, but it's not enough. In order to Kite any of the major Perth spots, you need to do a course and/or test to get your license and also register annually with WAKSA. Jumping up and down and saying it's Orwellian or we have enough rules is futile because sooner or later some tugger is going to do something stupid, someone will get hurt and sianara Kiting. It's a small price to pay to ensure you can Kite up and down the coast.

N.B I think having to get a license and register with WAKSA is a stupid f**king idea, but there isn't any other alternative.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
20 Dec 2010 10:01AM
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There are many alternatives. Licensing is a bad idea. Just because you have a license doesn't mean you won't present as a hazard. Everyone makes mistakes or misjudges something.
Who would enforce licenses, who would manage the renewal etc. WAKSA are just volunteers don't forget.

My suggestion would be to go with this current council ruling and use the next 9 months to prepare submissions and get a lobby group together.

If we as a group can act responsibly, take it on the nose so to speak and prepare ourselves for battle over the next 9 months i think we have a much better chance of retaining the best downwinder in the metro.

I am more than willing to give up as much of my spare time as required to help.

WA, 1243 posts
20 Dec 2010 10:17AM
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poor relative said...

There are many alternatives. Licensing is a bad idea. Just because you have a license doesn't mean you won't present as a hazard. Everyone makes mistakes or misjudges something.
Who would enforce licenses, who would manage the renewal etc. WAKSA are just volunteers don't forget.

My suggestion would be to go with this current council ruling and use the next 9 months to prepare submissions and get a lobby group together.

If we as a group can act responsibly, take it on the nose so to speak and prepare ourselves for battle over the next 9 months i think we have a much better chance of retaining the best downwinder in the metro.

I am more than willing to give up as much of my spare time as required to help.

You are not addressing the issue. The issue being you have a conflict of interest, beach goers vs kiters, or more specifically douche-bag kiters. Sooner or later there will be an incident and then Kiting really will be in trouble. One council bans it, the others will follow. We need to ensure there are no incidents. So either segregate Kiting from any other group that uses the beach or make it compulsory that Kiters are licensed which would effectively limit the idiots. i.e you mess up, you have your license taken off you. And yes it is a bad idea, it's a f**king sh **house idea... but what else you going to do?

There are many alternatives.

I'm all ears...

WA, 753 posts
20 Dec 2010 11:44AM
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The real issue is that we are being unfairly targeted.

Dogs will sometimes attack people, not all dog beaches are closed (the owner copes it and dog is put down)

Surfers will occasionaly colide within their group or inocent third party swimming with their family (ever looked at trigg point on a decent swell?). Once again, it doesn't automatically bans all surfers from accessing the ocean.

To my knowledge, kiters are an extremely low risk activity on par with joggers, boogie boarders, surfers.

Rather than enforce compulsory licensing and apologise for crimes not commited,WAKSA's role should be to chalenge those bans on the basis of actual facts (number of claims lodge with their public liability insurance compare to the amount of members) and reinforce the positive aspects (benefit to the economy, employment, tourist attractivness and of course the rescues).

I am not asking for any special treatment, only the right to practise my leasure with the same freedom than every other beach goers enjoy with their chosen activity.

Also since we are willing to respect and enforce rules to not disturb other users (flags...), and since we have gone with the trouble of creating a representative association (WAKSA), it would be greatly appreciated if any council about to implement decisions that will affect us directly could at least consult with WAKSA before bringing out the big guns

WA, 718 posts
20 Dec 2010 12:17PM
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sebol said...

The real issue is that we are being unfairly targeted.

Dogs will sometimes attack people, not all dog beaches are closed (the owner copes it and dog is put down)

Surfers will occasionaly colide within their group or inocent third party swimming with their family (ever looked at trigg point on a decent swell?). Once again, it doesn't automatically bans all surfers from accessing the ocean.

To my knowledge, kiters are an extremely low risk activity on par with joggers, boogie boarders, surfers.

Rather than enforce compulsory licensing and apologise for crimes not commited,WAKSA's role should be to chalenge those bans on the basis of actual facts (number of claims lodge with their public liability insurance compare to the amount of members) and reinforce the positive aspects (benefit to the economy, employment, tourist attractivness and of course the rescues).

I am not asking for any special treatment, only the right to practise my leasure with the same freedom than every other beach goers enjoy with their chosen activity.

Also since we are willing to respect and enforce rules to not disturb other users (flags...), and since we have gone with the trouble of creating a representative association (WAKSA), it would be greatly appreciated if any council about to implement decisions that will affect us directly could at least consult with WAKSA before bringing out the big guns


You sir, have made the most sane logical statement in this whole discussion on the current debacle.

