Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2012 Griffin TRX 12m and 14m

Created by Ciscoexpert > 9 months ago, 31 Jan 2012
NSW, 58 posts
1 Feb 2012 1:33AM
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Rider: 88kg ,Level intermediate
Style: Freeriding and Surf
Weather: 12-20 gusty onshore winds with a lot of white water pushing back to the beach
Build Quality: 9/10
Satisfaction: 8/10 (due to poor wind and wave conditions)
Disclosure: Demoed two kites during 3 hours session.

My Comments:

Despite really bad "Northern Beaches" conditions I had an opportunity to demo Griffin TRX kites (14m and 12m) (thanks to Chris for that)

This is a 3-struts kite with central strut and tips are cut (the close match is Naish Park)

I was riding mostly 14m kite as 12m wasn't enough for the wind conditions and for my skill level. Chris (the same weight as me) hadn't had any problems riding 12 meters kite with strapped 5 feet surf board.

Kite turns really quick, especially for 14 meters. Light pressure on the bar, like on North Rebel. Kite was very stable and handled gusts very well. I couldn't test jumping capabilities of this kite as I was on strapless board. Kite drifts well and re-engage quickly by pulling bar. It likes to be ridden with a lot of speed but doesn't pull you from the board during carves.

I hope I can test these kites again in better conditions and with twintip. I'm looking for all-rounder kite with good surf characteristics.

128 posts
1 Feb 2012 5:25AM
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Here in France and Spain we are really anxyous to try them!!!

What about upwind angle comparing to Argo or Chimera??

It has finally any pulley?

Chris, when would be our "big one" ready for the shipment??? We can't wait anymore ... :)

All our best,


NSW, 58 posts
1 Feb 2012 9:23AM
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catalaussie said...

Here in France and Spain we are really anxyous to try them!!!

What about upwind angle comparing to Argo or Chimera??

It has finally any pulley?

Chris, when would be our "big one" ready for the shipment??? We can't wait anymore ... :)

All our best,


Kite has two pulleys, one on each side. I think upwind is better than on Argo as TRX flies closer to the edge.

QLD, 138 posts
1 Feb 2012 2:29PM
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I thought the trx didnt have pulleys?

How did it handle unhooked?

R u reviewing the finished kite or a prototype?

ACT, 1258 posts
1 Feb 2012 8:04PM
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where are you guys getting your info?

128 posts
1 Feb 2012 9:44PM
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Chris wrote for the first time a comment about a new kite with 3 struts in an Argo review here in seabreeze (october 2010)...

I would love to be there and have the possibility to test all this protos and new kites,... but at least Griffin has one of the most direct customer/supplier feedback!!!

NSW, 201 posts
2 Feb 2012 10:30AM
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I will post some info up soon, we have been testing in WA and Newzealand for a number of months, it will be ready when its ready, but its a fast light 3 strut kite with 2 pulleys and should fly pullyless as well. Images to follow soon....

128 posts
2 Feb 2012 8:51PM
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We'll be waiting anxyously to any latest information updates!!!

678 posts
3 Feb 2012 1:13PM
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Have been testing the TRX for Chris for the last few months,at present i have a 8,10,12 and 14m
and all i can say is they are the best kites i have ridden to date,power delivery is so smooth and steering is direct and responsive,prior to riding the TRX i spent last season riding Parks,suffice is to say i have a new favourite quiver.
The 14 is grunty yet liveley no prob doing one handed manovers without altering bar position,it loops like a dream,they all do,and you can back the power right off through the loop so you dont get hauled on the landings.
The 8m is by far the best 8 i have ever ridden,had it out the other day in 30 gusting 43 knots,most of the other riders came off the water complaining of the gusts,on the TRX it was one of the most controlled high wind sessions ever it was like i'd hit the cruise control and was just going with the flow,all sizes have awesome boost and float,most other c-hybrids i have ridden have the boost but lack the float.
Will try to upload some pics of the kites soon ,also the new 012 bar is awesome with the override line inside the main PUtube and above the bar depower,totally uncluttered and a joy to use.
If your in the market for a c-hybrid that in my opinion does it all get a ride on the TRX and decide for yourself,ticks all the boxes for me.

128 posts
3 Feb 2012 2:52PM
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After our great experience with the 2011 Argo 17m and knowing about the great perfomance of the new TRX's, Sylvain and me asked Chris to make a TRX 17m for lightwinds. Sure it will be amazing!!!

Any news about it??? Someone has tested it??? Any comment will be really appreciate it!!

Could you upload too any pic of the latest update of the new bar??

THANKS for the info!!!

678 posts
3 Feb 2012 3:26PM
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In the TRX i would say a 16m would be plenty big enough,It would have plenty of power and also retain the quick turning of the kite.

128 posts
3 Feb 2012 4:14PM
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Sure that 16m could be "enough", but with kite races getting out from 6 knots and considering my light weight I would ask for a 18m to get and advantage over my competitors in marginal wind races... !!!

What about the low end of TRX's comparing to Argos??? and top end?

