Forums > Kitesurfing General

Richard Branson Kiting @ Cott

Created by SLIDA > 9 months ago, 19 Mar 2010
WA, 598 posts
24 Mar 2010 5:57PM
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Just one question for GF:

If Mick Fanning caught a wave in at Cott (during summer when surfing is banned) where pre-arranged with the authorities, to turn up to a fundraising function, would this provoke the same outcry from you ?

I look forward to your response.

WA, 4485 posts
24 Mar 2010 6:03PM
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stoff said...

Hang on a sec Ray, we cant burn GET FUNKY. Apparently he's the only one on the planet who saw that this was a publicity stunt and had to tell us all. He really does'nt have much respect for the intelligence of his fellow man.

Can we really live without a man with such wisdom as GET FUNKY?
It must be tough for him when he leaves the house and knows that he's always going to be the smartest person in the room

Congrats to Airborne for a good stunt and publicity for the sport, and congrats for Branson on making it in the tough world of running his own business.( and giving me cheap flights)

Let me guess, GET FUNKY, you work for someone else, take a rubbish wage, and are getting more and more bitter and twisted about it every day?

Ba ha ha ha.. have you been spying on me stoff?

It's hard to fly like an eagle surrounded by sycophantic turkeys that's for sure.

Look mate - I am cynical when it comes to media and business no doubt about it.. I have never enjoyed the Brashone but i am not the one getting aggro and twisted over this really.

WA, 4485 posts
24 Mar 2010 6:11PM
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trevor1 said...

Just one question for GF:

If Mick Fanning caught a wave in at Cott (during summer when surfing is banned) where pre-arranged with the authorities, to turn up to a fundraising function, would this provoke the same outcry from you ?

I look forward to your response.

If surfing were despised by sections of the public and copping the threat of bans around town, if Mick needed a 25m safety radius and if Mick needed the public to be moved on from a public beach so that he could apease his ego - then the answer would be yes. Obviously you are comparing tarts n virgins there tho.

I don't give a fek if the individual is a world champ or a local chump. If you expect the public and others to bend to your will because of your fame/persona/ego - that is ordinary I reckon. Obviously most folks prefer to bend over n think of England tho.

I hope your forward looking was not in vain.

Yawn... too much work so must go. Sorry to disapoint.

WA, 239 posts
24 Mar 2010 6:15PM
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getfunky said...
i am not the one getting aggro and twisted over this really.

Haa haa. Yes you are..

WA, 598 posts
24 Mar 2010 6:27PM
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getfunky said...

trevor1 said...

Just one question for GF:

If Mick Fanning caught a wave in at Cott (during summer when surfing is banned) where pre-arranged with the authorities, to turn up to a fundraising function, would this provoke the same outcry from you ?

I look forward to your response.

If surfing were despised by sections of the public and copping the threat of bans around town, if Mick needed a 25m safety radius and if Mick needed the public to be moved on from a public beach so that he could apease his ego - then the answer would be yes. Obviously you are comparing tarts n virgins there tho.

I don't give a fek if the individual is a world champ or a local chump. If you expect the public and others to bend to your will because of your fame/persona/ego - that is ordinary I reckon. Obviously most folks prefer to bend over n think of England tho.

I hope your forward looking was not in vain.

Yawn... too much work so must go. Sorry to disapoint.

[I will try and respond by attacking your views and not you personally.]

Yes, but your comments to date also appear to be heavily influenced by your dislike of Branson, a dislike you stated you have held for some time.

I might be wrong, but I suspect the negative responses to your posts, and the red thumbs you are receiving might be because others do not see you are making objective comments, and that perhaps your views have become somewhat poisoned by your subjective dislike of someone in the public eye.

You see the problem is, almost every other post has seen the positive in bringing kiting into the public eye. You don't appear to accept that that could actually be the case.

You also percieve that the punter down the beach would be pissed off in having to move.

Whilst you may not approve of the flaunting of fame and fortune, you would have to agree fame sells - how may New Weeklies, etc, are sold every week. Therefore, I suspect that anyone else but you who was down at Cott that day would have been excited by Branson arriving at the beach on a kite, and would have spread that positive vibe (with the associated verbal picture of arriving on kite) to their family and friends.

I think this is pretty much the view of the other posters on this thread, and sometimes there is a very good reason why "sheep" follow other "sheep".

SA, 30 posts
24 Mar 2010 10:20PM
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Reading all these negative posts about Richard Branson kiting into the beach is crazy. It would have been positive press for kiting, regardless of if you like the guy or not. If he kited into a beach in Adelaide with the approval of the authorities where kiting is banned, no one would care, it would be great positive press for kiting. I would argue that even if you hated kiting, you would still be interetsed in seeing Richard Branson kiting into your beach.
It's not every day a billionaire kites into your beach.

WA, 773 posts
25 Mar 2010 1:54AM
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NSW, 414 posts
25 Mar 2010 11:33AM
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getfunky said...

I haven't met the bloke - nor do I desire to - and have never enjoyed his 'charisma' that he attempts to saturate in media with. Frankly any bloke who thinks he is showing his manhood by treating a woman as a prop and throwing her over his shoulder is a class A toool in my book - regardless of his wealth or self importance.

You've got no idea mate. The girl in the photo is the photographers girlfriend, who was there taking photos of Branson kiting. The girl jumped on his back for a bit of fun after the photographer asked her to.

Man you guys complaining about this are a bunch of f^&king retards. Go join Womans Day you bunch of pansies.

WA, 69 posts
25 Mar 2010 9:27AM
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pynnee said...

here is an interesting fact that some of use may not know... when Chuck Norris jumps in the water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. In fact the water gets chuck Norrised.

and Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer , ..but Chuck Norris does not cry

WA, 5353 posts
25 Mar 2010 9:31AM
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When topics like this turn out so retarded I'm no longer surprised there are kiters out there who think the complete opposite to me all the time.
Branson is a legend.

WA, 614 posts
25 Mar 2010 12:47PM
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I find myself agreeing with Rowdy again- Branson is a deadset legend, unlike Paris Hilton who inherited fame and fortune for being an airhead Branson worked hard and smart and exploited creative advertising.

If the stunt was done in accordance with council guidelines then who cares.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Richard Branson Kiting @ Cott" started by SLIDA