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Forums > Kitesurfing General

TANDEM KITING (with the little ones)

Created by ruffryder61 > 9 months ago, 12 Dec 2008
knot board
QLD, 1241 posts
16 Dec 2008 5:59PM
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I've been thinking about this thread and trying to work out why has it got so many people worked up. The first time I opened it and saw the pictures I thought to myself, "hmm that's certainly interesting and unique but I'm not sure if it is completely sensible". I have learnt over time to trust my instincts and if my gut tells me something is not quite right it's usually wise to listen.

The funny thing is I didn't get the same 'gut feeling' when I opened this thread,, in fact it was truely heartwarming to see these kids enjoying themselves.

I am guilty of passing judgement on ruffryder by trying to impose my standards on him, sorry about that Marve however I hope this stunt of yours doesn't catch on. It just makes me feel uneasy.

QLD, 561 posts
16 Dec 2008 7:29PM
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airush geoff said...


When I have kids ( I don't yet ) they will be out scraping knees and breaking bones like kids should.

Fun up you old sad sacks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHEN you have kids................ THEN you will understand where some of us "old (28) sad sacks" are coming from.

I too was reckless when I was younger but my whole perspective on life and children is completely different now.

I am not trying to pass judgement towards Ruffryder and like Knot Board, I am not trying to tell you how to raise your kids (I know some of my previous posts might suggest this). But in MY opinion, I don't think it is safe and I certainly would not do this with my children EVER.

WA, 4263 posts
16 Dec 2008 6:58PM
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waveslave said...

It's not 'what' Ruffryder is doing that is so wrong.....
It's 'how' he is doing it.
Tandem kiting can be done safely like the above pic. ^^^
The little girl in the straight-jacket is what I have issues with.
Of course, the little girl is too young and not strong enough to hang on like the above chic. ^^^
Daddy should wait a few years.

QLD, 470 posts
16 Dec 2008 10:13PM
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gavo said...

phrase said...

I`m so glad my parents were how they were and not the type that wanted to keep me wrapped up in cotton wool. My dad was always doing "stupid" crazy things with my brother and I. And we loved it!
I know there is the other side to the argument, things can go wrong etc. But personally I wouldn`t have wanted it any other way. And I think it`s made me the person I am today, no not stupid and reckless just fun and outgoing, enjoy life to the fullest.
My experience with kids, especially quite young ones is that if they don`t want to do something you`ll know it (they scream their heads off, cry etc.)
I think it goes without saying, you`re not going to start doing crazy tricks with your kid on your back (my dad probably would have), or under dodgey wind, sea conditions. Just a little cruise not too far out and back. And you obviously wont launch and land with littleone on your back.

Mate Im so with you on this...Ive been looking for a way for my kids to enjoy the sport as well..there are so many parents out there who are all about wrapping up there kids in cotton wool, trying to protect them from all the 'dangers' out there!!!

Im the 1st to realise that things can go wrong kiting as Ive had my fair share, so I know my limits and I would definitely know the limits taking my kids for a ride.

It just makes me laugh with all the negative crap that goes on this forum!!!! Im so glad there was no internet when I was a kid, didnt have to be subjected to everyones negative outlook on such a positive sport.

Good onya ruffryder, piff all the negatives out there, hang loose and enjoy your groms.

Dear fellow kiters,
first of all we would like to acknowledge all the positive feedback as well as the constructive concerns!

I want to make clear that the kiting with the kids has always been SAFE and will be in the future!
The conditions( onshore- 16knts wind, shallow water close to the beach where kids can stand up, no other kiters around and good equipment/kite, harness..) were spot on and therefore no danger for anybody involved!

The few minutes for the kids that came for a ride are an unforgetable experience that will stay with them forever!

I hope that some people will open their minds!!

Happy and safe kiting and a merry x mas (Tash was wondering if the Santa Claus can kite- he could ride along the coast and drop presents of for all the children on the beach

QLD, 470 posts
16 Dec 2008 10:17PM
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Manny said...

This is a very old photo. My dad used to take us swimming to this river, after the rains the rapids were very strong. Was that irresponsible? Probably, but it was great fun! We used to beg our parents to take us there.

one more thing!

this photo is awesome Manny!~ i wish id be a kid again...

QLD, 4873 posts
16 Dec 2008 10:38PM
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airush geoff said...

I am sick to death of the fun police- a dad spending time doing something fun with his kids is a positive in my opinion.

