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Forums > Sailing General


Created by McNaughtical > 9 months ago, 8 Jan 2015
VIC, 5814 posts
27 Mar 2015 7:21AM
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Meg1122 said..

Morning Meg your early

QLD, 555 posts
27 Mar 2015 8:35AM
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I have chosen sailing over love interests.

I like doing deliveries and each time I have done one in recent times, I have been seeing someone. Three deliveries, three different guys. Bne-Hamilton Island; Sydney-Airlie Beach; Hobart-Sydney.

Pre-departure, things are fine and I have left on my adventure with my boy's 'blessing'. However, upon my return, things change. Dynamics change, behaviour is questioned, despite my motto that 'gender is left on the dock' in yachting of any description.

I have come to the conclusion that until I find a mate who does not feel insecure and threatened by my NEED to go to sea, I'm better off -and much happier - alone.

QLD, 1195 posts
27 Mar 2015 9:01AM
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Unfortunately some people get the word ownership and relationship mixed up or think they mean the same thing.

NSW, 908 posts
27 Mar 2015 11:32AM
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theselkie said..
I have chosen sailing over love interests.
I like doing deliveries and each time I have done one in recent times, I have been seeing someone. Three deliveries, three different guys. Bne-Hamilton Island; Sydney-Airlie Beach; Hobart-Sydney.
Pre-departure, things are fine and I have left on my adventure with my boy's 'blessing'. However, upon my return, things change. Dynamics change, behaviour is questioned, despite my motto that 'gender is left on the dock' in yachting of any description.
I have come to the conclusion that until I find a mate who does not feel insecure and threatened by my NEED to go to sea, I'm better off -and much happier - alone.

Sounds like you need a love interest who also needs to go to see... a bit like me.

QLD, 285 posts
27 Mar 2015 2:48PM
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HG02 said..

Meg1122 said..

Morning Meg your early

Morning HG , yes start early Fridays so I can run away from the place early also and yes I know it's almost 3PM but it is morning somewhere in the world .
Selkie and McNaughtie you all need boat boys .

NSW, 1442 posts
27 Mar 2015 7:30PM
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Meg1122 said..

HG02 said..

Meg1122 said..

Morning Meg your early

Morning HG , yes start early Fridays so I can run away from the place early also and yes I know it's almost 3PM but it is morning somewhere in the world .
Selkie and McNaughtie you all need boat boys .

Ahh, but McNaughtie has a boat boy! Looks OK too.

NSW, 908 posts
31 Mar 2015 4:48PM
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The only boat boy I have right now is my son NSW...

NSW, 908 posts
31 Mar 2015 4:51PM
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nswsailor said...
Meg1122 said..

HG02 said..

Meg1122 said..

Morning Meg your early

Morning HG , yes start early Fridays so I can run away from the place early also and yes I know it's almost 3PM but it is morning somewhere in the world .
Selkie and McNaughtie you all need boat boys .

Ahh, but McNaughtie has a boat boy! Looks OK too.

Yes...he does look rather nice that one...just didn't quite manage to throw the net over him NSW

VIC, 5814 posts
2 Apr 2015 10:18PM
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McNaughtical said..

nswsailor said...

Meg1122 said..

HG02 said..

Meg1122 said..

Morning Meg your early

Morning HG , yes start early Fridays so I can run away from the place early also and yes I know it's almost 3PM but it is morning somewhere in the world .
Selkie and McNaughtie you all need boat boys .

Ahh, but McNaughtie has a boat boy! Looks OK too.

