Paid my money to the RMS today for the mooring in Burraneer Bay. Now to wait for the man to say "plonk it in here" !!
Three weeks ago paid some guys to soda blast the hull and keel.
Two weeks ago paid some guys to fare,prime and anti foul hull.
One week ago paid a guy to repaint top sides.
Today, blue sky's and 12 knots of breeze on a pretty shiny Northshore 27
B.ust Out. Another. Thousand yeah but who cares
The soda blast of my hull a few years back transformed the boat. Not only did I know what was under the thick rough layers of anti foul, the boat's speed increased greatly. Well worth the load of $$ spent on it.
I've just about finished a pair of new handrails for the cabin top of my Currawong as per Don Casey's recipe in This Old Boat. I thought perhaps I might use an oil finish on them rather than varnish. Anyone got a recommendation for type of oil? I could use linseed oil but maybe some of the commercial preps are better. The timber is spotted gum.
Linseed oil will make timber go black.
I think Sikkens Oils are about as good as they get. Deks Olje is another and Cabots have some very good products.
Linseed is good on timber if you are going to paint over it with enamel but not if you are going for a clear finish.
Something I would look at is a product using Tung Oil. It is from a Chinese nut and i is used in Brand name products, we have an oak table that my son restored 15 tears ago and it is absolutely brand new although we use it every day.
Thanks Cisco & Boatin (always appreciative of the high quality technical advice offered in this forum).
Being cabin top handrails I wonder how Tung Oil goes in outdoor/uv?
BTW made a second pair of handrails for inside the cabin to bolt directly to the cabin top handrails. Couldn't find anymore spotted gum so used blackbutt and boy is that stuff hard timber. The piece I had was much harder than spotted gum piece and blunted my router bit.
Big Big happenings this week !
Nearly ,Nearly finished the 'New Tender' and today my mechanic has the Yanmar running. Many problems, $1000 in parts.It appears to have had very little maintenance before I got it. really looking forward to getting back on the water.
Anyone going out on the Harbour the weekend after next with all the tall ships etc. ?
You towing a turbine southace? I notice a line out to the right of the tender.
Today I purchased 100m s/s rope, ferrules and a kincrome 600mm swaging tool from ebay. All for under $200.
i put up two reading lamps from springers, and ipod charger socket and battery meter thingy.
Also got one of those little in-line doovers that measures actual amp hours etc. gotta work out how im gunna run it though.
still need more shiny brass and wooden crap to make it feel nautical. missus hates it but. she likes the modern look.
Na that's my mackerel line hence not getting one!! Even going through the jumping schools of them at 8am this morning I think the water was too clear....saw a large hammer head and a marlin though....motored 10 hours 50nm round trip in two days no more than 5 knots of breeze! Oh and had to give way to a ship!
Even though there's no breeze....I love those flat oily days where you can see every turtle/dolphin/fish break the surface. The clouds seem to hang like puffy cotton wool and you can hear any sound for miles. Nice photos. Thanks!!!!!
Went sailing on Botany Bay for the first time in months after getting the Yanmar 'overhauled'. It had lots of problems, but nothing that buckets of $50 bills couldn't fix. Got home in time hoping to put finishing touches to the new tender but lack of daylight beat me. Should be ready to launch next weekend. Thinking of calling it Tom Thumb in memory of Bass & Flinders and their exploration of Port Hacking and areas south of Sydney Harbour.
I purchased a dinghy today, just gunna fill some dings with give her a little coat of toplac, n away I go.
Now I can row out and check the exact whereabouts of the deep water in this creek and plot a little course in navionics n actually sail in n out with the big boat. The markers mean nothing here. So annoying
Well Tonight I could have killed s/v Beluga it stated 3 weeks go when Beluga got slipped for a nice new bottom paint, rigging checked, cut polish, ect and I got my perfectly good never let me down totally reliable Bukh serviced. melbourne has had wind yep over 60 knots so I have left her on the hard today the wind was only 15 knots so I got her put in the water and after work jumped on checked all systems and prepared to take her out into the bay from the docklands ship yard drop all lines and tell the misses to meet me at the mooring.
I kick off the shipping dock nealy 2mt above my deck and OMG im just drifting the motor is revving but no drive, I try to chuck the lines back up to the dock but the wind pushes me further away and over to the ships.
I manage to get reverse so I turn Beluga around and head in (in reverse ) the rudder take all my mite to stop it slamming, then OH NO now the wind has done a 180 and im heading for the dock so I bump the pier the bimbie goes under and pulls the aft in bang shi^ I made it chuck up the lines to the wife tie up and think how luckky I am.
Not that much damage but Ill find out tomorrow why I have no forward.
I know you experienced guys and girls would have just connected all the sails and sailed out off the port, but that to me was the first time I have ever felt I could lose my boat even when I had a partial knock down I knew Beluga would be ok when I got the sail down but this was like I was afraid for my kid. (if that makes any sense)
got 50% of my solar panel setup done today, have mounted panel and run wire to it. These jobs just take much longer than you think if you want to run all the cables right. Still have to connect the wires to the regulator and battery, have to do it in a particular order with the Phocos reg I have.
Looks good. Panels look the same as mine. What output? I leave mine vertical, still have an abundance of power.