Fun up you old sad sacks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one said it was wrong for a Dad to spend time doing something fun with his kids...
but many have said it was wrong for a dad to spend time doing something dangerous with his kids...

Wise up you young whippersnapper.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW - I see Ruffryder has answered some of questions raised, but left many unanswered. What I'd like to know is does he need someone's help to get his little girl in the makeshift harness? If so does he need someone's help to get her out - or does he just dump the kite?

I have to agree with Knotboarrds comments also - it just makes you feel uneasy.

VIC, 107 posts
16 Dec 2008 11:46PM
Thumbs Up

gavo said...

phrase said...

I`m so glad my parents were how they were and not the type that wanted to keep me wrapped up in cotton wool. My dad was always doing "stupid" crazy things with my brother and I. And we loved it!
I know there is the other side to the argument, things can go wrong etc. But personally I wouldn`t have wanted it any other way. And I think it`s made me the person I am today, no not stupid and reckless just fun and outgoing, enjoy life to the fullest.
My experience with kids, especially quite young ones is that if they don`t want to do something you`ll know it (they scream their heads off, cry etc.)
I think it goes without saying, you`re not going to start doing crazy tricks with your kid on your back (my dad probably would have), or under dodgey wind, sea conditions. Just a little cruise not too far out and back. And you obviously wont launch and land with littleone on your back.

Mate Im so with you on this...Ive been looking for a way for my kids to enjoy the sport as well..there are so many parents out there who are all about wrapping up there kids in cotton wool, trying to protect them from all the 'dangers' out there!!!

Im the 1st to realise that things can go wrong kiting as Ive had my fair share, so I know my limits and I would definitely know the limits taking my kids for a ride.

It just makes me laugh with all the negative crap that goes on this forum!!!! Im so glad there was no internet when I was a kid, didnt have to be subjected to everyones negative outlook on such a positive sport.

Good onya ruffryder, piff all the negatives out there, hang loose and enjoy your groms.


Growing up as a kid my dad had me doing all kinds of stuff that was potentially dangerous but I can't help but be thankful to him for every moment.

As a kid I was continually out on his racing cat with him, up on one hull screaming along and loving it. After that it was on his land yatch, feet barely able to reach the pedals, at epic speeds. Best of all was him loading us onto an upside down car bonnet on the tide flats and towing us about with his car.

I fell off the cat, flipped the land yatch and got thrown off the car bonnet but damn they are the best childhood memories of my life.

Anyway, I think taking your kids out with you kiting is great if you know your limits and theirs. Live life to it's fullest at every opportunity and have some seriously good times with your kids.

WA, 949 posts
16 Dec 2008 9:54PM
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sausage said...

airush geoff said...

I am sick to death of the fun police- a dad spending time doing something fun with his kids is a positive in my opinion.

Fun up you old sad sacks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one said it was wrong for a Dad to spend time doing something fun with his kids...
but many have said it was wrong for a dad to spend time doing something

dangerous with his kids...

Wise up you young whippersnapper.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW - I see Ruffryder has answered some of questions raised, but left many unanswered. What I'd like to know is does he need someone's help to get his little girl in the makeshift harness? If so does he need someone's help to get her out - or does he just dump the kite?

I have to agree with Knotboarrds comments also - it just makes you feel uneasy.

What a load of crap!! Seen all of this sh1t 5 years ago in Bali, in 2 days

Night kiting (after the frog races and coconut tree climbing)
Kids kiting on their parents backs (and winning prizes for the funkyiest trick)
And all of this was done on those horrid "C" kites...

And guess what???

Everyone had fun and no one got hurt..

The worst thing that has happened to this sport in my opinion is making it easy (read bow,sle,hybrid) It has let the too many kooks in..

My rant for now

QLD, 4873 posts
16 Dec 2008 10:54PM
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ruffryder61 said...

going Tandem Kiting in Lucinda today if anybody wants to drop off their kids

As an IKO instructor, I assume since you have told us how responsible and safe this is, that you have run these pics past your Public Liability insurer............

WA, 949 posts
16 Dec 2008 10:04PM
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Hey SNAG do you even know what IKO means (without googling it) or are you just here stiring up trouble.

All I know about pole dancing is that after you've watched it for 10min it's kinda... well..boring

But what would I know?

I wouldn't comment on the poley forum

QLD, 4873 posts
16 Dec 2008 11:12PM
Thumbs Up

kk said...

