Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

SUP history will be made tomorrow.

Created by DavidJohn > 9 months ago, 10 Apr 2010
log man
VIC, 8289 posts
12 Apr 2010 5:56PM
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Maybe we all need to think about the RIGHT TIME here. DJ's o.k (I Think?) so I think we all need to be glad of that. Maybe when he's back on his feet and maybe after a little time has past we can all kick this thing around a bit but Jumping in now seems a bit insensitive . Log

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
12 Apr 2010 5:59PM
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I've heard that NAISH are releasing a new board next week .....I wish we had some pictures...... there that should make DJs ears burn!!!!

NSW, 769 posts
12 Apr 2010 7:12PM
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log man said...

I've heard that NAISH are releasing a new board next week .....I wish we had some pictures...... there that should make DJs ears burn!!!!

I'm pleased that DJ and the team are all fine after that ..... I'll look to reading DJ's post before making any comment .


QLD, 4177 posts
12 Apr 2010 7:40PM
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He probably not posting caus he has an exclusive with a currant affair.
Isn,t hindsight a wonderfull thing , any number of things could have gone wrong you cant cover all possibilities , yes they could have had a safety boat or ski and what if that broke down or capsized?
Their are a whole lot of what if,s!Good on you for trying.

VIC, 17452 posts
12 Apr 2010 8:29PM
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Guys sorry about being a bit slow to post.. I've had a busy day and just got home.. My board's fine.. I've just skipped through the posts and will read them all later.

It's great to be discussing all this because down-winding.. as much fun that it is.. it's something that should not to be taken too lightly.

About yesterdays drama's I'd do it all again tomorrow for sure.. but I'd change one or two things.

1.. I'd make sure all equipment is 100% (I'd known that my new attachment system was a bit dodgie and was looking for another type of shackle) and I'd not take the 'she'll be right mate' attitude.. I didn't expect 50+ knots and the odd waves the size of a house.

2.. I'd insist that we keep closer together and regroup at least 2 or 3 times over that distance.. It can be done IMO even in 50 knots.. The first guy just sits on his board and waits.. The guy behind heads towards him and also sits down when he gets to him and so on till we're all together.

I was having a ball with two thirds behind me the finish line was insight and I was really looking forward to finishing it off in style and catching the guys ahead.. I'd taken up the rear position to make sure all were ok and that no one got into trouble.. I didn't expect that it would be me that would get into trouble.


1145 posts
12 Apr 2010 6:40PM
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DJ, obviously we are very grateful you are still with us.

Next time you plan such an adventure,would you take a
support boat ? and pack a extra legrope ?

QLD, 2030 posts
12 Apr 2010 8:40PM
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SimonDodd said...

Sounds like it would have been all time! Wish I was there to paddle with you guys! Like the majority lets wait for DJ's post mortem on the event before jumping the gun

Gorgo said...

Nobody is bashing DJ. Most of us are chatting fairly constructively about how to avoid problems in future. It's got nothing to do with bashing DJ.

A few stern cautions were applied but no more than a mother giving a kiddie a bollocking after he has wandered too close to a busy road.

I have done a few downwinders and spent heaps of time in unfeasibly windy seas. A buddy system can work provided the faster rider always slows down to match the slower rider. That's the essence of all group travel. The group only goes as fast as the slowest member.

Regrouping is only marginally useful. By the time you realise you've lost somebody it's too late.

If you want to be technical about this there are risk analysis techniques that can be used. You sit down and think about the risks in terms of:

Chance of happening

Risk - Breaking leggie
Chance - Moderate
Consequences - Severe
Mitigation - Don't **** with your leggie. Use an extra strong one. Maybe use two.

I put something together a few years ago when starting downwinding/long distance paddles and doing a quick risk assessment surely does make you think of things you wouldn't consider.

