Steve i like my ozone bars always have but no bar lasts for 3000+ hours and no kite lasts for 2000 hours.
Why you take offence to that i have no idea.
And the joke is i am a middle aged kook :D
I fly stunt kites And ride softboards.
I LOVE being a begginer and a kook at other sports. I embrace it.
Theyres nothing better then just sucking at something so bad you laugh your ass off when youve been training so hard at something your good at. Thats why i save some sports as hobbys and make sure i dont take them too seriously.
But kiting is firmly in the serious pile. I think anything that can kill you should be.
So if i was on a kite bar and lines with 3000 flipping hours on it id bloody get a new one. Id thougt you would be all for buying new gear
The hacienda nightclub Manchester
was the best bar and everyone did a few lines, lasted hrs on a session
Whay we actually have wanted for better part of a decade is a curved bar so falls into your hands easier when passing
Least favourite would have to be the Ozone bar and lines.
They bar grip wears and comes unstuck quickly; where the quick release line goes through the chicken loop it is susceptible to rapid wear and deterioration of plastic housing and this can hinder the quick release line if the safety is activated; the lines look like sh!t after less than a season; the pig tails consistently knot up every time I run the lines out for a kite; and prior to the click chicken loop, that old chicken loop is a PITA to reload.
Not saying Cab bars are the best but after 3 seasons they still look way better than the Ozone bar and lines.
Habits... I had always taken the bar which came with the kite.
Last season due to change in how I setup my harness for wave riding whilst playing around, I could only use the one bar/lines. Total surprise when I took my Old Lithium 10M out and used an Ozone bar. Changed its impact on my wrists had always found this a heavy kite as higher bar pressure than I like, but it was all in the bar as had a g8 (and subsequent) session and decided to hang-on to it as it is worthless to sell and still fun to use.