Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

SUP at Noosa Surf Festival

Created by Swanie > 9 months ago, 3 Mar 2013
QLD, 4177 posts
12 Mar 2013 10:02PM
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Just bring your paddle , how many people would have a crack at that?

QLD, 4177 posts
12 Mar 2013 10:03PM
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Just bring your paddle , how many people would have a crack at that?

QLD, 622 posts
12 Mar 2013 10:13PM
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AA said...
kissa said...
Go Andy. What a comeback

Second that!


And to get that result after entering the surfing event too!! Very impressive

QLD, 218 posts
13 Mar 2013 8:47AM
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Hows that for a coincidence,Ryan.

The Hobie one class" Put Your Money Where Your Mouth "is $50 entry winner takes all 2 K lake sprint concept we were brain storming on the way home in the car Sunday night is happening in Europe.

Six Identical 12'6 boards,,bring your own paddle,,use the kayak lanes[no wash riding] 2 k from the bottom of lake to the finish tower..heats fastest paddlers advance,age groups,staggered starts etc...all can be refined to a useable format.

As for the Noosa event,we are only following directions from the contest organisers,and as such we are a tag on the a mal event,which is fine.Our only designated tasks for SUP Sunday was to pass on issued information from the event organisers to our contact data base.The stand alone Coolum Ocean Addicts where Swanie,Jonesey , RJK and myself have direct input will just get better and bigger every year

QLD, 233 posts
13 Mar 2013 11:41AM
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Lot of constructive ideas for a change!! I can't see why we can't have a ranking system based on 4km flat water time trial oz wide over 4 time trails average !! Done by club meets or the like .race day different race starts each catagory
12 per division with top four up next race bottom 4 down next race 3 races per event . We don't have enough racers for good age divisions so I think the ranking system would help get more involved and more satisfaction for those competing against people of similar skill , can even mix up juniors and ladies! Just a idea will need fine tuning

VIC, 3982 posts
13 Mar 2013 1:11PM
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scotty100 said...
Lot of constructive ideas for a change!! I can't see why we can't have a ranking system based on 4km flat water time trial oz wide over 4 time trails average !! Done by club meets or the like .race day different race starts each catagory
12 per division with top four up next race bottom 4 down next race 3 races per event . We don't have enough racers for good age divisions so I think the ranking system would help get more involved and more satisfaction for those competing against people of similar skill , can even mix up juniors and ladies! Just a idea will need fine tuning

Excellent idea, but along with Swanie's terrific post on the previous page, I think it is ever so slightly wasted hidden within the discussion of the Noosa Surf Festival. Perhaps a new thread to discuss ways to increase participation in club race events around Australia?

QLD, 1372 posts
13 Mar 2013 1:30PM
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Good idea Paul. I have moved my thought to there.

I am interested in what some of the elite have to say in regards to ideas. As this ultimately has direct benefits to them. By getting more people keen to participate at event you keep the board brands and sponsors happy. This has an ultimate direct effect on the sponsored rider. No point being great at an sport that does not have events you can attend. Less events also has an effect on sponsors as they have no where to show there wares. Also the sponsors are targeting the 90%ers as they are the ones that pay for their boards.

So I put it out to the elite paddlers to have a think and give some in put in to what ideas can increase participation. Many of you have been to many event. Pitch some ideas that someone may take and grow it.

QLD, 96 posts
13 Mar 2013 3:55PM
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I'm a Noosa local and ride my SUP in the surf, I don't train, I'm not really interested in BOP style racing, I don't own a 12'6", nor have I really had a go at it. However I was down there on Sunday and if I'd known it was only $40 bucks to enter plus you got some goodies I would gladly have begged/borrowed a board and had a go (even though I probably would have struggled after coming off a fat 9'6" onto a skinny race board). As someone else said, when do you ever get to surf Noosa First point with a small crew for an hour? That alone should be worth the price of admission.

My past impression of 'SUP racers' is that they are all a bit serious and that's what makes me normally avoid them like the plague. I guess a lot of us (casual SUP surfers and paddlers) feel out of place in events like this which we perceive to be only for the go fast/serious/elite crew. However the event certainly looked like fun, and there were plenty of smiles on the dials of those who were going around and around.

Maybe next time a 5km timed race for the serious crew and a shorter 2/3km untimed race for the punters? A few giveaways for all competitors and it should be a success. Just my thoughts.. Cheers. Dave

NSW, 133 posts
13 Mar 2013 6:18PM
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Hope to See a heap of Paddlers at the Kingscliff Races on 24th ... BOP Divisions for Pro / Amateur / Women and Old Folk At this time over 40s ...

Novice River race for Open / Women / Oldies / Juniors in 12'6" and under and 14 foot class ... info on www.australianlongboadopen .....

Plenty of spaces in the SURF EVENTS as well ...

QLD, 57 posts
13 Mar 2013 7:22PM
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Like the idea of turning up with a paddle.
I recently sold my 12'6 to buy a 14' because the downwind stuff is where we have the most fun on the Sunny Coast & we have good turn out for our paddles we arrange.
Have been off BOP due to dings I received in events, repair costs & the fact it impacts the resale.
Can't afford three SUPS in 12'6, 14' & surf SUP so I had to choose.
Take the possibility of carnage out of the event, let 14's go in it maybe over a longer course, try something different.
Do we have to follow what is happening abroard.
The Lake Kawana stuff that Woogie & Andy initiated is testament to that.
Noosa is the best place I've been to in Aus for a race, it would be great to have a seperate event there and try something new.

QLD, 700 posts
13 Mar 2013 7:39PM
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Someone has already said it and I remember making the statement last year - dont panic-
We are only a new sport, racing and surfing. But the sport, be it racing competitively, surfing at comps or having casual surf with mates and then a cruise upthe river for fitness, is still in its infancy and will continue to grow,

The biggest and bestess thing about NOOSA wasnt the number of crew that turned up but the QUANITY of spectators on the beach and out on the rocks and headland. Turn up the volume on the loudspeakers (another one or two positioned nearer the surf club and out on the headland) and let DOGMAN spew forth and entertain....
They got to see some of the best in Aus (only a couple missing that are local Qlders). Thats what will bring the sponsors.


202 posts
17 Mar 2013 3:27PM
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40 bucks for first point with less than a thousand people....priceless.......

NSW, 201 posts
19 Mar 2013 11:44AM
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i more than $40

I thought Noosa has some soul a few years back when the original C4 guys showed up.

Been dissapointed as well as has others with the tag on status of SUP at Noosa. Realised we have a better future than that.

Last time I was there after spending $$$$$ in town and getting there I was "lucky" enough to get third in the over 40 BOP. Note there was a very big turnout for this division.

Though it was fun racing, that was it.

At the presentation on the beach 10 minutes after the winners where announced and brought up onto the stage and that was it. No trophy no prise and everyone wandered away, No atmosphere, no inclusion. not $40 either it was more like $65.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"SUP at Noosa Surf Festival" started by Swanie