I agree with you Simon wish I was there as well those conditions would have been alltimewith 2 strong legropes & a jet-ski support boat I would have paddled as hard as I could

camo hosk
VIC, 613 posts
12 Apr 2010 9:26PM
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Lots of assumptions been thrown on here from too far and too wide,

the steps that took place by those involved on the day after the unfortunate equipment failure were nothing short of fantastic and I'll be feeling safe in the future if I ever come unstuck with this crew around me,

will take a lot away from this run for even bigger and better downwinders still to come,


1145 posts
12 Apr 2010 7:33PM
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Simple fact, not enough planning, no support boat ,the cops should throw the book at you,yes I am far and wide but not one of the record seekers has fest up and explained in detail ,or is it a belated April fools joke
DJ has only surfaced twice and was fine to watch the bike race last night

QLD, 3954 posts
12 Apr 2010 9:41PM
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Makaha said...

Simple fact, not enough planning, no support boat ,the cops should throw the book at you,yes I am far and wide but not one of the record seekers has fest up and explained in detail ,or is it a belated April fools joke
DJ has only surfaced twice and was fine to watch the bike race last night

Makaha do you have 2 identities on this forum?

41 posts
12 Apr 2010 7:45PM
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For someone who is on this forum 23.5 hrs a day DJ has gone awfully quite!!!!

Zimbo Reagan
WA, 469 posts
12 Apr 2010 7:47PM
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CMC said...

Makaha said...

Simple fact, not enough planning, no support boat ,the cops should throw the book at you,yes I am far and wide but not one of the record seekers has fest up and explained in detail ,or is it a belated April fools joke
DJ has only surfaced twice and was fine to watch the bike race last night

Makaha do you have 2 identities on this forum?

CMC just ask Hilly about this bloke.

Just trolls for comments.

VIC, 228 posts
12 Apr 2010 9:57PM
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I have had such an amazing introduction into SUP'ing meeting DJ, Al, Bnaccas, OG Sup, Rea, Rosscoe, Ronny etc: that I was a little taken aback with some of the posts today.

When people bag others out for putting other people in danger I can't help but think this is a bit of a croc of doo doo. Rescuers in whatever field, be it oceanography, mountaineering etc are generally doing their jobs because like us, they love what they do and (unlike me) they are farrrking good at it!!!

People who bushwalk in remote areas in shorts and a tshirt, maybe some jogging shoes and a 500ml bottle of water, no compass or map, might deserve the flogging. On Sunday I believe the guys had a good plan, great gear (bar the leggie), high levels of skill and bay knowledge and numerous people knew what was being undertaken.

Isn't this ALL of what the emergency services ask people to do before they undertake such activities?

If this is all done, then don't the emergency services promote such activities?

One day when my skills (and wife) allows, I plan doing such DW's, and I more than certainly want the aforementioned at my side.

Great work, Great effort, Great Respect!!!

Glad y'all are safe!!!

VIC, 17452 posts
12 Apr 2010 10:03PM
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Polupoluu said...

For someone who is on this forum 23.5 hrs a day DJ has gone awfully quite!!!!

It takes a long time to load pictures the way I do it.. .. I'm getting there.. I also have heaps of vid that I'd love to post.


41 posts
12 Apr 2010 8:05PM
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Thankyou! the suspense was getting too me... I look forward to hearing the full story as only you could tell it! Mahalo

1145 posts
12 Apr 2010 8:05PM
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Select to expand quote
Zimbo Reagan said...

CMC just ask Hilly about this bloke.

Just trolls for comments.

Hey Zimbo, I do recall apologizing to your friend, trolling not at all,I just say it as it is.
The problem I have , no support boat.

VIC, 505 posts
12 Apr 2010 10:18PM
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I've been resisting jumping in, but your last post Makaha is too much! Perhaps we should consult you next time before we do our next downwinder...I'd appreciate your sage and considered advice (not).

If the police want to throw the book at us they have had every chance - they have my name and phone number and we probably spoke to 6 or 7 different officers yesterday. The only recommendation they made to DJ afterwards was to consider having an epirb.