Hey SNAG do you even know what IKO means (without googling it) or are you just here stiring up trouble.

All I know about pole dancing is that after you've watched it for 10min it's kinda... well..boring

But what would I know?

I wouldn't comment on the poley forum

I have to admit, this is the first time I've actually posted in the teabaggers forum - but only because I feel strongly about the topic (and it appears I am not on my Pat Malone either)

No ones stopping you from posting on the poley forum - maybe you can start a thread and tell us how boring you find it

IKO - Insane Kiters Organisation?

airush geoff
974 posts
17 Dec 2008 8:23AM
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mytchook said...

airush geoff said...


When I have kids ( I don't yet ) they will be out scraping knees and breaking bones like kids should.

Fun up you old sad sacks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHEN you have kids................ THEN you will understand where some of us "old (28) sad sacks" are coming from.

I too was reckless when I was younger but my whole perspective on life and children is completely different now.

I am not trying to pass judgement towards Ruffryder and like Knot Board, I am not trying to tell you how to raise your kids (I know some of my previous posts might suggest this). But in MY opinion, I don't think it is safe and I certainly would not do this with my children EVER.

Sausage said....

airush geoff said...

I am sick to death of the fun police- a dad spending time doing something fun with his kids is a positive in my opinion.

Fun up you old sad sacks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one said it was wrong for a Dad to spend time doing something fun with his kids...
but many have said it was wrong for a dad to spend time doing something dangerous with his kids...

Wise up you young whippersnapper.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW - I see Ruffryder has answered some of questions raised, but left many unanswered. What I'd like to know is does he need someone's help to get his little girl in the makeshift harness? If so does he need someone's help to get her out - or does he just dump the kite?

I have to agree with Knotboarrds comments also - it just makes you feel uneasy.


We live in a society where people think it is ok to tell others what to do....what Ruffryder is doing is not dangerous in my opinion- he was sharing a stoke that he had found with others.

Kids are getting fat and lazy cos parents wont let them go out and experience life...what happens when these over protected and sheltered kids have to leave mummy and daddys caring watchful eyes ? have they developed the skills necessary to understand danger and protect themselves ?

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
17 Dec 2008 10:25AM
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waveslave said...

waveslave said...

It's not 'what' Ruffryder is doing that is so wrong.....
It's 'how' he is doing it.
Tandem kiting can be done safely like the above pic. ^^^
The little girl in the straight-jacket is what I have issues with.
Of course, the little girl is too young and not strong enough to hang on like the above chic. ^^^
Daddy should wait a few years.

now thats how to carry your wife

VIC, 1395 posts
17 Dec 2008 10:36AM
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Mr float said...

waveslave said...

waveslave said...

Why is he grabbing the board

TAS, 452 posts
17 Dec 2008 10:55AM
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knot board said...

The funny thing is I didn't get the same 'gut feeling' when I opened this thread,, in fact it was truely heartwarming to see these kids enjoying themselves.

I'm sure these kids were having fun. BUT THEY DIDN'T HAVE LIFE JACKETS. Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?!?! And no helmets! One of them was even near a wave. We had better call child protection services!!!!

WA, 4263 posts
17 Dec 2008 9:33AM
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ruffryder61 said...

Hi Ruffryder,
Do you launch the kite with the kid strapped to your back ?
Or do you launch first, then strap on the kid in the shallows ?
I'm interested to know the method.
And how about landing the kite ?
What about self-landing ?
You see, the beach is where all the bad sh1t generally happens.

40 posts
17 Dec 2008 9:47AM
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ruffryder61 said...

going Tandem Kiting in Lucinda today if anybody wants to drop off their kids

At the risk of stoking the fire a bit

what about stinger suits? It's FNQ in summer. There are box and irrakanji jellyfish. They can both be fatal especially with small childeren. When the wind really cranks there usually aren't any close inshore but in sub 16knots and especially at Lucinda behind the protection of sandbars stingers are a real risk. Even if the kid is out of the water, dad isn't wearing any stinger suit so if he got hit and was rolling around in the water in agony with the kid in a harness they could get stung or trapped under the water for a bit and then the kite might come in to play. Also fair enough with your own kids, but to do it as a commercial operator (even for free) and offer other peoples kids a go that don't understand the risks - IMHO you are running a bit of a liability gauntlet. If anything were to happen to anyone elses kid you would be so screwed.

