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Port Albert Vic To Qld

Created by Lexmark > 9 months ago, 12 Jun 2014
VIC, 218 posts
18 Jul 2014 2:27AM
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Well if it was Port Albert to Qld, now Qld :)

QLD, 227 posts
18 Jul 2014 1:08PM
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Will you be coming into Moreton Bay or staying out wide and heading straight to Mooloolaba?

If you stay at the marina in Mooloolaba make sure you go down to the Surf club for a beer, great view & good food right on the beach.

NSW, 1431 posts
18 Jul 2014 4:00PM
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Yesss Seabird... Done that!

VIC, 218 posts
19 Jul 2014 5:00PM
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Hi Seabird, am not sure, but I think I will be here untill Monday, then I think Moreton Bay for ?? are you close ??

QLD, 227 posts
19 Jul 2014 6:42PM
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I live in Brisbane Moreton Bay is my backyard , I can give you some advice on anchorages if you are planning to spent some time here. PM me with your number and I'll give you a call if you want to talk.

VIC, 218 posts
24 Jul 2014 6:55PM
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Hi Skipped Morten Bay went around the out side, still heading north with Sea fever, all good, not sure how far will go, but having a great time

QLD, 12321 posts
24 Jul 2014 11:02PM
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So your next port of call options are Mooloolaba, Tin Can Bay via the Wide Bay Bar or Bundaberg or Gladstone around the outside of Fraser Island.

VIC, 218 posts
25 Jul 2014 6:55PM
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Hi Yes Mooloolaba for 3 nights at Marina, then north, hope to stop some where for a sleep before Wide Bay Bar, then............not sure

QLD, 12321 posts
25 Jul 2014 9:47PM
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Lexmark said..
Hi Yes Mooloolaba for 3 nights at Marina, then north, hope to stop some where for a sleep before Wide Bay Bar, then............not sure

Only option there is in the hook of the bay under Double Island Point. Southerly OK but easterly or northerly, forget about it. It is a good spot to wait out a tide.

If you are going to cross the Wide Bay Bar check in with Coast Guard Tin Can Bay well before. They will text you the latest way points for entry and describe the current conditions.

The best conditions for entering over the bar is in good light before 2 pm with a high slack tide.

Late afternoon with the sun in your eyes, night time and low tide times are to be avoided.

My last entry was at midnight on the bottom of the tide. I seriously doubt I will ever do that again.

A good Wide Bay Bar crossing is worth the effort as Tin Can Bay is a great stop off with all facilities and the passage up the Great Sandy Straits is a great experience.

To cross the Wide Bay Bar or not is an important decision to be making. Treat it lightly at your own peril.

NSW, 1431 posts
25 Jul 2014 10:30PM
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Ditto Cisco!

VIC, 218 posts
25 Jul 2014 10:52PM
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Hi Plan to cross the wide bay bar Tue about 7.30 am, it will be about 3hrs before high tide, then to Garrys anchorage for the night, will take advise from M.R re advise about conditions ???????????? not thinking about going into Tin Can Bay

NSW, 1431 posts
25 Jul 2014 11:11PM
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Com'on Lexmak,

You gotta go into Tin Can Bay to feed the dolphins!

VIC, 218 posts
25 Jul 2014 11:36PM
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Why ?????????

NSW, 2655 posts
25 Jul 2014 11:44PM
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Steve, only take on the bar if conditions are good. Cisco and I did it at the wrong tide on the advice of VMR that it was flat. It was flat but we were rolled 45 degrees side to side with the swell.
Remember, most VMR volunteers are not boaties. My Sydney experience is that 5 out of 70 had boat experience. Stick with the basics, low swell, flood tide and ok visibility.

VIC, 218 posts
25 Jul 2014 11:55PM
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Thanks, Yes, Good advice, I think that I have planned it Ok but it will need to be checked, had a "Blue" with the Coast Guard here with incorrect advice re a dredge in the channel when I came in in the dark, went up and spoke to the at office later to explain, they mean well, some times its better with out there help

QLD, 12321 posts
26 Jul 2014 1:54AM
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nswsailor said..
Com'on Lexmak,

You gotta go into Tin Can Bay to feed the dolphins!

That is definitely a doer. Really a unique experience.

The Qld version of Monkey Mia Beach W.A.

NSW, 1431 posts
27 Jul 2014 1:26AM
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Yep, only two wild feedings in the country cisco, you can't go past it lexmark.

