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Port Albert Vic To Qld

Created by Lexmark > 9 months ago, 12 Jun 2014
VIC, 218 posts
12 Jun 2014 1:05PM
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HI to you all, the reason for this post is to let you all know my Blog address my hope is that you will read and leave a post, this trip is a big deal to me, so any support will be great
Again thank

VIC, 5814 posts
12 Jun 2014 1:55PM
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May the winds and waves be good to you and the mermaids make you content

865 posts
12 Jun 2014 5:49PM
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Good onya Steve, keep us up to date how your going, fair winds.

QLD, 12321 posts
12 Jun 2014 10:32PM
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Great thing you are doing Steve. Any help or advices you need along the way just holler. I am sure there will be a Seabreezer near you as you travel north.

When you get near Bundaberg, let me know. My resources will be available to you.

Fair Winds and Happy Sailing!!

VIC, 218 posts
16 Jun 2014 5:52PM
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Hi To All
Would like to say ahat its been all good sailing, but still getting to know yacht any way made it to Eden, then thought I would sell for what evet, but all OK now, had a rough time with electrics, NSW current etc but here untill tomorrow I think, then north again, Please keep in touch, this Solo sailing is something else

NSW, 1431 posts
16 Jun 2014 7:02PM
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keep at it Lexmark,

Remember SMALL day sails with plenty of rest between.

QLD, 12321 posts
16 Jun 2014 8:52PM
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^^ +1 Hang in there brother.

VIC, 218 posts
16 Jun 2014 8:52PM
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Yes, you are so right, spent 38 hrs at helm and lost the plot, ended up coming into strange port, worring about electrics, not good, but have learnt a good lesson

NSW, 1431 posts
16 Jun 2014 10:00PM
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Oh Boy have I been there before also, but only 30 odd hours, had to keep saying..

The GPS is correct NOT what I'm seeing!

SA, 4771 posts
16 Jun 2014 10:00PM
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I love solo sailing tucked into my lounge with a good coffee or milo....hooting up the east coast at 6 to 8 knots!

NSW, 7496 posts
17 Jun 2014 9:16AM
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Lexmark said...
Yes, you are so right, spent 38 hrs at helm and lost the plot, ended up coming into strange port, worring about electrics, not good, but have learnt a good lesson

Make a point of stopping over in Greenwell Point.

VIC, 218 posts
19 Jun 2014 8:15PM
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Hi Again
Have missed out on things a little as my lap top bty went flat and the new 12volt charger gave up.
Have had a rather a steep learning curve of late, coming into a strange port and the plotter went dead in the dark..........**** just made me realize how much we rely on electrics maps werent much chop either, hats off to all the locial coast guard blokes.
Had a night at Lakes Batemans Bay off again tomorrow.
The problem with electrics, was running off one bty and double charging the other !!!!!!not good
Was thinking, how much would Cpt Cook pay for a plotter ??
Its easer to cut Pizza when cold
Just some thoughts at Sea

NSW, 2140 posts
19 Jun 2014 9:20PM
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Take a sqizz at this mad Swede as he attempts a Circumnavigation in a 10ft boat?

Swedish adventurer to try for new record for smallest boat to sail solo around the world

A Swedish sailor, adventurer, philosopher and writer is looking to sail solo, non-stop around the world in a 3.048m (10 foot) sailing boat. That's smaller than a laser! Sven Yrvind is currently building the odd-looking vessek at his home in Sweden and will embark on his trip when it's complete, leaving from the southernmost tip of Ireland. From there he'll sail south, around the Cape of Good Hope, past Australia in the Southern Ocean on his way to Cape Horn, back in to the Atlantic and home. He reckons his epic voyage will take about a year and a half. He says that he'll pass the time, strapped to his bed when it gets rough, reading books and writing. And if you think he's just a nutcase who won't make it, think of this: on his last voyage he took the title of the smallest sailing boat to round Cape Horn in his 'big' 20-footer -- and he did it against the prevailing wind and waves. Yrvind started to build his 20-footer in his mother's cellar, the door of which determined the vessel's beam: a mere 5ft 8in. He partially financed the trip with the help of an interesting 'entrepreneur'. Yrvind takes up the story from his blog: "This time I planned to sail by way of Cape Horn against wind and waves into the Pacific. Not many believed in me, one practical man less than the others. He was an entrepreneur interested in sailing. "One day he had knocked on the cellar door shown interest in my project, he had come back few times and given me help and advises [sic]; a nice person. One day he suggested a deal. He would give me a thousand dollars. All I had to do was to go sailing. He would, with my permission take out a life insurance of twenty thousand dollars on me in his name. I accepted eagerly. What could I lose? We went to a doctor and got a health certificate, then to the insurance company and singed papers. That was all.

"A windy day with a cold northerly day I left Sweden. Among the people who waved was my friend the entrepreneur." Yrvind, 73, says he has been sailing small boats for over 50 years. His first boat, based on a 15ft open boat, he lived on for years starting when he modified it in 1962. Since then, he has been designing and building small sailing vessels culminating in this diminutive craft.