That being said I think if you are competent (and not just thinking you are competent), the kid is wearing a lifejacket and it isn't stinger season, and the are just holding on in kiddy behind a sandbar in uniformly shallow waist deep water piggy back style, so they can let go or get thrown off, with an adult nearby (short runs around the adult) then not so bad. I think the harness is not the way to go. If they aren't strong enough to hold on piggy back style for 20 or so meters around the fretting wife then theyr'e too young. If in the very unlikely event something happened they would get thrown off soon enough.

I find it Ironic that most people freak out about the things that IMO aren't all that dangerous and didn't even think of the more likely! (stingers!)

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
17 Dec 2008 10:21AM
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Hey Peeps,

This has been an amusing read and it's great to see everyone putting in their two bobs worth. Even those without kids

Every person was once a kid and has life experiences guided by their parents which shaped their ideas of what safety and fun and enjoyment is. Your parents also had a childhood which was shaped by their parents thoughts of what was right and wrong, safe and otherwise. In other words everyones idea of fun came from what they experienced many years ago.

Just because something doesn't fit in your world view of safe practice, doesn't mean it is wrong for them, only wrong according to your book of life rules. It may well be perfectly acceptable in the other persons life rules. They have assessed the conditions, weighed the risks and found them to be acceptable to them. To judge someone else on your model of the world is a little pointless.

My daughter (3 1/2) is mad keen to do some kiting and in time I will take her. I also want to take her spearfishing when she is able to handle herself well enough in the water. I look forward when she can join me in the line up at my fave surfbreak and yes I will be nervous about her wiping out, but that is part of the game and I believe the fun is worth it. I also look forward to teaching her rock climbing when she is ready.

My childhood was filled with fast bikes, skateboards and big hills, swinging over cliffs on an old piece of rope I found "down the bush", climbing to the top of 60ft high trees, spearfishing with a gidgee at 8 years old, I sailed racing dinghys and skiffs, at 10 was slalom water skiing, jumping off cliffs into water and so on and so forth. My life has been a blast I never regret one busted knee or scrape (and there were many)

I dont want to disuade my kids from such an adventurous life and will encourage, but not force them into any such activites as soon as they feel confident enough to handle it. Fun, adventure and excitement is the juice of life, let your kids sink their teeth into it.

As a parent you make decisions for them and therefor are responsible for the outcomes. No parent will deliberately put their kids in harms way, but you can eliminate some of the greatest experiences they can have if you try and protect them from every possible potential injury.

Remember, your model of the world is different from everyone elses, don't try and lay down your rules on their life, it will never work and you will never see eye to eye, regardless of how much breath you waste or how many keys you type.

Bring your kids up the best way YOU know how and allow other to do the same.

I reserve my judgement of Ruffryder, it may not be something I'd do just yet and maybe not in the baby bjorn harness, but I know Pallarenda, and it is not deep, and I know how much my little girl would love to do that. Each to their own

Good winds,

VIC, 1395 posts
17 Dec 2008 12:41PM
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NSW, 34 posts
17 Dec 2008 1:00PM
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Kitehard said...

Hey Peeps,

This has been an amusing read and it's great to see everyone putting in their two bobs worth. Even those without kids

Every person was once a kid and has life experiences guided by their parents which shaped their ideas of what safety and fun and enjoyment is. Your parents also had a childhood which was shaped by their parents thoughts of what was right and wrong, safe and otherwise. In other words everyones idea of fun came from what they experienced many years ago.

Just because something doesn't fit in your world view of safe practice, doesn't mean it is wrong for them, only wrong according to your book of life rules. It may well be perfectly acceptable in the other persons life rules. They have assessed the conditions, weighed the risks and found them to be acceptable to them. To judge someone else on your model of the world is a little pointless.

My daughter (3 1/2) is mad keen to do some kiting and in time I will take her. I also want to take her spearfishing when she is able to handle herself well enough in the water. I look forward when she can join me in the line up at my fave surfbreak and yes I will be nervous about her wiping out, but that is part of the game and I believe the fun is worth it. I also look forward to teaching her rock climbing when she is ready.

My childhood was filled with fast bikes, skateboards and big hills, swinging over cliffs on an old piece of rope I found "down the bush", climbing to the top of 60ft high trees, spearfishing with a gidgee at 8 years old, I sailed racing dinghys and skiffs, at 10 was slalom water skiing, jumping off cliffs into water and so on and so forth. My life has been a blast I never regret one busted knee or scrape (and there were many)

I dont want to disuade my kids from such an adventurous life and will encourage, but not force them into any such activites as soon as they feel confident enough to handle it. Fun, adventure and excitement is the juice of life, let your kids sink their teeth into it.

