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Forums > Sailing General


Created by McNaughtical > 9 months ago, 8 Jan 2015
NSW, 218 posts
14 Mar 2015 11:28PM
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HG02 said..
Any one had any sparks flying lately

Yep, got a new cutting wheel for the grinder.
Thanks for enquiring Haydn.

NSW, 7075 posts
14 Mar 2015 11:47PM
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Meg1122 said..
I think you'd like this story McNaughti, I'm your typical, classic jaded, heart of coal, woman. Tried marriage once, didn't like it, won't be doing that again (dip me in oil and set me alight first ), but the other night I had the strangest dream....I dreamt I was in lurve with someone, we'd been at some kind of festival and gotten separated during the evening and I'd ended up going off with a few other people to play badminton of all things, as you but I was really missing my love and woke up remembering the way it felt to be in love, strangest feeling, was disgustingly, disappointingly kind of nice....ugghhh...can't remember feeling that feeling since I laid $1000 on a long odds horse that won. Happy Valentines Day all, hope it cost a fortune but you got...(insert your own word here) the end .

That happened to me about six weeks ago.

It wasn't erotic and I have no idea who the lady was but I was overcome with this all encompassing love. Took me back 46 years to when I was 14 and my whole life revolved around my girlfriend. It really was quite overwhelming. Bliss is about the only way to describe it.

When I woke up the feeling remained for quite some time, long enough for me to ponder on how nice it would be for it to happen again.

VIC, 5814 posts
14 Mar 2015 11:47PM
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spongeblob said..

HG02 said..
Any one had any sparks flying lately

Yep, got a new cutting wheel for the grinder.
Thanks for enquiring Haydn.

awesome Spongblod

406 posts
15 Mar 2015 6:47PM
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He he spongey

Yeah....dreams... hormone based, but they rock your world for a week or two. I can still remember the ones from thirty years ago. The whole idea was... The person was perfect. Very hard to let go. A promise of things to come, one hoped.

QLD, 285 posts
16 Mar 2015 4:25AM
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My vacuum cleaner blew up :(

QLD, 12353 posts
16 Mar 2015 6:32AM
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Meg1122 said..
My vacuum cleaner blew up :(

They can do that when you use them to suck your bilges dry.

NSW, 908 posts
17 Mar 2015 10:55PM
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japie said..

Meg1122 said..
I think you'd like this story McNaughti, I'm your typical, classic jaded, heart of coal, woman. Tried marriage once, didn't like it, won't be doing that again (dip me in oil and set me alight first ), but the other night I had the strangest dream....I dreamt I was in lurve with someone, we'd been at some kind of festival and gotten separated during the evening and I'd ended up going off with a few other people to play badminton of all things, as you but I was really missing my love and woke up remembering the way it felt to be in love, strangest feeling, was disgustingly, disappointingly kind of nice....ugghhh...can't remember feeling that feeling since I laid $1000 on a long odds horse that won. Happy Valentines Day all, hope it cost a fortune but you got...(insert your own word here) the end .

That happened to me about six weeks ago.
It wasn't erotic and I have no idea who the lady was but I was overcome with this all encompassing love. Took me back 46 years to when I was 14 and my whole life revolved around my girlfriend. It really was quite overwhelming. Bliss is about the only way to describe it.
When I woke up the feeling remained for quite some time, long enough for me to ponder on how nice it would be for it to happen again.

I still have those kind of dreams... maybe why I haven't given up on love.

VIC, 5814 posts
17 Mar 2015 11:24PM
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Meg1122 said..
My vacuum cleaner blew up :(

you would be welcome to come down here and use my Vac to clean my old tub Meggy

QLD, 285 posts
18 Mar 2015 4:45AM
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You mean I get to clean up after someone else as well as myself?? Sounds a lot like a marriage proposal to me HG02

VIC, 5814 posts
18 Mar 2015 7:28AM
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Meg1122 said..
You mean I get to clean up after someone else as well as myself?? Sounds a lot like a marriage proposal to me HG02

What are you like polishing brass and doing brite work Meg?

