Where taking over sea breeze Bubble mutiny H28's
Well I finished the port side starboard tomorrow little bit of trim to do but its 99% there
I used selected [by me, and I mean some of it was crap but I got them to get another pack in] 32 mm x 3 mm Tassie Oak [TO] from Bunnings.
I used small cut-offs of the TO as spacers.
I actually sealed all the TO with two coats of clear marine varnish before laying it.
I stuck it down with Silkaflex 291 but Silkaflex recommends 292. Just couldn't get it out here.
Now the real secret to doing this is to get the correct Silkaflex to do the pointing. ie 290 DC. Nothing else will do!
Once you have the timber stuck down you have to cover all of it in tape before pointing. Use a blade to get clean ends.
MOST important!!!! Once you have completed a small area of pointing you MUST remove the tape, do not let the pointing go OFF before you do this.
Any bits can be sanded later but if it goes off you have one hell of a mess!
Since putting the floor down I was amazed at how non slip it is. Looks beautiful and works just fine!
well had a reason run this afternoon got a bit more down fitted the grab handels and the wires ready for the teak base light when it arrives this week from Whitworths
Also removed the cuboard front from both sides as Im fitting Corian bench tops right through to the side of the hull and making a few goodies to go in there
Donk wont like this one
Also removed my stereo and UHF Im fitting them similar to what South Ace did in his old boat . Where they were you could not see what staion you were on or change any of the settings . Ill line the back of the cabinet with cedar also probably vanish it or some thing
A little bit of Tassy veneer for my entertainment panel . Have not done any veneering so Ill give it a go
Have not got a lot done today but Ill go back down and do a little more . Ill remove all the cedar and paint the hull in there plus add my floor panels and anchor chain bulk head cover
The boom went back on today and I sorted out the rope tangles of reefing lines, vang, out haul and miles of lazy jacks.
Lost the out haul wire after it was back together but have a plan to sort it with a slender sail batten.
Dodger is almost ready to go on.
Almost back to being a sailboat.
What a magnificent yacht, really looking forward to her being complete again.
The inside of the cabin is painted
Just need to finnish painting the outside before the new windows go on
Hi Andy,
what sort of paint are you using on the inside?
I need to paint the inside of my boat, I have removed the glued on carpet and are yet to remove the glue, most of the inside of the hull has no flowcoat, its just bare fiberglass.
Any recommendations?
Well the survey has deliverd what I expected. Varnish work is poor quality due to the new current owner but the timber work and hull soundness is in good keeping.
What gets me is the water intake is still blocked after a day on the hard and a few hours now in the water! If I wasnt 6000 km away I'm sure I would have sourced this problem by now. Apparently the old impeller was intact and the problem has been in exisitance not only from just yesterday's start up...that's the news I hear from the coffee cafe anyway.
as I have only inspected the oil and the overall exterior condition of the Perkins I will not transfer the full amount until I hear the start up and inspect the exuast and water cooling of this vessel.
Safe Christmas all and I will keep you posted!