Hey Lexmark, I almost tangled with that dredge in '11 when coming in one dark night,
luckily for me a local speed boat went in just before I arrived giving me all the clues necessary to
work out that ALL the lights were wrong but that he had gone in the correct part of the channel!

I made it in without any drama, thanks only to that speed boat.

VIC, 218 posts
29 Jul 2014 7:16PM
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Hi to all
Well passed over the Wide Bay Bar, very flat, through the Sandy Straits, and now laying out side Urangan, and will go in tomorrow, may be for a few nights, Time is flying only have a few weeks left before I need to go back to Vic and the farm for lambing, will leave the yacht some where and then........not sure

VIC, 218 posts
1 Aug 2014 9:31PM
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Just a guick post, have now entered the Burnett river, thinking about heading up stream tomorrow, to Bundaberg for a few day as there are some strong south weather forcast

VIC, 218 posts
4 Aug 2014 6:30PM
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Hi Now laying out side the Bundaberg RSL, meet Cisco and his better half, invited to there home for a shower, and then off to the RSL with Sea Fever for a nice dinner and, you guessed it boat talk, meet Cisco the next morning for coffee as he inspected both yachts, Thanks Cisco and wife

QLD, 12321 posts
5 Aug 2014 1:02AM
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You are welcome.

QLD, 878 posts
5 Aug 2014 8:25AM
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Hi Lexmark, if you plan to see Yeppoon,
you can anchor Statue Bay, just behind the Rosslyn Bay marina,
avoid friendly marina fees, take dingy to CCYC pontoon and
I take you shopping and sight seeing tour.
SE easing, you get nice run, Hummocky Is.
is ok for overnight.

VIC, 218 posts
5 Aug 2014 7:01PM
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Thanks Mate, but at this stage I dont think that I will going any further north, may plans some how got mixed up with my ability and weather, I slowed down some time ago and started to enjoy the trip, I have a farm back in Vic and need to be back before Sept, so have decided to put her on the day stand until.........I dont know, but thanks again

VIC, 218 posts
10 Aug 2014 10:01PM
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Hi To All
At present I am at Urangan, and have spent the day packing away sails and preparing Starlight Express for the hard dry tomorrow and flying back to Vic the next day. I would like to thank all of you who have offered advice through this site, and to thoes members who I have spoken to or who I have meet along the way, thank you, its now been over 2 months since I left vic to learn to sail, I may not be a good sailer but I have learnt a lot along the way, have I been bitten with the sailing bug, am not sure, may be not but I have enjoyed the trip, I will either sail again or sell Starlight Express, she is a fine boat and sails well, many have shown a strong interest in her, so may sell her. So from me and my dog Spud I wish you all fair winds and smooth seas

NSW, 2655 posts
10 Aug 2014 10:20PM
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Good to have met you Steve. All the best whichever path you take.

VIC, 5814 posts
10 Aug 2014 10:50PM
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Lexmark said..
Hi To All
At present I am at Urangan, and have spent the day packing away sails and preparing Starlight Express for the hard dry tomorrow and flying back to Vic the next day. I would like to thank all of you who have offered advice through this site, and to thoes members who I have spoken to or who I have meet along the way, thank you, its now been over 2 months since I left vic to learn to sail, I may not be a good sailer but I have learnt a lot along the way, have I been bitten with the sailing bug, am not sure, may be not but I have enjoyed the trip, I will either sail again or sell Starlight Express, she is a fine boat and sails well, many have shown a strong interest in her, so may sell her. So from me and my dog Spud I wish you all fair winds and smooth seas

Well you have for filled a dream you had Lexmark in some the dream never leave there heads well done and good luck what ever you do

NSW, 853 posts
11 Aug 2014 8:54AM
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Well done Steve, glad you enjoyed the journey. Safe travels and hope the lambing goes well.

NSW, 1431 posts
11 Aug 2014 3:26PM
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Good one Steve, bet we see you back next year!

QLD, 2246 posts
11 Aug 2014 11:46PM
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Don't belittle yourself Lex. Vic to Hervey Bay is a long trip and not a novice trip. You have done well and should be proud of your effort. I for 1 have enjoyed following your journey. Look forward to hearing more after lambing is over.

VIC, 218 posts
11 Aug 2014 11:51PM
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Thanks, it was a bit tricky at times


Forums > Sailing General

"Port Albert Vic To Qld" started by Lexmark