We simply asked Chris for a TRX-17m to get a low end similar to our actual Argo's 17m, but having 8,10,12 and 14m actually would be more logical to do a 16m instead of 17m. If low end of 16m is good and the range is better, could be too a good option (even in kite races 1m more could mark the difference...).

Chris, what size are you finally working on as biggest size for the TRX??? Have you prepared any proto?? any test??

THANKS again for the info!!!

ACT, 1258 posts
3 Feb 2012 10:15PM
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Hey radman, how is the wind range on the trx?. I can get away with using my 10m argo for 90% of the conditions we get here. I use it from 12 to aound 28-30 knots. One of the many things I love about it.

Is the 10m trx as grunty as a 10m argo?.
How do they compare for boosting?

I had not heard of this kite until the other day, the funny thing is that I have been thinking that my next kite purchase would be a hybrid c . Fate or coincidence! not sure but I can't wait to demo one.

ACT, 1258 posts
3 Feb 2012 10:32PM
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found these from a google search

678 posts
4 Feb 2012 6:02AM
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Good search thats a similar pic of my 10m TRX before it was sent over,the TRX is a c-hybrid designed as a freestyle kite,its real forgiving in the loops and its quick but really predictable,you can always feel exactly where the kite is,i wouldn't say it has the low end of the argo but is quicker so you can generate power easily ,but it def has a huge range ,10m for me on a 133 tt would be 14-35 (95kg),if i compared it to the 2011 park it has better low end ,boost and float.
TRX flies well forward in the window so is near impossible to stall out so its great for upwind surf and unhooked,Chris seems to be close to releasing in Aus,last time i spoke to him he was doing the finishing touches on a pulleyless bridal option,personally i prefer the TRX to the Argo as it suits my riding style and the conditions in my area,been waiting for a kite thats as versatile as this for an age,i cant fault it ,ticks all the boxes for me, so grin factor is off the charts

4 posts
6 Feb 2012 3:22AM
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Hi guys,

Just have a question, (i am from the Netherlands). Just flying the Griffin kites for the last few years, first the Griffin than the Chimera and now I get the oppertunity to fly the TRX, but i doubt about the sizes i should take. I am a experianced rider, 95kg and want to get out in 15/16 knots till 35+ . Is the combination 10 & 8m ok or should i take the 12m for the lighter winds? Who can advise me? You have experiance with the TRX......

678 posts
6 Feb 2012 5:57AM
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Leovan said...

Hi guys,

Just have a question, (i am from the Netherlands). Just flying the Griffin kites for the last few years, first the Griffin than the Chimera and now I get the oppertunity to fly the TRX, but i doubt about the sizes i should take. I am a experianced rider, 95kg and want to get out in 15/16 knots till 35+ . Is the combination 10 & 8m ok or should i take the 12m for the lighter winds? Who can advise me? You have experiance with the TRX......

The Chimera is a 10.5m and the TRX is a 10m so for low end park and ride the Chimera is going to pull a little harder, however the TRX is a real fast turning kite prob faster than the 8m Chimera so you can generate wind real quick if you work the kite a bit more and its near impossible to stall so you can ride it wide open,i'm 95 kg and use my 10 TRX in the same wind as guys that are 80 kg and have no prob, but if you want to park and ride then i would go for a 12m, all c-hybrid style kites require more rider input to get the best out of them, i am going to talk to Chris this week about making up a 11m in the TRX as well, as i think it will be awesome for heavier riders in the 10m range.

4 posts
6 Feb 2012 6:15AM
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I had the 2012 chimera in 6,5/9/12 for a few months but the 12m was much to strong and pulls like a train on me at 18knts. So thats why i doubt about the 12 understand. So is the 12 TRX just as strong as the chimera i think I better should go for the 10m... Whats your opinion?

678 posts
6 Feb 2012 8:52AM
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TRX is way more forgiving i have had the 14m out in around 24knots, so the 12 will go to up round 28-30 no worries for my weight,the TRX dumps power real fast so you can hang onto it for way longer.

4 posts
6 Feb 2012 8:14PM
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Just give Chris the green light to make me 8/10/12m TRX That should be ok for alle condittions 14 / 40+ knts

128 posts
7 Feb 2012 12:01AM
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And why not 8/10/14? You would have more bottom end in your total range with this 3 kites quiver.

If the TRX has the same range than the Chimera or still more top end it seems that 8/10/12 are too close on to another and you could loose some bottom end.

I've ordered TRX 10/14 and 17 (or finally 16. It's up to Chris) to have a really big range (keeping a Griffin 7). I hope to continue getting out at 7 knots average as actually with my new bigger 2012 race board and the Argo 17 (I'm 75 kg).

With the 14m you could be on the water in less than 15 knots and you will gain some more kiting days!!! And sure you could take the 10 with any problem before arriving to the top end of the 14.

Radman/Chris what do you think about it?

QLD, 138 posts
7 Feb 2012 3:25AM
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If there wind range is good y not go 8 12 16? I struggle to decide to take my 12 or my 17 if i had kites 2m apart id have to flip a coin.

I currently ride best taboos. Im ready to replace my 12m with something different im tossing up between rpm and trx. Which kite do u think will have a bigger wind range?

