Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Buzz Kite Gear Review

Created by juz85 > 9 months ago, 5 Jan 2018
WA, 9443 posts
9 Mar 2018 11:52AM
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Don't get me started on the freeride abortions north have come up with this year!!!

I'm actually keen to try the Ozone enduro V2 to be perfectly honest and the core XR-5.

oh kites that's right, where were we,

We've gone from 6m to 11m in the jump. Getting there slowly I suppose.

NSW, 2197 posts
9 Mar 2018 5:35PM
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What do people think of Buzz/Griffin AX kites?
I think this is in the correct post??
I have 8, 9, 10 & 11m AX and suit my needs. I also have 4.8, 6.2 & 10.4 D Cloud strutless kites for foiling making a perfect quiver.

NSW, 6451 posts
9 Mar 2018 6:01PM
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WOW, the wind range of those kites must be crap if you need a 8, 9, 10 and 11m to suit your needs ?? That would be a MASSIVE overlap in size/wind range in any other brand.
Have they fixed this issue when they rebranded them this time?

NSW, 2197 posts
9 Mar 2018 6:16PM
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lotofwind said..
WOW, the wind range of those kites must be crap if you need a 8, 9, 10 and 11m to suit your needs ?? Have they fixed this issue when they rebranded them this time?

I can understand why you would make such a comment.
Its goes without saying thoes with the smartest response must be on here for the right reason.

Buzz Kites (Lee)
NSW, 110 posts
9 Mar 2018 8:25PM
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warwickl said..
What do people think of Buzz/Griffin AX kites?
I think this is in the correct post??
I have 8, 9, 10 & 11m AX and suit my needs. I also have 4.8, 6.2 & 10.4 D Cloud strutless kites for foiling making a perfect quiver.

I know you are just stirring but since you's only fair to respond...
If course it's a luxury to be able to pick the perfect kite for the conditions which most kiters can't afford. So in response to your comment I can assure you that there is a good wind range on these kites. I am 100kgs and can happily start on a 12 in 15 knots and swap straight down to a 7 when the wind picks up over 25 knots.

QLD, 142 posts
10 Mar 2018 8:32PM
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lotofwind said..
WOW, the wind range of those kites must be crap if you need a 8, 9, 10 and 11m to suit your needs ?? That would be a MASSIVE overlap in size/wind range in any other brand.
Have they fixed this issue when they rebranded them this time?

Yeah sounds a bit much to have 8 9 10 11 what happened to your 12 lol

QLD, 3598 posts
11 Mar 2018 11:27AM
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warwickl said.
I have 8, 9, 10 & 11m AX and suit my needs. I also have 4.8, 6.2 & 10.4 D Cloud strutless kites for foiling making a perfect quiver.

I'm too indecisive to have that many kites. I already resent having 3 kites. I miss being a learner and having one kite for all conditions.

BTW Buzz.. everyone on this forum agrees that Advance are uglier than your kites.

Kite Surf WA
WA, 18 posts
11 Mar 2018 12:34PM
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Eat it keyboard warriors....

NSW, 478 posts
11 Mar 2018 5:16PM
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bjw said

BTW Buzz.. everyone on this forum agrees that Advance are uglier than your kites.

Really! Everyone?

I dont remember sharing my opinion.

NSW, 6451 posts
11 Mar 2018 5:40PM
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^^^^^^^^^^ Yep, agreed.
Don't know why but this looks pretty cool , well, in an ugly Mambo shirt sort of way. At least they are not following the boring sheep.
Would be a pain to make look good if you had to do a major canopy repair though.

WA, 6 posts
12 Mar 2018 3:36PM
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Just to put it out there and keep the post alive.

Tested the harmony 9m and the boost I was getting was great. I am a beginner to jumping, well jumping is easy but landing is the issue. Lol.

Good thread.

NSW, 107 posts
12 Mar 2018 7:40PM
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lotofwind said..
^^^^^^^^^^ Yep, agreed.
Don't know why but this looks pretty cool , well, in an ugly Mambo shirt sort of way. At least they are not following the boring sheep.
Would be a pain to make look good if you had to do a major canopy repair though.

i love it that Advanced Kites are putting themselves out there and making there gear standout not just build quality but looks too .

NSW, 478 posts
13 Mar 2018 8:34AM
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lrulz said..
Just to put it out there and keep the post alive.

Tested the harmony 9m and the boost I was getting was great. I am a beginner to jumping, well jumping is easy but landing is the issue. Lol.

Good thread.

Just wondering, in comparison to what is the boost great?

QLD, 6493 posts
13 Mar 2018 9:48AM
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Richoa said..

lrulz said..
Just to put it out there and keep the post alive.

Tested the harmony 9m and the boost I was getting was great. I am a beginner to jumping, well jumping is easy but landing is the issue. Lol.

Good thread.

Just wondering, in comparison to what is the boost great?

... a Cabrinha stuck in a tree?

QLD, 1066 posts
16 Mar 2018 10:45AM
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Oh come on guys! My popcorn has gotten cold. Can't let Kami have the last word, can we!?

