Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

best bar and lines you have ever had

Created by wheels > 9 months ago, 20 Sep 2018
WA, 9449 posts
27 Sep 2018 7:49AM
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IanR said..

cauncy said..

Don't airush have all that dangly **** on the power depower ,

Poisonous Allotrope of Oxegen Pimp talking out of their rectums as usual

It would be hard to find a cleaner bar than the Ultra Bar
Or the Core cleat bar

There are also option to have different line length, option you will not get on a contact bar

Yes, the ozone love lately is stratosperic

WA, 857 posts
29 Sep 2018 10:44AM
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Fly on da wall said..
I like the Slingshot bar

2015 has great grip and is built to last a long kitetime

I haven't owned a Slingshot bar but I demo'd Sentinel last year. I liked everything about that bar except for the fact that the front and back lines are unequal lengths ie a provision is made in any given line set for a difference in the position of the steering line connection points and the center line connection points. This means you're stuck with Slingshot lines if you need replacements.
The Slingshot lines look good but not having connection point symetry and the option to use other line sets was a dealbreaker for me.
The way the steering lines connect to the leaders with a sliding loop as an added safety also seems unnecessary and possibly provides a snag/tangle point.

NSW, 1258 posts
29 Sep 2018 2:33PM
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cauncy said..
Bit harsh there but good to see they've got in tune with most other brands at last, bit weird why you'd have some many variants of a bar though, why not just one does all

Firstly the core cleat bar has been available for years. Just because you are ignorant of it doesn't mean it has just happened.

As for the number of options of the bars I'd like to use a Car analogy.
If you purchase a premium car new like a Rolls Royce you get thousands of options to customise it to your liking
If you purchase a super budget car like a Great Wall you get very few. It does not fit with their JIT manufacturing policy to give you options

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
29 Sep 2018 2:16PM
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snalberski said..

Fly on da wall said..
I like the Slingshot bar

2015 has great grip and is built to last a long kitetime

I haven't owned a Slingshot bar but I demo'd Sentinel last year. I liked everything about that bar except for the fact that the front and back lines are unequal lengths ie a provision is made in any given line set for a difference in the position of the steering line connection points and the center line connection points. This means you're stuck with Slingshot lines if you need replacements.
The Slingshot lines look good but not having connection point symetry and the option to use other line sets was a dealbreaker for me.
The way the steering lines connect to the leaders with a sliding loop as an added safety also seems unnecessary and possibly provides a snag/tangle point.

The Slingshot replacement line set retails for what you can find new bar's for on sale. But fortunately they last so you don't need too replace them unless you have a bad day out but q power line's are a great option for replacement or any good kite repairer can make a line up for ya..

WA, 857 posts
29 Sep 2018 1:28PM
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Fly on da wall said..

snalberski said..

Fly on da wall said..
I like the Slingshot bar

2015 has great grip and is built to last a long kitetime

I haven't owned a Slingshot bar but I demo'd Sentinel last year. I liked everything about that bar except for the fact that the front and back lines are unequal lengths ie a provision is made in any given line set for a difference in the position of the steering line connection points and the center line connection points. This means you're stuck with Slingshot lines if you need replacements.
The Slingshot lines look good but not having connection point symetry and the option to use other line sets was a dealbreaker for me.
The way the steering lines connect to the leaders with a sliding loop as an added safety also seems unnecessary and possibly provides a snag/tangle point.

The Slingshot replacement line set retails for what you can find new bar's for on sale. But fortunately they last so you don't need too replace them unless you have a bad day out but q power line's are a great option for replacement or any good kite repairer can make a line up for ya..

Another option would be to make short leader lines extesions of the appropriate length to make the front and rear line attachment points equal. Then any equal length line set could be used. That would also allow a standard larks head connection on the outside lines rather than the sliding
'oh sh1t' connection.

WA, 8407 posts
29 Sep 2018 8:39PM
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IanR said..

cauncy said..
Bit harsh there but good to see they've got in tune with most other brands at last, bit weird why you'd have some many variants of a bar though, why not just one does all

Firstly the core cleat bar has been available for years. Just because you are ignorant of it doesn't mean it has just happened.

As for the number of options of the bars I'd like to use a Car analogy.
If you purchase a premium car new like a Rolls Royce you get thousands of options to customise it to your liking
If you purchase a super budget car like a Great Wall you get very few. It does not fit with their JIT manufacturing policy to give you options

Hey ginge getting a bit personal again there, your not driving mummy's car your flying a kite

NSW, 1504 posts
30 Sep 2018 6:14AM
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BRM Cloud Bar..... simple, light, massive depower.

NSW, 1504 posts
30 Sep 2018 6:15AM
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BRM Cloud Bar..... simple, light, massive depower.

WA, 396 posts
4 Oct 2018 11:29PM
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Core bars are or were crap, they might have changed the setup now days. QR Had a tenancy to twist open and release on you mid jump. Death traps.