NSW, 908 posts
18 Mar 2015 1:39PM
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Meg1122 said...
You mean I get to clean up after someone else as well as myself?? Sounds a lot like a marriage proposal to me HG02

Hehe....not a very romantic marriage proposal

QLD, 285 posts
18 Mar 2015 7:38PM
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HG02 said..

Meg1122 said..
You mean I get to clean up after someone else as well as myself?? Sounds a lot like a marriage proposal to me HG02

What are you like polishing brass and doing brite work Meg?

Can't have been much good....I'm divorced !

NSW, 7075 posts
18 Mar 2015 9:54PM
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I've been single since 2008.

When we first bust up I spiralled into depression and self pity but after about four months it suddenly dawned on me that for the first time since 1977 I was completeley my own boss. The kids were all grown up and the only responsibility I had was for myself. I had only myself to answer to and if I wanted to do something there was no consideration for anyone else to be taken into account.

That was a pretty good feeling!

NSW, 7075 posts
18 Mar 2015 9:58PM
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Other than the dog but he is pretty easy come easy go!

QLD, 12353 posts
18 Mar 2015 11:49PM
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japie said..

I had only myself to answer to and if I wanted to do something there was no consideration for anyone else to be taken into account.

That was a pretty good feeling!

I can relate to that but companionship is a beautiful thing and as much as I love dogs, they don't quite fill the bill for me.

The thing about female companionship is there is usually a lot of listening involved to talk about things you have not the slightest bit interest in. Also they hate it when you are in your "Nothing Box".

NSW, 2140 posts
19 Mar 2015 12:58AM
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Dayummm I've missed out on a lot in life ... I aint ever done any of them things that you guys did.

QLD, 12353 posts
19 Mar 2015 12:15AM
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You don't expect us to believe that do you??

QLD, 285 posts
19 Mar 2015 5:02AM
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I'm with Japie, I've been single for almost five years, the last person I dated ended up stalking me for two years after I ended the relationship after three months of dating as we had nothing in common and I could see no future to it as we would have been like two donkeys pulling a cart in different directions, he didn't want to take no for an answer, this put me off getting involved with another man as you never know what you are getting in to and by the time you are involved and realise mostly they already know too much about you and your life, as you've been friendly and lowered your guard and they can really cause problems. The time I spent married, in hind sight, were the worst most miserable years of my life and put me off ever getting married ever again (my saying, 'cover me with oil and set me alight first '), with these experiences I doubt I will ever date or enter a relationship again. Being single I am safe, have the freedom to do what I want, make my own mistakes and do not have to comply to someone elses wants or plans, I don't get bullied, belittled, put down, mentally, physically or emotionally abused, lied to, cheated on or bossed around.

I have pets and friends for company, am building a great career having recently changed career paths to do what I want (for a change) am involved in clubs and sports and love my life. The few times I think it may be nice to have some company, a friend is only a phone call away for a chat or an outing, I think the idea of 'friends with benefits' that was popular for awhile is mostly just a way for a stupid woman to lower and humiliate herself and give a guy sex for free, I won't invlove myself in stuff like that, I see a lot of stressed, unhappy people in relationships all around me, I love my life and doubt I will change as I don't think that I will ever have the faith, trust or confidence to ever bother trying to involve myself with someone again, the amount of 'ugh' you have to go through just to be in a relationship I don't think is worth it, you have to give up and put up with and compromise too much. The freedom of being single has a lot going for it to outweigh miniscule moments of loneliness.

VIC, 5814 posts
19 Mar 2015 6:27AM
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Your right meg its over rated

NSW, 1292 posts
19 Mar 2015 4:05PM
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"woman to lower and humiliate herself and give a guy sex for free,"

Herein lies the fundamental problem. Friends with Benefits is intended to be mutually rewarding, and not a battle for supremacy. If I went sailing with you, would I be lowering and humiliating myself? No, we would probably both just have fun. In the modern world, sex has become just another pleasant activity.
So Meg, throw off your chains from the past , and enjoy a mans company just for frivolous fun.