VIC, 858 posts
16 Mar 2018 5:37PM
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At first I thought this thread was a nice change from the endless threads pimping switch kites, now not so sure... Maybe we need another thread on whether to use board leashes or sliding harness hooks... Man remember all the threads bagging Best and how they were going to destroy the kiting market...

Buzz Kites (Lee)
NSW, 110 posts
17 Mar 2018 7:54AM
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WA, 127 posts
17 Mar 2018 6:33AM
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Yay, ongoing spam from Buzz about some average jumps with below average gear

Buzz Kites (Lee)
NSW, 110 posts
17 Mar 2018 9:54AM
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Woott said..
Yay, ongoing spam from Buzz about some average jumps with below average gear

Perhaps you should at least ride the kites before you offer an opinion about them?

VIC, 858 posts
17 Mar 2018 11:24AM
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Instead of keeping this endless dribble going and losing even more cred Mr Buzz, why don't you pay for some Seabreeze site advertising like the brands you are so keen to compare yourself to? Eg the North, Naish and Ozone adds I see on this very thread...

IMHO your are doing more damage to your brand by lowering yourself to the level of some of the posts. School yard type responses to every comment does not demonstrate a professional company or instil confidence in a product... 'does so, does not, your are, am not'....

Buzz Kites (Lee)
NSW, 110 posts
17 Mar 2018 1:21PM
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Smithy said..
Instead of keeping this endless dribble going and losing even more cred Mr Buzz, why don't you pay for some Seabreeze site advertising like the brands you are so keen to compare yourself to? Eg the North, Naish and Ozone adds I see on this very thread...

IMHO your are doing more damage to your brand by lowering yourself to the level of some of the posts. School yard type responses to every comment does not demonstrate a professional company or instil confidence in a product... 'does so, does not, your are, am not'....

Thanks for your advice. I am new to this whole forum thing and to dealing with adults, who as you say, are acting like school children. I will give it serious consideration.

WA, 9443 posts
17 Mar 2018 7:58PM
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we aren't acting like children you idiot. Your mums fat.

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
18 Mar 2018 5:53AM
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Smithy said..
Instead of keeping this endless dribble going and losing even more cred Mr Buzz, why don't you pay for some Seabreeze site advertising like the brands you are so keen to compare yourself to? Eg the North, Naish and Ozone adds I see on this very thread...

IMHO your are doing more damage to your brand by lowering yourself to the level of some of the posts. School yard type responses to every comment does not demonstrate a professional company or instil confidence in a product... 'does so, does not, your are, am not'....

Probably cause the good brand's don't waste money advertising on sea breeze.. And get their sellers to pimp and slag every other brand's to make a living!

Buzz Kites (Lee)
NSW, 110 posts
18 Mar 2018 7:15PM
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WA, 1392 posts
18 Mar 2018 7:03PM
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Buzz Kites (Lee) said..


NSW, 478 posts
19 Mar 2018 7:55AM
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Buzz Kites (Lee) said..

Thanks for your advice. I am new to this whole forum thing and to dealing with adults, who as you say, are acting like school children. I will give it serious consideration.

Member since 2011, seems you have been around forums for some time. How do we know when you are telling the truth or just playing forum games?

QLD, 3598 posts
19 Mar 2018 7:36AM
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Buzz Kites (Lee) said..

. I will give it serious consideration.

First rule of Seabreeze. Don't use the word serious.
Second rule of Seabreeze, don't use the word serious.

Eppo, yo mums so fat every time she walks she does the Harlem Shake.

Buzz Kites (Lee)
NSW, 110 posts
19 Mar 2018 9:22AM
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Richoa said..

Buzz Kites (Lee) said..

Thanks for your advice. I am new to this whole forum thing and to dealing with adults, who as you say, are acting like school children. I will give it serious consideration.

Member since 2011, seems you have been around forums for some time. How do we know when you are telling the truth or just playing forum games?

I'm new to contributing to forums. I joined up here as a newbie kiter for some tips on how to kite. There was a fair bit around that was useful and it's great to have a place where we can all share experiences and knowledge. I was very grateful for that. It's certainly a whole new world when you have a kite business. For whatever reason a few people seem to take offence at this. I am not a game player and frankly it's a challenge to know how to respond to the diversity of people on here. However, that's one thing I really enjoy about kiting..the big range of people involved. Most of the tossers get bought into line on the beach. Here it's certainly a bit more wild west! Thanks for asking!

NSW, 483 posts
19 Mar 2018 11:30AM
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Buzz Kites (Lee) said..

I had the opportunity to see this kite in person yesterday. Still a a fugly mickey mouse setup. The dude riding it was being a bit of a pest too riding as close as possible to kiters body dragging the channel.

QLD, 1066 posts
19 Mar 2018 1:51PM
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CJ2478 said..

Buzz Kites (Lee) said..

I had the opportunity to see this kite in person yesterday. Still a a fugly mickey mouse setup. The dude riding it was being a bit of a pest too riding as close as possible to kiters body dragging the channel.

Bahaha.. 3rd rule of Seabreeze posting... a video/pic or it didn't happen. Go somewhere else kook


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Buzz Kite Gear Review" started by juz85