This whole thing is being made way more complicated than it has to be when seriously, it is such a simple issue (free beach access for all) to resolve.

WA, 4485 posts
20 Dec 2010 12:20PM
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I think most kiters need to well and truly get over the 'we are being unfairly targeted' mentality.

We take up a lot of space and excluding boats/jetskis (that are registered and licenced) we are the most potentially hazardous craft on the water. Dogs are also required to be licenced. I don't think anyone is going to argue that boats, sailboats, jetskis and dogs need to be licenced.. so why are we so special?

Sebol said:
To my knowledge, kiters are an extremely low risk activity on par with joggers, boogie boarders, surfers.

That is a BIG stretch of the truth right there.
Surfers are the only hazard out of those three to others. They are required to stay out of flagged (and other) areas. The reason we see a lot of surfbaord related injuries is from shear numbers out there and proximity to other water users..

Sebol said:
I am not asking for any special treatment, only the right to practise my leasure with the same freedom than every other beach goers enjoy with their chosen activity.

Of course you are. Our kites require a 25m radius to be safe(ish). Name me another water user that has so much area devoted to what they are doing (sweeping downwind at a rate of knots too) and combined with the speed and power of a kite??

The bit sooo few kiters get is that OUR craft of leisure create fear and potential for real damage, to other water users, who want to just enjoy a dip with the kids on a hot day. Everyone in this town should be entitled to go to a public beach and not feel threatened just for taking a dip.

Until most kiters get that last point, any help with stemming regulations/restrictions is an absloute lost cause. Sadly I don't think a lot of kiters will ever get it.

We all see peanuts doing sh!t we think is ridiculous every session. We know how dangerous they are behaving. Well wake up coz everytime an 'in control' kiter buzzes within 10m of another water user, the happless water user's freckle clenches BIG TIME and they feel threatened, angry and like they are the victim of someone else's arrogance/carelessnes. And they are spot on.

Attempting to act the victim here is a joke. We are the ones who have been imposing our pursuits on swimmers, paddlers, fishos, surfers, beach walkers, dog owners, sand castle kids, surf clubs for years now, and in short everyone who isn't a kiter is kn fed up with our intrusions.[}:)]

Look I don't know what the answer is but honestly self regulation is a complete fantasy. It's time to wake up and find a future solution.

WA, 753 posts
20 Dec 2010 12:40PM
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Have you ever noticed that your 25 meter lines are pointing skyward?

The 25 meter argument is rubbish, I do not take more room than any windsurfer out there appart from launching when I am willing to comply with a designated launch area (unless if it is directly upwind of a man made breakwater wall).

I fully agree with keeping clear of all other water users to not stress them up.

WA, 463 posts
20 Dec 2010 12:57PM
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Sorry GetFunky but your argument are the exact thing that brings of this type of issue.

It is blown out of all proportion. Are you sure your not on the ban kites payroll?

As Sebol has said, the kites are in the sky. They are not a danger to other beach goers when under control. There are no dramas of people getting knocked around by kites on a daily basis as you say.

Most of the time there are no people on the beach.

I agree some people might freak out if they see kites nearby. That is far from legitimate danger. That is someone who doesnt know how safe they are.

WA, 808 posts
20 Dec 2010 1:02PM
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poor relative said...

There are many alternatives. Licensing is a bad idea. Just because you have a license doesn't mean you won't present as a hazard. Everyone makes mistakes or misjudges something.

Ok, I'm Euro from a high mountains. When we started paragliding (looong time ago) nothing was regulated, we took all places for granted just like we do here with the local beach. The sky was free, just like the ocean.

Now every single person is licensed. The license is granted after theory and practical test. The starting/landing locations are registered, school sites as well, and marked with L (learner), A (advanced) etc signs.

One Advanced site was at Mosman park lookout. I remember seeing pilots there.

Paragliders (big kites :), are categorized by the FAI (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale), or actually DHV (German standard), and can't be sold without a category sign.

No learner is permitted to fly a HIGH performance category kite (paraglider:) on any site and no one is permitted to fly without a license. This is policed by the club representatives. They can revoke your membership.

Why license? Who knows the right of way in the SKY when piloting an aircraft?

We could start with a boating license. This, at least will give you some knowledge.

I certainly will, since it costs sooo much less then in Europe, where ie. license for a car is well over AU$1500-2000...

We are blessed that we live in Au. Even if it's over regulated, it doesn't make my life miserable at all.

coreyb said...

They are not a danger to other beach goers when under control.

