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Richard Branson Kiting @ Cott

Created by SLIDA > 9 months ago, 19 Mar 2010
WA, 41 posts
19 Mar 2010 6:42PM
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Anyone have any idea as to why Richard Branson rode into Cott main beach on a Airush kite half an hour ago?

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
19 Mar 2010 6:53PM
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Richard branson, like chuck Norris can do what he pleases.

WA, 3464 posts
19 Mar 2010 6:55PM
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Because its fun and having a sticky beak.

Has he had a hair cut yet?

WA, 41 posts
19 Mar 2010 7:08PM
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Nope he still looked exactly like he did in those photos where he had that 'nice' lady on his back while he was kiting

WA, 317 posts
19 Mar 2010 7:25PM
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NSW, 86 posts
20 Mar 2010 12:21AM
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Is it a joke ?? Arent you allowed to

NSW, 86 posts
20 Mar 2010 12:23AM
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Should he ride something other than airush??

NSW, 86 posts
20 Mar 2010 12:24AM
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Im guessing it was windy??

WA, 3619 posts
20 Mar 2010 8:14AM
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A plea was despatched asking him for just one media interview to raise our PR by highlighting the sense, safety & justice for all of the WAKSA response to the City of Joondalup Beach Management Plan.

Me thinks the moat was too wide and the gate too thick.
Im sure he would have helped out if the message had got through.

ps - if you read this Richard - its not too late.
PM me & we'll get something sorted.

WA, 101 posts
20 Mar 2010 11:28AM
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you can find him at Burswood , he is here for a Virgin conference till sunday :)

WA, 41 posts
20 Mar 2010 1:52PM
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diginoz said...


Leroy B
WA, 139 posts
20 Mar 2010 2:21PM
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Just quietly.......the airline industry is in trouble and Sir Richard, forever ahead of the competition, is researching new transport modes and routes.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
20 Mar 2010 3:25PM
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I thought he was cool like Chuck Norris cool.
Now after seeing him in Kitepants i rate him less than Mr T
At least they're not bogan black levis.

WA, 1103 posts
20 Mar 2010 3:30PM
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And Chuck Norris was big on following 'the rules' not kiting into Cottesloe main beach...can't help but wonder who it was that suggested/encouraged that gem of an idea....

Yeah, my flame suit is on - I don't care what ppl will write in response to this to be honest.

Some fool tuero will see him do it, come out here next season, kite into the main beach @ Cottesloe & cause no end of fkn problems for local kiters...who know you don't kite @ Cottesloe...

NSW, 1625 posts
20 Mar 2010 6:51PM
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Depending on how long ago it was filmed he might have still been in WA from an Australian story episode that aired last night, helping some photographer guy set up some awareness program for the locals up north

WA, 164 posts
20 Mar 2010 4:39PM
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here is an interesting fact that some of use may not know... when Chuck Norris jumps in the water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. In fact the water gets chuck Norrised.

NSW, 1515 posts
20 Mar 2010 9:39PM
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Juddy said...
Some fool tuero will see him do it, come out here next season, kite into the main beach @ Cottesloe & cause no end of fkn problems for local kiters...who know you don't kite @ Cottesloe...

Isn't Branson a Teuro? Ipso facto it's already occurred.....

NSW, 86 posts
20 Mar 2010 11:04PM
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I dont give a fruck who's wearin em BOARDLONGS are not cool may as well get a moorie boogie board

NSW, 86 posts
20 Mar 2010 11:08PM
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I meant moorey (I think )thats what I meant!!!!

QLD, 581 posts
21 Mar 2010 9:18AM
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for a great cause.. just wish that cancer treatment was more sucessful considering the absolutely huge amounts of $ spent on research. Wear sun block.. 9 out of 10 of all skin cancers are found in sun exposed areas

NSW, 560 posts
21 Mar 2010 11:12AM
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pynnee said...

here is an interesting fact that some of use may not know... when Chuck Norris jumps in the water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. In fact the water gets chuck Norrised.

Did you know the boogie man checks under his bed for Chuck Norris!

VIC, 19 posts
21 Mar 2010 11:49AM
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Juddy said...

Some fool tuero will see him do it, come out here next season, kite into the main beach @ Cottesloe & cause no end of fkn problems for local kiters...who know you don't kite @ Cottesloe...

So who is the guy in the background then?

QLD, 431 posts
21 Mar 2010 10:49AM
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More the point - who is the guy behind ALSO kiting @ Cott Main Beach????

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
21 Mar 2010 9:50AM
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Chuck Norris?

Apparently Chuck Norris can win a game of connect 4 in three moves

WA, 266 posts
21 Mar 2010 1:50PM
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ashkiter said...

More the point - who is the guy behind ALSO kiting @ Cott Main Beach????

I think its Chuck...

Na, he would work for the company that supplied the kite gear to Branson. Fk I wouldnt mind a kite with him too if I had the chance, even just a chat.

