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Tassie Talk

Created by tassiesup > 9 months ago, 25 Nov 2012
VIC, 2859 posts
4 Sep 2018 9:37PM
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tassiesup said..
Looking for a hit out before the 50th Surf Safari, well this is it, fun flatwater 12k paddle and be back in time to hit the Hobart show with the kids.

I am a Hobart native, transported to the mainland in 1969 as a 7 year old (for crimes I am not sure of), we visited in maybe 2002 with the wife, 8 year old and 4 year old daughters.
Coincidently, we were in Hobart for The Show.
It was fantastic, after several really disappointing trips to the Melbourne Show, it was like a big country town show.
Great stuff on display, great rides for the girls, and unless (and it is likely) my brain is playing tricks on me, the Holden trick driver squad thingy in the main arena.
Had a ball.
Last Show I have attended.
I hope it has retained the charm.....

TAS, 1100 posts
5 Sep 2018 7:44PM
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Nozza said..

tassiesup said..
Looking for a hit out before the 50th Surf Safari, well this is it, fun flatwater 12k paddle and be back in time to hit the Hobart show with the kids.

I am a Hobart native, transported to the mainland in 1969 as a 7 year old (for crimes I am not sure of), we visited in maybe 2002 with the wife, 8 year old and 4 year old daughters.
Coincidently, we were in Hobart for The Show.
It was fantastic, after several really disappointing trips to the Melbourne Show, it was like a big country town show.
Great stuff on display, great rides for the girls, and unless (and it is likely) my brain is playing tricks on me, the Holden trick driver squad thingy in the main arena.
Had a ball.
Last Show I have attended.
I hope it has retained the charm.....

Bit like most things now Nozza, it's more about making money so it can survive as a lot of the shows no longer exist down here, it's mostly expensive show bags and rides these days, but there's still a couple of really good little country shows down here.

TAS, 477 posts
16 Sep 2018 4:57PM
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50th Surf Safari

entries are now open for the not to missed 12k SUP division.
just click the link

TAS, 1100 posts
11 Oct 2018 5:50PM
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This looks like a bit of fun too.

TAS, 477 posts
21 Oct 2018 6:45PM
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Show day social paddle, 5 & 12k courses, for those that want to race it highly sort after trophy for 1st male/female in each distance.
Start 9.15 am 25/10 at Carlton River mouth.

TAS, 477 posts
25 Oct 2018 5:17PM
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A dedicated crew of SUPers enjoyed the delights of Carlton River this morning in almost perfect conditions, some there for the racing, while others enjoyed a peaceful paddle. No surprises when Mat took off like a rat up a drain pipe but Axel wasn't far behind him, then followed Mick & Dave in a close tussle for 3rd until the turning point, followed on by Lee and Eric, Sam headed off on the shorter course to be joined by John (a late starter yet to be confirmed by witnesses).
5.Eric/Dave (dead heat)
1.O/50 Mick
1.Australian Eric

TAS, 477 posts
23 Dec 2018 8:12AM
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The guy in the red suit is delivering early this year with perfect conditions forecast for tomorrow mornings 11k river paddle and still leaves plenty of time to start your Christmas shopping.
Who's in ?

TAS, 477 posts
30 Dec 2018 6:21PM
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Put it in the diary

TAS, 1100 posts
15 Apr 2019 1:42PM
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Heads up, Derwent Canoe Club will be kicking off the Winter Series next month with 10k paddles or 6k short course at places from Franklin to New Norfolk usually get some nice glassy conditions.

TAS, 477 posts
26 Jun 2019 1:48PM
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This Sunday at New Norfolk, there's a few starters confirmed, check out the Derwent Canoe Club for details

