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Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

best bar and lines you have ever had

Created by wheels > 9 months ago, 20 Sep 2018
Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
10 Aug 2019 10:37AM
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causehecan said..

God i hope i die before i become a middle aged kook

Careful what you wish for David. You are young and arrogant enough now to write off all other kiters except you and few of your heroes who "unhook", but in 15-30 yrs time when you are middle aged you will become the person your hanging sh1t on now.

A kook is someone thats inconsiderate in the lineup, or who talks up their skills and knowledge, but in reality can barely ride, or just an annoying asshat, which one are you?

350 posts
10 Aug 2019 9:28AM
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defends his world against ageism
comes out swinging like a youngster

350 posts
10 Aug 2019 9:37AM
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wishy said..
I had a 2012 bar last kiting almost every day until 2017 with not a single thing go wrong
Now I have two from non ozone brands and many things have broken

claims he owned bar that never failed
happily breaks new ones as proof

VIC, 276 posts
10 Aug 2019 11:38AM
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Ozone Kites Aus said..

cezary said..
eppo said..
Yeh I have 2011 ozone bars still working just fine.

Did you try new Ozone bar 2019 V4?
I did and have already holes to the bare metal on the both sides of the centre slot!??

According to Ozone it's my fault since I don't wind the lines correctly!
Mind you its almost brand new bar that
was used 20times at the most!
For more see kite forum. com

The damage on your bars is caused by the way you are winding up Cezary, then storing the bar in the bag pocket with the top of the chickenloop pressing on the bar grip. Over time its made holes in the foam. Thing is its just cosmetic, will not affect the longevity and could be repaired with some black silicone or stormsure. The bar itself is the same strong reliable design Ozone has used for over a decade.

This bar of mine has approx 70hrs of use, but I almost never store my bar in the bag and when I wind up my lines I make sure to leave enough slack in the mainline so the top of the chicken loop does not press on that part of the bar. (I've recently changed the flag out line at it was worn)

Bring it into the shop and compare it to the kite school bars, they have a couple of hundred hours use each and have none of this damage, but we already sent you photos of the school bars.

99% sure my wear isn't from how I wrap and store the bar. When I wind up the lines I leave the centre PU tube completely fully extended i.e. bar sheeted out plus I store the bar in a fish bucket not in the bag.

It is cosmetic and I don't care about it but I think you need to consider that the wear can happen from simply flying the kite too.

WA, 668 posts
10 Aug 2019 2:07PM
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Steve i like my ozone bars always have but no bar lasts for 3000+ hours and no kite lasts for 2000 hours.

Why you take offence to that i have no idea.

And the joke is i am a middle aged kook :D
I fly stunt kites And ride softboards.
I LOVE being a begginer and a kook at other sports. I embrace it.

Theyres nothing better then just sucking at something so bad you laugh your ass off when youve been training so hard at something your good at. Thats why i save some sports as hobbys and make sure i dont take them too seriously.

But kiting is firmly in the serious pile. I think anything that can kill you should be.

So if i was on a kite bar and lines with 3000 flipping hours on it id bloody get a new one. Id thougt you would be all for buying new gear

WA, 8407 posts
10 Aug 2019 5:56PM
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The hacienda nightclub Manchester
was the best bar and everyone did a few lines, lasted hrs on a session

WA, 668 posts
10 Aug 2019 8:20PM
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cauncy said..
The hacienda nightclub Manchester
was the best bar and everyone did a few lines, lasted hrs on a session

Finally someone else agrees 6 lines is the future!

350 posts
11 Aug 2019 10:08AM
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causehecan said..
Id thougt you would be all for buying new gear

makes gear to last longtime
confused why sales are down

WA, 9588 posts
13 Aug 2019 2:37PM
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Macster said..

Ozone Kites Aus said..

cezary said..
eppo said..
Yeh I have 2011 ozone bars still working just fine.

Did you try new Ozone bar 2019 V4?
I did and have already holes to the bare metal on the both sides of the centre slot!??

According to Ozone it's my fault since I don't wind the lines correctly!
Mind you its almost brand new bar that
was used 20times at the most!
For more see kite forum. com

The damage on your bars is caused by the way you are winding up Cezary, then storing the bar in the bag pocket with the top of the chickenloop pressing on the bar grip. Over time its made holes in the foam. Thing is its just cosmetic, will not affect the longevity and could be repaired with some black silicone or stormsure. The bar itself is the same strong reliable design Ozone has used for over a decade.