NSW, 357 posts
7 Feb 2012 4:26AM
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chris if you are reading this is there any chance you can increase the out value to the extra wide valve most are using now. reason i say this as it was taking me twice as long to get the air out of the 13.5 and the 17 than most other kites that size as you have to get that mass of air through the tiny valve . with the extra size you can get packed away and home quickly, important when the wife and kids and wondering if you have been lost at sea.

anyone else feel the same way, this is the only design change that hasnt been discussed on this forum , and excuse me if the new kites have the larger size as i have only seen and used the 2011 range.

and yes make the 14m trx, the east coast needs it.

128 posts
7 Feb 2012 3:26AM
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Mc, the 14m is already prepared. I've just asked Chris for a 17m (or 16)m i just was proposing Leovan a 14m instead of a 12.

Tommy123, i agree that 2m is too close. I couldn't tell you anything about rpm, but Griffins wind range in general is amazing, and it seems that TRX is still higher than the rest. Is this because I propose a 4m difference between kites in Leovan's quiver. I've ordered TRX 10, 14 and 17 (actually have a 7m Griffin, 13m Chimera and 17m Argo and I'm kiting everyday there is any wind!!!).

678 posts
7 Feb 2012 12:21PM
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There is a big overlap between kites but if you can afford a 3 kite quiver then thats the way i'd go ,i use 8,10,14 and have a 12 but its my least used kite,a mate has a 8,12 combo @ 80kgs and he manages well with this in 12-35knots and have seen him out on the 8m hanging in there in 40knots no worries.
My 8,10,14 combo doe's me from 11-40+ usually in 11-20 i go the 14, 15-25 the 10 and 18-40+ the 8m and some days here its 18-40+ and the 8m is unreal,but if i feel like a big boost session its no worries hanging onto the 14 in 25 knots or the 10 in 30+,for Leovan if you want to cover 14-40 the 8,10,12 combo will be ideal.

NSW, 139 posts
8 Feb 2012 12:11AM
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I kited over to Botany Bay's Kurnell from Dolls Point last Sunday... chasing a few extra knots, given that the tide at Dolls was flowing the wrong way. Wind was ~18 knots of NE.

Chris was testing his TRX kites and I managed to spend about ~1 hour on his 14m which had 25m lines. Chris worked on his 12m, while I had a great time adapting to a non-delta shaped kite. We were both comfortable, I needed the extra 2m as I don't have Chris' skills...

I weigh 95kg and fly a 13.5m Best v2 Kahoona and 10m 2011 Griffin Argo on 21m lines. This is my second season and I am not a proficient jumper (yet).

The 14m TRX was a lot of fun. It's as manoeuvrable as my 10m Argo would be in more breeze and a little less powerful than my 13.5m Kahoona. My experience is limited, but I can't think what this kite lacked. If I could slow it down a bit, then it could be an all-rounder and be used in the surf. With the multiple attachment points that has come with Griffin kites this is a real possibility...

The above the bar de-power is an improvement on the 2011 setup. The plastic protection though the bar, above the bar de-power is easier to adjust and the rest appears unchanged.

I feel that this kite would extend and challenge me to try loops and more jumping. I don't know if that is what I want, but this kite seems to fit the bill. It will be interesting to read what others think.

I don't get any kick-backs or perks from my posts...


128 posts
29 Feb 2012 2:59AM
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GRIFFIN web has been updated with 2012 products info, and now is including info, videos and detailed pictures of the new TRX:

Berg K1t3r
QLD, 106 posts
29 Feb 2012 11:58AM
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wow!, an exact replica of a naish park, hope they arent the final colours....lets hope the naish park isnt copyright protected.

678 posts
29 Feb 2012 10:42AM
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Berg K1t3r said...

wow!, an exact replica of a naish park, hope they arent the final colours....lets hope the naish park isnt copyright protected.

Totally different kite to the Naish Park different shape, strut placement,bridal config,wingtips etc i have both Park and TRX and they are far different kites, the same could be said for every bow kite on the market but all are different,is the park the same kite as a c4 no,but i suppose ignorance is bliss.

NSW, 201 posts
1 Mar 2012 2:14AM
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Berg K1t3r said...

wow!, an exact replica of a naish park, hope they arent the final colours....lets hope the naish park isnt copyright protected.

Nope, different shape and design, different bridle, different wing tips. Also the TRX works great without pulleys, the naish only works with pulleys....

NSW, 201 posts
1 Mar 2012 2:21AM
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mc said...

chris if you are reading this is there any chance you can increase the out value to the extra wide valve most are using now. reason i say this as it was taking me twice as long to get the air out of the 13.5 and the 17 than most other kites that size as you have to get that mass of air through the tiny valve . with the extra size you can get packed away and home quickly, important when the wife and kids and wondering if you have been lost at sea.

anyone else feel the same way, this is the only design change that hasnt been discussed on this forum , and excuse me if the new kites have the larger size as i have only seen and used the 2011 range.

and yes make the 14m trx, the east coast needs it.

TRX comes with a quick dump valve and a inflate/deflate valve, the dump valve also doubles as a 1 way inflate valve.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2012 Griffin TRX 12m and 14m" started by Ciscoexpert