TAS, 1664 posts
5 Aug 2019 3:05PM
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So a bit late but ...

The Ozone bars don't have a stopped slide on the PU tube
I've been investigating doing a deadman - inverted and hands off, but the bar will just slide out nad all the power goes.

The cabrinha bar does have a stopper and the lines are thicker and less likely to tangle when I self land using the flag out.
The North lines I used to have I went through 2 sets in a season with the lines breaking, and any time I self landed int he water and got hte leading edge close the lines were so tangled it took 20 minutes to sort out

VIC, 566 posts
5 Aug 2019 7:28PM
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wheels said..
Just wanted hear what the best bar and line are that you have ever owned and why, I am looking to buy new set and there seems to be so many different features on all the brands out there. I usually have just one bar for all my kites and I am mainly into waves, I have always had ozone in the past but there are two or three things I am not happy with on their bars so would be great to hear opinions on other brands, considering new bar and lines are now between $600 to $1000 I don't want to end up with the wrong one.
I am looking for 4 line equal length and comfy grip that lasts

I had Ozone but found I would max out the bar throw trying to dump power,moved to Naish which has movable trim cleat system works really well, some things I don't like.

cabrinha trimlite also good features/trim cleat etc.

dont forget some manufacturers use 22m lines, I think Ozone is 25m???

VIC, 4953 posts
5 Aug 2019 10:49PM
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Stevie ss said..


I've tried just about every bar .just got rid of the two most expensive. i have switches new bar ,i sent the kite back but kept the bar it's comfortable easy and clean .other wise I'd go airrush

That's funny. I have several Switch kites. I cannot fault them. I gave up on the bars.

I have two currently, one is a standard 52cm Cabrinha Trimlite. The other is home made from Cabrinha spare parts. It's basically a 60cm Trimlite with extra long travel trimmer and longer lines. The long travel is a joy, especially when foiling with a bigger kite.

I really like the two chamber plastic tube. I would never ever buy a bar with multiple bare lines passing through the bar.

I can see me trying out an Ocean Rodeo Stick Shift in the future. Rear line trimming and extra long bar travel could be a good way to go.

VIC, 276 posts
6 Aug 2019 8:15PM
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My own home built bars for foiling lol. No trim, no chickenloop, no external safety leash. Bare bones, simple bars that cost $120-150 each...

QLD, 3599 posts
7 Aug 2019 8:18AM
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Best / Eleveight lines have always used top quality lines but the Best Len10 Extract Bar was just ridiculous.

Double thickness lines waxed really well, just didn't seem to age. Ruben Lenten did well on this one

NSW, 483 posts
7 Aug 2019 8:31AM
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Cabrinha bar (1x overdrive with recoil) - very nice but you could have catastrophic failure of depower rope inside PU tubing at any moment. After 1 year of use i am using with constant anxiety. Otherwise lines are really nice and waxy and dont get tangled, never had issues with QR releasing or reloading.

North trust bar - bar itself is nice and light, no issues with trim system if you dont have short arms. the lines SUCK and are prone to tangles. Safety harder to reset than cabrinha.

Core sensor 2S - lines are SUPREME, auto untwist with ceramic bearings is a work of art (you can hold the bar by chicken loop and spin it around with the bearings). Wish it had a bit of padding on the bar ends. Rotating QR is a dud, unlikely to eject properly if using a rope slider. If they changed to push away QR and some padding on minimal bar ends (similar to north) then it would be primo.

WA, 668 posts
7 Aug 2019 7:05AM
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Id love to say north wakestyle bar id only change 2 things about it. Id have the safety line housed in its own pu tube and id have a swivel on the safety that works in suicide

So without that unfrothunately favourite bar is ozone v4 water foil bar.... Bit nervous about the locking mechanism ill be disableing it before i hop off a cliff with it but apart from unwaranted paranoia its perfect

WA, 9449 posts
7 Aug 2019 2:43PM
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Isn't there a swivel on the safety in suicide mode nowadays ??

QLD, 2040 posts
7 Aug 2019 6:34PM
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Macster said..

My own home built bars for foiling lol. No trim, no chickenloop, no external safety leash. Bare bones, simple bars that cost $120-150 each...

Same here mate

WA, 668 posts
8 Aug 2019 10:42AM
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eppo said..
Isn't there a swivel on the safety in suicide mode nowadays ??

Nah alot of brands dont have double swivel on the actual safety line (simply untwisting centerlines wont unwind the safety line itself) . And most the single swivels simply wont work when in suicide mode. Its a $25 component that only effects people that loop the kite repeatedly one direction whilst in suicide.

WA, 9449 posts
8 Aug 2019 7:24PM
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So it has a swivel then just not a double swivel

2129 posts
9 Aug 2019 2:46PM
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I reckon my ozone bar was my best, it's lines were like steel, never stretched over about 3 years!

