Robert Teriitehau... nostalgia attack for us Windsurfers...
Great guy, known for his humor and incredible antics, but I see that he is still not business-savvy... he mentions in the video, apparently planning to use it as his new company site name... but he forgot to check that the domain was free, and it has been owned by a Danish halal poultry butcher for 20 years :-)
I shot this session on New Years eve. I was looking forward to a good 2-3ft forecast session but was greeted with 1 ft, maybe 2ft occasionally and only a 6 second period and frozen ground. Still, there was no wind and the sun was shining. Amazing what fun you can have foiling otherwise rubbish conditions.
This ride really shows what is so great about foiling, he gets a long long ride carving with speed and all on a wave that would be useless for a normal board!
Surf foiling on some weak waves, we can glimpse how some SUPers on them were just barely making them.
Repost, I just can't get enough of this dude moves with a paddle and strapless., next level zane
A quick 2 waves from a session I had on the way home from Newcastle. The first 4 camera angles are all the same wave just blended to 1 minute for insta. The second a funky Wing breech.
This clip is actually kinda mind blowing!!
The freedom he has in the cutbacks and the upwind airs he is doing and landing back on the wave, at one point even links a big cutty to air combo! Inspiring stuff
MAVERICKS California. Come Fly with me 360 Degree Video. I was testing my GoPro 360 and caught "Denton's Dream"
I have been working my way towards the bowl at Mavericks. This was the first official Mavericks ride on a Foil - Unassisted. No music just me freaking out a little bit and the HUMM of the foil. 500 Yards!
This is a 360 degree video. You can MOVE THE SCREEN as it is Playing.
You can rotate the Video as it is Playing (I said it twice). It will start pointing OUT TO SEA . The Software and the Camera are pretty amazing.
15 - 18 foot face 7' 4" Foil Board on the GoFoil GL140 - Social Distancing Before it was cool