TAS, 477 posts
30 Jun 2019 2:34PM
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It was a small, but intrepid crew that headed into the "Valley of Love" this morning for the Derwent Canoe Club EOFY paddle, conditions didn't look to bad, but at the race briefing competitors were informed that hydro had just opened the dam and instead of the usual 2000MGL river flow it had increased to 15000MGL, this was going to make the upriver section very tough and SUPers elected to take on the shorter 5k course. The start was pretty subdue with the guys not wanting to fall in, taking awhile to get into their rhythm and warm the muscles, but once done Mat Steele was off and not to be headed again, Ben Stockwin held a small lead over Dave Smith all the way to the bridge and turning mark and then these 2 traded places several times over the next 2km. Dave make the most of what downwind conditions there were towards the finish and finished just in front of Ben for the 5k, Mat was on fire and elected to continue on and complete the 10k as well !!
Big thanks to all the crew from the Derwent Canoe Club for a well run event.
10k 1. Mat Steele
5k 1. Mat Steele, 2. Dave Smith, 3. Ben Stockwin

TAS, 477 posts
25 Jul 2019 6:20PM
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Southern Tas SUP Club
We think the time is right for a club and would like to put the call out for interested persons who would be keen to form or join a club. The purpose would be to organise social group paddles exploring different waterways & friendly competitions around Southern Tas. TassieSUP would be willing to help and promote a club. Is there anyone interested in kicking this off ?

TAS, 103 posts
10 Aug 2019 5:44PM
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We now have a committee to get things moving, stay turned for updates

TAS, 103 posts
18 Aug 2019 3:34PM
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Ok, there has been a great response so far, but you need members to make a club, so now is the time to sign up. Fill in the attached membership form and send it back before September 30 and as well as securing a 14 month membership instead of the standard 12 month membership you will go in the draw to win a new Carbon fibre Kahana paddled valued at $485. If you can't use a membership why not show your support with a t shirt ?

TAS, 477 posts
20 Aug 2019 7:48PM
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Sunday @ Sandy Bay

TAS, 103 posts
26 Aug 2019 11:52AM
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Membership response has been very impressive, but we have a little way to go to cover the clubs Incorporation and affiliation fees and keep "big brother" happy. Those that sign up now go into the draw for a paddle valued at $485 as well you will receive 14 months membership for the price of 12 months.
Our 1st get together is planed and this will be followed by a regular social paddle each month as well there will be a Surf Series over the warmer months.

TAS, 103 posts
9 Sep 2019 12:34PM
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Membership is still growing, but time is running out if you want to go in the draw for a new Carbon Fibre paddle. The Huon River paddle is on for 22/9 and The Carlton River paddle is penciled in for 20/10, with monthly paddles to follow at various locations + the Surf Series to run over the summer months.

TAS, 477 posts
10 Sep 2019 7:36PM
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Entries are now open for the 12k Surf Safari SUP race, it's a great event so get along if you can.

TAS, 103 posts
16 Sep 2019 4:48PM
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This Sunday, 11.00 at the Franklin Boat Ramp for those that need to car shuffle or 11.30 start at Huonville Boat Ramp next to jet boat, if anyone wants a serious paddle you can paddle upstream from Franklin and meet us at Huonville for the return journey to Franklin ! Followed by a refreshing apple juice at Willie Smiths
Don't forget PFD and legrope

TAS, 103 posts
22 Sep 2019 5:49PM
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1st paddle for our Club members today.
As a nasty front passed through with freezing rain and a crazy headwind just before hitting the water there were mumblings from the crew about why they were here, but Dave reassured them that is was just passing and the clouds would part soon. Holley & Lionel must have taken some note of that prediction and decided a swim in the pristine Huon River would be go as we set off. After that it was and easy 8k current assisted cruise under Sunny sky's and the rain didn't fall again until we were off the water ready for those ciders at Willie Smiths. Don't forget next paddle on 20/10.

TAS, 103 posts
16 Oct 2019 8:18PM
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5 Mile Beach to Dodges Ferry Paddle 20/10
With the forecast strong Westerly winds we have amended our planned Carlton River Paddle and will now downwind paddle from 5 Mile Beach to Dodges Ferry, starting at 5 Mile Beach around 12.30 or those that need to car shuffle meet at Dodges School at 12.00. If you haven't done any Downwinding before this is a good safer introduction as it is shallow water and close to shore, also perfect for those Wind Wing SUPers.
To get to 5 Mile Beach, take the 1st right past the Airport into Pittwater Rd and then the 2nd left into 5 Mile Rd.