As a parent you make decisions for them and therefor are responsible for the outcomes. No parent will deliberately put their kids in harms way, but you can eliminate some of the greatest experiences they can have if you try and protect them from every possible potential injury.

Remember, your model of the world is different from everyone elses, don't try and lay down your rules on their life, it will never work and you will never see eye to eye, regardless of how much breath you waste or how many keys you type.

Bring your kids up the best way YOU know how and allow other to do the same.

I reserve my judgement of Ruffryder, it may not be something I'd do just yet and maybe not in the baby bjorn harness, but I know Pallarenda, and it is not deep, and I know how much my little girl would love to do that. Each to their own

Good winds,

Dude, thats the best post i've seen on this site, ever. Wish more people in the world would take this view

Lifes short, play hard

WA, 102 posts
17 Dec 2008 11:48AM
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The worst thing that has happened to this sport in my opinion is making it easy (read bow,sle,hybrid) It has let the too many kooks in..

My rant for now

That sums it up for me... bring back the good ole days when strapping yourself to a powered traction kite was considered risky and dangerous, and only a handful of thrill loving people chose to take it on- knowing the consequences.

Look what kiting has become! bunch of whinging, whining, wasters banging on about safety, quick releases, 'straight jackets', liability... makes you wanna puke.

Quit the fun policing!! Get out there, have some fun, let a Dad take his daughter for a ride- he knows her best, he's 'assessed the risks' (damn I hate that OS&H terminology), and he's decided its a good idea. Its his decision as a parent- and if anything goes wrong he has to live with it- and when it all goes right as it undoubtably will, he'll have a smiling daughter, and a fun family day at the beach.

WA, 4485 posts
17 Dec 2008 12:54PM
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Ok I have held off for long enough until the steam died down.

Ruffy may be a great Dad and in his own mind trying to share the stoke with the little one. Or he may have let his ego get in the way of better judgment wanting to be the hero for his squid. My money is on 30% of the former and 70% of the latter I'm afraid.

No helmet, no boyancy, suspect swimming ability and having to fiddle about getting attached on the beach etc is just not real bright anyway you look at it...

There are so many ways to put a smile on the dial of your kiddies (as you have said towing around on a board - seems relatively safe), and yes I know how hard it can be to resist the constant "Can I have a go? Can I? Can I?" mantra. Next time your kid wants to take their seatbelt off and lean there head out the car window on the freeway will you say "Awwww... ok honey - look how much fun she's having - lean right out darling."

My lad is 6 soon and I have no plans to introduce him until he can swim a long way on his own, and has the maturaty to understand the situation and perils.

Kids just do not understand mortality (guys don't until about 25 ) so it is up to the parents to assess these things as adults. Kids are not props for fun, they are precious cargo not to be whacked on a backpack and taken for joyrides.

Sorry Ruffy but a big thumbs down from me mate. Next time put the kiddy's safety 1st not "Hey - how cool will this be!!".

WA, 4263 posts
17 Dec 2008 1:05PM
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vertigo said...

Kitehard said...

Hey Peeps,

This has been an amusing read and it's great to see everyone putting in their two bobs worth. Even those without kids

Every person was once a kid and has life experiences guided by their parents which shaped their ideas of what safety and fun and enjoyment is. Your parents also had a childhood which was shaped by their parents thoughts of what was right and wrong, safe and otherwise. In other words everyones idea of fun came from what they experienced many years ago.

Just because something doesn't fit in your world view of safe practice, doesn't mean it is wrong for them, only wrong according to your book of life rules. It may well be perfectly acceptable in the other persons life rules. They have assessed the conditions, weighed the risks and found them to be acceptable to them. To judge someone else on your model of the world is a little pointless.

My daughter (3 1/2) is mad keen to do some kiting and in time I will take her. I also want to take her spearfishing when she is able to handle herself well enough in the water. I look forward when she can join me in the line up at my fave surfbreak and yes I will be nervous about her wiping out, but that is part of the game and I believe the fun is worth it. I also look forward to teaching her rock climbing when she is ready.