Fair go, Branson is renowned for his publicity stunts for a cause. The charity function was on at Indiana Tea wouldnt have had the same effect if he rode in at Swanny.

I would imagine the stunt had more pro's for kiting in Perth than cons, especially with the whole banning thing going down. Most people love and highly respect the guy, if they see Branson kiting in Perth they might think "kiting aint so bad".

I really dont think the teuro's will take much notice to what beach it was at.

WA, 3619 posts
22 Mar 2010 4:33AM
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With you 110% Factor 5.
Richard Branson has probaby done more for kiting PR in WA just by being here and being seen kiting than WAKSA and the whole kiting community could ever do - even with their best efforts.
Apparently he also gave kiting a good rap at the main event at Burswood as well so even if he didnt respond directly to pleas for assistance he has aided our cause considerably at a very crucial time.

When we kite we are all able walk on water
imo Richard Branson does it all the time

btw - the word is that the organisers of his fund raising stunt did get approval from the City of Cott. It was therefore an exception to the rule not breaking 'the rules'.
Im sure WAKSA could make good use of some of the pics to positively highlight 'the rules' in its guidelines section.

WA, 3464 posts
22 Mar 2010 7:28AM
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I wish he would just leave on the next plane...............I really don't want us on the map any more than we are. He has his own island where he should be....................bye bye you long haired old man.

the gaz
WA, 172 posts
22 Mar 2010 8:55AM
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Here's the man enjoying a kite on his own island, looks like fun.

WA, 4485 posts
22 Mar 2010 3:29PM
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ashkiter said...

More the point - who is the guy behind ALSO kiting @ Cott Main Beach????

That dood in the background looks a bit fishy vishy to me.

Please tell me Mr Brashone sought approval before breaking the law and landing his kite amongst the more crowded than usual (due to the rather large sculptures by the sea exibition there) punters/kids/grannies/sculptures. Permission or not - it is self serving (what he does best) and stoopid with the traffic down there recently.

The guy is a tool I reckon and this self serving grab for fame/infamy doesn't endear him to me at all.

He obviously doesn't give a fek about the local kiter interests and I imagine he would not be used to hearing "no" if the locals (?) with him suggested landing at a less crowded (and legal) site. Tool.

Ian Grose
TAS, 423 posts
Site Sponsor
22 Mar 2010 8:21PM
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It was always going to be controversial Sir Richard Branson (or anyone for that matter) kiting into Cottesloe Beach, making exceptions to any rule is always risky. I believe in the end it was an extremely positive outcome and the comments that Richard made at the function in the evening were great for our profile and credibility of our sport. It is gold to get a room with 1000 of Perth’s more influential guests and have someone that they all respect presenting the sport with such enthusiasm.

So just a few points about the “Stunt”:-
• He wasn’t wearing kite pants he was still dressed from the fundraising cruise on the river and he didn’t get changed, just straight down to the beach.
• We had assessed the landing site and believed it would be safe, provided it wasn’t too crowded we had decided if it was too crowded that I would take the kite from Richard and head back out and land somewhere more appropriate further North.
• When Richard arrived at the beach we had a safety briefing and ensured that we could do it safely.
• Once he was on the water Matt led Richard to the predetermined landing site waiting for a signal from Marco and I so they could land safely.
• Prior to their arrival the press and spectators were very obliging and we had a clear space to land both kites easily and safely.
• The powers that be were at the function and were in agreeance with doing this as a once off.
• Sir Richard seemed to be a super nice guy that enjoys a kite and I believe is a great ambassador for our sport.
• Yes, it was good to meet Richard Branson, the guy is pretty amazing, I read his biography a few years ago quite inspirational.
• The functions that Sir Richard attended on Friday raised about $750,000 for kids with cancer. That is legendary, he had a super tight schedule all day and the kite was the only bit of recreation that he had. After we finished even with his tight time frame he made the effort to thank all three of us. And put in a good word for kitesurfing at the dinner.
• While we did increase the profile of kitesurfing, I believe it was in a positive way I apologise to those that disagree. If you feel strongly about it please rather making a negative post on a public forum, please send me a PM or give me a ring. Don’t forget it is not just those that are in favor of kitesurfing that read the forums.


WA, 500 posts
22 Mar 2010 5:30PM
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-negative comments without the FACTS. =tool.

getfunky said...

ashkiter said...

More the point - who is the guy behind ALSO kiting @ Cott Main Beach????

That dood in the background looks a bit fishy vishy to me.

Please tell me Mr Brashone sought approval before breaking the law and landing his kite amongst the more crowded than usual (due to the rather large sculptures by the sea exibition there) punters/kids/grannies/sculptures. Permission or not - it is self serving (what he does best) and stoopid with the traffic down there recently.

The guy is a tool I reckon and this self serving grab for fame/infamy doesn't endear him to me at all.

He obviously doesn't give a fek about the local kiter interests and I imagine he would not be used to hearing "no" if the locals (?) with him suggested landing at a less crowded (and legal) site. Tool.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Richard Branson Kiting @ Cott" started by SLIDA