I think you'd like this story McNaughti, I'm your typical, classic jaded, heart of coal, woman. Tried marriage once, didn't like it, won't be doing that again (dip me in oil and set me alight first ), but the other night I had the strangest dream....I dreamt I was in lurve with someone, we'd been at some kind of festival and gotten separated during the evening and I'd ended up going off with a few other people to play badminton of all things, as you do...lol... but I was really missing my love and woke up remembering the way it felt to be in love, strangest feeling, was disgustingly, disappointingly kind of nice....ugghhh...can't remember feeling that feeling since I laid $1000 on a long odds horse that won. Happy Valentines Day all, hope it cost a fortune but you got...(insert your own word here)...in the end
There you go... deep in that heart of coal beats a romantic heart still. I do love that story.
Hope you had a good V day.
I spent mine with my adult son who is also single. He was wonderful company and lined me up a dance with a bloke.
At least I got a dance on Valentine's Day.
Sorry girls. There's some retarded blokes out there. Don't shut the shop...the good ones are out there.
Ah Meg, deep in your soul you do want love. Dump the baggage of the past and let yourself be vulnerable, and you will have some fun! And maybe even love again...
I have a sweet little story to tell you .We were walking up muttonbird island abd this older Asian lady was walking up agead of us, stopping to take photos as often as I was. She was playing this beautiful foreign music on her phone. When I caught up with her I told her I loved the music. She said it was Korean music. I said it sounded a bit sad. She said "Yes it is sad. It is Korean Love Song" Just then an elderly Asian man came towards us. He gad obviously gone ahead to the end of the walk and was on the way back. She took his hand and smiled and said "My husband". As they walked back I zoomed in with my phone and took this photo of them. I wish I could find them again to give it to them.
Mermaids-Nah, they are for platonic relationships only, but then again, some guys watch too much porn. Anyway, how would she get down the companionway steps?
Hahaha... yes very quiet.... No romance to report on There was a momentary flicker of hope there. I think Meg might have the right idea