My childhood was filled with fast bikes, skateboards and big hills, swinging over cliffs on an old piece of rope I found "down the bush", climbing to the top of 60ft high trees, spearfishing with a gidgee at 8 years old, I sailed racing dinghys and skiffs, at 10 was slalom water skiing, jumping off cliffs into water and so on and so forth. My life has been a blast I never regret one busted knee or scrape (and there were many)

I dont want to disuade my kids from such an adventurous life and will encourage, but not force them into any such activites as soon as they feel confident enough to handle it. Fun, adventure and excitement is the juice of life, let your kids sink their teeth into it.

As a parent you make decisions for them and therefor are responsible for the outcomes. No parent will deliberately put their kids in harms way, but you can eliminate some of the greatest experiences they can have if you try and protect them from every possible potential injury.

Remember, your model of the world is different from everyone elses, don't try and lay down your rules on their life, it will never work and you will never see eye to eye, regardless of how much breath you waste or how many keys you type.

Bring your kids up the best way YOU know how and allow other to do the same.

I reserve my judgement of Ruffryder, it may not be something I'd do just yet and maybe not in the baby bjorn harness, but I know Pallarenda, and it is not deep, and I know how much my little girl would love to do that. Each to their own

Good winds,

Dude, thats the best post i've seen on this site, ever.

I've read better posts from Kitehard. ^^^
His reply is full of weasel-words and compromise.
Kitehard is being non-committal, he's fully sitting-on-the-fence with this issue.
That's because Ruffryder is an IKO guy and this thread reflects badly on kite-dragging schools.

NSW, 34 posts
17 Dec 2008 3:41PM
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Thats cause your too stupid to see his point.


Does that clear it up moron???

Laurie, feel free to delete this account, i aint gonna bother coming back

SA, 2288 posts
17 Dec 2008 3:26PM
Thumbs Up

vertigo said...

Thats cause your too stupid to see his point.


Does that clear it up moron???

Laurie, feel free to delete this account, i aint gonna bother coming back

Quite a catch slave' trolled him right of the site.

VIC, 22 posts
17 Dec 2008 5:27PM
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"particle accelerator inventor said"

Lets see - not illegal, so i have every right to:
Take my child base jumping, maybe not legal in OZ but hey can travel where is to do it.
Go white water rafting, run with the bulls, even better go bull riding, over niagra in a barrell, strap him/her to my back and do a little supercross, maybe some free diving. Hey while im at it even a few jackass stunts, sure it aint illegal to shove a skyrocket up someones ass, papercuts, jump a sewerage outlet.........all good folks, toe my kid on a skateboard behind my car... not illegal,....the list is endless........with no helmts, no pfd, BUT GREAT CHEEEZY PHOTOS!...and ive got every right to make my kid do it!

Buddy if you really believe this YOU ARE THE MORON.
No one, parents included have the right to play the odds where their's or another persons childs safety is concerned. This is not pin the tail on the f^&king donkey or musical chairs.
If (and i honestly pray it never happens) something goes wrong, the child will pay the price, and more than likely not the stupid adult. But whats the bet if it did mr ego and co would be blaming the kite equip manufacturer for malfunction, the weather, local council...whoever to get some compensation and shift the blame. The TV is full of these dumbass, irresponsible,egotistical fools lamenting the loss of or injury to thier young ones, and the common denominators appear to be - denial "read who am i going to sue because it isn't my fault". Ignorance "gee i thought it could never happen to me".

IKO Instructor?..hmm all went quiet on the public liability comment now didn't we?

WA, 4263 posts
17 Dec 2008 7:00PM
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jammin said...

Look what kiting has become! bunch of whinging, whining, wasters banging on about safety, quick releases, 'straight jackets', liability... makes you wanna puke.

Hey Jammin,
What have you got against quick releases ??

NSW, 836 posts
17 Dec 2008 9:57PM
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vertigo said...

Thats cause your too stupid to see his point.


Does that clear it up moron???

Laurie, feel free to delete this account, i aint gonna bother coming back

Things like this do have the potential to be deemed illegal. Or at least negligent. (consider a parents duty of care and foreseeable risk.)

Chances are nothing will go wrong. I hope it doesn't but it will definitely be frowned upon by many. Not a risk i'm personally willing to take.

WA, 4263 posts
17 Dec 2008 8:17PM
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Hey Ruffryder,
Ditch that straight-jacket and cut sick with the kid. ^^^

QLD, 6149 posts
17 Dec 2008 11:12PM
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That kid should have a board leash on!


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"TANDEM KITING (with the little ones)" started by ruffryder61