Forums > Kitesurfing General

moving from kurnell 2 nimbin

Created by 2231alex > 9 months ago, 26 Dec 2009
31 Dec 2009 3:47PM
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Saffer said...

I've received more job applications than I can count with cover sheets that include SMS style spelling and I point blank refuse to even consider a Gen Y candidate who couldn't even be bothered to learn a basic command of the english language, especially when we live in a country where education is available free to everyone. There are 3rd world countries where education is a luxury and these people have learnt a better command of the english language.

Thats my two cents, abuse away.

Don't judge, better still don't judge a book by its cover.

If you really point blank refuse any gen y mispellers then you are seriously missing a lot of exceptional talent.
Times are changing, and when the things of change are invisible (internet/mobiles), then the speed of change becomes exponential (Buckminster Fuller).

With your attitude you are backing the concept of redundancy, move with the times and open your mind to the generation born since 1985, the gen of the internet. They will be the ones leading the way in the future, and will probably own the company you work for, or will have made your company and job obsolete. Who gives a crap how they spell something if you know what they mean?

KKK stands for Kings of Kurnell Kvntry, that other old acronym is obsolete.

Cya and



VIC, 4501 posts
31 Dec 2009 4:07PM
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Kitepower Australia said...

Saffer said...

I've received more job applications than I can count with cover sheets that include SMS style spelling and I point blank refuse to even consider a Gen Y candidate who couldn't even be bothered to learn a basic command of the english language, especially when we live in a country where education is available free to everyone. There are 3rd world countries where education is a luxury and these people have learnt a better command of the english language.

Thats my two cents, abuse away.

Don't judge, better still don't judge a book by its cover.

If you really point blank refuse any gen y mispellers then you are seriously missing a lot of exceptional talent.
Times are changing, and when the things of change are invisible (internet/mobiles), then the speed of change becomes exponential (Buckminster Fuller).

With your attitude you are backing the concept of redundancy, move with the times and open your mind to the generation born since 1985, the gen of the internet. They will be the ones leading the way in the future, and will probably own the company you work for, or will have made your company and job obsolete. Who gives a crap how they spell something if you know what they mean?

KKK stands for Kings of Kurnell Kvntry, that other old acronym is obsolete.

Cya and



Maybe that works with your kiteboarding instructors but clearly you don't deal with blue chips at board level.

When you bill consultants out to companies at more than $1500-$2500/day, the customers have this expectation that the people you are sending them can actually spell. If I produced a proposal to a customer that had SMS style spelling, you could almost guarantee we wouldn't be getting the business. This may be the new generation, but the guys running companies are still the previous generation and until that changes, the requirements to get business won't. A CV is exactly that, its a proposal to sell yourself and your skills to a customer. If you can't prove you have basic skills such as spelling and grammar, what is the likelihood of you getting the job. There are also plenty of Gen Y's who can actually spell and are computer literate for me not to have to consider those who couldn't be bothered to run a spell check over their CV or coversheet. If they couldn't be bothered to do that for a job interview, what sort of preparation would they put into their jobs. I don't have an issue with the odd spelling error but when I receive "l8tr" instead of "later", its going to the bottom of the pile.

WA, 4263 posts
31 Dec 2009 1:08PM
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2231alex said...

hi my name is alex im nelly 18 and moving 2 nimbin. can any one help us out with some spots to kite at and maby show us around the area a bit.


Give Alex a break.
The kid spelt two goddamn words incorrectly, it's no biggie. ^^^
If he hadn't mentioned his age, the english-master would have said nothing.
Am I right ?
The fact that the kid actually posted on a forum shows he has some interest in writing.
Wordsmithing is a skill learnt over time, don't under-estimate the art.

WA, 45 posts
1 Jan 2010 12:38PM
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History is full of successes from those that ignored tradition, correctness, and the petty rules of a conditioned society.
Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers never finished school.
Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs never finished their university courses/degrees.
Sergey Brin of Google same.
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook - same.
Be warned that the world is changing exponentially due to the internet and mobile communications, and the industry you work in today that can afford to buy consultants at $1500 to $2500 per day will be looking hard for ways to cut those costs and the Gen Y'ers will be some of the forward thinkers that come up with a solution that suddenly could put you on the job scrapheap.

Reporting to a board might make you feel important, and thats the game they play, however they will cut you off at the socks in an instant to save costs and report a better result for shareholders.
If you don't own the company, you are a passenger on a bus being driven by someone else. You do not know the mindset of the driver of your bus and you are not in charge of your destiny at all, so its best to keep a lot of options open, and remember the
"bright" ones, regardless of how they spell words!

Cya and


Steve McKKK

QLD, 2770 posts
1 Jan 2010 3:00PM
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happy1 said...

History is full of successes from those that ignored tradition, correctness, and the petty rules of a conditioned society.
Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers never finished school.
Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs never finished their university courses/degrees.
Sergey Brin of Google same.
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook - same.
Be warned that the world is changing exponentially due to the internet and mobile communications, and the industry you work in today that can afford to buy consultants at $1500 to $2500 per day will be looking hard for ways to cut those costs and the Gen Y'ers will be some of the forward thinkers that come up with a solution that suddenly could put you on the job scrapheap.

