Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

New Ozone Chrono

Created by husa > 9 months ago, 5 Feb 2014
NSW, 384 posts
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17 Mar 2014 12:39PM
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wow, after looking at those clips, will only need to demo the 12m

Our first Chronos will be delivered today!

WA, 9499 posts
17 Mar 2014 12:13PM
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Awesome get someone who likes to lock and load and find the top end of these babies.

QLD, 355 posts
17 Mar 2014 4:10PM
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dafish said..

pretty insane hang time for such light wind.

Why the slo mo though, just post it real time..
Looks like a sweet LW machine

QLD, 6493 posts
17 Mar 2014 8:47PM
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eppo said..

Awesome get someone who likes to lock and load and find the top end of these babies.

Send one over, I can push it till it breaks too if you like

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
20 Mar 2014 3:40AM
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hows it go unhooked?

QLD, 209 posts
20 Mar 2014 8:51PM
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New flysurfer speed4 Lotus AR 5.8
Ozone crono AR 7
Ozone edge ?
Average free-ride kite?
Just wanting to get an idea how much better upwind these kites are.

NSW, 384 posts
Site Sponsor
21 Mar 2014 2:50PM
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Had the 12m out a couple of times now from 10-14knots and 13-16knots. Three of us using it weighing 60kg (me) to 70-75kg and a 136 x 41cm TT

Has been a while since flying a foil on water, took a few runs to get the feel of how it likes to be flown, is a funny feeling when you sheet the bar out then back in just slightly and it actually gets more powerful because the kite speeds up and just feeds on apparent wind. Absolutely screams upwind, even on a TT it was impressive, on a race board or foil it would be even better.

Turning speed is pretty good for such a high AR kite, bar pressure is light, quite hard to tell where the kite is sometimes though. The de-power on this kite is most impressive, just sheet the bar out and edge, the kite shoots forward and immediately stops pulling.

Managed a couple of really nice jumps when timed well with a gust and the right technique (still figuring that out)

Very happy so far. Had everyone coming off the water laughing/smiling, and they all generally ride C-Kites and Boots, completely different breed of kite this one. There was plenty of old school going on haha

Realistically though, this is a racers kite or someone who really likes light winds and doesn't get freaked out by bridles. I over flew it once and it ended up in a bowtie, luckily was close to shore and could get it sorted quickly.

Now to see what it's like in 20knots :)

WA, 9499 posts
21 Mar 2014 12:11PM
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Now to see what it's like in 20knots :)

yes please..

4862 posts
21 Mar 2014 12:32PM
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hehehe.... sideways sumo!

WA, 9499 posts
23 Mar 2014 12:04PM
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11 to 14 knots on a 12m, sweet as...

NSW, 1637 posts
23 Mar 2014 6:01PM
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Sh! I want one. Argggghhhh...cost though is too much right now. :(

QLD, 699 posts
28 Mar 2014 4:01PM
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KPSS Used said..

Had the 12m out a couple of times now from 10-14knots and 13-16knots. Three of us using it weighing 60kg (me) to 70-75kg and a 136 x 41cm TT
... <SNIP>

Finally! A proper Chrono review. Thanks man.

ps. Marvin I heard rode his in the Nationals down in Melbourne last weekend and won! So there ya go. But yeah too pricey for masses man.

29 Mar 2014 9:48PM
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First ride of the 12M Chrono, winds were 11 knots to 17knots, and my session ended around 11/12 knots. Board was a Cab Skillet 5'10" no straps, choppy flat water and some parts of the river had a tide assist, others no tide. Tide approx 3 knots, opposing wind at an angle of about 45 degrees to the wind direction, so a bit complex to work out the exact effect it had.
My best guess is that it was giving me a 2 knot advantage at best, and I ended the session when I felt the wind was too light in the area where there was no tidal assist and there was a rock groin and no beach downwind of me.

Unrolling the kite and closing the zip I was amazed at how light this wing is, the primary legs of the bridle is the finest/thinnest I've ever seen on a foil kite of this size. The aspect ratio is extreme, the only other kites I've seen and flown with an AR like this have been specialised land kite, race kites.

Launching had a couple of attempts where the tip dragged under, there was not much wind at ground level to pre inflate, but once I had the kite at the optimal angle to the wind is was an easy launch, just held it on the ground for 30 secs or so, got some air inside it, then launched with tips folding. Kite rose to zenith easily and then a couple of sweeps and it was fully inflated and solid. Flew it for a few minutes on the beach to get a feel for where it would sit when depowered/how stable it was. Sweeping across the top of the window it would life me and hold me off the ground easily so I was confident I had enough to get going so headed to the water and picked up my board on the way.