Yes...he does look rather nice that one...just didn't quite manage to throw the net over him NSW

You need to fatten him up so he cant get through the net Mc Nautical

NSW, 908 posts
4 Apr 2015 7:37PM
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True, true, HG

VIC, 5814 posts
4 Apr 2015 9:27PM
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McNaughtical said..
True, true, HG

SA, 131 posts
5 Apr 2015 4:35PM
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Quote (would not quote so did it the long way)

theselkie said.. I have chosen sailing over love interests. I like doing deliveries and each time I have done one in recent times, I have been seeing someone. Three deliveries, three different guys. Bne-Hamilton Island; Sydney-Airlie Beach; Hobart-Sydney. Pre-departure, things are fine and I have left on my adventure with my boy's 'blessing'. However, upon my return, things change. Dynamics change, behaviour is questioned, despite my motto that 'gender is left on the dock' in yachting of any description. I have come to the conclusion that until I find a mate who does not feel insecure and threatened by my NEED to go to sea, I'm better off -and much happier - alone.

Understand that all too well ..... try doing it for a living, being at sea with women in the crew makes it worse ... but I understand entirely where you are coming from. Bonus is the yacht (she) when i am home, she doesn't care as long as we have fun together she is happy. As long as she is bright, shiny and pretty and has some new clothes now and again ... what more can a yacht ask for?

So ladies, please we do understand and yes it goes both ways and guess in the end we are looking to grow old happily, be it with someone or without, ohhh and the cat/dog/goat does not cut it, sorry.

NSW, 908 posts
5 Apr 2015 5:43PM
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hmmmm..... being at sea with women making it worse.......?????

QLD, 285 posts
5 Apr 2015 7:02PM
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McNaughtical said..
hmmmm..... being at sea with women making it worse.......?????

I sure he's not talking about salty girls like ourselves McNaughti! I can actually relate to Dkd a little, I've been on yachts where the whole dynamic has gone to poo with a woman on board. If their good looking sometimes the guys who are normally decent turn into complete numpties , if they're not the goods sometimes their fears and lack of ability and willingness to try can be totally frustrating. I sailed with one woman whose only interest in sailing was to want photos taken of herself at the helm when it was dangerous and really cranking and she had absolutely no idea what she was doing or how to handle the yacht, as she spent the rest of her time swanning about tanning in a bikini, with no interest at all in learning anything, just so she'd impress her friends, she was a complete pig onboard, consumed toilet paper and food like we were making it onboard and had no concept of why you don't leave stuff, including glasses of water on the nav station where all the electronics live, lying around in a sea state.

I've sailed with women who have been terrified of sailing and yachts but want to fit the image of the bikini clad sailor girl or snag themselves a sailor/yacht, perceived cocktails at sunset lifestyle, women who could cook a brilliant meal but wouldn't have a clue how to sail the boat back to the dock if their husband or partner went down, as they didn't do the mens work onboard. The worst was a woman I met who didn't like to actually sail the $350000 yacht her and her partner had bought as her ornaments and stuff all fell down when it leaned over so they motored everywhere!! That said I've also met women who are absolutely fearless and competent and great to have a bash at sea with and men who aren't any good on a boat also. If Dkds comments made you see red you could always do what I did just light heartedly and a bit cheeky wonder what the D..k..d stands for (sorry, couldn't resist), oh and as for the dog, cat, goat doesn't cut it....I have two dogs, one is the best person/being I've ever met, quiet, calming, always agreeable, I'd pick her company on a boat over anyones, any day.

NSW, 908 posts
5 Apr 2015 8:01PM
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...Yes Meg.... you would be right there. I tend to take for granted that women on yachts are all like me and you... the fearless adventurous type. Interesting to hear your stories. But I have to agree with D....k.....d about the furry friends just not cutting it.... and yes it does go both ways.... Dkd.... I hope you know I'm being lighthearted and cheeky....I'm sure you have had some awful experiences with women at sea. The guy I bought my boat from sailed alone for some 30 years. His wife came with him twice and they struck a storm both times and he said she screamed all night... and never came with him again. My thoughts on sailing out into the deep blue yonder is that you need to be at peace with

VIC, 5814 posts
5 Apr 2015 8:35PM
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When your numbers up that it
As long as you have enjoyed the journey and and happy and content

NSW, 908 posts
5 Apr 2015 11:12PM
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That's it HG... and how much better to end it doing something awesome than dribling down your nightie in an old people's home.