I looked at Simon Dodd's open ocean risk management chart with interest, and believe we had the points covered off - but DJ encountered two equipment failures - his dodgy legrope attachment and his waterproof phone case also flooded. In my view, the single most important thing to guard against is becoming detached from your board.

Sure, we have to learn from it, but in my view Cammo summed it up beautifully.

Casso said...

Gorgo said...

Mitigation - Don't **** with your leggie.

This one point is the key - IMO.

If his leggy had of held there would be no issue at all. I think DJ may have been pushing the boundries in terms of leggy setup and paid the price for his bleeding edge design work. Those conditions probably weren't the best to test it out in though.

Good on you DJ, Camo and boys for having a go. Sounds to me like you were more than prepared for a bay crossing (it's not open ocean stuff - so you'll eventually get blown to shore somewhere).

Also, I reckon boats and conditions like that don't mix - you'll have a lot more problems with a boat in 50 knots of wind than a couple of guys on big surfboards (with legropes).

I'm not going to get tempted into any more comment, and will let DJ post his story, but I agree with Camo - and will be more than happy to do it all again with the same guys.

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
12 Apr 2010 10:20PM
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thought I'd cross pollinate from other topic.

Having done my fair share of stupid things though the beginning of kiting, I would say definitely stupid. BUT! How do you know fast fast is until you go fast, how do you know how big big is until you see it, how do you know what pain is until you feel it, if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it fall... did it make a sound? only if some stupid idiot is hanging around in the woods!

Don't hurt anyone else, don't waist anyone else's time or money, be man enough to fix it yourself (unless it's 10,000 volts in high tension powerlines), it's all good. Every sport has to have some one take it to the next level once. I definitely don't recommend we all go out in rediculous conditions to see if we die, but sometimes it's good to open the envelope, but just be prepared.

Foolish for not having a support boat = YES

Admirable for giving it a go when so many other high wind downwinders have been successful = YES (IMO)

Danger is everywhere. We all know from statistics that speeding in cars is dangerous, and so many people die every day from it, but can you honestly say that you have never sped? or pushed the amber/red light theory?

This is not an invite to stupid behaviour, but a great experience for DJ to share and a valuable lesson learnt..... Get a proper leash or learn to swim faster rookies!


VIC, 505 posts
12 Apr 2010 10:23PM
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Should have said Casso summed it up beautifully....sorry. I was obviously still blinded by Makaha's insightful conclusion.

3952 posts
12 Apr 2010 8:32PM
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I'd like to think that we could all learn something from this and take steps to improve the safety of the sport, so the next time some accident happens - ie equipment failure/injury it doesn't end up on the news or worse.

For a bay crossing in the conditions we saw on Sunday a support boat would not be practical. Maybe some sort of buddy system, staying closer together or regrouping may have helped. DJ even said that himself.

Personally, after reading all the comments and weighing up what occurred on Sunday and if we want to learn anything from it I'd say that Gorgo's post is pretty spot on:

Gorgo said...

The number one rule of outdoor adventuring is to have escape routes and maintain them at all costs. This usually means going out no further than you are able to swim. Doing a crossing means your only escape route is to make it across.

A bay crossing in 20knott winds is one thing but to do it in 40 - 50knotts without an escape route doesn't seem like such a great idea.

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
12 Apr 2010 10:32PM
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Casso said...

Gorgo said...

Mitigation - Don't **** with your leggie.

This one point is the key - IMO.

If his leggy had of held there would be no issue at all. I think DJ may have been pushing the boundries in terms of leggy setup and paid the price for his bleeding edge design work. Those conditions probably weren't the best to test it out in though.

Good on you DJ, Camo and boys for having a go. Sounds to me like you were more than prepared for a bay crossing (it's not open ocean stuff - so you'll eventually get blown to shore somewhere).