Bar pressure is light, but the kite still had solid pull coming down the centre lines, steering pressure and holding the bar in this kite falls into the light bar pressure category, but I could feel it all the time and had no trouble knowing where it was or turning it tight enough to gybe and make all my turns.

Upwind angles were insane, in the gusts, my board was pointing almost or directly upwind. I tried going off the wind as much as possible and the kite was very stable and confidence inspiring, kite racers are going to absolutely love this thing, foilers even more so, can't wait to see these Chrono's in the hands of some top kite racers and kite foilers.

Self landed using the stall.brake line, then flagged to one line, too easy. No pumping, deflate by unzipping, total time on the water approx 1.5 hrs, see the graph attached I was on the water from 4.45 till approx 6.15

This is not a kite for everyone, it is a ferrari of kites, needs to be flown with a light hand and skill, the construction is Ozone solid quality, but it is a light kite and consequently will not take to constant rough use. I did not try jumping with is as I was riding strapless, but it was a lot of lift and should jump well with long hang time. Not for waves, not for unhooking, not for beginners, definitely for racing, foiling and I think it will be enjoyed by old school hooked in freestylers.

Graph upload not working, but anyone in Sydney today could vouch for the wind as above.

QLD, 699 posts
31 Mar 2014 8:07AM
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Kitepower Australia said..
...can't wait to see these Chrono's in the hands of some top kite racers and kite foilers.

Well Marvin from InTheLoop won his race on a Chrono, at the Nationals in Melbourne a couple of weeks back.
And yeah, i agree with the thin bridle lines. Thin as spider's web.
You described the inflating issue at launch perfectly. I saw the same thing happen and the wing tips especially took the longest to fill up with air. Personally I think the air-intakes are too small or two more would have been perfect. However, you are correct in the method of self-inflating: just hover the chrono above the ground (wind strength permitting) until she inflates and then launch. I also found pumping the bar (as one would naturally do) when the kite launches to fill it with air is risking pulling the steerers too hard. Letting go of the bar and letting her do her thing is the way this kite loves it.
Over priced though. sorry couldn't resist.

31 Mar 2014 3:28PM
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Kazan said..

Kitepower Australia said..
...can't wait to see these Chrono's in the hands of some top kite racers and kite foilers.

Well Marvin from InTheLoop won his race on a Chrono, at the Nationals in Melbourne a couple of weeks back.
And yeah, i agree with the thin bridle lines. Thin as spider's web.
You described the inflating issue at launch perfectly. I saw the same thing happen and the wing tips especially took the longest to fill up with air. Personally I think the air-intakes are too small or two more would have been perfect. However, you are correct in the method of self-inflating: just hover the chrono above the ground (wind strength permitting) until she inflates and then launch. I also found pumping the bar (as one would naturally do) when the kite launches to fill it with air is risking pulling the steerers too hard. Letting go of the bar and letting her do her thing is the way this kite loves it.
Over priced though. sorry couldn't resist.

What I meant was I want to see them first hand or in video, could not make it to Melb.
The air intakes are fine, every closed cell foil I've ever flown takes a while to fill with air. I was surprised how quickly air bled out of the kite though as I held the kite and pre inflated it to about 60% or more, but I may have also underestimated how much I had pre filled it too?
The kite will not launch properly until it has around 40-50% inflation and this is quite normal for this type of kite. All my flysurfer kites behaved in a similar way. No need to pump the bar, just let the kite rise to the top of the window and give it one to three sweeps and it will fill out and become very solidly inflated.
Yeah the price is what it is, this is the lowest margin kite for dealers in the Ozone range, and the highest priced, its extremely detailed construction makes it what it is, and like myself and most reviewers are saying its not for everyone and definitely not for anyone other than a skilled and experienced kiter. Kiters with no foil experience should watch the video over and over to thoroughly familiarise themselves with the peculiarities of foil maintenance, launching and landing, etc.

QLD, 6493 posts
1 Apr 2014 1:45AM
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Same review, I see. Directly upwind - that's quite the revelation

I might be reading that graph wrong but it looks more like 13 to 18 knots with gusts (I assume) 15 to 20 over that time so this:
"winds were 11 knots to 17knots, and my session ended around 11/12 knots"
should really read:
"winds were 16 knots to 18knots, and my session ended around 13/15 knots".
The midrange of the wind there might make all the difference... 17 to 14 knots is a bit different to 14 to 11.5. We wouldn't want to mislead the punters.