QLD, 285 posts
6 Apr 2015 8:26AM
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Good attitude McNaughti and HG, I've never felt afraid at sea, not the time I went overboard or the time I was in a race and the yacht broached in 30knots with a full spinnaker up, being at sea is peaceful, it's the coming back to the dock that's! Mind you I am terrified of clowns and other inane things

QLD, 285 posts
6 Apr 2015 8:27AM
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Oh! and I figure HG is most likely 'Hugh Grant' but he's keeping that to himself !

VIC, 5814 posts
6 Apr 2015 2:01PM
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Meg1122 said..
Oh! and I figure HG is most likely 'Hugh Grant' but he's keeping that to himself !

I only wish , when they gave ugly out Meggy I took it all . Even my retired truckie Brother says when I first see him , "Gedda Ugly".
He then asked ,"Are you a steerer or a driver"? In his younger days he rode a horse to school part of the way and then rowed a boat across the creek to the school Also in those days he would have harnessed my Dad's team of 22 draft horses for ploughing . I must admit hes is 20 years old than me.

QLD, 285 posts
6 Apr 2015 3:25PM
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^ Should be asking him if he's a leader or a wheeler

NSW, 908 posts
6 Apr 2015 5:19PM
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Sorry Hugh Grant and Meggsy... I dont' understand the steerer driver thing... or leader wheeler...

But I am scared of Magpies in breeding season!!!

QLD, 285 posts
6 Apr 2015 5:31PM
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Had my head split open by a magpie once so while I'm not afraid I do have a healthy respect for's a strange one, I'm afraid of crickets but happy to have spiders run all over me !

NSW, 908 posts
6 Apr 2015 6:23PM
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I love crickets... I pick them up. The big Huntsman spiders... I like them and have picked them up... but usually just leave them be.

NSW, 2140 posts
6 Apr 2015 6:43PM
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I feed all the breeding magpies in my neighbourhood, but only while they are breeding, nesting and then fledging, after that they are on their own again as I don't want them to depend on hand feeding all year round. They will come and sit on my arm and be hand fed and then take some to the youngsters, as a result of this I don't get attacked and a very welcome by-product is that I have very few Indian myna birds.

NSW, 908 posts
6 Apr 2015 7:21PM
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Nice Loose Change. The magpies on the farm where I lived and live are no problem. It's the one's at work that terrify me. They are always dive bombing blokes and taking bits out of their ears and the backs of their heads.

VIC, 5814 posts
6 Apr 2015 8:05PM
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I used to love camping on Black current Island a walk at low tide from Hide Away Bay up north and in early summer occasionally a Maggie would fall out of the nest and Id feed it and give it a water bowl while the mother sorted the chick out. But my favorite was buying up big on Dates and feeding the parrots they would sit all over you and often Id put up a rope for the rest to perch on a most enjoyable time

NSW, 908 posts
6 Apr 2015 10:11PM
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Nice memories HG

QLD, 285 posts
7 Apr 2015 5:01PM
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Bit irrelevant to romance and sailing but seeing we're on the topic of!
I had my final exam for a fairly intensive course I've been on today, I'm the oldest and only female in my class studying to succeed in a technical field, I was the only one who got 100% :), I learnt that working your ass off pays and if you want it bad enough you'll get there :). Now I get to move on to eighteen months of more learning and study (bit like an apprenticeship) to fulfill the dream of what I've wanted for a long, long time but always thought I was too dumb to achieve (this is despite people often telling me I'm clever, but hey what would they know?! I always let myself down.). I know now if I grit my teeth and work hard and focus and just hang in there I'll get there. Achieving your dreams has to be the best feeling in the world (better then love, it lasts longer ).

NSW, 1442 posts
7 Apr 2015 6:20PM
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Com'on Meg,

Don't be hiding it, what course have you been doing?


Forums > Sailing General

"Romance" started by McNaughtical