Depend how big your boat is!
Also, I reckon boats and conditions like that don't mix - you'll have a lot more problems with a boat in 50 knots of wind than a couple of guys on big surfboards (with legropes).

Depends how big and powerful your boat is

VIC, 10 posts
12 Apr 2010 10:48PM
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hi all. Firstly it has been great reading all the posts today. Lots of drama. The thing I think people are forgetting is sup is whatever you want to make of it. I had a paddle under the cliffs of beaumauris round past rickets on saturday. calm water, great fun for me. Thats what I want out of supping. To DJ and team port philip dw's my hats off to you because thats what you want out of sup and I think its great that you share your experiences so we all appreciate how sup can be applied for our own needs. I'll keep cruising the flat water and finding my own solo adventures to enjoy this sport/hobby/ yoga on water/relaxing therapy.

WA, 380 posts
12 Apr 2010 8:51PM
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BTW where did all this talk of 50 knots come from?
I only got between 22 to 33 knots and a spike over 35
for a short period.
I take nothing away from the brave guys, but lets not
get caught up like the press and blow things out of proportion.

VIC, 3516 posts
12 Apr 2010 10:56PM
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My little Hydrofield 7.45 ate that stuff, I worked 150 - 200 days / yr for 7 yrs on PPB.

These are still used by the Aussie Navy in the gulf.

Side opening dive door make for easy rescue.


I sold it when we moved to OG that must have been a Homer moment!

3952 posts
12 Apr 2010 8:59PM
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planesailing said...

BTW where did all this talk of 50 knots come from?
I only got between 22 to 33 knots and a spike over 35
for a short period.
I take nothing away from the brave guys, but lets not
get caught up like the press and blow things out of proportion.

It's probably a bit of chinese whispering going on - but I got it from the horses mouth

DavidJohn said...

1.. I'd make sure all equipment is 100% (I'd known that my new attachment system was a bit dodgie and was looking for another type of shackle) and I'd not take the 'she'll be right mate' attitude.. I didn't expect 50+ knots and the odd waves the size of a house.

2.. I'd insist that we keep closer together and regroup at least 2 or 3 times over that distance.. It can be done IMO even in 50 knots.. The first guy just sits on his board and waits.. The guy behind heads towards him and also sits down when he gets to him and so on till we're all together.

I was having a ball with two thirds behind me the finish line was insight and I was really looking forward to finishing it off in style and catching the guys ahead.. I'd taken up the rear position to make sure all were ok and that no one got into trouble.. I didn't expect that it would be me that would get into trouble.


laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
12 Apr 2010 11:01PM
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i'll like to hear from the other guys on how they went assuming they didn't know what happen to sounds like a pretty hardcore run. seems like dj was going ok. dw-er's can be heaven and hell in the blink of an eye

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
12 Apr 2010 11:04PM
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big thing in these situations is never leave your wingman! Maybe had DJ wingmen been closer, they may have caught the board, or aided him to safety?

WA, 2222 posts
12 Apr 2010 9:07PM
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OG SUP said...

If you wanted to obscure the writing, should've done so with the reflection as well.

Copy Image -> Paste into Irfanview -> Image menu -> Vertical Flip and the writing and phone number are pretty evident .

3952 posts
12 Apr 2010 9:07PM
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JB said...

big thing in these situations is never leave your wingman! Maybe had DJ wingmen been closer, they may have caught the board, or aided him to safety?

Maybe DJ's board could have hit the wingman?

VIC, 3982 posts
12 Apr 2010 11:07PM
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planesailing said...

BTW where did all this talk of 50 knots come from?
I only got between 22 to 33 knots and a spike over 35
for a short period.
I take nothing away from the brave guys, but lets not
get caught up like the press and blow things out of proportion.

I was watching BOM on my iPhone all morning and can confirm that at Laverton and at the Fawkner Beacon and StKilda, winds peaked at 10.30am between 90 and 100 km/h. That equates to around 50 - 55 knots.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"SUP history will be made tomorrow." started by DavidJohn