Reporting to a board might make you feel important, and thats the game they play, however they will cut you off at the socks in an instant to save costs and report a better result for shareholders.
If you don't own the company, you are a passenger on a bus being driven by someone else. You do not know the mindset of the driver of your bus and you are not in charge of your destiny at all, so its best to keep a lot of options open, and remember the
"bright" ones, regardless of how they spell words!

Cya and


Steve McKKK

new alias steve?

VIC, 4501 posts
1 Jan 2010 4:05PM
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stamp said...

happy1 said...

History is full of successes from those that ignored tradition, correctness, and the petty rules of a conditioned society.
Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers never finished school.
Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs never finished their university courses/degrees.
Sergey Brin of Google same.
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook - same.
Be warned that the world is changing exponentially due to the internet and mobile communications, and the industry you work in today that can afford to buy consultants at $1500 to $2500 per day will be looking hard for ways to cut those costs and the Gen Y'ers will be some of the forward thinkers that come up with a solution that suddenly could put you on the job scrapheap.

Reporting to a board might make you feel important, and thats the game they play, however they will cut you off at the socks in an instant to save costs and report a better result for shareholders.
If you don't own the company, you are a passenger on a bus being driven by someone else. You do not know the mindset of the driver of your bus and you are not in charge of your destiny at all, so its best to keep a lot of options open, and remember the
"bright" ones, regardless of how they spell words!

Cya and


Steve McKKK

new alias steve?


NSW, 6451 posts
1 Jan 2010 7:54PM
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what was the question again,
Something about some dude Alex and Nimbin?????

NSW, 149 posts
1 Jan 2010 8:05PM
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Foxy Kane said...

I am trying to figure out why we are always apologising and getting thanked for it. I obviously missed something.

QLD, 2770 posts
3 Jan 2010 12:42PM
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does anyone else remember steve mc hypocrite getting on his high horse about people using different logins and hiding behind internet names? many usernames have you used in these forums steve?

VIC, 1607 posts
3 Jan 2010 2:12PM
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Kitepower Australia said...

KKK stands for Kings of Kurnell Kvntry, that other old acronym is obsolete.

Cya and



Hmm. Steve, I've appreciated the advice I've gotten from you directly and indirectly via seabreeze, and on the phone on one occasion. Although you're a retailer with vested interests I think you also offer useful and well-considered perspectives. However the persistence with the KKK thing and the use of "Happy1" to prop up "Kitepower's" posts (see recent thread about 5th line safety) sullies for me what would otherwise be an excellent role that you play on seabreeze.

I appreciate that it may be frustrating to always have to be seen to be responsible and professional, even though plenty of haters will just flame away whatever you say, but perhaps that's the price to be paid for the exposure that you get here? The personal is political at least some of the time, so perhaps some sentiments are best kept to yourself or just shared among your local crew?

Put in more crass terms: Can I, in good conscience, buy kites from someone who thinks using "KKK" is funny and/or appropriate on an internationally visible forum? Can I still take seriously the advice of a retailer who feels the need to push things so hard that he uses another login to do it?

Personal and professional integrity is not always easy to maintain, but for that very reason it's all the more valued when it occurs, for this little consumer at least.

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Jan 2010 3:52PM
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Isnt this what DJ's do???? Hide behind an alias
Im sure your real name isnt dojo,and I bet the music you play isnt performed by you,
just played on a record then the DJ claims it as if he was talented or something

Ban DJ's and pokies from pubs,bring back live aussie rock.

NSW, 410 posts
3 Jan 2010 7:55PM
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Absolutely perfect !!

sir ROWDY said...

Man what a load of cr@p... There is nothing sketchy about the north coast, I grew up there and look how I turned out.

pro merc
NSW, 300 posts
6 Jan 2010 8:41AM
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stamp said...

happy1 said...

History is full of successes from those that ignored tradition, correctness, and the petty rules of a conditioned society.
Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers never finished school.
Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs never finished their university courses/degrees.
Sergey Brin of Google same.
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook - same.
Be warned that the world is changing exponentially due to the internet and mobile communications, and the industry you work in today that can afford to buy consultants at $1500 to $2500 per day will be looking hard for ways to cut those costs and the Gen Y'ers will be some of the forward thinkers that come up with a solution that suddenly could put you on the job scrapheap.

Reporting to a board might make you feel important, and thats the game they play, however they will cut you off at the socks in an instant to save costs and report a better result for shareholders.
If you don't own the company, you are a passenger on a bus being driven by someone else. You do not know the mindset of the driver of your bus and you are not in charge of your destiny at all, so its best to keep a lot of options open, and remember the
"bright" ones, regardless of how they spell words!

Cya and


Steve McKKK

new alias steve?

wow not cool if its true.

just so everyone knows alex is doing well and has decided against going to nimbin after testing the waters and not seeing a very good future up there work wise. he will be back at kurnell from time to time for a session!