BTW I was out today on a 140x43 TT today on a S3 12 in the same sort of winds, although my wind data site isn't so comprehensive - we only have what I assume is the average over the hour, and they were given as 15 falling to 10 knots over the 3 hours I rode... mostly just holding my ground but it brought back to mind just how impressive foils are.

By this - "The kite will not launch properly until it has around 40-50% inflation and this is quite normal for this type of kite" - I assume you're talking about Ozones cos I launch my foils completely un-pre-inflated all the time. Perhaps I'm just a skilled and experienced kiter

@Kazan - the tips will always take ages to fill as the air has to make its way through from the intakes, through the cells and the crossflow holes in the profiles to the tips. Open-cell foils don't have this problem as they usually have more intakes across the leading edge but of course, for a kite designed to be used on the water, more intakes is not the best idea. It's a trade-off in design criteria. Don't forget, the Chrono has more interior cells than a FSer so expect it to take a little longer.

Trick with the Flysurfers is to sheet in gently and "park" the kite to get tension on the entire bridle (Adaptive Canopy will flatten it out) and speed up the inflation. The only harm in flapping tips is the damage flapping does to the material... and maybe you get a tip wrapped around a bridle if you're really unlucky.

Over-priced... well that's relative. A Ferrari may be overpriced compared to your Holden - but which would you rather take around the Nurburgring or across the Nullabor?

WA, 551 posts
1 Apr 2014 1:09PM
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I used my 18m Chrono last night at Leighton Beach WA in 7 to 12 knots on a race board for the 1st time - AND

If you are used to a 19m edge the power of the 18m Chrono is easy to use and deliver the endless power into a race board and at 12knots the kite is sweet - I was scared by all the HUGE POWER comments on web but I found the kite pretty easy to use and pulled off my roll tacks 1st go - but the kite is slower than 19m Edge so you need to pull around earlier to power out of tack but everything else is pretty similar apart from kite loops which are MEGGA powered as you cannot do a super tight loop like an edge - I was screaming up wind and kite is super easy on the ageing body compared to the lovely big grunty 19m edge... the Chrono has a fantastic power band and just keeps pulling through lulls & gusts with little difference & no power loss through bar at all - This is where the chromo foil kites set them selves apart from all other tube kites

I did fold tips a few times due to slightly different way to fly but pulling on brake fixes this if kite is overhead and floating with no power after bad roll tack.

Will test again and want to try the 12m in 15 to 20 knots I reckon it will be RED HOT and have mind bending speed

AS other have said before the Chrono does have huge lift if you swing over head to jump and you gotta watch those tips folding when you stuff up a roll tack or jump so kite without doubt for very experienced users only - Also its a bit of a pain all the lines & pulleys etc on launch and land but no big deal if you take your time.

VIC, 942 posts
1 Apr 2014 7:46PM
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Andy on a chrono


QLD, 6493 posts
1 Apr 2014 10:38PM
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There you are Big eeeZeee

WA, 8407 posts
1 Apr 2014 9:50PM
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so are the chronos ika reg,d for racing

NSW, 384 posts
Site Sponsor
2 Apr 2014 11:05AM
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edit: As "Kamikuza" posted above - The Chrono doesn't need any pre-inflation. Just need to remember if its taking too long for the tips to fill up, pull on the brake to reverse and hold it in the middle of the window for 10sec then off you go! :)

Hit 20knots for 10-15min last night while I was kooking it up, and I was still fine on it (60kg) and a 138 TT, this kite has by far the biggest useable wind range of any inflatable I have flown. Very good depower.

QLD, 6493 posts
2 Apr 2014 12:02PM
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KPSS Used said..

edit: also doesn't need any pre-inflation. Just need to remember if its taking too long for the tips to fill up, pull on the brake to reverse and hold it in the middle of the window for 10sec then off you go! :)

Exactly the same thing I said, so I think it deserves a red thumb too.

NSW, 384 posts
Site Sponsor
2 Apr 2014 1:36PM
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Sorry, didn't know you had flown the kite so I just wanted to re-enforce this point from actual experience.