TAS, 103 posts
20 Oct 2019 6:19PM
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Today's Club Paddle was run in perfect conditions this afternoon, with a westerly gusting to 50kmph straight down the track that made for some very easy 9km of paddling or though it did soften towards the end. It was great to have some new faces join us today, but I think they will leave the wetsuits at home next time. As Holley did last paddle she once again elected to have a quick swim before heading off which was a smart move as the others worked up some heat in those wetsuits. Next paddle is scheduled 17/11, we are up for location suggestions if you have any ?

TAS, 103 posts
10 Nov 2019 8:03PM
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New Norfolk Paddle
11am Sunday the 17th, meet at the Millbrook Rise Boat Ramp just before you get into New Norfolk. Paddle as far up the Derwent as you are comfortable with, then turn round and the current will take us back to the start.
Also the weekend after is round 1 of the Surfing Tasmania Championship for SUP Surf and racing at Scamander.

TAS, 103 posts
17 Nov 2019 6:50PM
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For this months club paddle we headed into the Valley of Love to be greeted with strong headwinds and currents, club member Cam with his local knowledge from Derwent Valley SUP School took the girls up river by car for an easy down river/wind cruise, while Geoff & Dave decided an up river paddle surely couldn't be to bad. Well the 1st 4K upriver wasn't to bad, but Geoff & Dave barely made any progress against the wind and current on their final 1k before meeting up with the rest of the crew and turning round to enjoy the conditions for the run back to the finish. Great to see some new faces enjoying conditions.

TAS, 103 posts
2 Dec 2019 2:39PM
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This is what you have been waiting for, kicking off this Sunday @ Park Beach. 4 rounds, one each month, everyone one to surf 2 heats each at the round with points totalled for seasons winners. No divisions everyone will surf in opens with age and 10' divisions decided on final open rankings. If you can't make a round don't worry, you will still be allocated some points as long as you have entered.
First heat in the water 8.30
Sorry, no sheep stations on offer so no need to surf like there are.
Enter now.

TAS, 103 posts
8 Dec 2019 4:38PM
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The club held its inaugural SUP Surf comp today in what could be described as less than perfect conditions, but still good competition waves. Some of the entries handicapped themselves with some early Christmas celebrations the night before, but we still saw some very close results with only a couple of points separating first from last in most heats. Big thanks to club President & head judge Tony for leading the team of officials and it was great to see Tassie newcomer Geoff at his 1st foray into competition take it out, I'm sure the crew will make it much harder for him next round.
Geoff H 4000
Peter G 3460
Steve C 3460
Dave S 3440
Mick H 3440
Chris W 3180
Tony L 2680

TAS, 477 posts
11 Dec 2019 6:20PM
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The charts have been checked and the forecast looks perfect for a Carlton River Cruise this Saturday.12k is the full return trip, but if that's to far just turn round when you have had enough.
9.45 this Saturday at the river mouth.

TAS, 103 posts
15 Dec 2019 8:55PM
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It was only a few hardy paddlers that took to the Carlton River this morning for a very easy 2 hour cruise to the bridge and back. Looking at the beach it was easy to see why numbers were down, but the conditions on the river were almost perfect with a nice tail wind on the trip up and a bit of headwind coming home to give the boys a bit of a workout and not to taxing on the bodies. Next Club flatwater paddle 22/12.

TAS, 103 posts
16 Dec 2019 6:05PM
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Bream Creek Flatwater Sunday 22/12
An easy paddle up the Creek that is suitable for paddlers of all abilities, meet in the Marion Bay Rd car park at 11.00 and those traveling from Hobart we will have the board trailer & SUP bus going, but you will need to reserve a spot. Could be a few partaking in a seafood basket at the Dunalley Fish Market afterwards if any one is interested.

TAS, 103 posts
22 Dec 2019 7:31PM
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Bream Creek Paddle
It was only those truly dedicated to the cause that paddle the creek today with others letting Christmas festivities get in the way. Veteran creek paddler Google informed us that we could easily get under the bridge if we paddle on our knees, but Tony on his first paddle fresh back from a knee replacement decided it may be better to walk round the bridge only to end up stuck in knee deep mud. Apart from that it was easy paddle up the creek, but as usual we had to tackle a headwind on the return journey. Next club outing will be round 2 of the Summer Surf Series 5th January.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Tassie Talk" started by tassiesup