Just wanted hear what the best bar and line are that you have ever owned and why, I am looking to buy new set and there seems to be so many different features on all the brands out there. I usually have just one bar for all my kites and I am mainly into waves, I have always had ozone in the past but there are two or three things I am not happy with on their bars so would be great to hear opinions on other brands, considering new bar and lines are now between $600 to $1000 I don't want to end up with the wrong one.
I am looking for 4 line equal length and comfy grip that lasts
ozone, why wouldn't you be happy, simple clean quality set up, I've had plenty of others and plenty fell apart, passed my set from instinct sport to a local and still going strong, now using latest model
Well I didn't want to go there but because you asked
The main thing is the little stainless ring that the safety clips to is known to fail when the you release the chicken loop, there is that very thin bit where the swivel attaches to the ring that snaps and then you lose the whole kite this happened to me once in Gero and kite just blew away I got it back but with damage, I also saw this happen to guy on the bommie at Exmouth he was 500m off shore got smashed on a wave released his kite and that little ring snapped and his kite blew away.
I have also heard of other cases were this has happened
From what I can see on picture of the new ozone bars they still have this same little ring, I was about to order a new ozone bar but when I noticed they had not changed it I thought not gunna risk that experience again .
I have also found on my ozone bars that the grip seems to come off in pieces due to many different pieces making up the logo on the grip,(looks like they may have improved the grip on the newer models) and yes the swollen up rusty magnets and last of all its a nightmare to change out lines.
Best bar i ever had was designed in gero new kiteboarding bar. It wouldnt cut the mustard now as theyer 13yrs old and features have improved but they lasted forever. I still have a few going strong. As spares.
I too have ozone bars and had the little ring thing snap. Easy to replace and ive switched it out with a standard ssteel ring (pinched off a NEW bar ha ha) but im slightly uncomfortable with what the implications of not having a swivel there are... figure it dont matter if i dont do too many backrolls.
The magnet failure is fkn annoying too.
I've invested in and investigated quite a few different bars and the Ozone for me is the best. Lots and lots of bars including Switch ,Ikon, OR,Cabrinah etc etc are utelising a generic 'white ticket' chicken loop assembly which I believe has design problems with the saftey line path through the rotor head. This can result in punchout problems.
Conversely the Ozone chicken loop head has a dedicated channel and snagging of the safety line is virtually impossible. Additionally Ozone is the only bar I have found that has an appropriately large enough hole through the bar to discourage binding of the bar to the pu covering on the main chicken loop line.... all the others I've tried bound when cracking hard/looping.
The above relates to upto 2018 models... for 2019 Ozone have a new design which I have not tried, but is similar to North/Slingshot etc design
Definetly find the ozone bars very high quality. Id love to see them have an internal saftey line though, but cant have everything right. The new lines are shaping up to be unbelievable too. I personelly havnt seen the swivel flagout ring fail but honestly, if its that big of an issue new none swivel ones cost 15.00. I did find that the older grip sometimes came unglued but so do other brands and so far my new style grip is ace. I was told that the new magnets were meant to be coated in rubber too but i didnt hear that from the horses mouth. I found my last bars magnets rusted a bit but was cosmetic only.
had a few over the years including core, naish and ozone and favorite would have to be slingshot for me. Grip was a little harsh but other than that lines actually felt thicker - always seemed easier to unroll, i liked the steering line loops, easy depower system. Definitely my favorite so far and they were 2012 currently on newer naish bar and lines
Wheels -
Shift bar: Molded EVA feels more cushioned than the pilot bar, but the bar is larger diameter with the bend, only in 52cm
Pilot Bar pretty standard round bar with finger dents. EVA feels more "foamy" but less cushioned than the Shift if that makes sense. Straight bar.
52 or 46
For me the ideal bar would be a compact qr with a clasp for rope slider instead of a chicken loop
below the bar depower, and below the bar trim ( because I don't use the trim much but it's still nice to have it there). This would leave it as clean as possible above the bar.
Extra long bar throw ( which could be adjusted with a stopper if needed)
front lines with different colours and a low y which is within reaching distance to assist with relaunch ( opposite front line relaunch)