NSW, 19 posts
6 Jan 2010 10:53AM
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Alex is your normal 18yr old with great attitude to life/work and that will help him through life.All the guys at Triple K have been/are hard workers whether it be blue collar or corporate I consider them to be very good mates(female or male) but we are all equal when we are on the water or standing around barefooted waiting for the wind.It doesn't concern me when standing around chatting or ripping around the bay if the guy that brings my board can spell or if he earns $1000 a day or nothing at all or is a cocky 18yr old or in his 50's. It's all about the mateship and keeping everybody safe while enjoying a great sport.

Love peace and mung beans

NSW, 132 posts
6 Jan 2010 1:38PM
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happy1 said...

Cya and


Steve McKKK

I feel cheated

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
6 Jan 2010 6:18PM
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All assumptions aside regarding the individual involved ...I make the following comments ...... Being nelly 18 and unable to correctly spell the word "nearly" is a blight on our countries education system and or the individual. English and spelling are taught from day one at school until you finish.
To claim that these are the times and that the new gen y are going to somehow change the English language is utter crap. 90% of job applications with spelling mistakes are discounted instantly..... $hit if you can't even be bothered to check the spelling how serious can you be about the job. It's about taking pride in youself your work and producing the best you can anything less is simply laziness ( something we as Australians seem to be quite good at.... not all , but plenty ) there are plenty of gen y'ers that do not abreviate and can spell correctly these will be the ones running things etc..... Can you honestly picture a westfarmers or bluescope annual report being sent out with spelling mistakes or text abbreviations included?
If you think kids don't need to know how to spell think again !! Why teach them to write with pen and paper in this age ? Why teach addition subtraction and multiplication when they can use a calculator ?
As for bill gates, Steve jobs, Michael Dell etc.... Sure they may never have completed a university degree ( add Richard Branson , Winston Churchill ) but I bet they all can spell the word " nearly " correctly.
Now back to young Alex.... Maybe he can spell correctly, maybe it was a typo, maybe he has not been as fortunate as some in being the recipient of a decent education or maybe he simply didn't listen in class or spent more time wagging and smoking at the corner shop .... Only those who know him can really be the judge of his particular situation. But when talking about gen y as a whole, unfortunately many of the above comments are correct... Alex's post merely reinforces many of the points made.
That brings us to Nimbin.... Having been to nimbin about 5 times over the past 13 years... The place has most definately changed it is no longer a place of happy hippies but seems to be full of meth heads. Unemployment and crime are obvious ( just drive into the place with interstate plates and you won't even get out if your car before you are offered any sort of drug you could want) , which is fine if that's what you are after ... But do you really want to live there?
There are so many beautiful places to live on the north coast many with a simar hinterland setting as nimbin without the issues.
I would strongly strongly urge you check the place out or make sure your folks do before making any commitment to move there.
Or maybe it sounds just perfect each to there own I guess

QLD, 2770 posts
6 Jan 2010 6:31PM
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harry potter said...

All assumptions aside regarding the individual involved ...I make the following comments ...... Being nelly 18 and unable to correctly spell the word "nearly" is a blight on our countries education system and or the individual. English and spelling are taught from day one at school until you finish.
Or maybe it sounds just perfect each to there own I guess

if you're gonna pick on someone's spelling and grammar; make sure yours is right

WA, 4263 posts
6 Jan 2010 6:44PM
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Even though I'm a stickler on good writing skills... ^^^
this is the internet and hence international.
Sometimes English is not the poster's native language.

Carry on.

NSW, 305 posts
7 Jan 2010 9:31AM
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NSW, 836 posts
7 Jan 2010 11:29AM
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still no reply from steve mc no alias' aka happy1... hmmmm. I think you got him stamp. hahaha. own up stevie we're an understanding bunch..

QLD, 2770 posts
7 Jan 2010 10:30AM
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harry potter said...

place has most definately changed it is no longer a place of happy

your spelling is disgusting harry, you should be ashamed of yourself. take some pride in your work.....or each to their own eh?

QLD, 2770 posts
7 Jan 2010 10:36AM
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come on steve, this topic is not going to go away if you ignore it. we will just keep bumping the thread until we hear from one of your aliases.

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
7 Jan 2010 12:01PM
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Just keeping you on your tows stamp .

WA, 48 posts
7 Jan 2010 3:53PM
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harry potter said...

Being nelly 18 and unable to correctly spell the word "nearly" is a blight on our countries education system and or the individual.

I believe it is spelt country's in this context...

VIC, 701 posts
8 Jan 2010 9:06AM
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lotofwind said...

Ban DJ's and pokies from pubs,bring back live aussie rock.


WA, 45 posts
8 Jan 2010 8:08AM
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junglist said...

lotofwind said...

Ban DJ's and pokies from pubs,bring back live aussie rock.


Right on Big J......if you get up to Sydney sometime I'm happy1 to show you a pub in outer Sydney that really rocks ....none of that dj stuff.....just pure PUB ROCK bands .....Ive got a gig every thur and sat ....and chicks mate ....everywhere you look .....really don't know how anyone can stand that other stuff....yep ...kiting during the day and drunks during the theres a all the anonos are jealous about my life style


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"moving from kurnell 2 nimbin" started by 2231alex