This bar of mine has approx 70hrs of use, but I almost never store my bar in the bag and when I wind up my lines I make sure to leave enough slack in the mainline so the top of the chicken loop does not press on that part of the bar. (I've recently changed the flag out line at it was worn)

Bring it into the shop and compare it to the kite school bars, they have a couple of hundred hours use each and have none of this damage, but we already sent you photos of the school bars.

99% sure my wear isn't from how I wrap and store the bar. When I wind up the lines I leave the centre PU tube completely fully extended i.e. bar sheeted out plus I store the bar in a fish bucket not in the bag.

It is cosmetic and I don't care about it but I think you need to consider that the wear can happen from simply flying the kite too.

Yeh plenty of bar covering worn away on the 2011, but who gives a flying pigs grunt about that. Easy fix if you must.

Best bar... whatever the hell they sell with the kite.

Get kiting, stop worrying about such things. Except if you are pushing it say for advanced unhooking, the bar setup has to be right - and the stock standard is normally fine anyhow.

But for most of us...just get on with it.

WA, 668 posts
13 Aug 2019 6:40PM
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Whay we actually have wanted for better part of a decade is a curved bar so falls into your hands easier when passing

WA, 9588 posts
15 Aug 2019 9:58AM
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Yep sensible suggestion.

shi thouse
WA, 1146 posts
15 Aug 2019 5:28PM
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Least favourite would have to be the Ozone bar and lines.

They bar grip wears and comes unstuck quickly; where the quick release line goes through the chicken loop it is susceptible to rapid wear and deterioration of plastic housing and this can hinder the quick release line if the safety is activated; the lines look like sh!t after less than a season; the pig tails consistently knot up every time I run the lines out for a kite; and prior to the click chicken loop, that old chicken loop is a PITA to reload.

Not saying Cab bars are the best but after 3 seasons they still look way better than the Ozone bar and lines.

QLD, 1053 posts
16 Aug 2019 11:46PM
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Habits... I had always taken the bar which came with the kite.
Last season due to change in how I setup my harness for wave riding whilst playing around, I could only use the one bar/lines. Total surprise when I took my Old Lithium 10M out and used an Ozone bar. Changed its impact on my wrists had always found this a heavy kite as higher bar pressure than I like, but it was all in the bar as had a g8 (and subsequent) session and decided to hang-on to it as it is worthless to sell and still fun to use.

QLD, 1053 posts
18 Aug 2019 9:21AM
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AquaPlow said..
Habits... I had always taken the bar which came with the kite.
Last season due to change in how I setup my harness for wave riding whilst playing around, I could only use the one bar/lines. Total surprise when I took my Old Lithium 10M out and used an Ozone bar. Changed its impact on my wrists had always found this a heavy kite as higher bar pressure than I like, but it was all in the bar as had a g8 (and subsequent) session and decided to hang-on to it as it is worthless to sell and still fun to use.

Not canning ARush as wave. Kite bar goes a treat. Most bars function fine the grip size and texture for co mfort for a couple of. Hours then I might get fussy over trim..
I stopped windsurfing in pre- harness days because of wrist forearm cramping .. Didn't effect me rowing for years.. I like my comfort zone to not interfer with not so strong skill set

NSW, 410 posts
Site Sponsor
20 Aug 2019 4:22PM
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shi thouse said..
Least favourite would have to be the Ozone bar and lines.

They bar grip wears and comes unstuck quickly; where the quick release line goes through the chicken loop it is susceptible to rapid wear and deterioration of plastic housing and this can hinder the quick release line if the safety is activated; the lines look like sh!t after less than a season; the pig tails consistently knot up every time I run the lines out for a kite; and prior to the click chicken loop, that old chicken loop is a PITA to reload.

Not saying Cab bars are the best but after 3 seasons they still look way better than the Ozone bar and lines.

Disagree. We use cabrinha and ozone in the school and the Ozones always come out of each season in as good or better condition, both grips and lines. This is just an observation though.

Ozone also changed line material to a much better type, stays in tune longer and less tangly (that's a word)

WA, 668 posts
21 Aug 2019 9:29AM
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Relaunch balls on the ozone bara are a godsend when teaching students


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"best bar and lines you have ever had" started by wheels