QLD, 12321 posts
19 Jun 2014 11:02PM
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Lexmark said...
Hi Again
Have missed out on things a little as my lap top bty went flat and the new 12volt charger gave up.
Have had a rather a steep learning curve of late, coming into a strange port and the plotter went dead in the dark..........**** just made me realize how much we rely on electrics maps werent much chop either, hats off to all the locial coast guard blokes.
Had a night at Lakes Batemans Bay off again tomorrow.
The problem with electrics, was running off one bty and double charging the other !!!!!!not good
Was thinking, how much would Cpt Cook pay for a plotter ??
Its easer to cut Pizza when cold
Just some thoughts at Sea

Electronic navigation AIDS are a great thing. You should not rely on them solely. They are not always accurate.

Plotting your position on a paper chart still works.

VIC, 218 posts
20 Jun 2014 7:27PM
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Well have now at Ulludulla ???
just a short trip today, little wind be good to be out, am leaving about 2am for, not sure how far light linds so I guess it will be motor sailing, put the big genoa ?? I think its 150% so I am told. but I guess if its wrung some one will tell me, thanks for your posts on my blog, Please dont forget it

VIC, 5904 posts
20 Jun 2014 8:32PM
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well done lex , enjoy the places and travel . catch ing any fish along the way ?

NSW, 2488 posts
20 Jun 2014 11:17PM
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looks like great winds for the stretch to port hacking if you are headed that way. westerlies 10 - 15 kn in close. flat seas in close but probably gusty in the westerlies so id perhaps rig down just a tad. little swell. great easy stretch to sail as well. watch the big heavies on the pick off the Gong tho. enjoy!

VIC, 5814 posts
20 Jun 2014 11:41PM
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Well done Lex keep it up

NSW, 7496 posts
21 Jun 2014 9:00AM
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Lexmark said...
Well have now at Ulludulla ???
just a short trip today, little wind be good to be out, am leaving about 2am for, not sure how far light linds so I guess it will be motor sailing, put the big genoa ?? I think its 150% so I am told. but I guess if its wrung some one will tell me, thanks for your posts on my blog, Please dont forget it

I'm going sailing shortly and will keep an eye out for you. Today and tomorrow the weather is looking good but Monday we are expecting 30 knot Westerlies. In the Shoalhaven region add 10 knots to the forecast weather when the winds are in the Westerly quadrant. This time of the year early morning SW winds are pretty steady and fade later in the afternoon. If you decide on stopping at Greenwell Point you will have an incoming tide after lunch.

NSW, 7496 posts
21 Jun 2014 5:50PM
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Left my mooring this morning and once clear of the bar and a search of the horizon, headed down to Beecroft. Sighted a yacht East of Beecroft and headed out on a course to intercept. Unfortunately dead downwind and by the time I got to within half a mile the breeze faded. Presume it was Lexmark with a couple of reefs in the main and engine running[I could hear it].

VIC, 218 posts
21 Jun 2014 6:16PM
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Yep I guess it was, engine running, cut me some slack, its all new, still a little worried about thje full main, Thanks Stephen

VIC, 218 posts
21 Jun 2014 6:23PM
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HI to all an easy day today, its a lot harder than I thought it would be, but isnt that always the way ?

VIC, 218 posts
21 Jun 2014 6:44PM
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Yes, 2 reefs in the main and the engine running, who else would it be :) :)
Starlight Express

NSW, 7496 posts
22 Jun 2014 9:36AM
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Lexmark said...
Yes, 2 reefs in the main and the engine running, who else would it be :) :)
Starlight Express

Well we have a lot of Victorians and Tasmanians sailing past here on their way to the Whitsundays. Don't be in too much of a rush, you are passing by the best cruising grounds in Australia. Beats me why anyone would sail further North than Sydney Harbour, Pittwater, Port Stephens and Coffs. Further North thar be dragons and Queenslanders, and expat Victorians.

QLD, 12321 posts
22 Jun 2014 10:31AM
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Ramona said...
Beats me why anyone would sail further North than Sydney Harbour, Pittwater, Port Stephens and Coffs.

Moreton Bay, The Great Sandy Straits, no need for diesel heaters and 1,000 miles of the Great barrier Reef are 1,003 reasons why.

QLD, 2246 posts
22 Jun 2014 7:39PM
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Not to mention the great bunch of breezers that live north of the border

QLD, 878 posts
22 Jun 2014 10:02PM
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Around every corner Qld Coast lives one....
a bit of bonus along the way North

NSW, 1431 posts
22 Jun 2014 10:16PM
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Funny about that

BUT there are a heap of us south of the border too!

Remember you all have to go past us to get north of the border

VIC, 218 posts
22 Jun 2014 11:20PM
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Hi To All
Am now in Sydney, go here some how
If any one wold like to do a day or a leg with me to show me a little more about sailing, it wouldnt be hard as I know very little, that would be great

SA, 4771 posts
22 Jun 2014 11:03PM
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Well done ! seems your learning quite fast!

NSW, 853 posts
23 Jun 2014 1:02PM
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Lexmark said...
Hi To All
Am now in Sydney, go here some how
If any one wold like to do a day or a leg with me to show me a little more about sailing, it wouldnt be hard as I know very little, that would be great

Check your blog and your PMs Stephen, I can possibly do a leg with you depending on when you want to leave, and how far you want to go in one bite.


Forums > Sailing General

"Port Albert Vic To Qld" started by Lexmark