Have you flown the Chrono yet?

edit: credited you in my post above now, maybe turn that thumb upside down? :)

QLD, 699 posts
2 Apr 2014 2:20PM
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Kamikuza said..

KPSS Used said..

edit: also doesn't need any pre-inflation. Just need to remember if its taking too long for the tips to fill up, pull on the brake to reverse and hold it in the middle of the window for 10sec then off you go! :)

Exactly the same thing I said, so I think it deserves a red thumb too.

You're just jealous

QLD, 6493 posts
2 Apr 2014 3:41PM
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Kazan said..

Kamikuza said..

KPSS Used said..

edit: also doesn't need any pre-inflation. Just need to remember if its taking too long for the tips to fill up, pull on the brake to reverse and hold it in the middle of the window for 10sec then off you go! :)

Exactly the same thing I said, so I think it deserves a red thumb too.

You're just jealous

Of what? I got the most red thumbs - I win the internet!

QLD, 6493 posts
2 Apr 2014 3:48PM
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KPSS Used said..

Sorry, didn't know you had flown the kite so I just wanted to re-enforce this point from actual experience.

Have you flown the Chrono yet?

edit: credited you in my post above now, maybe turn that thumb upside down? :)

That would be inconsistent; assuming that the Red Thumb Bbrigade are reading my posts through and disagreeing with the information.
If that ISN'T the case - and I suspect it's not - then I don't need to thumb at all as they'll be green thumbing your post simply because it's not my post.
The whole thing is pretty meaningless really, isn't it? That's why I said "deserves" not "I have given"

No, I haven't flown the Chrono - yet - but I've flown a number of other high AR foils and they've all behaved exactly the same way.
Of course, they're not as complex as the Chrono... all those extra cells and bridle tiers might make it completely different after all I'm looking forward to riding directly upwind too.

NSW, 384 posts
Site Sponsor
3 Apr 2014 10:33AM
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Kamikuza said..

No, I haven't flown the Chrono - yet

ok. let us know when you do.

WA, 1501 posts
3 Apr 2014 8:21AM
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It's nearly winter, everyone should get a doona!

3 Apr 2014 12:28PM
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wishy said..

It's nearly winter, everyone should get a doona!

True! But not for the reason you might think, on the East Coast at least we get increasingly lighter winds during the Autumn season, and a good light wind board and kite will definitely increase a persons kiting time.
Had another session on the Chrono yesterday, winds were in the 13 to 17 knots range, at Kurnell. Strapless 5'10" Cab Skillet and Alias, mostly on the surfboard though. This kite is definitely not a surf kite, but it did the job for me yesterday when everyone else out on 12M kites could not stay upwind. There was a guy on a big X19 who was doing ok and another on a foilboard with a 12 Switchy who also stayed upwind. Strangely the X19 guy never made it up to where I was so I could not tell what board he was using. There was very little if any tidal effect in this spot. I had not trouble riding upwind and was able to point impressively high. Had some trouble on launch with tip folding and even a single bow tie on one end, but managed to sort it out with the brake landing line and a bit of luck and patience.

Turning is slow compared to an equivalent sized LEI, and the turns are pivotal around one tip, which means this very high AR kite has to turn in quite a large radius. I was able to downturn gybe, but had to make sure the kite was high in the window before initiating the turn.
Noticed throughout the session that the kite seemed a bit stally and that the tips folded easily, but discovered that I had left the zipper open at the back of the kite (blames previous user!!!) about 5cm allowing the kite to lose pressure constantly.

Got hit by some turbulence from a plane landing at the airport, wow, that was exciting! Instant power surge, lifted and flung forward off my board, a reminder to be very careful with this kite on land or in gusty conditions, it will lift you vertically very quickly and easily if you leave it overhead and I would advise to never do this on land or close to shore.
The short blast I had on the Alias revealed that the kite loves some speed and apparent wind, and that I do not have the skills to ride this sort of board fast, ending in big crashes on each run! I;m now thinking that a 15M will be a good choice for my light wind kite, but the 12 is not really my sort of kite in winds that I could get going on an inflato, as I just want to practice strapless surfboard turns and the Chrono just has too much lift for this purpose. The bottom end of the 12 is very impressive, but a 15 will work better on those 8-12knot days.
Self landed by stalling from the edge, then used the safety line, too easy.

QLD, 2060 posts
3 Apr 2014 11:40AM
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Any chance for a review of the Chrono on land with land board (not buggy)?


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"New Ozone Chrono" started by husa