QLD, 285 posts
19 Mar 2015 6:34PM
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Much rather just go sailing .

VIC, 5814 posts
19 Mar 2015 8:40PM
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Meg1122 said..
Much rather just go sailing .

Me to Meg and tidy up my boat regardless of what L.C. Says

NSW, 908 posts
20 Mar 2015 2:41AM
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I'm really sad you have had such bad experiences in relationships, so much that you are not game to go back there again. I too have had two very bad experiences the last 5 years, but I have also had a taste of the beautiful, and that's what I will keep looking for again till I find it. It is hard to trust again, after the last one, but that will just have to be subjected to the time test.

..and Yara, I have to agree with you to an extent re the friends with benefits. I don't think a woman or a man is necessarily stupid to come to this arrangement with a friend. I think regular sex with a friend if it is mutual, is far better than one night stands with a stranger.... or no sex at all. Of course friends with benefits means that you are in fact much more than just friends, and these arrangements make for emotional attachment and are just as hard to end, and painful when they end, as a "relationship" is... speaking from experience here.

QLD, 285 posts
20 Mar 2015 4:48AM
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I think people are missing the point a little, I don't feel 'chained' or sad or like I'm missing out, I'm really happy, content and feel more free then ever before. I love my life at the moment, I have male and female friends, I don't need sex (shock, horror !), I think even that's over rated, I've done the 'sex for frivolous fun' thing even just spent time with men because I appreciated the way they looked, they didn't have to talk (how shallow!), sometimes it's boring or just plain cr@p! and now I just can't be bothered, rather go for a sail, spend time with good friends or walk my dog. For me to ever bother entering into another relationship it would have to be with someone exceptional who I'd gotten to know over a long period of time as just a friend so I knew what he was really like and if he was a good person with good values and morals, but right now and I think for a long time I don't want anyone else in my life. A lot of people will tell you how good they are (you just have to look at an internet dating site to see that, hardly a flaw, every single persons honest, blah, blah, blah) but it's actions that speak louder then words and it takes a long time to know if someone is really a good person. I used to automatically assume good until proven otherwise now I see it the other way, I bide my time and let people show me if they're good or not, I used to be a leap before you look kind of person and be open and trusting, life has taught me to be much more reserved for my own good. I used to automatically respect people in authority until I got to see some of them behaving really badly now I wait and see.

NSW, 1292 posts
20 Mar 2015 6:02AM
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Note that it is 0500 hrs in NSW and Meg and I are on this site and topic. Must be something we can interpret from that.

QLD, 285 posts
20 Mar 2015 2:04PM
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Yara said..
Note that it is 0500 hrs in NSW and Meg and I are on this site and topic. Must be something we can interpret from that.

Yep, it suits my working hours .

VIC, 5814 posts
20 Mar 2015 5:18PM
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Meg1122 said..

Yara said..
Note that it is 0500 hrs in NSW and Meg and I are on this site and topic. Must be something we can interpret from that.

Yep, it suits my working hours .

Early Bird catches the worm aye meg

QLD, 285 posts
20 Mar 2015 5:38PM
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I've always been an early riser, best part of the day when everything is serene and the worlds just beginning to wake up, before the chaos kicks in and you've had a chance to f@#%!! up the brand new day you've been given !

VIC, 5814 posts
20 Mar 2015 9:23PM
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Meg1122 said..
I've always been an early riser, best part of the day when everything is serene and the worlds just beginning to wake up, before the chaos kicks in and you've had a chance to f@#%!! up the brand new day you've been given !

Ill go along with that . a sleep in for me is 7 am

QLD, 285 posts
27 Mar 2015 3:49AM
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Forums > Sailing General

"Romance" started by McNaughtical