Shame it had the old dodgy pull towards QR or I'd probs still be riding it!

WA, 1501 posts
9 Aug 2019 9:03PM
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cauncy said..
ozone, why wouldn't you be happy, simple clean quality set up, I've had plenty of others and plenty fell apart, passed my set from instinct sport to a local and still going strong, now using latest model

Agreed, Ozone lasts the longest in my experience. I has a 2012 bar last kiting almost every day until 2017 with not a single thing go wrong, never rinsed it once.

Now I have two from non ozone brands and many things have broken within first 18months on both.

Given how often sharks dismember and shred people in WA I will buy another Ozone bar soon.

WA, 668 posts
9 Aug 2019 9:22PM
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Your saying you had 1825 days useing a ozone bar and nothing went wrong?

Just why

Why why why why why
Say such ridiculous **** about your equipment?!?

Whatever the brand its not going to last 1825 sessions assumeing only 1 session per a day...

I just dont get why kiters say this sort of stuff.

Its like when you over hear some weponhead at the pub talk about how his landys gone around the clock 3 times (meaning odometers zeroed out 3 times) anything they say from that point just makes you feel disdain for the bloke

To put your claim into perspective if EVERY DAY FOR 5 YEARS was a 2 hour session you would have gone thru 9.125 KITES!! ALL ON ONE BAR?!?!

Its not even remotely ... I .... Give up.

Its bad enough how much bollocks everyones fed but then you start serveing it out aswell. Lets say you exagerated.... By 2 times? 3? 4? Its still ridiculous. And these are all brand new recently manufactured kites im talking about to hit that 400 hours lf use mark.

This is why i like REAL canopy sports. Every hours logged. And everyone can see it. Thats how i know instantly when someone makes some ridiculous statement like you had just done.

WA, 9449 posts
9 Aug 2019 9:29PM
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Yeh I have 2011 ozone bars still working just fine.

WA, 668 posts
9 Aug 2019 9:32PM
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eppo said..
Yeh I have 2011 ozone bars still working just fine.

Did you put over 3000 hours on them?
Dont know why im even responding
Kiteing hours? or sailing hours? this is the kiteing section.



buy some gloves and a hat and a camelback and a boardleash and some sunglasses with a strap and some flares and a life jacket and some zinc then go back and fourth with a gps watch for a couple hours and spend next 6 days telling everyone at work how rad your weekend was kitesurfing even tho it was honestly just sailing its literally just sailing what the majority of you do and then you claim to have kited almost everyday for 5 years on 1 set bar and lines or that your kite has 2000 flying hours on it.

God i hope i die before i become a middle aged kook

WA, 8407 posts
9 Aug 2019 9:48PM
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Still got my bar from instinct sport and still in great nick

VIC, 270 posts
9 Aug 2019 11:48PM
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eppo said..
Yeh I have 2011 ozone bars still working just fine.

Did you try new Ozone bar 2019 V4?
I did and have already holes to the bare metal on the both sides of the centre slot!??

According to Ozone it's my fault since I don't wind the lines correctly!
Mind you its almost brand new bar that
was used 20times at the most!
For more see kite forum. com

VIC, 276 posts
10 Aug 2019 7:44AM
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I've got that grip wear too on my new ozone click bar. It appeared in less than 3 months. It's from me wrenching the bar in and slamming it into the swivel then rubbing further when fishpolling when I do kiteloops jumps I think. Also in light wind when I'm looping and sinening the crap out of the kite I think

WA, 668 posts
10 Aug 2019 7:20AM
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I got a 1988 accordian in perfect condition cause i used it for 3 months then put it away

Its amazing how you think its years not hours that matter.

Truly incredible.

Take a interest in your hobbys and learn how **** works

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
10 Aug 2019 10:27AM
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cezary said..
eppo said..
Yeh I have 2011 ozone bars still working just fine.

Did you try new Ozone bar 2019 V4?
I did and have already holes to the bare metal on the both sides of the centre slot!??

According to Ozone it's my fault since I don't wind the lines correctly!
Mind you its almost brand new bar that
was used 20times at the most!
For more see kite forum. com

The damage on your bars is caused by the way you are winding up Cezary, then storing the bar in the bag pocket with the top of the chickenloop pressing on the bar grip. Over time its made holes in the foam. Thing is its just cosmetic, will not affect the longevity and could be repaired with some black silicone or stormsure. The bar itself is the same strong reliable design Ozone has used for over a decade.

This bar of mine has approx 70hrs of use, but I almost never store my bar in the bag and when I wind up my lines I make sure to leave enough slack in the mainline so the top of the chicken loop does not press on that part of the bar. (I've recently changed the flag out line at it was worn)

Bring it into the shop and compare it to the kite school bars, they have a couple of hundred hours use each and have none of this damage, but we already sent you photos of the school bars.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"best bar and lines you have ever had" started by wheels