"under control", yes. There is no danger when looping as well from your perspective.

The average Joe has different perspective than ours. You need to take this into account.

Let me give you one example, when spiraling a paraglider - it's under control. People watching you will burst of excitement!
But, if you as a pilot have a slight FLU, you might die.
This is a different perspective which you didn't think of before your flight....

WA, 4485 posts
20 Dec 2010 1:40PM
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coreyb said...

Sorry GetFunky but your argument are the exact thing that brings of this type of issue.

It is blown out of all proportion. Are you sure your not on the ban kites payroll?

As Sebol has said, the kites are in the sky. They are not a danger to other beach goers when under control.

Mate - you are probably a far better skilled kiter than most. Just like the sub-standard driver thread made plainly clear.. no-one thinks they are a sub-standard kiter. But there are plenty of hopeless cases out there every windy arvo. Just where do these kiters come from?? A parrallel universe?

coreyb said...
There are no dramas of people getting knocked around by kites on a daily basis as you say.
Which I did not say at all

coreyb said...
I agree some people might freak out if they see kites nearby. That is far from legitimate danger. That is someone who doesnt know how safe they are.

That is an average person trying to enjoy a public space and well aware of a large kite with sharp lines hanging off it. If they go to the beach regularly then they see the kites/lines end up in the water, and the kiters out of control every arvo.

Corey you can (again) don your foil hat and slag me off suggesting I have brought this on us. Simply not true.

Quite the opposite I have semi-regularly posted (and been flamed by self infatuated heros) imploring kiters in the Flozzer area to not to ignore other water users and act selfishly - which happens a lot - and is what has in reality lead to the situation we now have.

What have you done mate - posted lotsa glossy pics of yourself.. LOL.

But I guess that's another classic example of a lot of kiters not being able to look beyond themselves..

Sebol said:

Have you ever noticed that your 25 meter lines are pointing skyward?

The 25 meter argument is rubbish, I do not take more room than any windsurfer out there appart from launching when I am willing to comply with a designated launch area (unless if it is directly upwind of a man made breakwater wall).

If your kite sits at 12 then you must need more lessons. You actually telling me in the surf around Flozzer etc you aren't swinging your kite from side to side?? And when you bite it after a wave takes you out the kite stays 100% in control at all times? You guys are good and should get on board for the next Melb comedy festival.

Corey, you and Sebol (and unfoirtunately too many other 'experienced' kiters) are in a laughable state of denial as to the effect kites have and can have on those around them. Maybe one day when you need to think of your family's welfare and go to a kids beach only to have selfish numbnutz put them in peril -you may be able to look beyond your own bellybutton.

Dunno if you saw the idiot doing a downwinder body drag for 4kms a few weeks ago? He was fanging his kite from extreme left to right at warp speed and nearly fkd every kiter that came with 50m of him. He is the kind of fool you are unintentionally protecting.

Glad you agree about staying clear of others.. but it just does not happen.. and every arvo there are peanuts getting out there with bugger all idea of what they are doing with a kite.

So right now, some peantut can walk into a shop, buy a kite and stroll down to the beach, set up and attempt to self learn.. and that's ok? Of course it isn't, yet there is nothing to stop them doing so.

Don't even try to suggest that shops don't (sometimes) allow hard to move stock to walk out with a totally untrained noob (despite suggesting they take lessons). THAT would be stretching the truth. I have experienced these idiots 1st hand (and yes Corey - one was from your shop with a spanky new - but superceded - 10m C kite hot-launching - face planting/having punters run in all directions -right in front of Ob city). BTW - the 10m C was a 5th line designed kite - but sold with a brand new 4 line bar. Nice.

Same for 2nd hand market. There is currently nothing to stop a bona fide danger to themselves AND everything around them from buying a kit and ****** themselves, in a public space, half an hour later.

Now get this clear - I am not stating there should be bans OR that licencing is the ONLY way forward. I do think licencing has merit and I do believe self-policing simply isn't effective enough (despite admirable efforts by some). Again if you think self policing is enough, then you need to take your eye of the camera in your hand and look around a bit more.

What are you so afraid of? Licencing does not neccesarily mean a ban. It could possibly mean a clean out of the idiots and fools that do their best to fk it for everyone. Also proven hazardous tools can potentially have a little sit on the beach for some weeks.

Anyway - I doubt we are ever going to agree on this so we'll see how far we all get with the 'We are victims, don't take our bat n ball' philosophy.

Good luck with the living the fantasy.

See ya.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"City Beach/Floreat Kiters - FYI" started by WAKSA